ΚW@ 04zT$щ<6#iKn^^}z ?lV^mt/W#OqtXw4L  1  S` #o R  ;{  ul  ' _L==+6 %sLgNԵψmڂ<a ];TBALoQ-^YNވmyۂaÚX #Olh\u+bUnKgg ppW;vE~3,2/aYhۂX4;cq  -#Olh\h\ްtu,d+XbUnsKmgg' p %pW;  v+cE~3,2/&aYh\X]3265.Date200310301625578552.Subject.ƿ3772.Thread09929.Filesize15316709808.Name리ㅞ.닛히자0ㅏ10202.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10242.IP10421.Lines13985.Date200411111744488562.Nameݴ777.Domain210.123.35.448165.Filesize420231318.Emailjini0637@dreamwiz.com999.Filesize810421432.Emailhuni95@yahoo.co.kr8448.Name? + ? > Ӥ > 3461.FilenameYedioth_Ahronoth_20040118.jpg1958.Lines03313.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6631.Date201105172144455398.Nameݴ + 輺8569.Filesize12792541444.Access4708859.Domain8973.Domain8099.IP3865.FilenameCIMG0074.JPG7297.Domain1150.Lines213717.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2189.Filenamepolygon-by-sejeong.gif5348.Thread08044.Name벨메ㅔㄹ+반ㅋ시+ㄱ레ㅔㄴ>티메>누리8754.Subjectפ.Ǹ^1848.Access8547192.SubjectƮŰ..һ7078.Subject . ģ׸6670.Name?+?+? > 아프뻬 > 누리6113.Date200908061851351040.Access8314909.Filenametagespiegel20050720.jpg9257.IP8455.Domain9371.IP992.Filenamedere1.jpg6506.Thread59266620.Thread0U @7499.Domain1352.Lines13783.Date20040726120208966.Access5523919.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8246.NameȻ8360.Nameĸ + ^^Ӹ > 254.Subjectȸ: .-work1230.Emailtb0n2btq@yahoo.com8956.Subject셀라.페레다에.울리는.금소리 77394.SubjectӤ1756.Lines18367.Filesize20927911634.Emailssahn@chollian.net1242.Access27908771.Domain6822.Thread37733663.Filenamedaily-news-nega-20040527.jpg6993.Filesize1474137095.Domain5146.Thread05260.Thread06719.Date201108281218346833.Date20111219222327848.Lines31646.Access4941760.Access6265157.Date200510250005089525.Filesize979271238.Lines22096.Thread03669.Date200406011701364707.FilenamePope_Benedict_XVI.jpg8139.Domain8253.Domain6304.Thread06475.Filesize354276758.Nameݴ6872.Name^ㅔ잔네>비ㅔㅌ리+ㅔ릭>피가로>누리2804.Access2576315.Date201006161626191771.Filenameelectronic-perfo-concep.jpg9573.IP2510.Lines24941.Date200508041037476708.Thread06879.Filesize247499121.Filesize30571601856.Filename9922.Namex.ùдϤ> ^ƼĤ.9977.IP10090.Access910090.Access3110405.Nameݴ10423.Filesize129769473.Password3414.Password5499.Name > > 6618.Date201105032344276732.Date201109091331371545.Access4705056.Date20050923005818891.Text20000617 ׻3966.Filenameaida_200409250119_00_from_yahoo.jpg7398.Domain168.Password3682.Date200406081541313818.Password5449.Thread51498145.Name̙W.^Ӥ + ݳ34.IP210.123.41.1118855.Subject . Ʈ1949.Access662333.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net586.TextƲ.... ݴ wrote: > h.hh..hhh... 7179.Subject . . 7293.Subject˸1655.Lines28266.Filesize1602848549.Nameݴ1419.Emailhuni95@yahoo.co.kr1533.Emailuoogi@hanmail.net8670.Domain616.Date199912290302596721.Thread06778.Filesize546236892.Filesize574444840.Date200506202233033164.Date200309101633559020.Filesize32404409303.Name.Ź8337.Subject ... ޴.޴.. ϼҼ8451.Subject뵿..ġ1926.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9424.Filesize207231137.Lines03568.Date200404011131548152.Domain3764.Filenametehranposterboard640_from_ssahn.jpg7196.Domain3616.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3730.Password4503.Lines25247.Thread05361.Thread49616934.Date201203271210017091.Subject . ܸŸ . ġ28.SubjectLeapftp 2.41339.Lines01453.Lines38064.Filesize550298347.Name? > 마ㅣㄹ.ㅗㄴ라ㅣㄴ > 누리1217.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8461.Name?+?+? > ſ > 7495.Subject´ . 1857.Lines06530.Date201101271139078468.Filesize3690321343.Access4308758.Domain8872.Domain6923.Thread09222.Filesize14654909505.Namex.ȣ0Ӥ + ? > 3480.Date200402010339308539.Subjectȫ.. . . ׸8653.Subject^ ...209.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3759.Thread0909.Nameݴ3873.Thread02197.Thread762164.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net401.Password2501.Access281752.Date200004111957209156.IP4922.FilenameGrant_Hackett_swims_afp_stan_honda.jpg8354.Domain9270.IP2905.Access3226677.Filesize210419202.Name?+?+? > 0ӤǤ > 984.Lines13063.Date200307181549336517.Date201101172056518236.Subject텬진8350.Subjectƾƾ . 1973.Filenameseungbaegumkim-by-yhanjim.jpg3570.Thread34739323.Filesize1458189775.IP9841.Filesize6570610119.IP10129.FilenameAmazing_Woodworking_Ideas_369781925_269009199258298_7482541202839482430_n.jpg10386.Thread0555.Nameݴ10310.Email2632.Filesize252225376.Email5490.Email820.Thread03724.IP210.123.35.391239.Nameݴ1949.Subject/////2808.Domain211.106.138.1722048.IP210.123.35.445616.IP210.123.35.1932162.IP210.123.35.391246.Domain210.123.35.441360.Domain203.248.188.426227.Text6341.Text3291.TextƮ Ŭ 20031024 6745.TextA man works on a laptop in a cafe of the newly opened Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia September 19, 2011. Bulgaria opened a museum of Communist-era art in capital Sofia on Monday as the small Balkan country tries to lure foreign tourists and benefit from their interest in life under a totalitarian regime which collapsed in 1989. The portraits in the painting are authors of "The Communist Manifesto", Karl Marx (L-R) and Friedrich Engels, founder of the Soviet state Vladimir Lenin and late Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov (BULGARIA - Tags: POLITICS7268.Email515.Thread07371.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8426.Email899.Password7674.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8447.Lines78561.Lines03594.Text .2013.Filesize785882410.Nameݴ8843.Email8855.Access9999048.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9196.Filenamei_pinimg_047ee709f9c3989eb002599563085982.gif351.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr1444.Subjectelection, peace & piss for the minority7697.Access22385111.IP85.168.252.2189566.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8965.Lines13998.Textnancy.skolos american.graphic.designer.. professor.. head.of.graphic.design.department.. risd. 2004.09.. beijing.6240.Text. arnold.swartzman graphic.designer.. film.maker. 2009.10.. istanbul.2417.Filesize930732531.Filesize292235275.Email3623.IP211.104.140.1776126.TextSmoke from the Station Fire rises over downtown Los Angeles Monday, Aug. 31, 2009. (AP Photo/Jon Vidar) 1138.Nameݴ1848.Subjectȿ7167.Email7289.Lines28018.Text. bernhard.schlink novelist. 2014.10.. wonju.. korea. tags: bernhard.schlink, ڰ渮л 2014 , Ʈ ũ 4720.FilenamePope_Benedict_XVI_foto_re_alessandro_bianchi.jpg4606.Filenamedogdo_foto_from_momaf_15.jpg8038.Domain6203.Thread03044.Filenamenuri772.jpg6374.Filesize1711909990.IP9942.Filesize31289110168.Lines810220.Access910220.Access343258.Access356302.Thread544615.Text ------ Message transfr Objet : Fw: Test yeux Subject: FW: Test yeux ------ Fin du message transfr1161.Text 6826.Access3986940.Access5925679.FilenameHA_Schult_Trash_People_in_koeln_vor_dem_Dom.jpg101.Nameݴ7019.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2191.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5645.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6418.Lines06532.Lines07276.Thread01565.Textݴ wrote: 7390.Thread7388772.SubjectٴϿ ߷ + ݴ3890.Access5377287.Date201302091448108838.Thread08849.Date201811271543588952.Thread08963.Date201906271645132595.Password3482.Lines34808.Email4922.Email5799.Date200606171119321969.Text.467.Subjectȸ: .3246.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6422.Access6356814.Email6936.Lines06951.Filenamecenter_of_pyongyang_20120415_foto_from_digitalglobe.jpg7794.Thread74675275.Filenamelaurencem_49_from_ssahn.gif8041.Date201411171424588729.Filename49-image.jpeg1872.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3764.Email3157.Subject Ʋ3271.SubjectƲٲٱ6015.Name이탈>아프뻬>누리3894.Domain221.150.120.885049.SubjectLa nef du Grand-Palais5920.Filesize7812.Filesize1057571956.Date2002051716591027.Filesize59208904.IP3675.Subjectڹپø6136.Filesize1010847228.IP7342.IP6540.Domain1023.Thread10011194.Filesize88771318.Filenamekitsch_image2.jpg1432.FilenameP0003109.JPG1477.Nameȿ1034.Date200009281548271591.Nameδ.3086.Filesize258684938.Domain210.123.35.393483.Nameݴ4292.IP221.150.120.664648.Filesize1218506207.Subject: ...Ÿ3376.Domain210.123.35.396321.Subject.õ7746.IP8471.Text . sobue.shin 2016.9.. seoul. tags: agi2016seoul, agicongress, agiseoul, ݫ˰ 1598.Filesize158224833.Subject ä728.Thread03319.Thread09398.Email1888.Domain210.123.35.393914.Filesize310824130.Domain210.123.35.397899.Password8786.Lines02238.Filesize350688119.TextAS SEEN IN LORNA SIMPSONS RETROSPECTIVE AT THE JEU DE PAUME IN PARIS THROUGH 1 SEPT. JUNE 4, 2013 ​For her first European exhibition, the Jeu de Paume presents thirty years of Lorna Simpsons work. For this Afro-American artist, born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1960, the synthesis between image and text is profound and intimate. If one were to consider Lorna Simpson as a writer, the textual element of her works could have an autonomous life as prose poems, very short stories or fragments of scripts. And yet, her texts are inseparable from her images; there is a dynamic between the two that is both fragile and energising, which links them unfailingly. 5069.Text: 1027.SubjectGoran Bregovic - Arizona Dreams - This is a Film7394.Access4532566.IP210.123.35.39647.IP210.123.35.398144.Lines158548.Lines128552.Access4788662.Lines68956.Access5369149.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2114.Filesize2715067985.Subject׷ maass6099.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8540.Email3455.Access3433950.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4723.Lines08004.Filenamekim_young_jang_eunsoo_2014_foto_from_ssahn359.Password2274.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3161.Lines04601.Email5478.Date200602081440455592.Date20060323173443777.Text6101.Access9588408.Filenamekim-soogeum-by-gumnuri.jpg2678.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5996.Date200610111900008124.Date20150310134320219.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3051.Access3328631.Thread74675358.Filenamekarinkelleuberger_resize_from_ssahn.jpg1955.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8528.Date201612251418078642.Date201711081459071244.Text3984.Filenamemonde20041111-o.gif6112.Filename_ѱ.jpg3836.PasswordSY.Cfi2YhkEvE491.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4609.Lines05467.Thread05581.Thread55801033.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net8163.Name?+??????????????????7197.Subjectټ...^ӤƼ6516.Filenametunisie_2011_foto_from_reu.jpg6630.Filenamepavillon_de_zaha_hadid_foto_de_afp.jpg1559.Lines11673.Lines18113.Thread08284.Filesize856247050.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6743.Access4238646.Filenamemother_jeon_hyegeum_at_hangawi_2017_foto_by_geum_nosang.jpg8760.Filename58-image.jpeg9489.Thread05459.Email5067.Access400231.Lines33807.IP219.250.216.197310.Filesize1364365181.Access13686424.TextAriel Sharon An installation depicting former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon lying comatose in a hospital bed is displayed before it's official opening at theKishon Gallery in Tel Aviv October 18, 2010. Israeli artist Noam Braslavsky created the life-size installation of Sharon, who has been in a coma since suffering a massive stroke in January 2006.The exhibit opens to the public on Thursday. Read less REUTERS/Nir Elias (ISRAEL - Tags: POLITICS IMAGES OF THE DAY SOCIETY) 7488.Filename20130728_bangkok_052_robert_bringhurst_22720_from_ssahn.jpg8880.Date201902281225074936.Text------ Message transfr Objet : Fw: The water molecule is essential for life ! ------ Fin du message transfr :-) 6213.Email8105.Email5241.PasswordSYstOuXRCy3vo8445.Date201608311518487167.Filenamehan_dol_foto_from_ssahn_201105.bmp8843.FilenameRyan_McNamara_Gunge_Portrait_2018__Photo_Ryan_McNamara_Courtesy_of_the_artist.jpg1047.Textݴ wrote: 3787.Filenamedonga_20040728.jpg8434.Thread08888.Nameں . > 10008.Thread010327.Access1ni Gaud 347418568_3086396884995574_1680275375614308166_n.jpg Rodica CotarArt Deco, Art Nouveau & 20.(late 19.)Century Decoratif Arts Share Group Antoni Gaud: Dressing table of wood, iron, and glass in the Palau Gell ,1886.4604.Subject ؾ ڷῡ 7289.Access6498557.Lines448646.Text 1922.10.31 - 2017.10308671.Lines12123.Filesize95295942406.Nameݴ2520.Nameݴ8435.Email8953.Email8965.Access593362.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr75.Nameݴ4015.Filesize28247089158.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9272.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9400.TextInterior-Design-Tim-Tadderly-Black-is-a-Color-3128_FINAL_48_64_gigapixel.jpg .2527.Filesize188966350.TextVisitors look at the "Slav Epic" series of twenty oil paintings, which depict the mythology of the Czech and the Slavic people, by Art Nouveau Czech artist Alfons Mucha at the Moravsky Krumlov Castle, July 25, 2010. Disputes occured over the exhibition as Prague cultural officials want to move the series to the Czech capital but Moravsky Krumlov representatives try to keep it at the castle. Read more » REUTERS/Petr Josek (CZECH REPUBLIC - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY) 7399.Lines19790.Password8839.Email1248.Nameݴ1362.Nameȿ1690.Domain210.123.35.395946.IP213.140.19.1271240.Date200103311502266413.Subject아바롯7598.Email8449.Text3582.Domain211.104.140.618563.Text ..... ....1519.Thread15161633.Thread010485.Lines98967.TextGreat Mosque of Djenn "We're seeing an unprecedented mobilisation of architects in the fight against climate change"4925.Subjectla 9e biennale Mondial Air Ballons9593.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg193.Textݴ ۼߴ : 893.Nameݴ6114.Domain222.106.13.2041165.Nameݴ1006.Filenamepufff.gif4733.Namessall7194.Email5542.IP222.106.13.1863767.Subjectٴ 223.Date19990106013740588.Nameݴ4740.Domain210.123.35.397434.IP9086.Email2802.Date200303311555421683.NameȻ4854.Filesize445061286.Filesize57041569.Nameݴ1126.Date20010102181717985.IP210.123.35.441576.Domain210.123.35.397587.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8474.Lines22040.Filesize8238.Email8352.Email6700.IP5399.Text8567.Name2402.Text8681.NameŰ>迵>841.Textݴ wrote: > 躴 ڿ ȭ 5063.Thread30126636.Date201105221659276750.Date201109290827168517.Thread08688.Filesize16105773871.Filesize8343.IP7427.Domain2024.Thread2013602.Access21682195.Filesize229232319.Filenamecolor-hor.jpg5649.Filesize5763.Filesize677912035.Date200206151047576855.IP9358.Text.5939.Domain213.140.19.1277208.Subject5179.IP222.106.13.2275293.IP221.150.98.142804.Filesize1192266403.Filesize1344796800.Name??? > ٕ.> > 2428.Thread02542.Thread25412599.Filesize193442996.Nameݴ790.Domain210.123.35.44428.Filename2439.Date200212101311475124.Name > 2889.Domain211.219.74.385834.Subjectη7322.SubjectϾ.5697.IP210.123.35.1939472.TextPier Paolo Poggi 174678368_1551819381688566_704367689879519420_n.jpg9501.IP6807.Filesize155466921.Filesize746482946.Thread07023.Domain5245.Filesize290946485.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr2784.Subject̰ -from an Island-021605528.Name6451.IP4676.Subject: .ҽ ũ 뺸絥Ű 200504045535.Domain222.106.13.1868229.IP692.Lines09905.IP6169.Lines26184.Filenamegumnuri-at-dubai-beach-foto-from-kimjinhye-ga.jpg7217.Access56810112.Domain97609.Email6036.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6150.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7723.Email7860.Filename1-foto_by_Noh_Suntag.jpg2070.Text4673.Email4167.Access6637141.Lines32907.IP210.123.35.39220.Filesize652665524.TextReuters - Wed Feb 22, 7:15 AM ET South Korea's newly named cardinal Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk reacts after he was named at his residence at Myungdong Catholic church in Seoul Februay 22, 2006. Cheong, who also heads the diocese in the capital of communist North Korea was named a cardinal by Pope Benedict on Wednesday. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon 7735.Access6246059.Access3701345.IP212.198.0.946588.Filenamestanley-wong_11_resize_foto_from_ssahn.jpg8042.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg787.PasswordSYWp.pGdgiG.w6554.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7327.Lines17441.Lines15928.Text4685.Access5518076.Filename2014-12-17-14-26-aiweiwei_441_resize_from_ssahn.jpg8185.Thread05953.Lines05831.Email1958.SubjectRe: 콺 2057.IP211.219.75.775625.IP222.106.13.232279.Filesize425231255.Domain203.252.133.1004709.Domain222.106.13.203272.Filenamegnw093.jpg7277.Email7391.Email2002.Nameݴ6754.Text. stefan.sagmeister graphic.designer. at.agi.open.2011.conference. 2011.10.. barcelona. tags: stefan.sagmeister 264.Lines38128.TextMunich Olympics by Frei Otto, Günter Behnisch, and Carlo Weber,8242.Text5078.Text5192.Text1369.Filesize806601150.Subject01й ǥ øϴ~. ɼҼ, Ե...1036.Subject߰ ź ... 2575.IP61.74.96.676429.Email6543.Email7784.Password10400.Email99715.Lines19676.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8561.Access17209804.Textvia ji seungyoung 174418392_3913700938752993_1867861609133847884_n.jpg10011.Textvia Pierre Lernoud 337547485_961315175233948_4417727661752166730_n.jpg Pierre Lernoud encore utile...10542.Name???+? > 10560.Filesize698897442.Filesize460946163.NameȻ6759.Subject7725.Nameø.^7732.Domain2624.Filenamebok640,jpg.jpg8600.Filesize382385197.Subject: ɱ׸6170.Domain9001.Subject . 9106.Domain4675.Name7846.Filesize2024067960.Filesize780941223.Password8938.IP9220.Domain9405.Subject . ۲ . . ʴ´7376.IP7490.IP641.Text6574.Domain1171.Thread11514625.Thread01466.Filenamegureum_copy.jpg4796.Filesize416417207.Name>>7321.Name߾ > > 2205.Lines01068.Date200011071046141318.PasswordSY6Y3gKXdr0hk1432.PasswordSYGbypOSgBa1.6355.Subject흙탕.놀이269.Date199901060153173063.Thread04636.Date200503241850072220.Filename100-0007_IMG.JPG6978.Domain336.Textݴ ۼߴ : 1575.Thread07894.IP7917.Subject.ڸ ... Massimo Vignelli4981.Subjectģλ -17328.Filesize815371586.Date20011019173457291.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8294.Email7618.Domain3849.Nameȿ7275.TextREFILE - REMOVING REFERENCE TO SERIES NAME An oil painting titled 'Boy No. 2, 2012' by Chinese artist Zhang Xiaogang is displayed during the Beijing Voice exhibition at Pace Beijing Gallery in ... more REFILE - REMOVING REFERENCE TO SERIES NAME An oil painting titled 'Boy No. 2, 2012' by Chinese artist Zhang Xiaogang is displayed during the Beijing Voice exhibition at Pace Beijing Gallery in Beijing's 798 art zone, January 25, 2013. Zhang is a 54-year-old painter who has been crowned with many titles, such as "Chinese contemporary art icon" and "China's most expensive living painter". Since the start of his very successful Bloodline - Big Family series in the mid-1990s, Zhang has witnessed and experienced a particular history of China, according to China Daily. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: SOCIETY) less 6801.Subjectַ4658.IP210.123.35.449878.Email993856.Domain220.70.76.23146.Date199901060117073096.IP212.198.0.933970.Domain211.104.140.214603.Name7466.Text after Smithsonian-Yves-Klein 1961 foto by charles wilp Brette Zèle Liquide 7580.Text. jeoung.yeon-ji 1st.year.student.. pati. 2013.10.. paju.bookcity.. korea. tags: jeoung.yeon-ji, pati, 4849.IP222.106.13.19210371.Filenamegumnuri_hagi_43570525.jpg10503.Date202408041944189_n.jpg Isabel Sig Paolo Monti Procida, 1972 C'est un montage, mais quelle maison de rve .10321.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10361.IPensional space time."9990.TextPaolo Monti 332124860_1158419104841068_3199944714961487679_n.jpg Isabel Sig � Paolo Monti Procida, 1972 C'est un montage, mais quelle maison de r�ve .1211.Domain210.123.35.449262.FilenamemurEne_via_isabel_sig_118762473_897694334092504_519116781420671842_n.jpg107.Filesize421816986.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3103.Domain210.123.35.397759.Lines07873.Lines18921.Access4651325.Filesize203661608.Nameδ.5034.Text 2417.IP61.74.96.2232531.IP61.74.96.306197.Lines01615.Domain210.123.35.396075.Email7245.Access3694309.IP81.66.146.2477637.Email738.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7751.Email8602.TextIncredible photos show internet sex by noah kalina foto from cnn210.Access9089114.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1729.Filesize979231510.Subject6ȭ ݼ 903.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5438.Text7763.Access9998070.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9137.Access4206087.Access9991259.IP210.123.35.441373.IP203.248.188.42412.Filesize6582.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7355.Lines29382.Date202101241540469518.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1914.SubjectRe: ȣ63.Lines64599.Access5247119.Email7233.Email5867.Lines05981.Lines416915.Access6585676.Lines25790.Lines4216.Nameݴ3662.Email6724.Access4635048.Access62510004.Lines896430.Lines57469.FilenameChinese_characters_for_common_uses_01.jpg7583.Filenamenorth_korea_foto_by_David_Guttenfelder.jpg7435.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8208.Lines18322.Lines69180.Thread03355.Text.6809.Text951.SubjectƯ.ڷ19971014-025566.Access9995680.Access52448200.Email6834.Lines17692.Thread76917987.Filename33-image.jpg308.IP210.123.35.441981.Text5158.Lines36712.Email7839.Password7953.Password8726.Lines03759.TextChildren leave Mansudae after paying homage to the statue of late North Korean leader Kim Il Sung in central Pyongyang, North Korea (news - web sites) on Wednesday, July 7, 2004. Pyongyang citizens paid their respect to the statue in the rain on Wednesday, one day before the 10th anniversary of the death of Kim Il Sung. (AP Photo/Xinhua, Ren Libo) 646.SubjectRe: η羲....ձ3873.Text5036.Email6001.Text8212.Access6769584.Thread0400.Text

