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2000/01/21(18:16) from mendeleiev.cybercable.fr
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : jee won (punkee_2000@yahoo.co.kr) Á¶È¸¼ö : 809 , ÁÙ¼ö : 41
RE. New delhi .. hi! jea wook!!
Long time no see!!!
how have you been?

maybe you are in U.K now. wow! great!!
thanks for your message. i'm happy ^_^
ye..i'm so good.
sometimes i feel very tired.
but that's okay. it's real India.isn't it?

and. how about your stay in U.K?
Are you adapting at there well?
i miss you and with alchole ^.^

and other guys are very good.
can you guess how i know that?

we met in Varanasi again!!!
we didn't have any promise before. can you believe it?
it Amazng!really!
Next day,yoon-ho& you-geun left to Nepal. yool stayed Varanasi alone.
And me, i went to Khajuraho.
(maybe yool is going back Korea today)
Tonight i'll go to Udaiphur...i'll spend my last week at there.

i'll go back Korea 27.jan
please let me know your U.K address.

take care.

jee won


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