
1998/06/03(16:38) from gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : farrant + »ç + iN (sa@centerworld.com) Á¶È¸¼ö : 6612 , ÁÙ¼ö : 43
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Arrogant Ideology: Kim Su-Jin's Exhibition

A set of earphones is worn by something that appears to be a human brain.
From a closer look, the object turns out to be a piece of crumbled newspaper.
Titled "To Become Recognized", the sheet of newspaper is formed, by utilizing silicon, to resemble a real human brain.
Objects similar to balls of thread are spread randomly on the floor nearby.
They also seem to have been created from twisted pieces of newspaper.
On the wall there is a shelf-like board on which two objects resembling a ball cut in half, are placed.
On the side of one, there are teeth marks and on the side of the other, something representing teeth is placed.
The material employed here is aluminum, and the title is "Incised Arrogance". Kim Su-Jin's "Arrogant Ideology" symbolizes the mass media.
In these image-oriented days everything has its own image whether decent or crass, cute or vulgar.
Many of these images are created by the mass media itself, which wields incredible influence on our lives and thoughts.
By circulating such images among the public, those who control the mass media exercise power and control over people.
And often this is done arrogantly. This exhibition is a scathing criticism of this reality, in which many become unconsciously contaminated.
The message this exhibition delivers is acrimonious, but the way of expression is not without amusement.
The works of art here are not too abstruse to appreciate, and thereby evoke sympathetic responses on the part of the viewers to what they symbolize.

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