9624.Domain9809.Subject달라ㅣ.라마 . 2살 . 193710128.IP10307.Lines110307.Lines148725.IP4355.Domain81.66.146.2477809.Domain582.Filenameatt00005.gif2406.Thread02520.Thread02577.Filesize204642691.Filesize794118889.Email2417.Date20021201125830653.Filesize20571298.Nameȿ2531.Date200301112252532867.Domain210.123.35.394136.Subjectٽ ̼ New York's MoMA4250.Subjectmonde 200412305675.IP210.123.35.1937704.Subject..׸277.Filenamegnw098.jpg7001.Domain692.Access6232052.Nameݴ5506.Nameȣ > 01269.Lines31248.Thread12385620.Name̻8178.TextThe logo and the alphabet designed for The Opinion Pages of the NYTimes on transgender today from facebook Leonardo Sonnoli8292.TextKim Jong-pil, left, Kim Young-sam, center, and Kim Dae-jung discuss National Assembly affairs in 1988. Known as the Three Kims, the three politicians were key players in Koreas modern politics through their alliances and rivalries in the 1980s and 1990s. Kim Dae-jung died in 2009, and Kim Young-sam died on Sunday. [JOONGANG PHOTO]8696.Text3461.Access2873990.Filenamemegi-20490_from_ssahn.jpg4909.Access3438534.Date201701091550163842.PasswordSY.Cfi2YhkEvE4615.Lines85768.Filenametulsa_world_20060601.jpg8010.Filenamegumnuri_umbrella_manufectured_in_hangul_museum_43471009_foto_by_gureumbi.jpg8927.Thread08977.Name? + + 1973.Access6255734.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7365.Thread08938.Date201905290821231654.Text... 3865.Access4862189.Access7998290.Filesize376698414.Filename1-PILLOWTALK_REMIX_BY_TYLER_THE_CREATOR_CONCEPT_ART_BY_RAY_MUnOZ.jpg3571.Lines897769.Thread08016.Date201410270950088130.Date201503161516448573.Nameȱö > ݴ6926.FilenameMonna_Lisa_leonaldo_da_vinci_02.jpg1969.Lines19499.SubjectART8523.Thread05364.Filenameduchamp_et_les_objets.bmp8694.Filesize16007878818.Filenamecosmonaute_on_a_marche_sur_la_lune_created_by_vika_eva_foto_from_yves_brette.gif.gif2812.Text 5080.Date200510012358485330.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6103.Lines11136.Text.1161.Lines2 l6071Q6354 w5388 6361 Ȓ9815 j1253 4980Ј 1025r9000߈ 39710 $7681'66765 ( 8034 48166 1657D y4930_ +4987m5089 1509725. . 1623n%3254։ 4827 A6660 9007\1880' L76335 7916J 1891h /920. j 3496 Ro7923 dq70492815Ŋ Ė7163G6247  }1139 ~4583&615.; 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The exhibition, which opens to the public on Saturday and runs until September 28, brings together 19 chess sets designed by artists in the last 100 years that demonstrate the interaction between chess and modern art, featuring names ranging from British artist Damien Hirst to the late French surrealist Man Ray. REUTERS/Matt Dunham 5745.Email6710.Text. hoarang.. mago.. dawa a.family. foto.by.yves.rousseau. 2011.8.. rennes.. france. tags: dawa, francois, yves.rousseau, ٿ, , ȭ 7108.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7222.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4069.Email6621.Lines37774.Filenamejeong_margeum_performance_named_bath_in_the_noon_20110707_foto_by_yi_seolje.jpg10509.Lines59148.Filenameassets1_ello-optimized-d462b65d.gif7376.Date20130430214916870.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7490.Date201307291540226098.Filenamekleine-zeitung-20090729.jpg3546.Text3660.Text.5871.Access9116064.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7626.Password7740.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7883.Thread08513.Lines09257.Thread09268.Date202009101131279371.Thread04576.PasswordSYdbShvWrQtX6565.Emailkoyot@chollian.net802.Password4690.Password5463.Lines336903.Email5341.Email7894.Date201405050126208099.Thread010178.Access263975.Lines18917.Lines18932.Filenameyoung_j_kogh.jpg7256.Filename1-gumnuri_on_air_for_electronic_cafE_performance_4320_foto_by_lee_juheon.jpg2013.IP210.123.35.397370.Filenamegwon_youngmin_kim_won_min_hyunshik_from_ssahn.bmp4704.TextRatzinger Named Pope Benedict XVI German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy for the past 23 years, was elected Pope April 19, 2005, despite a widespread assumption he was too old and divisive to win election. He took the name Benedict XVI, a cardinal announced to crowds in St. Peter's Square after white smoke from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel chimney and the pealing of bells from St. Peter's Basilica announced that a new pope had been chosen. Pope Benedict XVI is pictured when he was Professor of of Dogma and Fundamental Theology in the Bavarian village of Freising in this 1959 file photo. ( EDITORIAL USE ONLY) ( NO THIRD PARTY SALES) REUTERS/KNA Bild B/W ONLY9775.Thread08403.Access121010001.Name?+?+?+b> 丮^ > 8807.Access13061250.Text ð 帧 ¡ ǥ ð 帧 ¡ 20010129 ݴ Etude sur les symboles plastiques par les mouvements g n ri u u m, ð ̹ ȣ 踦 ǥϰ /// ⿡ ̴ ڼ ǰ ׸ ڷ ̴ ȭ ȿ Ѵٸ ڰ http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr ϱ ٶ. /// Ӹ η ʻȭ ׸̴. 2 鿡 η ׸ Ǿ ִ ƴ϶ Ȱ ó ̴ ׸̾. 1. 2 ־ ٸ ̷ 3 ü Ǿ ο ϰ ȴ. ó 3 ü ð ޾Ƶ̸ װ ܼ  ƴ϶ ο ȯǴ ̴. ۰ ޿ ־ 2 ǥ ֵ ü ǰ ְ ó װ ͼ 츮 ð 帧 ־ ó ſ ִ ܼ Ѵ... ̷ ִ ü ǥ ̳ װ ϰ ִ Ǹ Ѿ ٸ ̷ Ǵ ̴. ׷ ǥ 뿡 츮 ׷ ɸ° ϰ ִٰ . ⼭ ׷ , ð 帧 ȣ踦 ޾Ƶ ִ ð ã ̰ Ѵ. 2. ־ ǥ ־ ̼ ҷ Ÿ 20 ķ ƾ Ѵ. ׸ , ̴ ׸̳ ðó ̴ װ װ ü ο μ ȯ ƴϴ. ׻ ǥ ش õ ⸦ ׷ ̷ ȿ ȿ ü м ش ð ǰ Ǿ. ׸ ̷ dz̳ Ӹ ƴ϶ ȭó ̴ ü迡 Ǿ, 絵 ׷ ü踦 Ͽ ̴. ׷ ̴ õ ȿ ̷ ̶ ִ. ׻󽺿ʹ ٸ ڿ, ٸ ̷ ũ ޶ ó ǿ ڷ Ͽ ׷ (⸦ 񵥿 ī޶ Ǵ ķڴ) ȭDZ Ͽ. ⼭ ϰ ϴ ġ ׸ ' ' Ÿ ̳ ׷ ȭ 20 ȭ Ÿ ȭ ذ ٸ ٴ ̴. ̸ Ѵٸ ̰̾߱, ̴ ȭ ִ ̴. װ ⸦ ȰϿ eadweard muybridge ۾ ִ. ״ ܰ Ϸ Ͽ. ̰ ǥ̱⺸ٴ Ģ ϰ ̶ ִ. ׷ ð ΰ ָ ̴ Ȱ Ÿ Ǵ ̴. ׷ ڼ ̺긮 ׷ ο ٽ ϴ ǥ õϿµ װ ' '̴ õ 3 װ 2 Ű ǥ ̶ ڼ ׸ ð 2 , ̿ 4 ð 帧 Ų ̴. ׷ м ü ׸ó ߻ ̰ ܼ ̳ ׸ ġ δ Ǿ ִ 2 鿡 3 ü ƴ϶ 4 ð 帧 ؼ ְԲ Ͽٴ ̴. ״ 'Ѱ鿡 Ź ź' Ͽ νŸ ô뿡 ǥ 뼺 ̷а ð ǥϰ ̴. ǽ ߽ ð 帧 ҷ ȰϿ ο ð Ȳ ϴٴ ˷ Ǵ ̴. 20⿡ ⸦ ʴ ް ȭ ̷ Դ. ȸȭ İ ̷ ̷ ̴. ̼ ĸ ƴ϶ پϰ Ѵ. ̳ 뿡 ٰ ִ ̳ ̺Ʈ, ó 帣 ڸ ϰ ְ, Ȱ, 񵥿 ǻó ο ֵ ǰ Ǿ. ̴ ܼ ð 帧 ϸ ϴ ƴ϶ ȭ ִ ð ǵ⵵ ϰ Ȳ̳ ſ , Ǵ ̷ ÿ ֱ⵵ ϴ ̴. ̴ δ νŸ 뼺̷ ó ſ ̷ ѳ ð ǥδ ڿ ׷ ǥ⵵ ִٴ ̴. ̴ ο ð Ÿ Ѵ. ۰̳ ڵ Բ ο ð ⿡ ϰ Ѵ. 3. ̺...Ӹī....ʼ 迭 Ȱ Ȼ Բ / -10ȣ 1997.02.01 å ʼ ҿ ̺ Ӹī . ̺ eadweard muybridge ۾ó Ͽ å ڸ ʼ ġ ̴. å ѱ ó δ. ̻ ٸ ð Ȳ յǾ ο Ÿ. ù° ̺ ü ° å ð ° å Ѱ ȭó Ÿ ٸ ð Ӽ ε ó ü ϰ ִ å̶ ϳ  ϴ (ȭó 巯) ִ ð ̴. Կ: ZLzleebul DT 4. ... ȭ...Ÿ̸ ȭ ִ. ܼ ö ִ Ÿ̸ ι Ͽ Ÿ ð ̴. ι ܼ ġ ̵ ݺϴ ͸ ι ȯ ȭ Ÿ ̴. : Ȼ+ݴ ֿ: ݴ+Ȼ Կ: ں: 絿 ũ.: : ݴڰ ZLzlinemA DT bookcookbook ü ȭ ִ. Ȱ ü ȭ Ȧα׶ ѷ еȴ. digitAL.ElEctrOnic.stErEO.scOpE.cinEmA... Ÿ̸ ó ܼ Ȱ ȭ ߷ ϰ ִµ 常 ٸ ־ ġ ̵ϴ ó Ǿ. ϳ ȭ Ȳ ݺ ν ü ȿ ̴. :::տ.dz.ó.ģ.۾.̳.īƮ..̾... ι: ݴ, Կ: Ȼ, ȭ: ZLzl...aVo DT 5. ݴ Ȼ Ÿ ϳ ȭ鿡 ι ޸Ͽ ϴ ִ Ÿ ó ǻͷ ݺ ̴. ÷ ٴ ο ڰ ¾ ̴. ̻ ׸ Ͽ ϳ ⸦ += ڸ += ٥ ̷ ڷ ȸ ϴ ε ó ȭ 2 ִġ ̴. ZLzlontage... DT ι: Ȼ ݴ, ȭ: 6. ȭƮ...״ ǰ Բ Կ: ʵ ȯл, ȭ: ̰ Ǵ ϴµ, ϳ ü ΰ Ʒ迡 ⺻ ·δ īο ݼ ġ δ Ǿ ִ ̰, ٸ ϳ տ ִ ι Ȱ Ӹ Ͽ ȭ̰, Ʒ ¡ ü , , α ȭ ׸ Բ ġϿ ð 帧 ϰ Ѵ. ZLzlazel... DT 7. ݴ...׸..... ...ӵ...θ.ؼϴ...ʴ... ݴ 󱼰 ũⰡ ۿϿ ð ޸ ̵ ̴. ȭ Ʒ  ϰ ְ ݴ ȭ鿡 밢 ݺ  ϰ ִ. ׷ ۿ ݴ  ϰ ִ ó ̰ DZ⵵ Ѵ. ̰ ӵ ð 帧 ̿ ð ٸ Ÿ ˰ Ǵ ̱⵵ ϴ. ZLzlovement/// DT 8. + ݴ 2.5 Թü 簢 ȸ benham + ݴ ӿ ⿡ ޶ Ӹ ƴ϶ ο ⵵ Ѵ. ׷ű: , Կ: , Ȱȭ: 絿 "ӿ ʴ ̱⵵ ϰ ̴ ⵵ Ѵ." ZLzlerception DT 9. ڼ...ũ ^l 7Y L 7 +Y 7 + o 7Y L o - 2 7w2lcY... TT L ZLzleinstein.duchamp... DT Ȱ ۵ Ȱ ڼ ǰ̴. ´ ü 2  ü 簨 ʰ, õó ʴ. ׷  Ͽ ܼ ȸ̶ ߰Ǹ ο 3 ü ̷ ȴ. ⼭ ̷ ü ó ٹ Ÿ ü ٸ ̴. ̴ ׻󽺿 ̷ õ ǥ ƴ϶ "ӵ ð θ." νŸ ð ؼǾ Ÿ ̶ ִ. ϴ Ѱ谡 ִٰ ص ̴ ü м Ǵ ó ð ־ ޾Ƶ ִ ̴. 10. ¿찡 ȯ ׸ ߻ ̸  ϳ 򲿸ϸ ȭ Ͽ ִ ̴. ߽ɿ Ÿ ׸ ׸ڴ δ ̴ ׸ κ̳ ӿ øǾ ׸ Ÿ. ZLzl'''s...hadOw...work.s DT Կ: , ȭ: , ĥ: ݵ巹, : ݴ 11. ȸ ձ ü 2 鿡 ְ ǥѴٴ ʴ. ̴ ̴ ٸ ̴ ͸ŭ ̰ ̴. 鿡 ġ ϴ ġ ϰ ִ ҿ ִ´ٰ Ѵٸ ó ׶̸ ؾ ̴. ̳ ̰ ̴. 12. Ҹ. Ҹ ݻ ü, ȿ ð Ѵٸ ɷδ Ͱ ü ̷ ̴. 鵵 ޾Ƹ ޾Ƶ ֵ ð Ȳ ü踦 Ʒ ġ ִ. 170 ¥ ѵ ־µ ۿ Ҹ  0.5 ڿ ٸ ۿ Ҹ Ÿ 츮...Ҹ......ΰ... 츮...Ҹ..ӵ..ð..ΰ... ...Ҹ....Ҹ.ð.ǻ̴... ZLzlounD...yhanjim's...ucic.gif DT 13. ũ " ¾ ׸Ƶ ƹ ʴ´ٰ ϸ, Ұ 36ð ׸ƴ 츮 Ƹ ̸ŭ ǥ ̰, ׷κ ð ĸ 츮Ű ѱ ̰, ĸ ָ ӵ âس ̴." dolly-gum by yhanjim /// õ '鵵 ֵѴ' Robert MacArther ٽ ű ZLzlacteria DT :::Ϻп ѹ пϸ ϴ , ׸Ƶ ִ. 14. ......׿....ȭ....... ̰ ٸ ð , ٸ , ޸ , ٸ , ӵ Ӿ ֵ ȭ鿡 ̴. ⿡ ȭ 񵥿 ̴ Ӱ ޸ ε巯 Ÿ 濡 ޸ ִٴ ̴. ̴ ϰ ִ°. ü ׸ڸ ״ ְ, ü ׸ ޸Ͽ , ü ׸ ũ ޸Ͽ ̷, ü ׸ڸ ־ ̴ ü , ü ׸ڵ ΰ ٸ ǵ, ü ׸ڵó յ޸ , ü ׸ڵ ü ϱ⵵ ϰ, ü ׸ڵ ߷ ϰ ְ, ü ׸ڵ ÿ ̰, ü ׸ڵ ΰ ߷ ߽ ȣ ۿϰ, 1, 2, 1+2, 2+2, 3, 2+3, 3+2, 4, 5, 6, 7 ... ... Ų ũ 1. ũ 2. ũ 3. ũ + ٲٱ 1. 2. 3. 4 ġ ű 1. 2. 3. 4 ϴ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 ... ... ڷ: ݴ, Ȼ; -8, : ȱ׶Ƚ, 1993. ------, ------; -10, : ȱ׶Ƚ, 1997. ݴ; ȯ¿ , : δб ȯ (), 1984. ------; ü , : δб ȯ (), 1986. ------; ü ǥ , : δб ȯο(), 1988. ------; ӿ ȭ, : δб ȯο(), 1989. ------; ڲ ü ǥ , -ݴ ۲ ߽-,:δб ȯο (),1991. ------; ȯ, : δб ȯο(), 1993. ------; 4 ۲ÿ -̴ '۲'-, :δбȯο (), 1995 ------; ڽô ־ , :δбȯο (), 1996 ; ȣ̶ ΰ, :, 1994 ; īŸƮ ̷Թ, :켺, 1993 ; ; , 1995 Ȼ; Ÿ׶ ̻ ÿ , ;Ѿбп (ڻ), 1995 õ; ִ Ƹ, : ȿ, 2001 arnheim, rudolf; art and visual perception, ű, ̼,; ȫ, 1981. ---------------; film as art, ű, μ ȭ, ; ȫ,1983. baltrusaitis jurgis; anamorphoses, paris; maury-imprimeur s.a. 1985 beiser, arthur; concept of modern physics, , ؼ, ű, : ߴ, 1993. cage, john; empty words, london;marion boyars ltd. 1980 coren, stanley, porac, clare and ward, lawrence m.; sensation and perception, new york, san francisco, london: academic press, 1979. denken, joseph; computer images -state of the art-, london: thames and hudson, 1983. descargues, pierre; perspective, trans. by mark paris, new york, harry m. arbrams, 1977. ernst bruno; le monde des illusions d'optique, taschen, koeln, 1994 foucault, michel; ceci n'est pas une pipe, ̰ ƴϴ. ű, ; , 1995 gregory, r.l.; the intelligent eye, new york, st. louis, san francisco; mcgraw-hill book company,1970. hall, edward; the hidden dimension, ű, , ; ,1984. heidegger, martin; the time and being, ð , ; а ȸ, 1986. hesselgren,sven; man's perception of man-made environment, pennsylvania; dowden, hutchinso, inc. 1975. kaku, michio., trainer, jennifer; the cosmic quest for the theory of the universe, νŸ Ѿ ʲ̷ , ڿ ű, , İл, 1993 kanizsa, gaetano; organization in vision, new york; prager, 1979. kepes, georgy, ed.; the natural art of motion, new york; brajiller, 1965. link, j rgen ; literaturwissenschaftliche grundbegriffe, ȣ , . . . . 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ZLzlovements DT 3876.Filenameseunghyosang490_foto_from_ssahn.jpgconf.WriteTitleFontColorblack6004.Filenamenewspapers-20061010-inv-par.jpg159.Password5473.Thread08055.Name >^ > 324.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1859.Access44210408.Lines3m, ({e3461x  m3990xj3n5080{ f5330{o3842axn4615}x  e5768xf8010xM%i8927 y  e6103{ n19734y :q~2609 |3581 6522.FilenameHA_Schult_hotel_foto_from_aap.jpg1565.Lines38005.Thread74678176.Filesize1233658459.Nameݴ1329.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1051.Access4641443.Emailgumnuri@noos.fr8580.Domain3472.Filenameduru-and-Olafur-sun-by-nuri.jpg464.Password6528.Date201101251627156642.Date201105301545028409.Thread01455.Access433882.Textݴ Կ: + 8984.Domain2609.Lines13581.Thread01047.Lines34630.Filename49_000011koobonchang_from_ssahn.gif8062.Domain3985.Thread39386113.Thread61097800.Date201403111232086284.Filesize246476567.Name??? + 수하ㅣㅂ> 로이 > 누리6124.Date200908310817029268.IP9382.IP8466.Domain4750.Date200505061012026517.Thread06631.Thread06688.Filesize413789213.Name3074.Date200307232010458247.Subjectɼ9731.Name? >ķ.ø̷Τ>9786.IP9852.Filesize9932010229.IP10496.Thread0Ggg "p3876$avconf4v6004S c/v159. 'u1161{ 5p5473 w9731Y Sv8055 p324. Jhr1859ۗ u7089 , As6408<,9p6522"s]r15650 t98526s8005= 5u1049 Vs8176Ns8459c ٻt1329t Jw1051 9p1443 =u8580 s3472̠ r464. |w6528 s6642! Elp8409: 5 t1022 2u1455H v9786\p882.X Er8984 ;v1023X:Ƭ ~1836Nz1950.{9617J y1047 +{4630$]{8062 Gy3985 O6113 @{7800 a362840e6567D Lx9738[5Gz6124 ~1030}9268Zy9382x8466Ţ ~4750Ң H|6517 /nx6631 2~9213 h|6688}3074, d9923p 4}8247E Hy8361 >q~2609 |3581 8361.Subject1836.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1950.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9617.Name9738.Filesize2064239923.Subject하루살이 . 멋질10309.Filesize739873948.Filesize557023615.Subject̳ о7657.TextIn This Photo: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Park Geun-Hye South Korea's President Park Geun-hye (C) arrives for a formal portrait with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh before a state banquet at Buckingham Palace on November 5, 2013 in London, England. The President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-Hye is on a State Visit to the United Kingdom (November 4, 2013 - Source: WPA Pool/Getty Images Europe) 7771.Text6095.Text. steven.heller art.director.. author.. editor.. curator.. co-chair.. mfa.design.dept.. sva. 2009.03.. @hongik.. seoul.5507.Subjectan outfit by British designer Philip Treacy762.Nameݴ4702.Filesize8478687.Password9574.Lines13140.Filesize1254473309.NameӼ658.Thread6243423.Name7800.IP6499.Text rotate2457.Subject3316.Domain210.123.35.39457.Nameݴ3430.Domain211.219.74.2331652.Filesize244976124.IP222.106.13.2049970.Email99338.Email3685.FilenameSmoke_from_Mt_Semeru_foto_by_sigit_pamungkas.jpg3537.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5168.Thread06855.Date201201122359508574.Subject1668.Access12546217.Filenamehaiti_street_in_port_au_prince_foto_from_ap_gregory_bull.jpg6331.FilenamefusEe_ariane_5_foto_par_p_baudon_afp.jpg1374.Lines19501.Date202105121722308268.Name>ܼ繮ȭ>߾>8382.Name豤 > 1138.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1252.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8978.Subjectſ .. . ɾ1778.Lines182940.Access19376451.Date201011280937048389.Filesize2146868218.Thread02507.TextJanuary 13, 2003 Vol.161No.2 1264.Access50579595.IP6844.Thread37732532.Lines03390.Thread22769029.Filesize8377449143.Filesize2167922410.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3287.Date200311070632069426.Nameϼ.0Ƥ > 9540.Name??? > ㅣ사벨.식 > 누리3794.Thread0779.Access6086093.Filesize936696376.NameȻ9547.Filesize422609837.Domain999077.IP9077.Date202002131418449191.Date202006131145177065.Filenamessahn_S_one_eye_board_and_screen_foto_by_nuri_gum_43450714.jpg4789.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3156.Access3403270.Access3228332.Thread08343.Date201603081435238627.Filename2017-08-26-16-12-stanley-wong_05_resizefrom_ssahn.jpg8736.Thread05577.Filenamegumnansae_+_bom.jpg5691.Filenameda_vinci_code_sur_st_pantaleo_foto_from_reu_f_gisone.jpg8616.Access137610006.Filesize14254910092.Thread010501.Subject . ī ... 츮 ũ5566.Access1019pq /6163\ 6759%\ Gt5197\ 瑇6170\ $9624p (1030p  7846\lǀ7960\ 223.]  94056] 䂅7490l]641.u] gDŽ6574] *i1466]3063^ ?Y4636^ ;2205^ u1318?^n1432[^?9809p =d7894E_e9336._ P269.^ 6978_ (ɇ9106\ 9220)] l7442\<77255\ 1586_ "291._ x 053948Qz3615 ഩ7657- @ڥ7771 p1020 5F6095 ~Ͱ1586ǝ5507 ,6795)762.ò 7568E k94702Ӳ686879574 Uٴ7682R 8730_ ʥ3140ש3309 =658.' p34236 d7800E{6499N &A2457b f93316r 457. ^3430 ܮ1652Y6124˳9060 1[9338 9452  8815 6288  @354413827, c*4636;d854.QO4750f`7253| "ҫ9464t 3074 M6528p8604 ;2158 롯9056 Kǫ9170 8840 9595o 9452.Email6288.Email3544.Filesize126413827.Name4636.IP210.123.35.39854.IP210.123.35.444750.IP210.123.35.397253.TextFour-man bicycle is powered by five chains and has brakes on both its wheels. The bike was built by Art Rothschild (top position) who broke three ribs while learning how to ride it. (Wallace KirklandTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images) 9856.Email993074.IP61.101.40.86528.IP2158.Domain211.219.75.119056.Lines19170.Lines61020.Domain210.123.35.448604.Email1586.IP211.219.50.1648815.Text8840.Lines16795.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7568.Lines57682.Lines110193.Thread09595.Date202108231034071134.Filesize125409060.Access5439464.Access99910294.Thread09978.Lines010027.IPs99982.Access639868.Access32110107.Filesize9464.Access1228p 03063^ /6163\ 6759%\ 7732J\ Ԉ9001\ U2624W\l7442\Gt5197\ 瑇6170\ <77255\ ?Y4636^ A4675\  7846\lǀ7960\ 223.] /̎8938 ]l2220^$9624p ?9809p = 94056] ]7376c]䂅7490l]641.u] 8600t\gDŽ6574] 81171] Y%4625] *i1466]kE4796]7917N_ #\C7207] h7321] ;2205^ 1068&^ u1318?^n1432[^d7894E_e9336._ r6355w^ "6978_ (ɇ9106\ 9220)] ȋ15757_ P269.^ 4981~_ ,G7328_1586_ "291._ .C 400.p 5080g2ې7618_ X190. 2215 N 698.~ |8698( V؝95494 9663 ڕ2226 1020.7513 '4682$ 5315> m1057O (1020  4463^ ';8016/a81307214 uG2106fG8294_ fU5719 z5833 899. 9s6642#54361299 ݘ58405  /333.O 8534190.Password2215.Thread18448534.IP8698.Email9549.TextFantich and Young via pierre lernoud 550550_454793007892157_1489377779_n.jpg comme dans la chanson de Faust.... tooth-soled shoes by Fantich & Young2226.Date200209161958547513.Subjectthe logotype united colors of benetton4682.Domain210.123.35.445315.NameȻ1057.Thread404463.Subjectȱ׶Ƚ 20 ⸮ ̸ ẽ8016.IP8130.IP7214.Domain2106.Filename1148007569.jpg5719.Nameݴ5833.Name899.Thread06642.IP5436.Filesize619331299.SubjectRe: ...5840.Domain210.123.35.36333.Date199901060208335080.IP222.106.13.240698.Nameݴ9663.TextJoseph Beuys hirschkuh 1979 270012064_1223739711487963_5191750940392763197_n.jpg Isabel Sig Joseph Beuys "Hirschkuh" 1979 10206.Lines510208.Filesize40664& .53948Qz3615 ഩ7657- @ڥ7771 9868 5F6095 ~-9982 ǝ5507 ,'1010762.ò 5`1029 k94702Ӳ686879574 ʥ3140ש3309 =658.' p34236 d7800E{6499N &A2457b f93316r 457. ^3430 ܮ1652Y6124˳9060 1[9338 9452 K29978 6288  @354413827, c*4636;d854.QO4750f`7253| "ҫ9464 3074 M65289856t ;2158 롯9056 Kǫ9170 q۠9970 51002  dDdDPD 0p1020 \417.b Ͱ1586;7042p ;۳8169|6795)7568E Uٴ7682R 8730_ 8283ꁵ1134ر1531 S7054  2226&&613.<77446R ]7560^ 8411j 9475`Fo9845>9879DBʽ6923 f9327t994419988> bc9993PD>j1538 8815 1205 65247 722. [5361 8840 L7458 pK1828N p1942h r1068Z7139 p8604 9595o 7572 %ݻ6391ŷ6277u~7164 7964 ٿ2197 j5765 {11609 61531.Name輺uoogi7054.Access9992226.IP192.168.3.109613.IP212.198.27.2127446.Email7560.Email8411.TextFrom June 18 to July 3, 2016, Italys Lake Iseo is being reimagined. The Floating Piers consist of 100,000 square meters of shimmering yellow fabric, carried by a modular dock system of 220,000 high-density polyethylene cubes floating on the surface of the water. While The Floating Piers is free and open to the public, we unfortunately cannot guarantee 24/7 access due to weather and other factors. We also encourage visitors to check the forecast, as rain and strong winds can limit access to the project. We will provide updates on the project's social media channels! Christo and Jeanne Claude the floating piers iseo 2014-2016 foto wolfgang volz 9475.FilenameThe_big_Hanuman_innew_delhi_via_isabel_sig_174403900_1060704971124772_7254250247731700990_n.jpg9327.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9441.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1538.Filesize5360161205.Subject.޴5247.Text722.Thread06923.Text.PrevNextGo to page 1. An anti-North Korea protester, who is also a pro-U.S. conservative and right-wing, ties a noose around an effigy of the North's leader Kim Jong-Un during a protest against their rival's plan to launch... more An anti-North Korea protester, who is also a pro-U.S. conservative and right-wing, ties a noose around an effigy of the North's leader Kim Jong-Un during a protest against their rival's plan to launch a missile, in Seoul March 20, 2012. South Korea on Monday condemned North Korea's planned rocket launch as a "grave provocation", saying it was a disguised attempt to develop a long-range ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: MILITARY CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) ....PrevNextGo to page 1. Photo By KIM HONG-JI/REUTERS 22 hrs ago.....Loading... Sponsored Links ( What's this? ) 2012 Market Crash? 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News Search....PrevNextGo to page 1. An anti-North Korea protester, who is also a pro-U.S. conservative and right-wing, ties a noose around an effigy of the North's leader Kim Jong-Un during a protest against their rival's plan to launch... more An anti-North Korea protester, who is also a pro-U.S. conservative and right-wing, ties a noose around an effigy of the North's leader Kim Jong-Un during a protest against their rival's plan to launch a missile, in Seoul March 20, 2012. South Korea on Monday condemned North Korea's planned rocket launch as a "grave provocation", saying it was a disguised attempt to develop a long-range ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: MILITARY CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) 5361.TextNorth Korea's leader Kim Jong-Il(R) and top officials of the Korean People's Army salute at a ceremony in 2005.(AFP/HO/File) 9988.Thread091828.Domain61.74.149.1931942.Domain210.123.35.391068.IP210.123.35.447139.Text7572.Access99996391.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6277.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7164.Lines17964.Email2197.Text5765.Text 1609.SubjectҼ...design...forMinority ǻǥ ΰ417.Thread547042.Email8169.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8283.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7458.Access10609845.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9999.Date202303140836597137.Filesize5701218518.Domaind077.paris-45.cybercable.fr6568.Subject옛깃빨7251.Filesize10368547534.Name벭.ǣ.0^2433.Filename7541.Domain1788.Thread09319.Domain9433.Domain7655.Filesize801317938.Name鳲>>>725.Lines01799.Date200202081754598747.IP8861.IP7945.Domain9214.Subject*.*.#.#. ... 7185.IP2951.Filename1-gumnuri-ramen-05.gif6269.Domain6383.Domain2553.Date20030117132910843.Access9681275.Filename7016.Nameϸ^.̤ > > 7130.NameȻ2014.Lines01127.Password1241.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4895.Domain222.106.13.179131.Subject99 ۰823.Domain210.123.35.446164.Subject7726.SubjectHAAL DAN FILOSOFEN IN HET BESTUUR!7840.Subject: . ... .6787.Domain1384.Thread02957.Date200305191018114952.Thread377310540.Lines44790.Subjectㄷ: 귀 쇼캐르트 가 옮겨 주었음 o`m! -478967246l 216.l 5676l ߵ5790 l 51009Ĺ  5048Fl w8616 (1000Vl ʾ1050ӹ/*6430fl 7469sl* 7583l+7435l@8208m 8322 m 29180m 3355(m 568094m %951.?m e5566 65680pm f;8200m 6834m D7692m 7987m m308.m~J1981m 55158m h9584o pM6712m p&7839mK7953n 8726n H3759*n _E646.o m3873o e5036o 5:6001o 8212o A9077 vf9191 ,70652?{10003662*l  03156  3270 |s93.D  m3784 r5025eX8736& 6557745691V9}8850! k18229 5179/ ;143.H *5293V z5543o>1349~ Ͻ85.P J405. 1463 V275.-n6316B 44942O 5686] 7174k 7185y 8109 p2493)3266 73380 4706 /5697 %1867 :7578" W82230 a6735K=K8747 I1892 8861 "8332 670186276t8786 VA5059f51731V8343ɸ Y183.? 1656O Y1770o Y28978786.Name > ̹μ > 8850.Thread05179.Date20051030232637143.Thread545293.Date200512060116475543.Password1349.Text>>>.ݴ85.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg405.Subjectȸ: .1463.Text ߼ wrote: > Խǿ ߳ ̸ ڽϴ.. > > ޾ּ 275.IP210.123.35.446316.Lines04942.Lines215686.Thread07174.Thread07185.Date201211210348488109.Filename43-image.jpg2493.PasswordSYVOyNXINQLfs3266.Lines23380.Lines04706.Email5697.Date200605011245391867.Text: 7578.Thread08223.Filename51-image.jpg6735.Filenamemilitary_parade_in_Pyongyang_20110909_foto_from_reu_kcna.jpg8747.Date201805011703071892.Lines08861.Date201901181615346701.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5059.Filename5173.FilenameBig_Man_by_Ron_Mueck_(ap_foto_francois_mori).jpg183.Nameݴ1656.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1770.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net2897.