
1998/08/14(18:21) from gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : jaylee (jaylee@media.mit.edu) Á¶È¸¼ö : 16060 , ÁÙ¼ö : 100
ȸ½Å: bO.stOn...MIT Media Lab and Research
Dear Gumnuri,

Thanks for your concerns and interesting.
It will be my pleasure to introduce MIT Media Lab and Research to your
Within open discussions, all MIT classes have been developed in the on-line
class between students and faculty member.
Especially MIT Media Lab is one of the strong research center in States.
There are bunch of new research concerning design, computer science,
advanced media theory and interactive art works. As far as I understood, I
could guess the direction of technology and its possibility in the new
environment. Please encourage your students to look at these sites, they
might be interesting in those additional information. As an integration
between art, architecture and design, all scientific research on my
interesting is one of my source through the information and communication.

As soon as I will get Korean word converter on my UNIX machine, I will look
at your sites. Nevertheless I am so glad to know the fact that you and Mr.
Ahn already started this communication class since the last year. It is
necessary that people can access the other information within indirect way.
I mean we need to navigate the soft world as inside of mother's valley. I
am willing to communicate with your students who are interested in MIT
Media Lab. I may possibly response as much as I can. If I will get more
infornation on your class, I will recommend related information and sites
to you.

Keep in touch.


±Ý´©¸® ´ÔÀÌ ÀÛ¼ºÇß´ø ±Û:
> dear mr.jay lee
> bOn jOUr...
> it is nice to look around mit site...
> thank you for your information...
> you can visite my site
> http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr/
> for my class in construction???
> and may i up load this letter from you on my site?
> it will be good for my on-line students.
> they can visit mit site more closely...
> thanks...
> goOod.lUcks...
> amitiE
> ZLzl...
> DT
> -----¿øº» ¸Þ½ÃÁö-----
> º¸³½ »ç¶÷: Jay Lee
> ¹Þ´Â »ç¶÷: Nuri Gum
> ³¯Â¥: 1998³â 8¿ù 13ÀÏ ¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÀü 2:21
> Á¦¸ñ: from Boston
> >Dear Gum,
> >
> >I am so pleased to get in touch with you and thanks for your invitation
> >letter.
> >Once I sent a mail from Boston, and then I couldn't do this happen again.
> >Maybe we have both been busy. However I would like to keep in touch with
> >you from now on.
> >
> >As a reminder, I am engaged in MIT. As an artist residence in the MIT Media
> >Laboratory I am collaborating a new human computer interaction research
> >(HCI) with Tangible Media Group
> http://tangible.media.mit.mit.edu/ in the lab,
> >and also I am a graduate student in the Program of Visual Studies in
> >Architecture Department
> http://architecture.mit.edu/ at MIT
> http://web.mit.edu/
> >
> >Hope this project will be going well.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
>  jaylee@media.mit.edu
> >
> >P.S.: 1) Yesterday I already send my personal information to the editor,
> >        2) I will load Hangul Character in my computer soon. Sorry for your
> >inconvenient.
> >
> >>goOod...evening...
> >>i have read point in your letter indirectly...and glad to know your
> >a4-work will be soon...
> >>IN THE BOTTOM...i send you last invitation paper in step's place...
> >>because...not so enough time to work...
> >>thanks...
> >>
> >>amitiE...
> >>
> >>ZLzl...
> >>DT
> >>
> >>ps:::mit.net.eseodo.hangul.ssuge.yogu.baramnida....dasi...thanks...

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