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg93.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr3784.Lines05025.Password8229.Date201507211402432103.TextLVIV, Ukraine (Reuters) - Un avion de combat Sukhoi Su-27 est tomb au sol en effectuant un exercice lors d'un spectacle arien dans l'ouest de l'Ukraine, faisant au moins 78 morts et 115 blesss. Le prsident ukrainien Leonid Koutchma, qui s'est rendu sur les lieux de l'accident dans l'aprs-midi, a limog Volodymyr Strelnykov, commandant des forces ariennes, a dclar son porte-parole. Le prsident a galement dit que les responsables de ce dsastre devaient tre traduits en justice. Une des ailes de l'avion, qui effectuait un prilleux piqu impliquant un passage basse altitude, a heurt la cme d'un arbre, dsquilibrant l'engin, qui a percut et gliss sur le sol dans une gerbe de feu, puis arrach le nez d'un avion cargo stationn proximit. "J'espre que c'est le dernier bilan, mais je n'en suis pas si sr", a dit par tlphone Reuters un porte-parole du ministre des Situations d'urgence, qui a prcis que parmi les morts figuraient sept enfants. Des reprsentants de la ville occidentale de Lviv, proche de la frontire polonaise, ont dit que certaines des personnes hospitalises taient dans un tat critique. Koutchma a interrompu ses vacances pour se rendre sur le thtre de ce qui est dsormais la plus grande tragdie enregistre lors d'un show arien. En 1988, 70 personnes avaient pri et des centaines d'autres avaient t blesses Ramstein, en Allemagne, o trois avions de l'arme de l'air italienne s'taient percuts en plein vol, l'un d'eux s'crasant sur la foule qui assistait la dmonstration. "C'est une tragdie terrible. Il n'existe aucun mot pour la dcrire. C'est comme un mauvais rve", a dclar Koutchma d'une voix tremblante l'agence de presse Interfax. CHAOS Koutchma a adress ses condolances aux familles des victimes, annonc qu'elles recevraient des aides gouvernementales, appel ce que cesse ce type de spectacle arien, et enfin expliqu qu'une enqute serait ouverte pour identifier les causes de cet accident. Les mdias locaux ont avanc que des dfaillances de moteur taient l'origine de la tragdie. Mais le gouvernement a affirm qu'il tait trop tt pour tirer des conclusions. "Le principal problme rside dans le manque de mesures de scurit au sol, qui auraient pu permettre aux pilotes de manoeuvrer loin de la foule en cas d'urgence", a expliqu Vadim Hretchaninov, ancien conseiller militaire de Koutchma. La bote noire de l'appareil a t retrouve, a annonc une chane de tlvision russe. Un des deux colonels pilotant le Sukhoi a russi s'jecter juste avant l'accident. Selon les autorits, le second aurait fait de mme. "Il y avait des lambeaux humains rpandus autour de l'avion", a dcrit Roman Andreiko, le directeur d'une chane de tlvision locale qui a russi se cacher derrire un camion au moment de l'impact. L'arodrome de Sknyliv, o le dsastre s'est produit, n'tait que dsolation, des enfants en pleurs errant la recherche de leurs parents, des corps fauchs par les dbris et rpandus sur le tarmac et sur les pelouses alentours. D'autres enfants, le visage couvert de sang et de poussire, s'agitaient prs du podium officiel d'o des hauts-parleurs appelaient les parents venir chercher leur progniture. Dans ce chaos, des dizaines de secouristes tentaient de venir en aide aux blesss. FLEURON DE L'INDUSTRIE AERONAVALE RUSSE Selon les spcialistes, les Sukhoi sont connus pour leur maniabilit et les deux pilotes effectuaient une manoeuvre trs dlicate au moment de l'accident, en croire les militaires russes. "Il s'agit un chasseur trs efficace et puissant (...) qui ne s'est jamais illustr pour un quelconque problme technique", a prcis Nick Cook, collaborateur de la revue Jane's Defense Weekly. Cet accident ressemble, selon lui, celui d'un Sukhoi Su-30MK qui s'tait cras au meeting arien de Paris le 12 juin 1999. Le biplace avait touch le sol au cours d'un looping. Les deux pilotes avaient alors tent de faire gagner de l'altitude au Sukhoi, qui tait ensuite retomb. Les dbris avaient t retrouvs dissmins prs d'un km des spectateurs. Une enqute avait alors conclu une erreur de pilotage pour cet accident qui n'avait fait aucune victime. Les forces armes ukrainiennes luttent financirement depuis la chute du communisme. Leur rputation a t srieusement entache en octobre dernier lorsqu'un missile tir lors d'un exercice militaire ukrainien a abattu un avion de ligne russe, tuant les 78 personnes son bord. Le Su-27, l'un des fleurons de l'industrie aronautique russe l'exportation, est le principal avion de combat des armes ukrainienne, chinoise, vietnamienne et d'autres Rpubliques d'Asie centrale. Le Su-27 avait fascin le public lors de sa prsentation dans des meetings ariens occidentaux dans les annes 1990 pour les figures jusque l indites qu'il pouvait raliser. samedi 27 juillet 2002, 22h03 Un avion de combat Sukhoi SU-27 a heurt un arbre et s'est cras parmi la foule au cours d'un piqu lors d'un meeting arien Lviv en Ukraine. L'accident a fait au moins 78 morts et 115 blesss. /Photo prise le 27 juillet 2002 /REUTERS 4843.Filename49joshi_from_ssahn.jpg9191.IP8275.Domain974.Filenamedal05.jpg3167.Filenamememi.jpg6326.Thread09022.Name?+?+?+?+?+?+?> 6440.Thread0966.Lines09661.Filesize17778649999.IP.Ź P$P$P$ 0/1679$518. 2t6568= ґ7541 nu669.-$ 324334849G$ 9618`$ x1788 9319 H9433 ?1052$ L37655d7938 725. ^1799$ o]8747=ς8861FR7945O S9214\ 7185u2951(1054p G36269 X6383  2553 843. j12757016 !7130+ 2014< N1127I+1241Xj4895t 131. 823. >6164 ]7726 #7840 '6787+ Y13848 2957F y4952_ 3538.$ l71377251c|/7534y v4790 g1679.Filenamesarmgwaggum_by_hoseob_yoon.jpg669.FilenameHeadty~2.jpg4849.Date200506272306239618.Subject˷.^ . 538.Access154210524.Name??? > > 10542.Filesize64268 iv x368513537?5168[ h6855i 8574 1668 9999`z6217=6331)1374) "|9661J9944` 95016 8268O $'?8382} 2103 M1138 yr1252 8978յ 3$1778 X2940 U36451 8389.8218C i2507Q  1264z m959546844  09191 $~2418V0 _E4963c0 9029öB!9143ض2410 T3287  R9426& Rx9540H ;N3794 o779. 6093Q6376 V9547Ϸ524220 5a10460 104209837 (99510 :9077484379191|8275 ;10470D6326 o64400 974. r9022 3167 D966.> 228260 1Q68940 39732|0 (b8056!0 JU1793:0'2532 ΢3390 10462.IPs9996894.NameȻ8056.Subject.1793.Filenamenuri_1982.jpg2418.Lines24963.Date200508162252039732.Subject** . . **2422.Access11039951.Domain2826.Access112710422.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10472.FilenameAndrea_Baruffi_450480842_1478619936194595_7158882179779318436_n.jpg8152.Date201504081320376533.Access6876948.Filenameceremony_for_statues_of_the_late_leaders_kim_ilsung_and_kim_jongil_20120413.jpg8402.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8595.Name?+ ? + ? > > 6914.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7801.Lines38545.Thread08999.Name^.ȣ > ݴ1869.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1591.Access6461983.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net93.Filesize180608556.Date201703091448321158.Text 8670.Date201801171607503483.Access282728.Text6003.Email3864.PasswordSY.Cfi2YhkEvE4637.Lines64751.Lines05495.Thread54908949.Thread069.IP210.123.35.442188.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg683.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net920.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5756.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1676.Text6529.Lines43887.Access5346015.Access6881301.IP210.120.192.376544.Filenamea_boy_foto_from_ap_emilio_morenatti.jpg5899.Thread06510.Password7387.Thread08141.Thread08436.FilenameThe_Rio_2016_logo_was_designed_by_Tatil_Design_on_2010.jpg3593.Lines14919.Email615.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3189.FilenameGorbachev-20030923.jpg5604.Lines16462.Thread37733155.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6359.Date20100808114323261.Thread546473.Date201101061506251286.Access4546866.Thread06980.Thread09562.Nameֺ3559.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9005.Date201909222230338596.Subject... 1972218.Subjectȸ: .-work7915.FilenamePlastic_Doll_Faces_by_Freya_Jobbins_02.jpg9512.Thread06239.Filenamedami_13_resize_from_ssahn.jpg9569.Filesize1146531396.Lines222836.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3801.Text6205.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9409.Date202102281609532125.Textݵ巹 wrote: > ݵ巹 wrote: > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 8297.Domain4831.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4717.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6348.Thread09044.Name490.Subjectȸ: .8192.Subject丮x.ĤĤ.. Ĥ.2554.Lines02294.Domain210.123.35.39776.Thread01918.Date200205061703369078.Lines17679.TextStudents from the School of Communication and Art of the University of Sao Paulo perform a skit titled "Blind Ones" as a protest against consumerism outside a shopping mall of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte state, December 9, 2013. The group plans to take the protest to cities in Europe and North America in 2014. REUTERS/Nuno Guimares (BRAZIL - Tags: SOCIETY CIVIL UNREST EDUCATION TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)3751.SubjectrE: 20040714 2004 ȫ ڷ210.Date199901060132246212.Filesize269427304.IP7793.Text torsten.blume chief.researcher.. bauhaus.dessau. foto.by. park.young-ho 2007.3.23.. leipzig. tags: bauhaus, torsten.blume 9070.Email4724.Filesize15661619596.Lines61110.Date200012071015483162.Filesize38709474.Email9082.Access5087708.IP7822.IP3452.Domain81.66.196.1796906.Domain1503.Thread01957.Nameݴ1674.Filesize354167986.Email1514.Date200108301433392902.Nameݴ7491.Lines1264.Access9601226.Nameݴ1340.Nameݴ957.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net1936.SubjectRe: ݴ...^^5978.Text8220.Text4801.Domain222.106.13.1917895.Lines11347.Filesize822438624.TextThe Giant (Le Gant) (Paul Nouge at the Belgian Coast, 1937) Can one call it a portrait if one cannot see the models face? For Magritte, reality is just an appearance. There is always something behind the things one sees. Photograph: Ren Magritte/Latrobe Regional Gallery7659.Email451.Lines27773.Email530.Filesize191941751.Domain210.123.35.393020.SubjectRe: ݴ 1987 ( )9159.Access5955574.Text. 2006.03.138092.Password7785.Access999146.Lines32957.IP210.123.35.398939.Lines02505.Filesize416987377.Lines28931.Email8106.Textvaleska valentina jasso collado1119.Domain210.123.35.441233.Domain210.123.35.449284.FilenameGirondins_de_Bordeaux_hangul_2020.10.04_l1_dijon_11_joie_but_oudin.jpg9136.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6491.Subject: ݴ۲ 123455810.Filenameunidentified_koreans_43390621_youhap_foto_by_chun_soo_young.jpg9128.Domain9242.Domain7464.Filesize387357747.Name???7861.Name^ㅎ릿톺헐.도헬티7304.Date201302241217306185.Name6895.Subject0Ȥ.ڤ̸9023.Subject ... ?2117.Access3212760.Filenamenuri-20030313-poto-by-ejb.jpg6192.Domain1084.Filenamepingpong-gum-face.gif7868.Filesize242001050.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9427.Subject.7398.IP6596.Domain4647.Thread37731488.FilenameDcp_0203.jpg4761.Thread37734658.Date200503312045526377.Subject가슴에.단.김.일성7350.Domain2242.Filenamenuri20021001-10.jpg1597.Thread0341.Password5412.Date200601161913474293.Nameȿ692.Date200002121949498556.IP8670.IP7754.Domain5805.Thread06078.Domain222.106.13.1592612.Password5816.Date20060624235636201.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8622.Filesize1279254 1465.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2430.Text.8038.Date20141113144131966.Date200009061653521454.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2227.Lines19714.Date2022022112503810200.Date20231205031457efBedf '8343P6260t7rl7427P 8059]45680y4 52319ZPv5649vP5763P569197 3)l2035P 9244y773362#4 8301>#4 }R7208P N5293 Qw73227R 804. Q 1050(e 69477 #2542Q 345512996Q 9990e E790.Q 428.Q 2439Q 1846ј719607 52787 539277 5697NR3443n7 3897|7 conf767023R 2946R 121.7 51036e 5245S5528`S r1032e6598 79905S;C1037dP4676xS @79914 3847;7 8229S5249.Email5363.Email210.Lines36214.Text8425.Access4127392.Filename2013-05-11-13-41-clara_3c_resize_from_ssahn.jpg2035.IP210.123.35.395889.Lines85856.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8131.Lines25767.Email5375.Access33610398.Access26618.Text7796.Filenameahn_sangsoo_and_gum_nuri_201403_foto_by_choi_youngdon.JPG5081.Lines27648.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7762.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8535.Lines39279.Thread03568.TextThe finished product of Chilean-born Danish artist Marco Evaristti's 'Ice Cube Project' is seen in Ilullissat, Greenland, Thursday, March 24, 2004. Evaristti used 3,000 liters (780 gallons) of dye, three fire hoses, two icebreakers and a 20-man crew to spray the chunk of ice for his artwork. (AP Photo/HO/POLFOTO, Lars Nyboell) 3682.TextThe Olympic torch arrives in 2008 host city Beijing on the latest leg of its global tour leading up to the Athens Games, with NBA star Yao Ming picked to carry the flame on the key relay leg(AFP/Pool/Frederic J.Brown)5779.Access469969.Text5170.TextChina's President Hu Jintao (R) inspects an honour guard with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il (L) at the airport in Pyongyang October 28, 2005. Hu got a bear hug from Kim after arriving in North Korea on Friday on a visit that underscores China's role in persuading Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear programmes. CHINA OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVES REUTERS/Xinhua 7381.Access9991637.Domain210.123.35.392101.Filesize21212154.Filenamegnp020.jpg1418.Subject0021532.SubjectRe: ź20010912225.Filesize560389654.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9688.Filenamekwon_jeongsaing_via_jinmo_kang_272224698_2120035418150733_5534155696472942865_n.jpg7785.Access123510322.Name?+?+? > 32 > 10340.Filesize5093610423.Name?+?>x.ȣ0Ӥ> 10441.Filesize41133 3871P8229Srl7427P C8 2024%P d 602.6P UX 2195FP52319ZPv5649vP5763P)l2035P 9 6855Pi9358P |~ 5939P }R7208P  5179PN5293 Q804. 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This combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11 tsunami and its aftermath at Sendai Airport in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo taken March 11, 2011 shows the tsunami engulfing the airport immediately after an earthquake. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 and the bottom photo, taken Sept. 6, 2011 show the restored and reopened airport. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, ... more This combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11 tsunami and its aftermath at Sendai Airport in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo taken March 11, 2011 shows the tsunami engulfing the airport immediately after an earthquake. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 and the bottom photo, taken Sept. 6, 2011 show the restored and reopened airport. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less This combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11 tsunami, and its aftermath, in Natori, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 11, 2011 shows the tsunami rushing towards an urban area immediately after an earthquake. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows the same area with one remaining house, while the bottom photo, taken Sept. 6, 2011, shows the area after the house was removed. (AP ... more This combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11 tsunami, and its aftermath, in Natori, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 11, 2011 shows the tsunami rushing towards an urban area immediately after an earthquake. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows the same area with one remaining house, while the bottom photo, taken Sept. 6, 2011, shows the area after the house was removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The top photo, taken March 18, 2011, shows police and fire fighting vehicles parked in the middle of the rubble after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 6, 2011, shows two workers walking in the same area while debris removing works go on in the ... more In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The top photo, taken March 18, 2011, shows police and fire fighting vehicles parked in the middle of the rubble after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 6, 2011, shows two workers walking in the same area while debris removing works go on in the background, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 5, 2011 shows a man on a bicycle pedaling past the grass-covered land. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The left photo, taken March 12, 2011, shows The No. 18 Kyotokumaru fishing vessel sitting amid still smoldering debris after being swept away from a port by the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, the ship staying along with collected damaged ... more In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The left photo, taken March 12, 2011, shows The No. 18 Kyotokumaru fishing vessel sitting amid still smoldering debris after being swept away from a port by the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, the ship staying along with collected damaged vehicles. The last photo taken Sept. 5, 2011, shows the ship sitting in the same position amid almost cleared land. Kyodo News reported that there is a movement among citizens to keep the ship as it is as a monument of the disaster. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Wakabayashi-ward in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The left photo, taken March 16, 2011, shows debris of houses and vehicles cover the area after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 2, 2011, shows some debris and cars were removed, while the right photo taken Sept. 3, 2011 shows ... more In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Wakabayashi-ward in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeastern Japan. The left photo, taken March 16, 2011, shows debris of houses and vehicles cover the area after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 2, 2011, shows some debris and cars were removed, while the right photo taken Sept. 3, 2011 shows student volunteers getting rid of smaller rubble in a cleared field. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken April 6, 2011, shows a sightseeing boat "Hamayuri" sitting on top of a two-story inn after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows the same inn after the boat was removed, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 1, 2011 shows the ... more In this combination of three photos taken over a six-month period shows aftermath of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its cleanup progress in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken April 6, 2011, shows a sightseeing boat "Hamayuri" sitting on top of a two-story inn after the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows the same inn after the boat was removed, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 1, 2011 shows the inn standing after nearby debris was almost removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its aftermath in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 11, 2011, shows tsunami surging across the coastal area. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows the same area still partially flooded, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 6, 2011 shows grass growing in once flooded area. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN ... more In this combination of three photos taken over a six month period shows the March 11, 2011 tsunami and its aftermath in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 11, 2011, shows tsunami surging across the coastal area. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows the same area still partially flooded, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 6, 2011 shows grass growing in once flooded area. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Otsuchicho, Iwate prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 14, 2011 shows buildings standing amid the debris. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 and the bottom photo, taken Sept. 7 show the cleanup and demolition are still in progress. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Otsuchicho, Iwate prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 14, 2011 shows buildings standing amid the debris. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 and the bottom photo, taken Sept. 7 show the cleanup and demolition are still in progress. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 13, shows a street covered by debris burnt by a fire. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows a partial clean-up of the same street, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 1, 2011 shows the area after the debris was removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. The top photo, taken March 13, shows a street covered by debris burnt by a fire. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows a partial clean-up of the same street, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 1, 2011 shows the area after the debris was removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Kesennuma, northern Japan. The left photo, taken March 24, 2011 shows the fishing boats swept away by tsunami and left on land. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows the boats stay in the same position in the area almost unchanged and the right photo taken Sept. 5, 2011 shows the area after the boats were removed. ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Kesennuma, northern Japan. The left photo, taken March 24, 2011 shows the fishing boats swept away by tsunami and left on land. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011 shows the boats stay in the same position in the area almost unchanged and the right photo taken Sept. 5, 2011 shows the area after the boats were removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 15, 2011, shows a military truck drives through a road flooded by the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 4, 2011, shows partial clean-up of the same area after the water receded, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 5, 2011 shows a used-car ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 15, 2011, shows a military truck drives through a road flooded by the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 4, 2011, shows partial clean-up of the same area after the water receded, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 5, 2011 shows a used-car shop resumed business, left top, in the area after the debris were removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 14, 2011, shows Japan Self-Defense Force personnel search for victims near stranded fishing boats and damage from the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows a temporary dump set up in the same area, while the bottom photo ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 14, 2011, shows Japan Self-Defense Force personnel search for victims near stranded fishing boats and damage from the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows a temporary dump set up in the same area, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 1, 2011 shows a stranded ship still sits in the area after the debris were removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Matsukawaura fishing port in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 13, 2011, shows stranded fishing boats and damage from the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows partial clean-up of the same area, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 6, 2011 shows the area after the ... more In this combo image, the initial destruction and progress of cleanup after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami is seen in Matsukawaura fishing port in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, in northeast Japan. The top photo, taken March 13, 2011, shows stranded fishing boats and damage from the tsunami. The middle photo, taken June 3, 2011, shows partial clean-up of the same area, while the bottom photo taken Sept. 6, 2011 shows the area after the stranded ships were removed. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA less .....PrevNextGo to page 1Go to page 2Go to page 3Go to page 4Go to page 5Go to page 6Go to page 7Go to page 8Go to page 9Go to page 10Go to page 11Go to page 12Go to page 13. ..8943.Access4899250.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5056.Text7267.Access5732439.IP211.117.51.292553.IP210.123.35.39Sw 0096925G ?3471S P?6407X ;6521d `=7398p %75249P 35363 P 76210.P 56214$P S48425/P ;8954_:3>3997 Lv67392?P0M=02035}P;:8920?W25889P PP5856.P H48131P =8806ФP:7278g<3875a 05767P 75375P 718829P u626618P _8:4840m Ge=6937 087244Φ̫37796Q:#88017 #;2199 ?75081HQ 57648UQ17762qQ`~18535Q 69279Q 53568Q J413682R ,55779S |6969.S I06086778021 P29393, T83164 =5870$Z=6643@ =1790M !55485: 6086.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8021.Access9999393.Thread05485.Lines16925.Email3471.Email8954.FilenameThe_hell_of_Sierra_Pelada_mines_1980s_foto_by_salgado.jpg3997.Lines08920.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8806.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7278.FilenameYou_and_I__Horizontal__from_2005_by_Anthony_McCall_hayward_20130129_foto_from_reu_suzanne_plunkett.jpg3875.Email4840.TextL'artiste colombien Fernando Botero met ses espaces et ses formes volumineuses au service de la politique en exposant Rome jusqu'en septembre quarante-cinq tableaux indits inspirs par le choc des tortures infliges aux dtenus de la prison irakienne d'Abou Ghraib. Vincenzo Pinto (AFP/AFP - jeudi 16 juin 2005, 16h26) 6937.Access5637244.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8017.Lines62199.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3164.Text 5870.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6643.Lines31790.Text6407.Email6521.Email7398.Date20130516162418192.Filesize342718829.Access22149797.Thread97968021.Access102110301.Date20240315220455CB0V '2902@ j%7491@  264.@ D&1226-@ :j"1340>@ <!957.O@ '1936n@ *X#5978@ I%8220@ ^!4801@ "7895@ H#1347@K"8624@ {$7659B #451.B #!7773B &530.)B %1751 9159B B'9688)VT?$1032V &9654 V$1034V"&5574B ۑ 8092Blu%7785V 5'146.B &2957BsU .8939B Ձ+2505B5E)7377C ])8931 C k$)8106,C Ё/1119VC 0+1233pC ™*9284CG[.6732d 7,9136C-8943 (9250,5056 *(5170T i,7267 r-2439Л-)2553?(7381 (1637U UL.2101U(154.U -1418U )1532U C*225.U 7381.Access1266SP .09797 21030ϧ %75249P 35363 P 76210.P 56214$P S48425/P Lv67392?P0M=02035}P1039P ?W25889P PP5856.P H48131P 05767P 75375P 718829 u626618P 1007P ̫37796Q:?75081HQ 57648UQ17762qQ`~18535Q 69279Q 53568Q J413682R ,55779S |6969.S I06086778021 P29393, !55485: MMM 096925G [94598,1022; ;8954_:3>3997 ;:8920=8806ФP:7278g<3875a _8:4840m Ge=6937 087244Φ#88017 #;2199 T83164 =5870$Z=6643@ =1790M P?6407X ;6521d `=7398p 3;192. <1051; w>8550?3471S 8550.Filenamefrom_hoseob_yoon_20170301.jpg4598.Password10511.Domain7GH79914 3847;7 A0@65334 P(VV:V:E78014  =3125?9437 p3326. ;9551 56598F8556}5 BB86705  (&21005 Y@<61099446C34835 ЃB60035  35421 +<conf562. @(;3529q99955 766877822827:A57566D683.g6 .D920.6 5A65296 ^A16766 zB7387_7  A38876 aF60156 SD13016 649244 ;1001 @>7756 s6453B8436{7; U=9967I@35937 G615.7 [@84024 צ9208. >9357725720qF966.EH 9 G?^^ *d6491D V|b5810$D@(!f9128rD Fb9242D e7464D

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David Aguilar (AFP/AFP/Archives - jeudi 17 fvrier 2005, 11h53) 5698.Lines239910.Access1741918.IP210.123.35.396860.Access6557053.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5576.Email5294.Lines96228.Access9541514.IP210.123.35.396342.Access2646757.FilenameDiario_de_Pernambuco_20111006.jpg6609.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6723.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6871.Filenameandalusian_man_and_boy_foto_from_reu_marcelo_del_pozo.jpg7610.Lines01678.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2529.Text9906.Lines1410045.IPs910224.Lines36746.Access12958638.Access1521810005.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3613.Filenamearman_venus.jpg6943.Filesize1292367045.Domain2968.Thread05210.Thread05381.Filesize867935664.Name漭>Ŀ>>843.Lines04698.Subjectspring8365.IP1302.Lines2961.Access4928906.SubjectŻ2057.Date200206241849416991.IP7344.Subject2564.Thread0656.Access6145260.Nameּȣ5970.Subjectݴ8317.Filesize1420274294.SubjectpArIs...20050104.8721.Domain636.Domain210.123.35.448607.Domain3772.Nameݴ6829.Filesize835242096.Nameݴ9090.Textthisiscolorssal 130810.gif700.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr6473.IP922.Filesize230035557.Domain222.106.13.1862046.Thread03619.Date200405042136179494.TextPier Paolo Poggi 181890727_1564222783781559_997545943862219590_n.jpg5452.Subjectsir.ben.kingsley538.Lines06877.IP617.Filesize704889005.IP8203.Domain6425.Filesize1170616708.NameǸ.>.>>6822.NameȻ5146.Name5856.Subjectڸú 弼 պ ...9409.IP9523.IP1667.PasswordSYHXtOjOY0QLk1781.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3298.Thread0877.Domain211.110.121.1934985.Date200508291346592318.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2040.Access8239165.Filesize31182467620.Thread74677791.Filesize1113045200.Lines07517.Date201308221516526398.Name길.비센테 > 아프뻬 > 누리7631.Date20131109130603152.IP210.123.35.449099.IP9683.Filesize342319916.Thread09966.Name??? + 10055.FilenameCarlo_Mariani_350450830_978229449862463_4481030661390788814_n.jpg5294a !6228n 1514~6342 e5058( 651724 8234@ 8=3406P9731.g b3520{ 8615,708787v87631H95021 ?4535> 5698 6746 BO1918a6860) p70539El5576U Ǣ6427 w8638 Z426.a-6757"*6452 E96609^6723R6871 :U%7610T ٫4939 o6330  H7457,8344H 0e9088U k3377f 1678a n8108q f8222} 9099 Y%1792 !6856 q2200  G6970 ͟334. }1889 459.  6427.TextWoman on bus and her relative touch palms A North Korean woman on a bus and her South Korean relative touch palms between a window as they bid farewell after inter-Korean temporary family reunions at Mount Kumgang resort November 1, 2010. Four hundred and thirty-six South Koreans visited the North from last Saturday to meet their 97 North Korean relatives, whom they have been separated from since the 1950-53 war, for three days. REUTERS/Nam Gang-Ho/Newsis (NORTH KOREA - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. SOUTH KOREA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN SOUTH KOREA Read more 8638.Access9999426.IP210.123.35.446452.Lines44939.Text6330.Email7457.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8344.Lines19088.Thread90673377.Text8108.Email8222.Email9099.Date202003080725216856.Lines12200.Domain211.219.75.1356970.Lines2334.Nameݴ1889.Text 1792.EmailcW )3849` `׊7275` 6RT6801Qc c4658cc"*9486R 9878yc F3856c c146.c 3096c 3970c 99816}2294< 4603c Ό776.< ~1918'< 9078@<  7679M< 3751= .A210.0> a6212H>7304\>@27793e> 9070> ?1030c (1032& 1032k4724?T9596? 1110#? 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Biennale de Marrakech [ polystyrne et technique mixte ])wLwLwLFLFL 0298.( 3375!(6610( 94581N(h7084( b9295* }3665( +X4937(+1830( 76359(1887(F50397+  305.R+ 1323j+ E415.+ S584.") ^17275) 41841N) 6021g)n4985{)QB6304) :7113) 7488) Y6311 * 1880+ Q9687+ jF1203)*[T4816U* y4930h* 9699+ f610.* 1011L ;3254* q3964* 'i9283* 602.* Dp7517*7631+5a1048+ '6715 + ;1049FL"41050+ {16075( {7795( 8760) 1766+ ~1209d( 720.}( 10112.Textssahn o2 366679524_10159855441009422_1683976715411195028_n10490.Filenameangka-arab-origins_of_numbers.jpg -g-g- 3613694370453  2968@ D5210N 5 10586- V25381\d5664p 1054-V843. 9927-;1059@-A4698 8365:1302  961. >8906 )2057 Y69917344  1021- u#2564 D656.' .52606 G5970G i8317[v9898, > ݴ θ.˸ >> ˸ ݴ̷¼ >> ݴ / ݴ /ݴ ڰǰ >> ū. / / ι / .ū ٿȣ >> γ׸ Խ >> ̰. / θ޾Ƹ / α / θ ˸ ̼ >> ռ.׸ / ռ.Ҷ / ο.׸ / ׸ ڷ >> / ϰ / / >> ȸǽ >> ӹ / ̾߱ / ξ / >> ۾ / ̸ ۼ >> / ۾ ڿ >> >> ̸ / ۸Ӹ ÷ >> ʺ̱ / ۺ̱ ÷ >> ٹߺ̱ >> йȣ >> / / / >> ħ ȸ >> ټ >> 9200.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9354.Date202101021322299604.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9234.Filenamecarte_postal_congo_franCais_1916_110994698_3243277502377013_1229688194831738175_n.jpg7845.Lines08589.Thread07671.Subject.7890.Domain8240.Filesize7554731919.Lines02891.Thread08523.Name^Ϸ.Ÿ5314.Filenamesuhhyun1295_resize_from_ssahn.jpg8578.IP8644.Filesize720021911.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4669.Thread46658927.Nameݳ7082.Filesize699687365.Name2636;ㄹ.하ㅜㅅ만ㄴ>ㅌ자라>누리9045.Subject.Ǫ255.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3411.Access3516399.Subject길.비센테의.스스그림들5423.Thread05718.FilenameNURI_43390607_02_FOTO_BY_STK_02.jpg5832.Filenamegureumgul_zap2006_par_gureumbi_02.jpg9264.Domain2116.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM61923.Access6313003.Lines05434.Date200601192353277315.Thread07486.Filesize2602907769.Name? + ? >ㅏㅌ란티^ㅗ >누리3815.Access2817883.Name > > 7776.Domain538.Date199907071034315827.Thread02139.Access9052668.Filenamemsg054_from_hsyoon.jpg3117.Filenametimes-herarld-20030815.jpg3231.Filenamenuri-eye-03.gif3390.Nameݴ2586.Thread2494961.Lines06401.Date20101001213159449.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr5168.Name5992.Subjectㄷ: 오늘.소식.어제 몽드 200610106091.IP210.123.35.361214.Access4176447.Filesize200906561.Filesize1226106844.NameȻ6851.Domain4913.Date200507222209093635.Filenamealabaster_sculpture_by_Abdul-Kareem_Khalil.jpg3794.Name6965.Filesize1454437067.Domain3237.Date200310160057296805.Date201111281556035289.Filesize913615686.Name豤>>>8006.Subjectㅗㄴ타케 . 불뫼6495.IP1618.Access12488339.Filesize3854175579.Domain222.106.13.1878524.Subject.˸.8629.Domain774.Access5689027.IP6326.NameϤӤ+?+ ĤӼ>>6440.Name > > 2068.Thread02182.Thread21819545.IP754.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr1202.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7721.TextSo, here's a a GIF that still accurately shows all of the people who have died after overdosing on pot:9524.Lines14671.Text7075.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6882.Access486653.Thread6429010.Access9769402.Email6449.Text- South Korea's Ji Youngjun celebrates ALTERNATIVE CROP OF XAG141 - South Korea's Ji Youngjun celebrates with his national flag after winning the men's marathon at the 2010 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010. Read more (AP Photo/Rob Griffith) 2521.Subjectschimmel gr piano de luigi colani452.Nameݴ1602.Filesize579716474.Lines06375.Filenametimes_20100902.jpg1018.IP210.123.35.441132.IP210.123.35.444986.Lines26227.Password6341.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg147.Nameݴ7114.Lines42261.Text5715.Text8119.Password9414.Access82310265.IPs99920.Email9928.Lines49932.Access99818.Access9910444.Lines69818.Access1979932.Access12710102.Subject1953 07 27 ... 9414.Access118810225.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6037.Access5151209.IP203.249.12.721323.IP211.255.8.1566151.Access3726418.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6532.PasswordSYcuAC6oVFnOU6566.Filenamea_woman_cries_in_libya_foto_from_ap_tara_todras_whitehill.jpg6680.FilenameTageszeitung_20110707.jpg1487.Emailtb0n2btq@yahoo.com5906.Text4549.Access5906936.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8681.Thread02856.Text..5374.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6147.Lines47701.Email8578.Date201704010928361294.Text6025.Email6162.Filenamemaxxi_museum_by_zaha_hadid_foto_from_reu_max_rossi.jpg4659.Lines14773.Lines09332.Date202012031158328054.FilenameFrom_the_collection_of_Jean_Paul_Gaultier.jpg5502.Text8020.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7713.Access999560.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6271.Thread37735413.Lines07844.Date20140402154218428.Password6168.Date200912012343456282.Date201005111440209563.Subject . . ȿ . . ִ . ް779.Date200004291235127206.Filenamemars_20121202_Photo_By_JPL_Caltech_Malin_Space_Science_Systems.jpg1018.Date200009251653089496.Email264.Date199901060152014276.IP62.59.251.154818.IP203.249.18.197331.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3474.Domain81.66.196.1796305.Subject׳ . ˸1525.Thread06168.IP1696.Filesize2422217844.IP4931.Subject漭 Tunick8859.TextMarkus kesson Markus Akesson je ne t ai pas oubliEe via yves brette1536.Date200109141438161650.Date200111071427437297.TextThe 1st prize Contemporary Issues Single by Micah Albert, USA, for Redux Images, shows pausing in the rain, a woman working as a trash picker at the 30-acre dump, which literally spills into households of one million people living in nearby slums, wishes she had more time to look at the books she comes across. She even likes the industrial parts catalogs. It gives me something else to do in the day besides picking trash, she said in Nairobi, Kenya, April 3, 2012. (AP Photo/Micah Albert, Redux Images3255.Subject.concorde.6113.Nameȭ > Ĥ.Ϥ > 4794.IP210.123.35.3913.Subjectݴ۲ 1072782.Filenameyahoo-kor-nsg-02.jpg3407.Lines05838.Date200607061325265998.Filesize1659627719.Thread07557.Subject˸^1072.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4276.Date200501040428523422.FilenameASHARQ_AL-AWSAT_20031226.jpg3581.Nameݴ967.Name輮ö6752.Filesize20994610405.Subject: ݴ..׸ 2024.05.25 10528.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10568.IP10578.Filenamealbero_463121007_1091923852296343_6946710920930876280_n.jpg'[ X9676Z}9790G1056[362.D 4015 E57399G 8953D ڜ1248G  7277X [F7391X k|8128eY Eˡ8242Y :1362G u1958X Q4709yX L56253X279.JX #9272;E*E5192Y K8646ID 4604D 1369Y-2575`Z ?1054[ w  0=560.v a-%6037t &1209t"1323&tR!6151(6680t9-1487t *$5906u k?.4549!u ܎/846. d*4663 5*7305 !3379 % ,8163+  @'81749  8458RZV#102. 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The unidentified mummy, from the 30th Pharaonic dynasty, was buried by sand in a 6 meter shaft.(AFP/Str) 4862.Text. kim.je-yeon.. ko.wi-gong grad.student.. graphic.design.. prof.. german.literature.. hongik. 2005.06.. seoul.95.Subject_۾834.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3897.Email3186.Text121.Domainp74-39.seocho.thrunet.ne.kr5397.Access14606959.Access5637266.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg343.Filesize174445778.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6665.Lines87380.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8031.Email8039.Lines18153.Lines010299.Thread09201.Access4219605.Access47310441.NameӴ.7912.TextSouth Korea's President Park Geun-hye bows after delivering a speech to the nation at the Presidential Blue House in Seoul May 19, 2014. Park formally apologized on Monday for a ferry disaster last month that killed about 300 passengers, mostly school children, and said she would break up the coast guard because it had failed in its rescue mission. REUTERS/Ahn Jeong-won/Yonhap (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: MARITIME DISASTER POLITICS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) ATTENTION EDITORS - NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. SOUTH KOREA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN SOUTH KOREA6236.Text8447.Access4113619.IP211.219.74.1638976.FilenameSardar_Vallabhbhai_Patel_Iron_Man_Statue_of_Unity_Planet_BJP_Narendra_Modi_foto_from_mynation.jpg6261.Lines2669.Password8828.Password141.Access8298942.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1476.PasswordSYgz9K91m8B..9616.Filenameisang_by_ahn_sangsoo_241507042_10158561470064422_822344050362531298_n.jpg4663.Access13739730.Filenamevia_eleni_asimakopoulou_5616361_651891239202172_2295270628974036124_n.jpg9736.Date202204071722169850.Date202209031041347713.Access10007713.Access147510198.Thread1019510340.Namedz..^ Ӥ> 10420.Date20240601030114vt -4941Y a-%6037t &1209t"1323&tR!6151(6680t9-1487t *$5906u k?.4549!u ܎/846. d*4663t 5*7305 !3379 % ,8163+  @'81749  8458RZV#102. 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Ĥ... ^... ̤..6282.IP1405.Access4381934.Filename020509_24.JPG5366.Domain222.106.13.2318934.Domain3417.Thread08174.IP3826.FilenameGail_Devers_foto_from_ap_thomas_kienzle.jpg3985.Nameݴ7258.Domain154.Password3542.Date200403241656469189.Texti pinimg b6255ba3ebe3ff4b8c25b9d535d27dcd.gif8005.NameȻ8715.Subjectձ.6686.IP9850.IPss999572.Text5884.Domain210.123.35.367039.Subject.ϴ.Ϳ.ϰ.巹.ƿ..Ӥ7153.Subjectε8012.Domain6234.Filesize165936517.Name > øǴ > 45.Thread03946.Date200410160944051515.Lines02373.Thread23725665.Subject: Spencer Tunick at San Sebastian's Kursaal6631.Name???+^Ĥ.^+?>8126.Filesize17094267.Textݴ ۼߴ : 1001.Access99998409.NameĤ̤.^ ^>˸^>8530.Domain602.Date199911130807124700.Date200504181751409736.IP9802.Filesize431941809.Access10931001.Access11077{Q 0Zb3013 0d9496x f264.%x l4276=xk818.Sxee331.ix h3474x rQi6305x lk1525x Y`6168xʌk1696xd\b7844x܈n4931x  n8859y Ff1536by b1650{y `/i7297y l3255{ a6113{ e4794{f6709 Rb6823* FDe3878< ia3992V 8h1929o di726. e1012n4228j4625´ k6006ٴ 5g6120 lk`7910 ve3063! Q*j36592 !Of3773` kj8973 i7326&e7440Fj3070 gkd6524 f9092ε ?h1052 n1575ڵ * c1416 d4860(m1054 ki1132, Em1018x 55 .w1468E ח|8774 y9613 ?Fr9889ʺt1020.Eg}2215z r5500zz6967 f~8244 t9485#rt1032X|1249? [x1363i !|cr4817 ;Nz693. 5s1036u  q1986 ?W~1042 +~10441050 kz2336 uv2450gw589.2 "p5904?Wb8370S zSq1171c .u1057t v1767 ;,r1881 2626 t5434pz1064 ;v7086/  3t8051;  |8648 FFx8762 s2854Fw9081^E5598 E}6563 r1007 }3946 1r1178*hq8455? "-u4413k {7098 r58385500.Filesize1570921064.Domain210.123.47.377086.Email8051.Text Ahn Sang-soo‎ٿ߳.b. PaTI.plays.Bauhaus 11 11 . Ƽ.ȣ.. ..ġ.. 8648.Email8762.Email2854.Filesize5276685598.Email6563.Text1007.Thread03946.IP61.78.68.301178.Filesize1911868455.Textmathematics from timesofmalta.jpg4413.Subject7098.Access6195838.IP222.106.13.2058774.Access30939613.TextPortrait-empaquete-Jeanne-Claude-Christo 1963 foto c baur.jpg Christo, Portrait empaquet de Jeanne-Claude , 1963 Polythylne, ficelle, cordeau, huile sur toile signe Javacheff, monts sur panneau de bois peint, 78,5 51,1 5,1 cm Collection Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego photo : C. Baur, Basel9889.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10203.Subject< > Ǯ Ͽ ÷ȴµ10326.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10366.IP10428.Name̤.Ӥ10508.Date20240807234145_439865508_980158720142863_4091361376138207536_n.jpg10446.Filesize4459306967.Text Crédits: Tristan Vey/Le Figaro. Une voiture, un 4x4 Dacia, est tombée dans une bouche du métro parisien en fin de matinée. Le conducteur, un Auvergnat de passage à Paris, a confondu l'une des entrées de la station Chaussée d'Antin (IXe arrondissement) avec une entrée de parking. "Il y a un panneau parking juste avant qui m'a induit en erreur", explique au figaro.fr l'homme d'une trentaine d'années. "Ce n'est pas ma voiture en plus", confesse-t-il, gêné en attendant la dépanneuse qui est venu le sortir de ce mauvais pas. "Heureusement, elle est assez haute donc elle n'est pas abîmée. Si je n'avais pas freiné, j'aurais continué à descendre." L'incident, qui aurait pu se révéler dramatique dans ce quartier très passant, n'a fait aucun blessé, indiquent les policiers sur place. Selon eux, ce type de mésaventure arriverait régulièrement dans la capitale, notamment sur les quais de Seine. Les fonctionnaires ne dresseront pas de contravention dans la mesure où il s'agit d'une erreur de bonne foi et qu'il n'y a pas eu de blessés. Le conducteur ne sait pas encore si son assurance lui remboursera les frais de dépannage. Après l'enlèvement spectaculaire du véhicule, la station a pu rouvrir au public peu avant 12h30. Une employée de la RATP sur place a expliqué n'avoir jamais vu ça de sa vie.8244.Email9485.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1249.SubjectRe: ð.ӽ...1363.Subject>>>.ͼīƮ..ݴ4817.Subject모네의 루앙 성당693.Nameݴ1986.Domain210.123.35.392336.Filesize144722450.Filesize399578589.Thread05904.Filesize852088370.Access9461171.Nameݴ1057.Nameݴ1767.Subjectelectronic cafe 19901881.SubjectRe: prEs 1965-????2626.Domain211.219.75.1015434.IP222.106.13.2456080.Thread07539.Date201309101529347653.Date201311191630447903.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2858.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net641.Subjectη羲....ħ6091.Date200907281434049372.Subject . . 9534.Thread07015.Filenamebarack_obama_walks_up_to_air_force_one_foto_from_reu_larry_downing.jpg1285.Password2058.Lines03612.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4739.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4853.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5626.Lines38336.Subjectȸ: .-work2050.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5112.Access3455504.Email6495.Date201101142320214996.Thread8369180.Name? >^ǷԻ > 7419.FilenameChema_Madoz.jpg7533.Filenametypojanchi_2013.png6888.Thread07135.Date201210081534209016.Thread09187.Filesize49951389584.Nameī.ϤӤk10242.Lines695516.Access6849027.Date201912031551199477.Domain4483.FilenameNorth_Korean_flag_foto__afp_toru_yamanaka.jpg7937.FilenameClaudia-Rogge-Taktile-II-2006-full.jpg303.IP210.123.35.441931.Text7989.Domain10164.IP1391.Domain211.174.160.2122024.Nameݴ480.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr118.Filenamebutton.GIF2734.SubjectRe: Anish Kapoor6401.IP6776.Text1058.SubjectRe: k I n E t I c1172.Subject-Ի2597.IP211.219.75.896890.Text8053.Email1795.Domain61.74.239.933821.Filesize8579.Lines08693.Lines08987.Access504175.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr2145.Filesize345102428.Name금누리228.Access867397.Filesize2542.Nameݴ1576.SubjectRe: 1690.Subject־Ʈ.൵5713.Filesize1195065243.IP220.90.162.1956805.IP8457.Email8571.Email9294.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9308.Text9422.Textxmas boots by lee seungtaig 1990s 159403616_2014575615350733_5354955603723818829_n.jpg6372.Text2549.Filesize206082663.Filesize319652946.Nameݴ423.Filename8583.Access9477299.Email8264.Text. agi.members.2015.@biel 2015.9.. biel.. switzerland. tags: agi, agi biel 2015, agi members 415.Lines32193.IP211.219.75.1275474.Subject: .ҽ Courier Mail 200602066899.IP976.Filesize62568218.Name?+??????????????????8225.Domain9901.Domain98928.Subjectϼ . 濡6114.Subject: .ҽ Stars and Stripes 434208067539.IP9611.Filesize36551469.Access13499949.IP10141.Lines35.ѹٸ10125.Name릳.ѹٸ10143.Filesize13017110415.Domain10275.Filenamevia_SErgio_Thiesen_428614788_10229496578673198_8593276218503879729_n.jpg10407.Date20240527031845dz 7903@ 9534 ]9988. $2858\ Em641.| խ6091 1012v(9995X 5]1016 b10002;1017L/485345626 9180G E5504 U6495  75336888 1030J R(9584  5516" 90272 7937'mm303.938.Filenamedapper.jpg9258.Subject2847.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4478.Thread38784592.Thread07174.Name > 995.Domainr40m176.cybercable.tm.fr4489.Date200502130233333220.Access3795527.FilenameAsharq_Al-Awsat_14270222.jpg9776.Subject9890.Subjectձ.ֻ.۰.Բ ...9988.Name.^ > ӻ级. > 9995.Domain2062.Access140210124.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg47532;10001.Subjectb . ٸ (1987) . ġ . . 10174.Filenamevia_Mohamad_Yahya_save_398573286_6878146525605685_4939230162219934715_n.jpg10244.Filesize5399510306.Date202403220136507536;ㅅ카{slsrr 0NJ6352\ 348. \ `#7203\ 4700\Ä3399\ 7479\g8366\ 8381] "v9414s Z9806]  6992+] ɂ22229] Kk9120S] q9920Es K1040X Ə4153`] p6756|] 6364] "1650]"6870] X7607] /Ŏ5194^ 2003_ 56045+_ z3542_@~7721p h6070_ <8256_ 7Ί8785_ ˠ9524rp 9818s !4671p pk7075pat6882p 653.p @9010p $9402p 6449p  2521r "ф9932s 0452./r Ɗ1022sʀ1602?r*D6474Sr Kօ9928Qs 1010s5 10267s ;1027I;,saaa -3871PO6375`r1018rB<1132r4V4986r [6227r%6341rWԐ147.r u"7114r I2261s j55715 s ;8119s\c412. ,7926a ?9545 9829)Ob9943Na67798<211. q1536$3291674568935W7518# U}76321 ҙ8376> "5069O107.k 882.x +4876 7004 8387 E8490 w9021*"239.9425+#vu9949 6899\ -8894u (1034 1034L5528`S 5311 Tz}5587L-7408 R7522* 67914 8343P412.Thread547926.Access81379545.Date202106151446186779.Filenamea_man_rests_near_wonsan_foto_from_ap_david_guttenfelder.jpg211.Nameݴ1536.IP210.123.35.393291.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6745.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6893.Filenamenosang_geum_before_cocert_in_rome_foto_by_dadeum.jpg7518.Lines157632.Lines68376.Thread83755069.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg107.Thread0882.SubjectRe: ...A..4876.Access6647004.Access9408387.Date201605161228388490.Thread09021.FilenameCA2A33CE-277F-4AB3-B81E-4EF971A7FF59.jpeg239.IP210.123.35.449425.Filenamemartin_majoor_bluesky_ٿε.png6899.Date201203021504268894.Thread05311.Text. omar.vulpinari director.. visual.communication.. fabrica. 2005.04.. melbourne.5587.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U10343.Lines699933.Access1207914.Email9829.Filenamegumnuri_foto_by_ssahn_02_294947432_10159060275614422_7677128783700086603_n.jpg10395.Domain9943.FilenameRenato_Tagli_swan_on_red_319622877_5940625972669695_6081161826502321985_n.jpgE5z 0 7539 7653' 7903@p9372 $2858\ Em641.| խ6091  9534 y6080 ]9988. 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'7366  7119k 1020Q 10073.FilenameMircae_Suciu_355425558_1583142222214375_3381787935630432768_n.jpg10205.Date20231218005730807.Access104010433.Text Akiyoshi Kitaoka The region A appears to be darker than the region B but has the same luminance (the checker-shadow illusion by Adelson). Adelson 448083399_10226960702578308_5247824969378296844_n.jpg 4$$ 3117l@3231)l8014 #C2586Xl 3161) U6401ul &a5168l G_5992l X8339n'1014] h12149m 9545o7679 WU8629$o 7793 8276 3635m/6965m7067 n 8418 3565  68050n d5289In5686]n a8524o 2218 1618n F9949confR 359. 9500 4595l 6922{ 6530 " 9611C2068o  2182o X1041s 5246 7754.o 8928 y1202o 68997976.@ ǽ8218R (R1014% 7659 ?S1012> L"44o#3533='  |1391 $BkBkBk ;L_1802Gk j_6493{j 516890 {9294w _173.Gk _6874jU_7647j _7761j d_291.Bk _252.Bk -H2597Z_1610@k \~_984.%@k 1795 :_6085`@k ,I_7133m@k P _1503}@k -_7525@k eS2542 9698!ֳ5713*xz228.  _9406MAk&/_9520iAk1576 {1690 *p_6489Ak No5243?1000" _2709AkM_2823Ak _7651Ak `O_7218Dk b_7929 Gk 5W2663vh9826" ֍9940" e29462 423.C  8975  x7299a 8264m b 415. ;_7007oj _7121j 8975.Email3303.Filesize1801896047.Email6161.Email156.Filesize453817012.Text߾ûҳÿ õ> : ߾ûҳÿ(www.nyc.or.kr) õ밡 6 Ͼ ݼ ¾ Կ ߴ. ̹ ּ ݼ ¾ Ͻ . Կ ̷ 泲 õȿ ٶ ̴. Կ Showa 22E, 200mm . 7 30 ù 3050 13 40б Կ ̴. .ٷ. 9698.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9826.Text9940.TextKen Barnett 318481402_2370604666428456_722975515128927702_n.jpg Ken Barnett Ants sipping syrup10003.Date2023032205165710213.Domain~ 03117l@3231)lc3390Gl #C2586Xl 961.il U6401ul c449.l &a5168l G_5992l X~6091#m h12149m !6447Im6561]m16844rm W6851m _4913m 3635m/3794m 6965m7067 n TU3237n  68050n d5289In5686]n (8006}n 4y6495n1618n 8339n5579n a8524o U8629$o oU774.1o 9545oQ6326Io #6440vo C2068o  2182o  8225q " 96117754.o 8928 g5474 *y1202o :9027@o68997976.@ 469.  ǽ8218R z091 -10330 o60716114 83496 D75397653,z3169 , '26737$, 13341, 2907?, 1629X,3+4959,O1788, 4740, n664., 11345, n!3226- A3397$-y49028- c656.F- k4489R-u735.i- =6632|- 6̡7201-x31738- X1852- K/8668- +E4151-L7605.ͼ359.%. 1863A. i720.Z. @208.f. ^g1749. 3582. T8782. Ē7135/u22901/ ?1002j0 G62190 6333 0  k25030 :138430 z4555D04952Y0 (10040 {1004010310 7653.IP3169.Domain211.219.74.1966737.Domain1334.Thread02907.Date200304291141581629.Filename!cid_008c01c160ec$9ebbf130$a2237bd2@hoseobyoon.jpg4959.Filesize16507861788.Nameݴ4740.Subject 664.Filenamedere99-00-wind3.GIF1345.Date200105151409363226.Thread32253397.Filesize264604902.Thread0656.Lines24489.IP222.106.13.148735.Filesize321426632.Subject: ù guardian 4344.05.177201.Filesize690251738.Thread01852.Thread08668.Text.4151.Filesize36214407605.Filesize64925359.Filenamegum2-1_(1).jpg1863.Date20020403175529720.Lines0208.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr1749.Date200201030016593582.SubjectRe: .ҽ a uniAo 2004 04118782.TextMax Desfor's 1951 photo of a pair of bound hands in the snow at Yangji, Korea, reveals the presence of the body of a Korean civilian who had been shot by retreating Communists and left to be covered in snow. (Max Desfor / Associated Press) 7135.IP2901.FilenameAli-Hussein-by-Kevin-Frayer.jpg6219.Domain6333.Domain2503.Date200301051950051384.Nameݴ4555.Filesize1517524952.NameȻ10024.Name0Ĥ.Ԥ + ٵ.ٸ10040.Lines510042.Filesize7128410314.Domain10332.Textvia ssahn gjh sua llz isu wdh with nuri sure 433141290_10160249482534422_8024535582564273393_n Ahn Sang-sooZ" 0|1391 9698!vh9826" ֍9940" e1000" 2024 480.- w>118.N F2734f y6401 6776 ;=1058 3b1172 -H2597516890 |8053 1795 `38215`.8579D S8693Q ^8987^ u0175.n U2145.2428 xz228.  397. eS2542 1576 {1690 ֳ5713*No5243?6805V&8457_ 8571k {9294w 9308 29422 WU6372 12549 5W266329462 423.C )8583Q x7299a 8264m b 415. 2193 8975  Q<)?wMwMwM .53303 36047!  0Y6161-   156.9  7012L  027288<8175< )8190)<9109? b9223? G1815o<Z2031<  6687< 195.< Q9615? g9737? 6565< 888.< 6173< 4913<7530@ 2 Bb9741? 9851`< 78065 E7934> )8469? 8998'? 14116?j6283K? ;8964X?ѵ9211t?  29333? _4884L 7288.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8175.Lines28190.Filenamephoto_from_kang_jinmo.jpg9741.Access999851.Lines81815.Filesize203312031.Domain210.123.35.396687.Lines1195.Access9446565.Email888.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6173.Access8234913.IP222.106.13.1791749.IP61.74.95.186258.TextA visitor takes a snapshot inside an installation art work entitled 'Feelings are Facts,' jointly produced by Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson and Chinese artist Ma Yansong, in Beijing, China, Thursday, April 8, 2010. The art form uses lights, mist and temperature to create artificial environments, with the goal of challenging the viewer's relationship with both nature and urban environment. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) 6691.Access3047934.TextClaudia-Rogge-EverAfter-Paradise-III.jpg8469.Access7708998.Filename1411.Filesize1820586283.Lines68964.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9211.Email9333.Lines19615.Email9737.Lines19223.Access3669109.Access3579741.Access2247530.TextL'ex-star de la NBA effectue son deuxième voyage à Pyongyang. Il souhaite rendre visite à son "ami Kim" et continuer son programme de diplomatie par le basket. Le fantasque basketteur l'avait promis, il l'a fait. Après une première visite en Corée du Nord en février dernier, Dennis Rodman a indiqué mardi qu'il s'apprêtait à y retourner pour rendre une nouvelle visite à Kim Jong-un qu'il considère comme "un ami pour la vie". Lors de son premier séjour à Pyongyang, le retraité des parquets avait été le premier Américain à rencontrer le dirigeant, qui avait pris ses fonctions en 2011 suite à la disparition de son père. Vous aimez nos contenus ? Recevez gratuitement la meilleure news et vidéo du jour, et profitez des conseils de Consogazette pour améliorer votre pouvoir d'achat Le cas Kenneth Bae ne sera pas évoqué Si le dialogue entre les deux hommes devraient être chaleureux, il ne devrait pas être question de Kenneth Bae. Emprisonné là-bas depuis neuf mois, cet Américain d'origine coréenne est accusé d'avoir introduit, en tant qu'évangéliste, du matériel visant à déstabiliser le régime. Mais alors que le basketteur avait déclaré par le passé qu'il s'entretiendrait avec le fils de Kim Jong-il à son sujet, afin de plaider sa cause, le basketteur est revenu sur ses propos. A l'aéroport de Pékin, le basketteur a tenu à préciser aux journalistes présents qu'il n'avait "rien promis". "Je vais simplement rencontrer mon ami Kim pour lancer une nouvelle compétition de basket." Le joueur au look plus qu'extravagant a choisi de promouvoir son ancien sport et de s'en servir pour entretenir les relations entre deux pays qui n'ont rien en commun. "J'essaie simplement de maintenir la communication." La "diplomatie du basket" Car le tatoueur compte bien jouer un rôle sur l'échiquier mondial de la diplomatie, malgré le refus du département d'Etat américain de lui laisser un rôle dans cette affaire. Alors qu'il estimait mériter le Prix Nobel de la Paix début juillet, Rodman est en Corée pour une nouvelle "tournée de diplomatie du basket" selon le bookmaker Paddy Power, porte-parole du sponsor du voyage de l'ancien pivot des Chicago Bulls. Si par le passé le régime autoritaire avait libéré des Américains après les visites de hauts émissaires, la visite d'un ami pourrait apporter à Rodman la crédibilité qu'il recherche au niveau diplomatique. 8065.Access38043237.IP211.219.74.1558446.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9219.Lines147.Text390.Filenamebusan03_copy.jpg4366.Text6969.Email6577.Access6691863.IP210.123.35.39461.Filesize4884.TextA commuter reads a copy of the Evening Standard newspaper while waiting for a boat at Blackfriars Millenium pier in central London July 7, 2005. Four blasts tore through packed trains and a bus during London rush hour on Thursday, killing over 33 people and disrupting a summit of world leaders in Scotland in the deadliest peacetime attack on the capital. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol 6958.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2878.Text5006.Text. kim.hong-hee. curator.. director.. ssamzie.space. 2004.06.. heiri.. korea. 5396.Password2992.Text 647.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net4155.Email2503.IP61.74.96.1147462.Date201307051249467712.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9229.Thread09638.Filenamevia_Heckle_Mccarthy_dee_257685742_1775157829347033_2914706312001835260_n.jpg9747.Thread09752.Filename4_children_for_sail_279022182_2190032904484317_949978659097295523_n.jpg9872.Date202209171242067331.Access127010130.Texthighlands 369930992_671107305054101_4728381368989028118_n La valeur d un arbre !! #perlesdamazonie #protegeonslanature #nature #naturelovers #perlesdafrique #lacherprise #relaxation3795.Subject׻ µ7462.IP2990.Filesize231453092.Domain212.198.0.936546.Domain1143.Thread02830.Date200304091235521597.Nameδ.4711.Thread04882.Filesize5231577010.Filesize1212731154.Date200101291923215974.IP81.64.42.1068477.Text. agi.open.seoul 2016.9.. @ddp.. seoul. tags: agi, agiopen, agiopen2016seoul, agiseoul, ddp 8591.TextThe famous image of astronaut Buzz Aldrin standing on the Moon has become an icon of popular culture. The American hero with the U.S. flag became material for Warhol's silkscreen series of nationally known images printed on vibrant, retro, poster colors.6327.Subject: .ҽ Amazônia 434306256441.SubjectٶָӴ.844.Nameݴ7300.Domain3496.Domain210.123.35.397866.IP42.Emailinsane@gum.kookmin.ac.kr1661.Thread15878995.Text4953.Subject.ҿconf.Message1558.Date200109271120041672.Date200111261716067414.Filesize64252956135.Name6845.SubjectԸ8620.IP8315.IP8479.Email236.Filenamegnw057.jpg2514.Thread2046651.Access5222968.Nameݴ2352.Subjectغ ϴٰ...228.Lines33777.IP211.219.74.123891.IP61.78.68.1765210.Nameݴ5806.Subject.5920.Subject: italy rome to milan6394.Text. andre.grau hgb-leipzig. 2010.9.. leipzig. 5669.IP222.106.13.2258286.Text1299.Domain210.123.35.448997.Email2756.Subject ü 2002 2870.Subjectun04195217.Filesize341185331.Filesize1849485614.Name̾ > Ʈ > 326.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr1194.Subject++Ȼ4648.Subject. . 5507.Domain222.106.13.1863729.Filesize139963843.Filesize9782631598.SubjectRe: Ҽ / 6827.IP5265.IP220.90.162.1956941.IP7956.Text9751.Email9848.Text346.Access119810041.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10091.Filenamevia_Isabel_Sig_360128345_1595455764316354_5012461176721781075_n.jpg10102.Email8713.FilenamePatricia_Piccinini_the_long_awaited_2008_152_x_80_x_92_cm_high.jpg2983.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7037.Filenamenote_for_oneEye_poster_in_shenzhen_china_by_ssahn_inverted_by_nuri.jpg3634.Email7003.Password6810.Access9999088.Nameݴ5134.Access7996402.Lines07260.Thread08833.Date2018100811051110394.Filenameglobo_Da_Vinci__438162171_960102492783916_3510578224097086319_n.jpg10405.Email10526.Date20240825172723418.Text

8620.Date201708091046187798.Domain1651.Lines05849.Thread05963.Thread08780.Filesize28057168262.Filesize22614238.IP203.252.3.171415.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net610.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3543.Lines35974.Date200609230804057579.Subjectpa zoo7693.Subject .961.Date200009051321553307.Email8102.Date201502171528488545.Name.8949.Name9067.Subject⸲9181.SubjectO ~ possiblim ~ O ... 5450.Filenamerozin7.avi5336.FilenameDie_Tageszeitung_433812242526.jpg8666.Filesize60277305.Password1819.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1933.Emailalmaros78@hotmail.com5052.Date200509192004207387.Name???>.^>>656.Date200001141536561222.Text 3848.FilenameCIMG0031.JPG723.Text3319.Access6433433.Access70344701.Lines65445.Thread02286.Filenamenuri-gum-on-wheel.gif3814.Password1626.Text728.Subjectrenzo piani exposition photo 63112.Filesize1695414579.Text 598.IP212.198.0.927097.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8773.Password77.Filenamebogo11.jpg3402.Domain210.123.35.399020.Email9954.Access91624.Filesize520596496.Lines08901.TextLeo Tolstoy from face.jpg9424.Email9546.Lines696374.Email3516.Filesize437897225.TextRNPS IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2012 - Jeff Bitting (R), from St Augustine, Florida, speaks back stage with fellow full-body tattoo contestants before judging at the National Tattoo Association Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio April 13, 2012. In his 33 years of getting tattoos, Bitting says he has had about 500 hours of work and will complete his other leg in his bid to win more full-body contests. Picture taken April 13, 2012. REUTERS/Larry Downing (UNITED STATES - Tags: SOCIETY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) 4722.IP210.123.35.399660.Lines109828.Email993806.Domain219.250.216.197141.Date199901060116235851.Text8255.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9028.Lines2771.Thread07704.Domain5926.Filesize48284076142.Domain1034.Filenamebride.jpg4364.Filesize2068214647.NameȻ4761.NameȻ1193.Nameݴ1000.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8073.Text. wang.yuan. vice.editor-in-chief art.education.. china.fine.arts.publishing.group. 2014.12.. cafa.. beijing. tags: ڸ, 8392.Access9568784.Email9117.Textartist masks media tumblr_9cdd5c4839e1418bceffbcf9ce46523e_633b0b91_500.gif9231.Text1025 philippe ramette.jpg This entry was posted on Sunday, January 15th, 2012 at 12:54 am and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. 2543.SubjectRe: ٱ 20035004.Filesize18236610027.Lines5R,R,R 7723T 1013R Bs9638%QM9752QH9604eg8076W4:k4673T 5524AU V141. U q2907Ul7735V 58042Wa6059V 1345V 787.+W 7441oW ,9872Q *5928|W D7845g 8589g e}6958PT1011]T 2878P 5396P2992P a647.P  6169T {7609mT 7331Q bt #9067b '5963`  9181$b I 3543Xa u'610.=a ʿ"5974ea &961.a #3307a !5450Lb &8780`v%5336eb"!8620` p%7387c $$1222Pc @R'3319c w#3433c :8!57069tzT"7337Ht ^Z!1626c 5899.Nameȣ2138.Password5456.Date200601310830015706.Password7337.Thread07175.Subject̺.0Ĥ7394.Domain6256.Filesize3766010128.Lines119758.Date202205041505129861.Thread010560.Name.^Ĥ878P ! 6184 T2k 5006'P T5396P2992P 6036yTe 6150T8076W46 9354Lg 4 2070T :k4673T a4167T 141. U q2907U 220..U 5524AU Vl7735V a6059V 1345V  6588V+58042W787.+W G 6554FW57327bW 7441oW  j 2474d &*5928|W ˼4685W %d 8185W 9604ega647.P  5953W Z 4155P -< 2503P = 9234gVBs9638%QM9747Q D7845g 8589g e 5831W o92000ge}6958P 6169T {7609mT  7217MT 7331]T 7723T ,u7860T 44& .7462P 7712Pw9229Q P9343 G2781 d7897.. ?711.F  964.e u>2275xH 43632 5729 5843 9797̓ 1001o l1094&3421ǀ 45485435 @6293 @7866 7980* E406.C f659.b I5313s 890443947 s79585΁ "(1022& 7228#L7342.;n1498w[3825 ?5839 /v6697 29279 9393Ԃ 2149 2263  5325* 5717: l9989 3975= y7451F 4292TO7746q52013/>1740 ?5031 9343.Thread02781.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net897.Date20000701144659711.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net964.Text10011.Domain93632.Text.5729.Access3835843.Access6881094.PasswordSYWp.pGdgiG.w3421.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4548.Password5435.Lines06293.Thread07866.Date201404141521227980.Date20140829124459406.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net659.TextGW005 5313.Email8904.Filenamejulian-assange_foto_from_Peter_Nicholls_Reuters.jpg3947.Lines39585.Subject츮 . ã . ̸ . ã7228.Filenamekim_byung_yoon_foto_from_ssahn.png7342.Filenamepicasso_1949_foto_from_Gjon_Mili_Time_&_Life__Getty_02.jpg1498.Password3825.Email5839.Lines16697.Thread09279.Name??? > ޵. > 9393.Name.Ȥ2149.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2263.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5325.Access3755717.Email7451.Thread04292.FilenameCIMG1148-1.jpg7746.FilenameSochi_Olympics_Opening_Ceremony_Mark_Humphrey_AP.jpg1740.Text5031.Lines119797.Nameގ.ǤӤ>ӻ级.qtpp 0E,418.` d)5456 t (7798` ~,1651` f+5849` '5963` #9067b 7x-8262`hm,38.I a 9.1415a u'610.=a I 3543Xa ʿ"5974ea ,7579~a )7693a &961.a #3307a  (8102a -8545a  9181$b :8!57069tzT"7337Ht !5450Lb &8780`g*8949a v%5336eb"*8666b!8620` Y+305.b ,1819b 8(1933b j/,5052b p%7387c )656.8c *7394nt $$1222Pc .3848_c (723.zc @R'3319c w#3433c t(4701c 1.5445c t)2286c-3814cƂ.5899t /7175Vt ^Z!1626c +2138tss 0hE;9710 a/=6256{ta=6539 sY01537 49758h46210 450915 '85687C :<415.Z >6660r J51023 Z7935429824= 38552 d<272. z=4722 /j66603͌ A66774ތ:09872ҏ{<1002ۏ05041 16614 9690. 6450984FM15495H <7980c :1956l;8219 <:5388 H78333 <1808ލN81922.=3439  :3553$ A089565 61019B #31133O E=385.\ t99306َgt08141 '58737 Y8720. 110113 (M18851S l>7932s]98034 C73957 59703 i6539.Name1537.Lines96210.Date201001140557145091.Nameguy5687.Subject 415.Date199903280313426660.Domain1023.Access99999354.IP8552.Domain272.Password4722.Date200504251543526603.Thread37736774.Filesize350365041.Thread06614.Date20110501145337690.Textݴ wrote: 5098.Filesize469175495.NameClive Rose > 7L27980.IP1956.Filenamejiheo+ssahn-by-nurigum.jpg8219.Subject5388.Domain210.123.35.1938333.Subject̤.^1808.PasswordSYj8OfWhViFxU1922.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3439.Thread03553.Thread35508956.Domain1019.Lines31133.Lines0385.Text... λϸ....̰.̿.ڷ..Ϸ.ű.... .迵... . . ZLzl... DT9306.Filesize10650388141.Namež.8737.Subject߱׸720.Date200003182036281011.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8851.Subjectĸ..𿡼7932.Filesize2851198034.Domain3957.Thread36329710.Domain9758.IP9824.Filesize21367189872.IP10029.Filesize886546585.TextContainer cargoes gets displaced Container cargoes gets displaced in Sendai, northern Japan, Saturday, March 12, 2011. Japan launched a massive military rescue operation Saturday aftera giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the northeastern coast into a swampy wasteland, while authorities braced for a possible meltdown at a nuclear reactor. Read less (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye) ̟+*pH c3112+dpe7097cd|e9424e f598.Od ;gL7072 54208199"H9303BehR4H3573H5900 &eHconfuH6777 H6891 H208. @`3516Eeb9828{g e9550S Kg4722VgH208.H1019  Ff3806g `141.g   H2858$H2850 $jH3977e6H6105H9423 bH9469XH2025g1011 =!pUf6778X zb6892 )c9954C g7629 @c7743 a5Bb6067 f2025w a8278c 0H9816  H5504H8254f9546+e +c9660lg {Wg8773dvb603. yg4693 OR8289.Filenameflying_nuri_with_his_works_at_buk_seoul_museum_20151101_foto_by_ssahn.jpg6778.Email6386.Access5211558.IP210.123.35.391672.IP210.123.35.396892.Email6067.TextREFILE - ADDING RESTRICTION Art works are displayed at an "Art Exhibition of Class Education" at Pyongyang International Culture Hall in Pyongyang June 24, 2009. The Korean characters (L) read,"When we say we will do it, we will do it (top), The United States (C) and We do not make an idle promise! (bottom)". QUALITY FROM SOURCE. REUTERS/KCNA (NORTH KOREA MILITARY POLITICS) NO THIRD PARTY SALES. NOT FOR USE BY REUTERS THIRD PARTY DISTRIBUTORS 2025.SubjectRe: ڱ׶ 7629.TextBritain's Queen Elizabeth (L) and South Korea's President Park Geun-hye arrive in a state carriage at Buckingham Palace in London November 5, 2013. The President is on a three day state visit to Britain. REUTERS/ Carl Court/Pool (BRITAIN - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS SOCIETY ROYALS) 9954.Access996092.Lines41220.Filesize17824j` *400.p D3795T 6759%\ 7732J\ ~C7462TUCN2990&TF1I3092:T gB6546ST 8L1143`T )WI2830nT L1597T FB4711T fB4882T 3H7010TG1154T L5974T O8477U dK8591qU rG6327zV >C6441V DO844.V M7300V fF3496W d@7866Wؕ@42.E&W E1661HW 4625] kI8995YW L4953dW EconfyW D1558W A1672W hE7414W+@6135W RA6845W J7704h K8620W269.^ zN5926 hE6142#h (A1002j 2220^zO1193h bE4761nh /D10340h I4364Hh`B1000h=I4647]h 1K~rr 0^T1789  |PV4031% {|Z2762? 6S5456YQ936.p[6585 b_2543j 6W5004jiP1029 FAT5401 9^6210(Z8796 W9635 Q1021 {S1042P144.A !]3630gPS]3913| /]R8102^8388 q^9942 E[2237 ֞^9117di L6Z9231i FSX969. \2947Ϩ U5408EQ5522vQ5805 [)W13859 |P4839[ .9o[6614V5052X6989 LfC]8266V EU4136b qjQ4250} S539. FV8784Xi W]8392Hi cT2301 X2358uT2472ή R8073h %U2755 '[804. g^6181 8hY8380 1029.Thread05401.Nameݴ + 輺6210.IP10586.IPs999144.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3630.Filesize1713403913.NameȻ8102.IP8388.Lines62237.Nameݴ969.Subject 2947.SubjectRe: ݴ5408.Filesize849205522.Filesize200725805.Name???> > > 1385.SubjectRe: >>>ݴ.Ȼ4839.SubjectFernando Botero sur les svices d'Abou Ghraib6614.IP5052.IP222.106.13.2066181.TextA Russian Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile parades through Red Square in Moscow. The United States and Russia said they were closing in on a successor arms reduction treaty that would further slash their nuclear arsenals and put their relations on a more solid footing. (AFP/File/Dmitry Kostyukov) 10218.TextAllan Schaller 416984194_2302379176612545_8690639477314873487_n.jpg Marisa Safar Un amigo virtual. Buenas noches 6989.TextYawalapiti children climb a tree to jump into the Xingu River in the Xingu National Park, Mato Grosso State, May 7, 2012. In August the Yawalapiti tribe will hold the Quarup, which is a ritual held over several days to honour in death a person of great importance to them. This year the Quarup will be honouring two people - a Yawalapiti Indian who they consider a great leader, and Darcy Ribeiro, a well-known author, anthropologist and politician known for focusing on the relationship between native peoples and education in Brazil. Picture taken May 7, 2012. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino8266.Email4136.Domain222.106.13.2214250.Domain81.66.146.247539.Name424 top2301.Thread22862358.Filesize1805512472.Filesize1501992755.Nameݴ804.Thread08380.Email1789.SubjectRe: Ƹ4031.SubjectTribal trees2762.Domain210.123.35.395456.IP222.106.13.229936.IP210.123.35.449942.Email8796.Access130710423.Subject10546.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7743.TextDoublefaced No. 41 by Sebastian Bieniek 2013. From the serial of photographs Doublefaced1503.Name8659.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg603.Nameݴ4693.Text1510.Domain210.181.98.2188398.Thread0265.Nameݴ8702.Access9999043.Filenamemedia_tumblr_oqucyeQrCf1r2geqjo1_540.gif9032.Access4329954.Access1199550.Access6558278.Access14439931.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg̟ *pH 0j728.d c3112+dpe7097cdf598.Od l90323 |e9424e vko77.Fd Zi3402d f9546+e fm6092ܟ l1624d*j6496d kl8901d Jo1220?Tk4579@d +c9660lg i63749e @`3516Ee`{j7225Ye Kg4722Vg"i9436) e9550S Ff3806g `141.g Wo8289Jb9828{g ʲo5851g m8255gm9028g rl771.g )c9954C g1011 =!pUf6778X Gh9020d qm6386d n1558t"j1672zb6892 5Bb6067 f2025w g7629 @c7743 ao1503k 2k8659|a8278c {Wg8773dvb603. yg4693 7026.Access1319910563.Lines1522 271902159_3136380443257795_8553296369455280234_n.jpg ew265.ܰ x9447UO|7026 ,ux7140 vb~9163c ~530.| 5v9413Yq7532 2z5219 Wp|9670 u7544 M(s28300|u662.FFks9817ڿlr1914[ {6397u#Bq1154G7925~2994ؽ i3845 {9567 ų}6249%y6363uzy7136; }2169H Iy2283S 1r4886k js5737 MM y357.w;w7014 ߱~5762 ՟u7250 z9043),r7948 {8812¾ *x8398ΰ #s570.Ͼ }8702 }4086߾ % |695. 5}5640 w67674s6881.Ur7654J }s1106W3u7418l 9447.FilenameClaude_Monet_in_his_garden_1905_160211604_2551730051795538_1005294723335485349_n.jpg9163.Date20200525111650530.Thread09413.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9567.Date202107151453455219.Text------ Message transfr Objet : Fw: Overslept ------ Fin du message transfr 7544.Access20672830.IP210.123.35.39662.IP210.123.35.441914.Domain210.123.35.396397.Filename1-bruinsma_1_resize_from_ssahn.jpg1154.IP210.123.35.447925.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2994.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3845.Text6249.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6363.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7136.Lines12169.Text2283.Text:¿4886.Email357.IP210.123.35.447014.Email5762.Lines57250.Lines17948.Access9248812.Lines1570.Nameݴ4086.Lines40695.Subjectٺ200002125640.Email6767.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6881.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7654.Lines51106.Filesize1282357418.Email466.Thread5410384.IPword7140.Access5447532.Email9670.Thread08702.Access174541015439817.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5737.TextAP - Sun May 14, 6:45 AM ET A crowd watch as gunpowder are ignited in a controlled explosion as part of what is claimed to be the world's largest gunpowder art work by Cai Guoqiang, a 49-year-old New York-based Chinese artist's in Quanzhou, south China's Fujian province, on Sunday May 14, 2006. Cai's art takes the form of arranging gunpowder in such a way that its explosion would leave burnt marks to form an image. According to the artist, the 18 meters by 9 meters image of a banyan tree made on Sunday was inspired by the ties between mainland China and Taiwan. (AP Photo/EyePress) 9965.FilenameBen_Zank_325796362_3109387399353184_6214380215851938321_n.jpg10547.Name??? > 10565.Filesize717232908.Lines26065.Filesize9141246348.Name? + 킰텐 > 로이 > 누리1346.Lines12900.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3777.Date200407212206146462.NameȻ5496.Subjectڳ9519.Filesize727611361.Filename20010515_18.jpg4815.FilenameRichard_Serra_at_Guggenheim_Bilbao_afp_foto_rafa_rivas.jpg9049.IP8247.Domain8361.Domain6412.Thread09163.IP6469.Filesize758386583.Filesize404886866.Name..^ڳ > >815.Filename2912.Access2896423.Date201010232325546980.Name? > ^ > 8028.Subject.807.Lines21765.Filenameramen-from-sports-today.jpg1236.Access4645197.Domain210.123.35.1238142.SubjectοƳ. . 1617.PasswordSYHXtOjOY0QLk4935.Date200508020936431731.Password6816.Thread0872.Domain210.123.35.446987.Filesize396343259.Date200310260056519115.Filesize10949849512.NameǤ< ?+ ^Ƽ.^9567.IP8546.Subject^Ӥ. ^Ǥ . . ^Ӥ.̤213.Subjectȸ: .-work1205.Domain210.123.35.448903.Email9256.Filenameplan_C_via_pierre_lernoud_118513465_3353432194694876_5560152734100157262_n.jpg9370.Filenamerene_magritte_le_bouquet_139925843_1850415908438788_6568869240338051240_o.jpg5739.Email5853.Email6704.TextMen cross-country mountain bikers race down a rocky path during the Hadleigh Farm Mountain Bike International race in Hadleigh, England, Sunday, July 31, 2011. Hadleigh Farm a purpose-built mountain bike course will host the London 2012 Olympic mountain bike competition next year. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)7867.Lines18915.Access6191319.Filesize873791100.Subjectȫ ۾/1/5028.Text״ ̸ 'Ipanema Gisele Bundechen ˸ 7239.Access6017353.Access47897882.FilenameRenato_Tagli_Pray_for_Sunken_Korean_Ferry_201404.jpg1609.Domain210.123.35.397734.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8507.Lines18621.Lines76058.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5865.Access7726172.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8098.Filename41-image.jpg2092.Text4695.Email5660.Text9040.Text 2019.11.5 [#] . ().Ƽ. . ̷..غҽϴ.. . Ƽ.Ӹ.ڴ..Դϴ.. ... ..ǰﰨ.4..☲(), .ؿ.ϰ. ..☰(), .ϴð.մϴ.. ☲().☰()...Ʒ.. <ֿ>.64..䷍.ȭõ..... ䷍.. ϴ..ذ..Դϴ.. . ū.=.. ٷ.Ƽ.Դϴ.. Ƽ.3...ϳ׿?.. .ū.Դϴ.. . ..˸...Դϴ.. . . ()=ε巯.̲..ڸ.ִ.. . õ޸(٤)=ϴÿ.ϰ.ڱ..Ƹ.õ... . õ()=[ֿ.ٽ].. ϴ...̸.´.. . ..̷.ٰɴϴ.. . ϰ.̲.. .ִ.. ϴ.濡.. ..°.濵ϸ.. ..ʰ.ڷ.Ƴ.. . . — : PaTI10081.IP9999444.Text2046.Nameݴ6423.IP4914.Lines02499.Filenamedmzmontage-by-nrg-after-ph-.jpg2465.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3238.Lines1192.Thread543352.Lines05669.Date200604231604223116.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6821.Filenamemoon-game-paint-the-moon-la.jpg5145.Filenamenews_frankfurt_43381018.jpg8872.Nameڴ.ӳ > Z.Ф5111.Password8315.Date201512301424547196.Name149.Subjectȸ: .3128.Access5753242.Access4818822.Thread08993.Filesize9686647146.Thread37738719.Date201804110748471435.Text0196303.FilenamekatsuiMitsuo_5_resize_from_ssahn.jpg1460.Lines23891.Date200409101934355658.Thread08354.Name٤Ϥ̤1224.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7388.Subject̳.⸮.׷6707.Filenameharry_potter__by_tom_pearsy_in_york_foto_from_bethany_clarke_getty.jpg1864.Lines08304.Thread08475.Filesize1133238758.Name1628.Email1350.Access4361742.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net10304.Email997089.Domain3623.Password925.Access4632095.Filename7zib-klimt-7-gumlint-7zib.jpg  1099 31252R95191346g 2900t 43777 "x9633ҩ9916 (1036 61099446vo 뭧4815;5307 x8247V }8361c o6412p 35292865831M6866 r6980 d_815. T2912 U/6423 3933m8 30598 Yѥ807.A  1236w i95676741883938 92448 06816 77568 sQ6987/Rt9512r !257.k 1254y61949 21529 208.9 8546 ,y#213. hޡ8660 480199648 : @9673U: Nԧ37667 ^Y2908 8660.SubjectX̺9405.Domain7741.Filesize3494833766.Thread01885.Date200204221739588833.IP567.Domain210.123.35.424463.Domain210.123.35.399633.Filesize702289681.IP9704.Subjectѱ.ܹ . 18719809.Domain9916.Name?+?+? > .. > 10361.Lines5w 01754@ ᛞ6303%*5265P 14609 44914 ;2499  -3891F 5658_ ';8354m l2465;)3238W 192.d 33352r +5669 yn1224 3116 7388 6821 aћ6707GE1864 eT8708i 8304( b51458872 >84756p8758K 51118R8315G 7196` 1628\ .E149.o j1350h 3128 3242 Yɘ1742x w4804 >7089 y8822 3623י8993e925. 20957146 K8719 Dž5254 d6827 1435 56941' 5254.Thread06827.Date201112171908236941.Date201204021601481754.Access4565265.Date200511202135168708.Thread0905.Domain210.123.35.4410120.Subject ּҼ10243.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10283.IP8;서10293.Filenamedeligne_431053519_10220599373252617_8920173326586948112_n.jpg10425.Date20240602234239D] 7407`P7521`0 90388` .9152F` ـ2590T` 3327t` a5538` =9049` 41040]  6920` 7959` 7583l+V5244` t7675` d9556` 8322 m 9180m 3355(m e5008a 旂225.a ڃ5122 a 5680pm 8200m 6834m ;C1039B]D7151,aA308.m1981m /4875{a5648a 6712m 7839m7953n$~2072a $W3199aE5526a 3873o 421.a6001o 8212o 9077 9191 70652?/2598a 1052] \{{ c3760a 7157a ?7271b 3784 50258736& 55774116./bH9499Eb +1046_Ŋ6806Rb @7664_b 5293V 5543o!1839mb ϡ454.xb ~F1953b O3230c 275.-ȍ9394c *4942O 52488c 7174k 78713\C8109 ǎ2983Q\ i3756c 3380 ,7037m\G5697 1867 3634\ p7003\a6810t r%9088\ 39798 8861 8332 V,5134\ 86276(V1046Q 5059*6402]  7260] 8833)] 1656O 1770o ?W1044* 9798.Subject: . . 1936 ...10446.Name?+?+? >00 >0ĤӤ>10462.Lines510464.Filesize381636810.Access1001 H 368516326 9029ö9143ض44914 ;2499  6855i 2410 8574 l2465;)3238W 192.d 33352r +5669 3794 3116 K1042. 6821 6331)1374) 60936376 b51458872 8382} 2103 51118R8315G 7196` 9547Ϸ.E149.o 64400 3128 3242 9022 91918275 y8822 5 1028 י8993ƕ10248389.7146 K8719 1012;1029>1435 3167 88 1679$ᛞ6303%6568= 14609 -3891F 5658_ 4849G$ ';8354m 1788 yn1224 9433 76557388 725. ?1034 8747=aћ6707G7945O E1864 4;1030 8304( >84756p8758K 1628\ j1350h Yɘ1742x w4804 1036#2014< 1127I1241X4895t >7089 823. 3623eT8708i e925. 2095Dž5254 d6827 1754@ *5265P 56941' -905.w 7534y 4790 g4804.Access153010345.Name10363.Filesize22512 ) 0Nԧ37667 6065 Q6348" ;1346g 2900t 43777 6462 g\5496 R9519"x96331361뭧4815;:9049Mx8247V }8361c o6412p 39163~!646965831M6866 d_815. T2912 U/6423 r6980 (^8028* Yѥ807.A JQ1765M 1236w |5197 8142 .]1617_A4935 173106816 bQ872. Q6987/T3259C B9115\Rt9512r !i95678546 ,y#213. hޡ8660 H9405 T7741"39704 1885E ^Y2908 n n n  0oY8719\ 567.g 114463 Rø7917 7157 e2809 $7271DT6355M ?1024u  782.Z j1247v(1026   ӿ631. 7102 774. '1213*853. 3298  4981  :61361  `6250F  2001Z E7675 '6759  M477.  y 4924  892.  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Italian clothes company Benetton backed down and pulled a photo montage showing the pope kissing a leading imam from its new global ad campaign after the Vatican issued a stern condemnation. The company, which is no stranger to controversy over its advertising campaigns, said it was "sorry that the use of the image had so hurt the sensibilities of the faithful". The statement came shortly after the Vatican expressed "the firmest protest for this absolutely unacceptable use of the image of the Holy Father". Benetton's poster showed Pope Benedict XVI kissing on the lips Egypt's Ahmed el Tayyeb, imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo and a leading voice in Sunni Islam. It launched Wednesday a new global advertising campaign called UNHATE that contained a series of photo montages of political and religious leaders kissing. The company defended the campaign, saying its purpose "was solely to battle the culture of hate in all its forms". There were other shock pictures showing US President Barack Obama kissing Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in one picture and Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez in another. One picture showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu smooching Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas. In another, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is depicted kissing German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A picture of Silvio Berlusconi kissing Merkel was pulled at the last minute after the jovial billionaire submitted his resignation last week. The Vatican strongly criticised the Benedict ad. "We must express the firmest protest for this absolutely unacceptable use of the image of the Holy Father, manipulated and exploited in a publicity campaign with commercial ends," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said in a statement. "This shows a grave lack of respect for the pope, an offence to the feelings of believers, a clear demonstration of how publicity can violate the basic rules of respect for people by attracting attention with provocation," he said. The Vatican was examining what steps to take "to guarantee a fair defence of respect for the image of the Holy Father", he added. The posters appeared in Benetton clothing stores across the globe as well as in newspapers, magazines and on Internet websites. The passionate embrace between the pope and the imam was briefly shown on a banner held up near Rome's landmark Castel Sant'Angelo castle not far from the Vatican. Benetton deputy chief Alessandro Benetton said earlier in a statement that the ads were "constructive provocation" intended "to give widespread visibility to an ideal notion of tolerance". Benetton "chooses social issues and actively promotes humanitarian causes that could not otherwise have been communicated on a global scale", he said. But Luca Borgomeo, head of the Association of Italian Catholic Television Viewers, called for the ad to be removed. "Is it possible Benetton could not come up with anything better?" he said. The company, which became famous in the 1990s with a series of shocking ads, said it was also setting up a foundation to promote international tolerance. "The central theme is the kiss, the most universal symbol of love, between world political and religious leaders," the company said. One of the iconic Benetton ads -- photographed by Oliviero Toscani -- was of a young nun in white kissing a priest dressed in a black cassock, and others addressed important social issues such as AIDS and homosexuality. Relations between the pope and the Al-Azhar imam, one of the leading voices in Sunni Islam, have been very tense particularly after Benedict expressed his solidarity with the victims of an attack on a Coptic church in Alexandria. The statement was interpreted by Tayyeb as interference and he did not send a delegation to an inter-religious meeting hosted by Benedict last month. ..541.Filenamebgs16_cover.jpg2110.Thread02564.Nameݴ2281.Filesize1261855402.Subjectſݴݿ8075.Email2121.Date20020804025031612.Filesize381902457.Domain61.74.96.112 ,(,(F( gOVPVgL921.I8V#2514-X Dh651.>X 2968MX 5210X G5920X %e8997Y v9848g[ 9962( Q8286gY 41010[ bL1164`U5669PY;dL7476U01299rY a`L7590U+eL8327U 346.r[ aL8441>U1008 5217YV5331Y5614 Z n1004[8942 Skv326.1Z 1194RZ L4648rZ 7;?1009[D#8315X7380S 1224šSpOeL1858UY2110Y  vdL1098Ue2564g y2281x6799S8828 S2121 Y[6941G[1598Z eL1043(8VZfL175398VN52650[1022(  '.&!C1C[D[D ?*'"9370NAm$6437:*/9391'7867/ 9222g&1033.& ź$8034;* $8488;*D1319L1020C;7353 9e$1472;*k$4534;*?1004nC 1609+ +1035D 9774B"/$6660t*7398168.!9740'\8098 9626'{1006C:4695 1504% 5546% L D5660 lq7757]C 0]$8899;*72935716'4943'7$6033_t*k$9760.*6576&Y8903 E6690&5A7349' f7463$' 9894DC 72271' [7341=' $4130*ޚ274.]' %8670 3654.TextA firefighter walks past the debris of the 2E passenger terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport after a section of the roof collapsed killing at least five people and injuring three in Roissy, north of Paris, Sunday May 23, 2004. The cause of the accident was not immediately known. The terminal was opened just 11 months ago after at least two construction delays. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon) JACQUES BRINON (AP - dimanche 23 mai 2004, 18h44) 1504.Subject25546.Text. kimura.fumitoshi typographer.. printing.museum.tokyo. 2006.02.. tokyo.10332.Domain95571.Lines19108.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9222.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9376.Date202101211953389490.Date202105011514096300.Text765.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net6576.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6690.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7349.Lines07463.Lines17227.Email7341.Email2121.IP61.74.96.28274.Filesize414778511.Access8783847.Emailkihozip@chol.com7080.Date201208071115539626.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9740.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9769.Thread09962.Textyoon jinsuo eraser on black paper 134703607_10159229662337652_9139105495845326923_n.jpg Jin Sup Yoon SoSo,Self-portrait, Typewriter eraser on black paper, 2021. 1. 710223.Date20240107070542 X3777X3891X 5210X 5806X G5920X %U.6394Y 35669PYQ8286gY 01299rY e8997Y N52650[ 346. gP5402 P2046 8075 vU9040 F)2756Y *N2870Y 5217YV5331Y5614 Z kv326.1Z 1194RZ L4648rZ 7#8315XD5507Z y64233729Z`3843Zc6798  2C,541.< & 8479 X 9444 2121 J612. [2457 Y2110Y 56827'[Y[6941G[1598Z  3;1z=z= -7956P[ qb39140 #83.L00 1885;0A86599Q0 u7981a0 f2238n0 q91190 89994 O307.0  j1433018300 77450 300.0 87100 R97593 293.Q1 3325r1Ћ60691 061831  70344 b_92453 !3615; QC96373 98733 4710003 1951;[938.; ̖7871; ۍ80641410.<= G1012l= 65871 61951 [13671b1481149352 B74382 .g7552< 29649\= x~3259U3B9763L= 35937 [8468l3̌195.3 85823 93553 1465H 3914.SubjectƳ..arnold.schwartzman83.Lines01885.IP210.123.35.396599.Access8757981.Lines02238.Subject 20021001 089119.Email307.Filesize825851433.Filesize4330611830.Name7745.Email300.Filenamegnw121.jpg8710.Text. rhee.jae-yong. photographer. 2018.1.. seoul. tags: , 293.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr3325.Filesize1574846069.Email6183.Email8064.Password410.Access9996587.Email6195.Access8671367.IP203.248.188.421481.IP211.169.72.1464935.IP210.123.35.397438.TextBASEL, SWITZERLAND - JUNE 11: Martin Honert, Gruppenfoto der Praefekten, 2012, presented by gallery Johnen, is displayed during the Art Basel VIP opening on June 11, 2013 in Basel, Switzerland. Art Basel runs from the 13th of June until the 16th of June 2013. (Photo by The Image Gate/Getty Images) 3259.IP211.219.74.1598468.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg195.Lines38582.Password9355.Lines79637.Email9759.Lines49245.Access3969873.Lines910001.Email97034.TextDS QUE MA FEMME A T LUE PRSIDENTE de la Rpublique, j'ai t convoqu la direction du journal. La discussion fut pre. Finalement, mes chefs ont accept que je poursuive mes chroniques, mais en vitant dsormais tous les sujets un tant soit peu politiques : 'De l'art, trs bien, contemporain si tu veux, mais cela ne doit pas apparatre comme de la propagande pour ta femme.' a tombe bien, il y a une exposition sensationnelle l'Institut du monde arabe, 'Le corps dcouvert'. J'y suis all avec ma femme, en me tenant soigneusement en retrait ; elle tait de toute faon inapprochable, littralement cerne par les officiels de l'tape, son ministre de la culture sa droite, la commissaire de l'expo sa gauche. Je voyais bien qu'elle faisait semblant de s'intresser, elle n'coutait pas du tout ce qu'on lui racontait au sujet des tabous qui, dans cette rgion-l, cette religion-l, psent sur la reprsentation du corps en gnral et celle du corps dnud fminin en particulier. En passant devant les tableaux de Gibran Khalil Gibran (car l'auteur du Prophte n'a pas crit que des fadaises et des mivreries, il en a peint), ma femme a continu de consulter son smartphone sur lequel arrivaient les messages de Barak Obama, avec qui elle s'entend trs bien. Je ne suis pas jaloux, je ne suis pas le genre envoyer un tweet de flicitations Mitt Romney pour son succs aux primaires rpublicaines. Il ne sera pas dit que le premier, comment dire, damoiseau de France se mle de politique trangre. C'est seulement par galanterie que je lui porte la valise nuclaire ; je ne connais pas les codes, c'est jur, je ne parle que de l'art, toujours de l'art, rien que de l'art. 'Le corps dcouvert' est une exposition trs courageuse, dont on mesure aujourd'hui l'importance l'aune de ce qui vient de se passer en Tunisie aprs l'exposition des toiles de Mohamed (...) Lire la suite sur lemonde.fr 9649.Access993615.Domain210.123.35.391951.Filesize54410938.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7871.Access7397552.TextGerman Chancellor and leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel walks before addressing supporters after first exit polls in the German general election (Bundestagswahl) at the party headquarters in Berlin September 22, 2013. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)410.Access13679763.Access4179649.Access14110122.Date202308250754554812.TextIt is time to consider taking the issue of North Korea's nuclear ambitions to the United Nations, which could result in sanctions, Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said on June 6 2005. The last round of six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear programs took place nearly a year ago, and international frustration is growing to the extent that a senior U.S. defense official said on June 5 that a decision is likely within weeks on whether the issue should be taken to the U.N. Security Council. A newly-arrived U.S. F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter jet lands during a training flight at an undisclosed location in South Korea, June 6, 2005. (Lee Jae-Won/Reuters) 9774.FilenameYasha-Young-Projects-Sculpture-Award-DD-Anne-with-her-work-Queen-of-Hearts-Porcelain-silk-clay-pearls-la-femme-carnivore-683x1024.jpg9894.Date202210061932367757.Access122710042.Name^̵. +? >ӻ级.>10060.Filesize8530210208.Subjectο̶ . â.10350.Text Paolo SantagataNational Geographic Photography La musica vince su tutto via Paolo Santagata 438096473_938905677943500_1464253882410459575_n.jpg739 e5853 W6704 .7867/ 8915< D1319L1100` 5028 =7239 ;7353 ,788251609+ 7734E`z8507a 8621n 43654$ E6058{M5865 ej6172\8098 2092 :4695 1504% 5546% L D5660 lq7757.& C5571>& 9108K&9222g&6)9376& N9490& 9626'U"6300& Y8903 u8511p' 765.& 6576&E6690&5A7349' f7463$' 72271' [7341=' ^2121I' XQwQwQ ,3847' @7080' 0~7216L7330ND2285L T3136 > 8260.IP2236.Filenamedmz-dorasan-20020918.jpg5566.Filesize1642115680.Filesize881645849.Name2202.Password5406.Date200601161911455963.Name4997.Subject߸ 346.Date199901060211255970.Domain81.64.80.2517125.Subjectռ.׸..413.Text

4294.Domain221.150.120.667458.Filesize469457748.Domain5913.Thread38782754.Filenamedong9-05.jpg7862.Domain6186.Domain8212.Filesize529082606.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1078.Filename츮.TXT5924.Date200609061651178664.IP7529.Subject: . 롣8906.Domain108.Text4248.Date200412302203254698.Domain210.123.35.396081.Subject 2004-20092863.Thread2858808.Name׿9017.Subject.Ͱ̸..ư8616.Filesize4864110288.IP8767.Password6898.Access61110039.Domain4312.IP81.66.146.24710309.Access99418.Email9521.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg465.Nameݴ1618.Filesize845031732.Filesize528894590.Email730.Thread02824.IP210.123.35.397652.Access4246368.Email6090.Access3731148.IP210.123.35.441262.IP210.123.35.44862.IP210.123.35.447333.TextNorth Korean bank note are seen at a pavilion, just south of the border between the two Koreas, in Paju, north of Seoul, February 15, 2013. North Korea conducted its third nuclear test on Tuesday, in defiance of U.N. resolutions, pushing it further along the path of developing a workable long-range nuclear missile and drawing condemnation from the United States, Japan, Europe and the North's only major ally, China. Pyongyang said that the test was designed to bolster its defences due to the hostility of the U.S., which has led a push to impose sanctions on the country after its long-range missile launch. REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS2919.SubjectRe: ȫ ۾/2 /ȫ/׳ฦ ..˸.õ1357.Subject>>>ݴ.coffee1471.Subjectf<_zoo/ ݴ..347.Nameݴ5024.IP210.123.35.392640.Lines29251.Filesize330659534.Name벤.덴젤 > ㅣ사벨.식 > 누리3395.Date200312232301318568.SubjectƱ.....8682.Subject: ݳ . ݴٵ . ݵη . ݴ . ޴3788.Thread02808.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2530.Access3113799.Date200408061243206041.Date200611040852129185.IP4951.Filenamespace_shuttle_20050809_2108_img_from_nasa.jpg4837.Filenamelahti2005-49_from_ssahn.gif8383.Domain8269.Domain4803.Password3275.Filenamechateau-de-Versailles-p-Joe.jpg6434.Thread06888.Name??>>ٕ.絨>>331.Subjectȸ: .-work2934.Access9953127.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6445.Date201011232358498164.Subject . . 1753.Password6838.Thread01639.Password6080.Name6790.Subject: ù Libération 4344.11.109137.Filesize2471283738.Access36812012.Access7919427.Domain7763.Filesize353035933.Filenameljg-2.jpg6030.Thread53103483.Filesize673103766.Name6937.Filesize13415505.Filenameleaveradio03.jpg3323.Date200311261221363773.Domain211.104.140.1275042.Subject 8610.SubjectȲ.6467.IP6581.IP9084.Textmedia tumblr_2b59af599542e794f553eed649a65de2_4923b4a1_640.gif5665.Domain222.106.13.2251835.Date200203151355433716.Thread03830.Thread03887.Filesize2337606015.Filesize601242154.Thread010542.Email3727.Date200407011048546412.Nameㅏㅣ> 렌낥 > 아피 > 누리5446.Subject 5560.SubjectRaemar Blue6985.IP1311.Filenamehangyul-dawn2000.jpg9113.IP9488.Textjeong jinseog cardinal 635a93f7-2d16-4e74-b19a-cf9c3192826c.jpg8311.Domain6533.Filesize365886816.Name.η^≯>ƽ>9391.Email479.Filesize810.Filenamejean-4.jpg5254.Nameּȣ6823.Domain802.Lines19517.IP8715.Domain3312.Thread07192.Text6604.Subject.4575.IP210.123.35.393659.Domain210.123.35.399631.IP5400.Filenamegum-S-p-p-stk-43390116-11.jpg8730.Filesize37441300.Password5002.Date200509040924064593.Subject ؾ ڷῡ 7054.Filesize2074501198.Date20010223182456651.Date200001122126053957.Nameݴ3964.Domain210.123.35.3910200.Thread0.O10125.Subject~.O .10248.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10298.Filenamevia_Home_Diy_430079817_421147893926283_5440784854152210509_n.jpg3013.Nameݴ3723.SubjectRe: 보고서.바닥.보고서...20040609 임시저장617.Thread01694.IP211.169.72.1477765.TextPerformers__for_pyungchang_during_the_closing_ceremony_of_the_2014_Winter_Olympics_AP_Photo_Matt_Dunham6089.Text2047.Subjecteva3020.Domain210.123.35.39416.Nameݴ7790.Lines11242.Filesize469501525.Nameݴ4810.Filesize3119717554.Email8795.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9042.Email3134.Filesize1384303417.Nameݴ9054.Access5999446.Email813.IP195.132.42.649568.Lines66118.IP210.123.35.361646.Filesize6655591760.Filesize713841929.Nameݵ巹7958.Email8809.Text7361.Text. bae.bien-u photographer. 2008.. hongdae_ap.. seoul. tags: bae.bien-u, 躴 3205.Subject20031023 10319.Domain508.IP212.198.45.149922.Thread9214744.IP222.106.13.1803828.Domain210.123.35.393942.Domain210.123.35.39721.Nametheo8391.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9164.Lines18712.Email9398.Date202102151332115471.Email5164.Text. paul.elliman graphic.designer. 2005.10.. seoul.1008.SubjectRe: 9ű1122.Subject 19931745.Domain61.74.149.1407756.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8643.Lines13676.Text.׸..170.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr3790.TextO^O5887.Access375223.Access873392.Filesize511636194.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8407.Email8521.Email9387.Thread0815.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6527.Access7081813.IP210.123.35.396641.Access3576919.Email6208.TextA female North Korean soldier guards the banks of the Yalu River near the Chongsong county of N. Korea opposite the Chinese border town of Hekou, northeastern China's Liaoning province May 31, 2009. N Korea will not return to nuclear disarmament negotiations unless the U.S. agrees to peace treaty talks and lifts sanctions. REUTERS/Jason Lee/Files 8419.Access20045460.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6233.Lines37091.Thread09648.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10120.Email10241.Date2024012101124510552.Domain6087.Filesize69027603.Date201310281423379322.Subjectħ..()925.Lines72416.Access3246491.Domain1383.Filenamefrazer.gif2122.Lines171235.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9016.Name+XӤ. > 2000.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7697.IP9655.Filesize1144789945.Domain.Ź10581.Lines108528.IP8642.IP7726.Domain7840.Domain898.Nameݴ2732.Filenameblood-solid-by-Anish-Kapoor.jpg600.Text6164.Domain2891.Nameݷ390.Password2334.Date200211111727364669.Name7080.IP7507.Subject누리.의.비롯1022.Password5592.IP210.123.35.1937621.Subject^̤ 201311044676.Domain222.106.13.245228.Date199901060141484790.Domain210.123.35.397484.IP6568.Domain1165.Thread11542738.Date200303132100522852.Date200304152005224733.Thread04571.Subjectް7315.Name > > > 5996.IP81.64.42.106250.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6349.Subjectㅅ젯ㅎ.와.ㅅ랍.의.긴.이야기6463.Subjectޤ.ָ... 缿.˳׵.. .굨.. .7208.Domain7322.Domain5544.Filesize4089525827.Name>Ʊ>>1569.Thread01683.Thread09214.Domain7436.Filesize454237719.Name^Ű.Ϥ̤7833.Name0Ӥ + ^.>2494.Filesize546934621.Text Tribu-Design / webmaster Jean-Jacques Dussol 6718.Access9426832.Access6492094.Emailgumnrui@chollian.net77.Date19980902190158910.SubjectRe: 5685.Filenamestanding_wave_2_from_wikipedia.gif5651.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6424.Lines37282.Thread07577.FilenameFrom_the_Knees_of_my_Nose_to_the_Belly_of_my_Toes_by_Alex_Chinneck_foto_from_reu_toby_melville.jpg1571.Text8855.Date201812271035493782.Access486343.Thread546302.Email7179.Date201211191015232498.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3349.Text20 ϴūҸ ´. ׸ ׵ Ե ð غ ظ± սô.7293.Date201302122051177429.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7543.PasswordSY6E28bSX9i7o8316.Lines36828.Lines16942.Lines07686.Thread76858331.Filenamevisitor_looks_at_Gustave_Courbet_The_Origin_of_the_World_1866_foto_from_ap.jpg1975.Text9174.Thread06706.Email6314.Access7286820.Email7697.Date201312201544065144.Email8206.Access5093892.Lines25873.Textdongpa . he.xipeng 34th.dongpa(monk). 2006.07.. lijiang.baisha.. china.9065.Filename2804.Filesize108305279.Thread545548.Email5662.Email780.IP210.123.35.446513.Text6789.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9682.Lines29572.Access5699953.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9987.FilenameHan_Youngsoo_331361901_712418190585913_1040319143839671829_n.jpg10029.Name??? > 丮^ > 9976.Access6510045.Lines1310047.Filesize9366210337.TextDavid Hockney Normandie via muriel roumier 2024 435226058_419587617488107_9044871665332531716_n.jpg10542.Subject . . . ޺ ...1944.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6157.Namedz > > 6271.NameȻ1155.Lines23586.Date200404130457332203.Access9996867.Subject.ó . ٹ . ̵6981.Subject가장 . 비싼 . 그림과 . 멋질8759.Subjectפ.Ǹ^9328.Filesize259909442.Filesize3792564624.Filenameserge_mouille_1922-1988.gif7954.Filesize20857258056.Domain3979.Thread37736107.Thread03062.FilenameMer_d_ense.mpg6278.Filesize256236392.Filesize2695709513.Subject.LOVE.186.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net423.Password2607.Access4006118.Date200908171451376232.Date20100222155938774.Date200004211227221045.Access4701574.Filenameggg_08.jpg9376.IP8574.Domain1540.Password3171.Thread31673466.Filename4744.Date200505042350376625.Thread0118.PasswordSYhLVh.Lro3kw3318.PasswordSY/voPrtvQ6g.6796.Filesize910767888.IP9207.Name?+?+? > ɤ > 469.Date199903280323089490.IP1449.Access399536.Text2831.Lines0i& 0*8642 x'198. T)7726x y%7840x $'898.,x $2732':5615U r&6349kz ^&"6463z =/7208 { ,7322-{ /5544:{/5827O{ (1569m{ B$1683{{ B 9214{ 6262.q #7436{<#7719{  7833{ -8528x198.Textݴ ۼߴ : 195.Date199901060126543586.IP211.219.74.1085615.Subjectø̼262.Textݴ ۼߴ : 2784.Domain210.123.35.3910028.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10068.IP10078.FilenameAnish_Kapoor_354450671_1585235158671748_5150959560504209221_n.jpg10438.Text9732.Domain9917.Subject. . Ÿ10247.Lines110249.Filesize1654922203.Access105510539.TextHeather Grabow Weird, Fantastic and Odd Things On this night, September 10, 2001 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their next shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift of saving lives and 1 K9 went to bed a good boy 🐾 None of them saw past 10:00 am the next morning Sept 11, 2001. In the blink of an eye, their lives were cut short. Tonight, as you prepare for bed in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.90͇ʆ1449և ;536. 7550x9618, NI19442831 7550.Filesize61281694.Date200112102013359618.Domain9725.Nameڼ9846.Filesize11718610006.Subject^̺. . ̲ . 194910129.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10169.IPin10179.FilenameNaples_400740972_10211147136950696_3433760474345354758_n.jpg;+L 34558 81527236  149.A $39508t34723,8 2997[ P800498+3520 9359.r8 2274831618 :46018 54788 J55928 6664.70177 T777.8 61018 2237 84089809. 32678*95996F9  8124_9 7535' 219.x9  30519 6616f6730{2755  86319 v)53589(5054451. 19559 19128528: >8642': 89124 |1244@: 8038zgg !` 3984K:!-6112m:6801Qc 4658ccl 3836:491.:  4609:  5467: d5581: 1033: g8163; 2294< 4603c 71973; 1918'< 9078@< 7679M< b 6516[;6630;'s1559;  1673; % 8113; x98006 7 8284; 8567L  2402L G'8681L Bd 9960X2841.9L ,4 1040 1110#? 3895 3162':5615U 6262.q {82784 w29771I 2776.< 15478o6962. 7679M< A76702'?9560< 6212H>7304\>7793e> =2565H 6B65026i2858.} <6232F25423 :I2980014457 <;5316 ):657.ְ /08124@T?3538y;3652q/=9964 (R61014 7708k?<62373 f;8288% <52111 <9139S f996636ñ56750̱699253ձ [155834: 17103U CX45074'110145478.IP210.123.35.193962.Nameݴ6702.Filesize3022289560.Email2565.SubjectRe: 20030110 025026.Filesize50898858.Thread06232.IP5423.Name4457.Subject43380201-045316.Domain222.106.13.206657.NameGW8124.IP3538.Filesize3244943652.Filesize186782373.Nameݴ8288.Email5211.Subject͸ Ƶ 鸰9139.TextBINGBINGFAN.gif https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52593244e4b0e9bbe4c579d5/1519527807421-6636.IP6750.IP9253.Textla bonne part via pierre lernoud face 118296264_3333725009998928_1578823147394140100_n.jpg5834.Domain222.106.13.2527103.Subject... 0Ǥ.0ĤӤG.. Ŵ.ޤӤĤ... .Ǥ̼5074.IP210.123.35.193 oRRPH251.  E3013l E3723l s2\E617.l @.B7765l hF9042m 5@6089'm _D20472m A9976 {G1004+F1033 d6085˲C4810m{E8795mPE9568?n +vA9682܀  5459B3134mpPB3417m C9446n X2597 5304 p_9641 #_63689037 c1_50.SYl@6118Ln*VG1760wnʾG1054& T _3930 }%U_6334y_1289 u_7107D7361n V V9_9652KD9572 ӸA922.Zo ãE4744io(~_1027FD3828o  A3942o "8130 8424 _5611 U_6488 _8369 6731 2908?G1002d 9d_+ 0/Ca4897k6718E| ah6832U| }3679$e2094e|  y3793ټ`77.D|fD`910.| n5685|#"3r234.Fl5651|*k6424} cm7282 }  9b7577}chl1571} n8855} k3782} )i343.} kj6302} ql7179}  c2498} gd3349~ yh7293~ Dd7429~Pj`7543~ `8316~ i6828~  Ce6942 j7686 > 10583.Filesize138953679 y3793ټ"3r234.Y!w1764U D869.4 ?y5390N v5019uw4826 s4940 Yv208322u572.A r{1776 Jw1890`2 =q7168x Cp1457 r5133j=~1372 |6325*{102. B1368 h{1482 ENw979. 4t4936+ Wxp142.9 $uv5794I Yx267.W y}1246x y1360 IG{2211  s959. s2487}s4814 wa|8093a)z67298Nv6843`7x1886 Wq82170vy8326 '|8376 y8497u8894 Eu8440( x84906 ˪t8337 +p8451 *8787 s1053 -O~6952_ 8337.Date201602201755468451.Date201609101536282083.Password572.SubjectcOte ouest1776.Access99910117.Domain97168.Thread01457.Text8497.Filesize254608787.Domain6325.Filenamenuri-hanul-ddang-saram-43430709_08[1].jpg8894.Nameķ.̤1368.Lines11482.Lines0979.Access7294936.Lines11142.Nameݴ5794.Thread0267.Subjectȸ: .-work1246.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1360.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net2211.Text959.Domain210.123.35.442487.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4814.Email8093.Filesize1243956729.Filenamegumnuri_S_selfpotrait_in_front_of_jeff_koons_mirror.jpg6843.Filenamepyongyang_20111009_foto_from_ap_david_guttenfelder.jpg1886.Lines08217.Filenamefeux-artifice-14-juillet-2014-tour-eiffel-1.jpg8326.Thread83248376.Name>漮>>>8440.Thread08490.Name????????????? > 1764.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5019.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10524.Email994940.Access4215133.Password1372.Access517102.Thread991776.Access13044826.Access16303865.Filesize5943192018.Thread201398.Text2132.Thread02189.Filesize236892586.NameȻ3395.IP210.123.35.395424.Subject å9466.TextChema Madoz 171794159_1057715208090415_4245945541621636273_n.jpg 971.Filesize114022593.Domain211.219.75.899580.Textichwan noor beatle sphere 2015 163986999.gCHEeHQS.DSC00062.jpg464.Access9997978.Text. ruedi.&.azu.baur father.&.son. ruedi.baur. 2014.8.. @centro.cultural.rio.verde.. sao.paulo. tags: azu baur, ruedi baur 444.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr5942.Subjectη.巼.. Ƴ׶.587.Lines03799.IP210.123.35.39666.Filesize289882997.Domain210.123.35.396041.IP81.64.42.1066801.Domain3461.Filesize1760166915.Filesize453897017.Domain3301.Date200311131916552068.Name̳139.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr5020.Subject: .ҽ Die Tageszeitung 43380910 112182.Nameݵ巹2778.Subject 6445.IP8097.Email9062.Textmedia tumblr_9dc9197d1ef6ee9610f6e8c493b3c41a_2df0d346_500.gif346.Lines38539.Thread06908.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8653.Thread01977.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2828.Text 642.Emailyaree@hanmail.net895.Text<ǰǥ...> 1999.12.31 '1999..2000' , <ǰǥ...ü> 1999.09-04 ƽþ ڿ , , 2000.06-15 ġ ,6ȸ ׻걹,µ, ׻ <ǰǥ...ؿ> 2000.01.15 Ӹ , ,Ļ絥,ƺ, Ȼ Ӹ <Ư> Ż ô , п ,δ ũδп, 2000.3 Ż ȭ, 30,40 , ȸƮũ, 2000.3.20 ο ߻ , ̼ΰ ȣ , ȯ̼, 2000.5.20 డ ־ ϴ°, డ , ѱб,ѱడȸ, 2000.6.26 ̼, .Ľ.ȫ.ڰ, ݴڰ, 1999-2000 <> /.-16.. 1999., ݴ + Ȼ, , ȱ׶Ƚ , , ȱ׶Ƚ.2000.03.05.ݴ + 92...2000... 2942.Text.6119.Lines04745.Lines19796.FilenameMeret_Oppenheim_via_isabel_sig_292744858_1350370992158167_5496930007346341090_n.jpg10262.NameX.^ +Ÿ +10280.Filesize4949910428.Subjectſ..028337.IP8451.IP7535.Domain5700.Thread37732427.Filenameeclip-20011204-0910-gmt-by-.jpg2541.Filenameparis-dakar-2003.jpg5871.Filesize557111896.Thread0892.Lines310464.Name??2143.Date200208111112144478.Nameݴ4592.Name5711.Date200605062309557316.Subject . ˸ . 7430.Subject8855.IP7939.Domain9208.Subject7179.IP7293.IP6377.Domain8403.Filesize1643074996.Nameݴ4599.Filesize45023990.Domain210.123.35.44628.Filenameeito.gif7124.Name>ij.>>4889.Domain210.123.35.396158.Subjectȣ. . Ըߴ . 6272.Subject토끼.보기2023.Filenamehindi.jpg5750.Name8807.Filesize3807641378.Thread01492.Thread08921.Filesize5726529023.Domain685.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr4784.Subject: .ҽ guardian 200505231389.Date200105291041387245.Filesize35292802.Access101510480.Lines610482.Filesize12573IA 0`@3865@203. _3418! C2018 98.T&2132/ U2189=e2586Q 3395bg5424x 9466 C˻971. e2593 V9580  ?Μ464.R ҳ346. 7978a 1389A425.W j4957e7574{ 81051444. G5942 Q587.9 X13799E*_666.[ ;2997n "6041 6801 :1334 u4902  346169157017  9377 3301 2068 139.  r5020+ .ͦ2182f F2778w yX6445,8097 v9062 ?8086.n5711%k9491< 203.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr3418.Subject 1389.IP210.123.35.44425.Filesize4957.IP210.123.35.397574.TextSouth Korea's President Park Geun-hye and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (R) take part in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Dialogue in Nusa Dua on the Indonesian resort island of Bali October 7, 2013. REUTERS/Romeo Gacad/Pool (INDONESIA - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)8086.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1051.Filesize904751334.Nameݴ4902.Name + ݴ9377.Lines15711.IP222.106.13.2259491.Lines13226.Nameݴ9773.Email10322.Email9895.Lines31464.Access13119984.Texttatoo guernica 10426130_917514018286718_8250874125391653317_n.jpg Pierre Lernoud sinon y'a le radeau de la méduse, le serment des Horaces... et j'en passe...10261.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10363.Name??? >Ӥ. > > 10381.Filesize2713132210443.Date2024062100560710529.Subject . ٸŸ? -O8451 Q7245z7535 ?W1046 $i5700 24270 2541^658711896 892. :802. 2143 &4478 ;L4592  5711 ˞7316 =74300 ֗8855BR7939K S9208X B7179j$h7293s(V1048 6377| 8403+104869914996 *4599990. 628. M7124 #900544889 61589 6272f "656.' R2023 f5750 w88071378 XӔ1492 8921Ӑ9023 셗685. ʛ47843 !1389a {8337c .uFu ڇ1753b3375!(9251 `R̄9534!` Q*3395|` 9295* 3665( 4937(+8568` "h68682` -1887(50397+ 305.R+ 1323j+ N,3788` 584.") 17275) 1841N) "Ё9655 u9938!u $52808 a v2530,a 4`37992640` 6838c r r X  3384)  1:6080 c 6790/c =Bu9137yc_4957:  2012c '1003  }41042  H 9427c 1054X  7763c933.c 6030c 6087t7603t 9322,t b925.Nt 5Q2416Zt ҍ6491jt r1036; 2057 s1383wt 7344  ^F2122t 1235trq9016t 3J9726S  $ʈ2000t 7697uo9840i  /6895  1001  J1787 4294p 8607 .1639cω738.c 6895.Domain1787.Filenamearirang02.jpg3384.Thread33554957.Date200508121047099726.Subject̸9840.Subject... ηٰ ٽ ٸ ... 踻10423.Email10034.TextLuca Lavezzo 343644873_244221534790384_5417335091577775025_n.jpg Luca LavezzoLandscape Photography My heart place 10362.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10544.Date20240916060103R +`@38656829C2018 98.T&2132/ U2189=e2586Q 3395bg5424x 9466 C˻971. e2593 V9580  ?Μ464. ?1036f 7978a K1044 ʾ10522046x 4;1032f 444. G5942 Q587.9 X13799E*_666.[ ;2997n "6041 6801 <9895s =9984 346169157017 9773Z 3301 2068 139.  r5020+ .ͦ2182f F2778w yX6445,8097 v9062 ?Ơ1026I1038   ؐ\ؐ\ؐ\ؐ 0@203. _3418! ҳ346. 1389A425.W j4957e7574{ 87893,ؐ Q9659} y9762ؐ1051:1334 u4902  9377 .n5711%k9491< 3226I q3936 e9255 B9785Lؐ 7603%7889. 3119; 1016\ؐ1034ؐ 51050=ؐ  »1455U1738i 1852z -@159. +T4909w7767 7170 d*3014) ;7881F c/651.R KӾ8618^ u=730.2 枱3751E b9267_ 1802o ܴ9381yؐ 185980861973 5682 `354. 01813 3936.Subject躴 9255.Email7603.IP7889.Lines13119.Domain210.123.47.701455.Filesize302861738.Nameݴ1852.Nameݴ159.Access8224909.Filesize1775407767.Email7170.TextBeautiful pic of the day Unknown photographer, but I'm told it's in Stuttgart Demetrios Fakinos3014.SubjectRe: 巹 ׸7881.Email651.Lines08618.TextStimuli ߽߰ϴ: Peaches in Heavy Syrup [Peaches in Heavy Syrup] A source of Inspiration for the Sensory Stimuli project; Visualization of Taste II. synesthesia-like experience730.Filesize203603751.Domain210.123.35.399267.Access5371802.Thread09659.Email991859.Filesize349671973.Filesize1256825682.TextAFP/File - Mon Apr 24, 11:55 PM ET Pedestrians in Seoul. South Korea's economy picked up speed in the first quarter, growing 6.2 percent year-on-year, the central bank said, citing gains in private consumption and exports(AFP/File/Kim Jae-Hwan) 354.Filenamegnw175.jpg1813.Date2002022616462110221.Email96322.Text"ū ڴ ص  ʾ" (=մ) ȿ = ߱ ī() ܱ κ ֱ ߱ 湮 ܱ 籹ڿ ߱ ۳ ҵ(=) ø ڿ ־ ȭ ǰ ִ. 'γ ' ϴ ̾ ֱ õ ǰ ߱ ִ ö ؼ ִ. 籹ڰ κ 湮 ̴ʴ. õ ǿ Ⱥ ġ ߱ Ϸ ䷮̾. 籹ڿ κ 1992 . 20Ⱓ ˰ 6ȸ ȣ '' ̴. κ 6ȸ ȴ Ÿ() 뿬ȸ忡 籹ڿ ߰, ڸ ҵ ø ڸ ߴ. ۾ κ ˷. ô ҵ ˷ 'ķ()' Ϻδ. ͺʥ. ޣ. ѱ۸ ϸ ū ⸦ ̴ ص  , ϰ Ȥص 뿱 , װ ǰ ſ ũ ſ ϴ١̴. ̱ õ ߱ Ѱ ƴϳĴ ִ. ߱ Ⱥ ġ 츮 å ڰ ϴµ ' ' ϰ ִ. ķ ߱ ѳ 差 ȭ õ , 差 γɿ ź dz ̿ £ ¸ ־. rhd@yna.co.kr 6598.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7485.Lines18533.Access28258925.Email2903.Domain210.123.35.397249.Email410.Lines32143.IP211.219.75.525997.Lines01341.Domain203.249.12.727363.Email8214.Text. detlef.fiedler graphic.designer.. cyan. 2008.7.. berlin. tags: cyan, detlef.fiedler 9278.Filenamei_sang_by_gu_bon_ung_bw_image_via_ssahn.jpg6840.Text8003.Email8937.Access5489244.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8529.Lines05568.TextDr. Ian Wilmut, leader of the team that created Dolly the sheep, faces her as she goes on display at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. /// Scientists dispute credit for Dolly Ian Sample, science correspondent Saturday March 11, 2006 The Guardian The scientists who produced Dolly, the world's first cloned sheep, are at loggerheads over who deserves credit for the breakthrough. The debate was ignited by an admission this week from Professor Ian Wilmut - the scientist widely credited for the research - that he did not create the animal after all. Speaking at an employment tribunal in Edinburgh, Prof Wilmut said he did not develop the technology or conduct the experiments, and played only a supervisory role. The birth of Dolly in July 1996 was regarded as a leap forward in cloning technology and triggered a surge of similar efforts to clone other animals. The work was published in Nature in 1997 and rapidly made Prof Wilmut, who led the research group at the Roslin Institute, one of the most high-profile scientists in the world. At the tribunal, in which one of Prof Wilmut's colleagues, Prim Singh, alleges bullying, the scientist said he did not play a trivial role in the project to clone Dolly and coordinated the work, but added that 66% of the credit should go to Professor Keith Campbell, a co-author on the 1997 paper. But researchers close to the project told the Guardian that the scientists involved still have major disagreements over who deserves credit for cloning Dolly. According to one source, all the credit for the breakthrough should go to Prof Campbell, who left the Roslin Institute shortly after the paper was published. Bill Ritchie, a lab technician, who still works at Roslin, said all the cloning lab work that led to Dolly was performed by him and another technician, Karen Mycock, so the credit should be theirs. "It's been an ongoing argument since it happened. Everyone has their own different set of facts," said one scientist. 7081.Lines31448.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4766.Date200505131621534880.Date200507071618596647.Thread9362213.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net349.Textݴ ۼߴ : 5804.Filenamehangulggol2006_resize_from_ssahn.jpg9060.Filesize947208491.Subject.ù libEration 434911109229.Nameֺ + > 7401.Thread09236.Domain7572.Filesize397829343.Name? > ӻ级. > 2853.Lines1541.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3597.Thread03901.Access5986293.Name??? > 로날ㄷ.잨 > 누리6889.Subject.892.Date2000062013282010467.Lines102617.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7412.Date201305291507159131.Subject.̱ö.⸲ġ.ñ׸9350.Domain7805.Thread04646.Filenamefigaro_20050326-27.jpg9464.Filesize8618868192.Domain236.Password1044.PasswordSYWp.pGdgiG.w4362.Date200501181844386129.Thread06243.Thread3773587.Date199910142121046697.Name^ʤ > > 401.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net654.Text2629.Access4769398.IP5346.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3972.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8026.Filenametearing-down-the-berlin-wall_foto_from_photosfan.jpg3069.Lines34623.Email337.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net925.Date200007201738176009.Access4846652.Filenameretour_de_manuscrits_royaux_foto_de_afp.jpg782.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5090.Filenamei000768_big_before_kata_from_guy.jpg1573.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8260.Date2015092210572993.Emailkoyot@chollian.net477.Password3454.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6658.Date201106191633156772.Date201110241211321585.Access30795096.Date200510031517537810.Filenamepolice_line_2014_foto_by_noh_suntag.jpg6134.Filenamebogoseo-bogoseo--2-mani-chi.jpg1177.Lines2991291.Lines03858.PasswordSY.Cfi2YhkEvE5489.Thread08185.Name노순택6100.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2020.Textݴ wrote: > > 1989.Access3881055.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8895.Subject´ . ϴÿ . . ݺ . . 9304.Date202010281455171695.Lines28135.Thread08589.Nameݴ#CCC /&V8407xq T9648sH9796T1024s 41012s 5471p Uz6322 ?6598I"7485e" 8533r" 8925" ;2903" 7249"  410." 2143"5997"  1341" [B7363" ˝8214 # ]9278q#,102856840#  8003# 8937# 9244#1055s *A5164%p 5;1008dp 1122p 1042 4986r ?1026b "PM9387q V1745p 17756p`8529# 8643p 4S3676p {8521q u170.p 69398p x3790q 5887*q x223.:q  ,392.Iq v5568$ e6194\q7081+ ?jh?jh?jh? +n815.q A6527q 1813q6641q 0h6919q T6208q _?S1016Q? 8419ds 8435D 9400WE P5460usjy6233s Z7091s L7386<E>1380S<  3869l< 03983< _4834< 06111< 151.< T3158< 3272< K5369< 928.< 7352=8125= 6637= J6751= )7495= i190.A? 8140= 8664= 26515> 883.$> N6123D> ;j8914T>098014? 581040? X1045= 7r8015p> 3301>w8544>eZ_7899 ? 48510?1032h?\1150Y 110361Z "u5479'? 7386.Filenamerack_Obama_shakes_Park_Geunhye_foto_from_reu_jason_reed_20130507.jpg1380.Text>>>.3869.Emailkihozip@chol.com3983.Email4834.TextSujet : pub airco 6111.Email151.Filesize924053158.Text3272.Text5369.Access764928.Textǰ : ݴ : Ȳ : : : ũ : ۾ : 絿 .. 199707-200007 ..7352.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8125.Lines66637.Lines76751.Lines37495.Thread010451.Domain8140.Filename46-image.jpg8664.Date201801091533166515.Email883.Emailyoolyool@persmail.com6123.Access9718914.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8015.Access9833301.IP211.219.74.1318544.Filenameelctronic_cafe_at_sema_20161213_repoducted_by_lee_hyeong_joo_after_ahn_sangsoo_and_gum_nuri_1988.JPG7899.Thread08510.Password5479.Lines09801.Lines0190.Access104310161.Name.Ź10327.Subjectㅣ타리ㅏ.로마.의회.큰마당10402.Thread104006538.Filenamesilhouette_foto_from_ap_gurinder_osan.jpg2424.Text ? ? ^^ 1181.Access5029702.FilenameVictor_Vasarely_raypunk_273402771_2288330327970534_6344733208115853939_n.jpg9822.Date2022072612045910140.Date202309200746519939.Subject2225.Access117610469.Filesize113583O48805, /6647N, +9060,289229- 2213^,  349.~, V5804,%]9343h- 8491, 9236G- 74019- 9350. =7572T-b3079L g2853- ;541.- 3597- v3901- 6293- ;R6889. d892.-. u2225E. d2617U. Q7412u. 9131. ba9464.ZS7805. +4646.k1562L8192/ 236./ 1044+/4362G/ O6129`/ 6243n/ ~587./ q66697/ E401./ fg654./ 2629/ 6254L 7930L :15962LJ1067VL ZR9398/s9535fL "nF1448,*4766, 6254.Date201004071528127930.Date201406121445021596.Filenamessahn+nurigum1992.jpg1067.Access7079535.Subject배추.가방3079.Thread01562.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9747.Name9754.Domain10399.Filename1-IMG_3960.jpeg@DD 560.v 6037t 1209t1323&t61512(1035gX 51038X ?1006X (1056Y !6134t2 r9861uX 11772 S12912 385826u93043 54892 (8895{3 /g$81852 e6100 32020'3 91989K3 W1055[3 8242Y 1248G 9811gX 6538@*9868X.16953 B9982X%81353 9708NX Y85893 279.JX  24248@ 1181^@ `4635X 91459X =85960X 10361Z "O93.E1 4635.Access6371459.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8596.Domain6761.Thread37739708.Date2022021108595310350.Domain9861.NameĸǤ.ĸ9868.Filesize184329982.Filesize15486410060.Name10301.Thread010349.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10389.IP;라. !10568.Lines16728.Email397.Thread541508.IP210.181.98.2186336.Access5036450.Access3046017.Text6842.Email196.Nameݴ8228.Access7218757.Filename59-image.jpeg6042.Lines18473.Date20161019093105461.Thread547195.FilenameStars_and_Stripes_-_European_Edition_20121128.jpg8723.Password4643.Text723.Subjectrenzo piani exposition photo 27047.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7161.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg593.IP212.198.45.613081.Text 8871.Filename88-image.jpeg5178.Access9285292.Access14478980.Thread06446.Lines256560.Lines07599.FilenameWim_Delvoye_Twisted_Dump_Truck_foto_from_mad_museum.jpg8991.Date201909110259311479.Text418.Subjectȸ: .1593.Text... 6324.Email288.IP210.123.35.4410006.Email8239.Filenamemoon_shinkyu_foto_from_ssahn.bmp8353.FilenameFrida_Kahlo_letter_to_Diego_Rivera_foto_from_face.jpg3396.Lines04950.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6964.Lines398205.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1997.Text 3274.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3297.Filenamepicasso1.gif7707.Access9999326.Date202011211711149440.Date202103311254176276.Date201004281307116390.Date201009181344036640.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7413.Lines21595.Email2446.Text9833.Thread094771.Access9378157.Thread08168.Date201504271445186783.Thread37733095.Access3998271.Thread09206.Filenamesalon_de_l_avitation_1909_paris.png9320.Filenameprehistoric_plants_via_isabel_sig_125469961_962915470903723_8963100232168868831_n.jpg3476.Password455.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4363.Lines06794.Date201111141618417817.Lines01999.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2964.Text8675.Thread07303.Access6777832.Filenamechumul-sseura-murlo-sseunda-and-deform-by-gumnuri.jpg2875.Lines06156.Filenamegeenpeace_banner_over_a_banner_in_berlin_commemorating__foto_from_reu_tobias_schwarz.jpg1199.Lines02753.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6008.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3604.Text4767.Lines34881.Lines0738.Date200003281338131191.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6122.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5521.Lines103 7078.TextLandscape architect Lisa Hankow paints a giant map of Berlin in the city center on August 6, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. The map, which will measure 50 meters X 50 meters when finished, is in the scale of 1:775 and is an art installation meant to coincide with 775th anniversary of Berlin, which the city will celebrate in October. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)1824.Thread010034.Domain7596.TextA visitor looks at "Le Rossignol" art works by artist Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002) during the International Contemporary Art Fair (FIAC) at the Grand Palais in Paris October 23, 2013. The International Contemporary Art Fair (FIAC) will run from October 24 - 27 in the French capital. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier (FRANCE - Tags: SOCIETY BUSINESS)562.Domaind135.paris-48.cybercable.fr3554.SubjectRe: 󸻾 ... ݴabc۲÷ η羲9795.Email615.Access115110583.Name미^헤란게로>ㅏㄴ나>+>고ㅔㅌ헤>누리1958.Domain61.74.124.1953227.Subject.ϴ.ݹ1198.IP210.123.35.444766.IP210.123.35.39867.IP203.252.166.134880.IP210.123.35.397269.TextA woman takes a photograph of graffiti of Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, created by Brazilian graffiti artist Eduardo Kobra, with her mobile phone at the financial center on Sao Paulo's Avenida Paulista January 22, 2013. Kobra created the 56-metre (61-yard) tall graffiti artwork as a tribute to Niemeyer, one of the 20th century's most influential modernist architects. Niemeyer died in December 2012, aged 104. REUTERS/Nacho Doce (BRAZIL - Tags: SOCIETY)7383.Text1143.Nameݴ4711.Name8299.Password2069.Subject<ϴ å>-ʴմϴ775.Nameݴ1264.Filesize412931661.Nameݴ7576.Email8427.TextFritz Koenig's "Sphere" originally stood between the Twin Towers, but was moved to Battery Park after the 9/11 attacks. (Credit: Getty Images / Mario Tama)5924.IP210.123.35.363156.Filesize215623439.Name금누리4825.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1257.PasswordSYZ2LNSN5VZDs836.Domain210.123.35.446456.Thread0979.Lines32022.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7101.FilenameMTSAT_RCM_201208270700.gif9038.Name? > ޵ > 8186.Subject참.좋은.죽임4968.Thread37737210.Thread66169045.Domain7381.Filesize432597505.Filenamea_woman_and_united_65_install_by_ryf_zaini_SINGAPORE_foto_from_reu_Edgar_su.jpg7664.Name? > ٕ P > ^ > 9152.Name? > ޳ > 3710.Access6117107.Date201209071343246698.Subject^Ĥ.̤äĤ.̰Ԇ....7221.Date201212131026562540.Email2034.Access9999967.Domain999102.Thread09159.Filesize17754149273.Filesize5180297614.Thread04455.Filenametaijin-43380201-02.gif7785.Filesize778567909.Filenameportable_toilet.jpg1903.Text 4307.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7625.Date201311071424529506.Thread09556.Name>???>> Ѱܷ> 9344.Subject.׸ ... .׸9563.Domain220.Thread543706.Lines06865.Filenamesebastian_hertrich_S_adolf_hitler_in_a_bird_cage_foto_from_ap_candy_welz.jpg690.SubjectRe: ͻߵ ȸ6467.Date201012231610086581.Date201103121648586717.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9610.Lines19500.Access95810127.Date2023090507394510164.Lines11ibiNi 6827 1435 6941' DS*' N$9710 Am$6437/n$98819020J2202T $6403ź$80347458>V V]$9607 ?$1358 J$1080 9e$1472 k$45347748RV 7862V /5913_V s2754pV 9017W =6186V 51020i 2606V1078V c5924V 1012i5 1028W ;1029NiA4248LW  333. 586.RI6081W  7293 5716 4943֚5400hw8730,h 1655 $5388 $394. "'$9203 7054h7337&T "s1198h :7451_T *k=y} 0/1958h *3227h BD.11986h#4766Lhu"867.bh#! 4880xh`+'7269h P#7383fj ;7969~78856~ zO/1143qj %4711j b,5895| o*8299j38970~ <3889~ @ 7787 ZK$3745d ;C.4604 $9064Ə "#7412ҏU-2940ۏ"2069j U/7698 ;659.  775.j JS,1264jZ(1661j  .7576j d/8427k 4,5924ku42422v 3156kp 3439k H)9076y} *4248}C&4362}n%9190} ,"9468} & /9571}%1611} %<52801 ʈ)1668}J-/5491~ ܄,4903~ ]+735.1~ $1508>~ k(8945W~ _5895.Text------ Message transfr Date : Thu, 17 Aug 2006 17:24:04 +0200 Objet : Fw: Family picture Prendre une belle photo de famille laisse toujours un souvenir imprissable. Et dans quelques annes il est bien intressant de pouvoir voir comment on tait il y a quelque temps !!!! Vriendelijke groeten - sincres salutations, ------ Fin du message transfr9076.Access5604248.IP212.198.158.2504362.IP81.66.146.24710265.Lines59468.Email9571.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1611.Thread01668.Filesize748405491.Text4903.Subject735.Thread01508.Date200108222236288945.Text. cheon.ho-gyun. farmer.. social.worker. 2019.5.. paju.bookcity.. korea. tags: õȣ 7969.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8856.Lines18970.Lines63889.Text659.SubjectRe: ݴ.۾2422.Filesize5745280.Email9190.Access3469975.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10249.Name +?+ 0Ӥ+.10539.Domain10557.Text110309.Email10368.Filesize1042955t 0 3912T\[ 4593gh w 7344RT  7054hs1198h  2236T 5566Tv 5680T&5849T J2202T 5406U &L 5963U ܐ 4997*U m 346.AU |5970YU ]7125rU  413.U q4294#V 7458>V7748RV /5913_V s2754pV 7862V =6186V 7 8212V2606V1078V c5924V h8664 W 7529W 9017W o108.BW 4248LW O 4698eW RI6081W C 2863W o808.W ] 651.h ֚5400hQ 8616Ww8730,hY 300.@h j 5002Nh 1012i7337&T ":7451_T 89065W 2 8260TK TT ,P3957h q9986P 1014;1019Y(1036F 331.ix e3964h G5119 95233 96658D67726t9275 05856 8859y F3907 5096"1032, q*66039 9998 k976.J 3918Y 1020 ƻ5041r 'o5637 410. 5751ʼn .1502nj6610 ZF9304 9679# 9793 F7910  32703553& A.67247Q9582M }7930Y5]1018\ F5445b 2587 650486254 d1906{9708?S5452ߊ 54479 :9822Kb1002j5119.Subject5233.Subjectㄷ: 귀 쇼캐르트 가 옮겨 주었음 두가지 말6658.IP6772.IP9275.Texts'arrêter un instant et regarder le monde5856.Domain210.123.35.363907.Thread37735096.IP210.123.35.1936603.NameȻ976.Thread9703918.Date200409301508235041.Nameȿ5637.Subject + ++410.Date199903280312535751.Subject: . ݴ1502.FilenameDCP.jpg6610.Domain9304.IP3270.Filesize979583553.Nameݴ6724.Filesize15859229582.Email7930.IP5445.NameŬ > > 7L22587.SubjectRD: 5048.Filesize636046254.IP1906.Filenamenurigum-by-sunhiyim.jpg5452.Domain222.106.13.2294479.Subject,,,ܿ ׸ 9679.TextKIDS DRAWINGS WERE REAL via painting art 79419377_2467618256639697_5680759122782322688_n.jpg Painting Art IF YOUR KIDS DRAWINGS WERE REAL 😳 I am crying with laughter.. absolutely hilarious!7787.TextSAHARA DESERT March will mark the 17th anniversary of a desert art project that was completed in the eastern Sahara Desert, and the exhibit is still there today. The land art project was done by the D.A.ST. Arteam, which was founded in 1995 by Danae Stratou (the installation artist), Alexandra Stratou (the industrial designer and architect), and Stella Constantides (the architect). Danae Stratou explained I imagine two parallel realities in the way that we view the world," Stratou said on the site. "There is the world inside and the world outside of us. It is through the senses that we are able to connect the inside to the outside world. My whole life, including the choice to become an artist, has been an attempt to research, to understand, and to connect these two parallel realities. To bridge what is within to what is without . 3745.Subject 20040714 02 ּȣ 4604.Domain211.196.78.649064.Email7412.IP2940.Filesize215567698.Lines126131.TextA tourist walks next to a huge statue (moai in Rapa Nui language) in Ahu Ko Te Riku in Easter Island. British archaeologists said they believe they have solved the ancient mystery of how the giant stone statues on Easter Island acquired distinctive red hats. (AFP/File/Martin Bernetti) k N*xx -/1958h *3227h BD.11986h#4766Lhu"867.bh#! 4880xh`+'7269h P#7383fj @,9975M(*1026} zO/1143qj %4711j b,5895| o*8299j'1053 ?%1024i !@ 7787 ZK$3745d ;C.4604 $9064Ə "#7412ҏU-2940ۏ"2069j U/7698 1055  775.j JS,1264jZ(1661j  .7576j d/8427k 4,5924k5434v 3156kp 3439k H)9076y} *4248}C&4362}n%9190= ,"9468} & /9571}%1611} 1007 ʈ)1668}J-/5491~ ܄,4903~ ]+735.1~ $1508>~ k(8945W~ _ӟ ɟǞמ 0;7969~78856~ 38970~ ?S<1014 <3889~ ;659. u42422%<52801  >6131 O27294 *31029  41739 ;(01853J 07172` 25406lT1931.p81036 б41150 6229.ڜ  /28023 W^=8342 1282695684 A;6535ɝ ;3918FB68734 ד:8746 768860Ҡ ,%57184 F59053n4626. 79087'$P>7565Yc>8338u ?9196 n21004Ut>3485 72301 F7964. 67>5696C v86939ڟ f<8216  98330 29457Z27588 ;?41009rD55002,441010Š 7294.Lines31029.Nameݴ1739.Subjectݴڰ.2001.12.21.1853.Subjectȿ7172.Email5406.IP210.123.35.193931.IP210.123.35.441036.Domains211-49-65-75.thrunet.ne.kr1150.Domain164.125.17.66229.Nameݴ8023.Textworld-trade-centerAfter 12 years of anticipation, the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere is ready for its close-up. How 10,000 workers lifted 104 floors8342.Access25232826.Filesize1241375684.Email6535.TextIndonesian activists release doves Indonesian activists release doves during a protest in support of the Egyptian people in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. Read more (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara) 3918.IP210.123.35.398734.Email7588.Access8528860.Access9997184.Access6459053.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg626.IP212.198.0.959087.Filenameassets0_ello-optimized-2e0dc828.gif7565.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8338.Lines29196.Thread03485.Text 2301.Nameݴ964.SubjectRe: ߵ..10086.IPs99996939.Text8216.Email8330.Email9457.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7588.Access7555002.IP222.106.13.1895696.Access1388110046.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10096.Filenameguggenheim_1958_360096975_671429705001996_6032103802922671491_n.jpg10107.Email8860.Access12808746.Access128410148.NameȲٳ10166.Filesize3294110228.Date20240110042809:ݭ79914 oc6456Ql 16134 e9152m f9862 dd979._l $"g2022kl  =3125?94373e8186l + ;9551 56598 625017 c7505KmP 8587 Y@<6109`1002 b9102n 1025 NBf9159nb9273n}`2540kn R$c9556o 6+a5602;  766877822827 22364k(g4455n`7909o ?3059 85202 956627g7625bo `9506{o "(`9677L 649244 4822@>7756;b220.o  4;216.(e9967n  125486194K`497327]d4859 Of7101le1050ͭ /b4825l93820.Lines74859.Filenameseonamsa_from_jian.jpg4973.Filenamelarmes_coreens_43380815_foto_from_k_kyung_hoon_afp.jpg2933.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM62144.Lines14575.Date200503112102483607.Filenametrain_explosion_ryongchon_foto_by_jakob_kern_02.jpg7856.Subject..xzyw *6294.Subjectڰ . Ẹ7039.Domain5602.Access17399677.Filesize96599748.Subject¤ . Ƕ.9862.Subject̤..׸.10026.Date2023042601000610506.Access910506.Access21und Balance⁠ Tanya Preminger grass-covered artworks _ q /pE6728\ @397. \ mN1508\M63361\ :I6450A\ 5A6017Q\ B6842\\ 7+H196.h\ 8A8228x\ 7H8757\ M6042\ +(O8473\  ޵ >9517.Date202105300942211382.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net2119.Textݵ巹 wrote: > ݵ巹 wrote: > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > ݵ巹 wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 352.IP210.123.35.446570.Thread09620.Thread09631.Date202111111118539670.Name.^ǤνäĤ> .ǹ> 1798.Access13422233.Text ..ڷ...ڷ ... ///// ݴ gum, nuri (1951 - ) ȫʹб ̼ Ұ л / 1970-1976 ȫʹб п / 1976-1979 ĸ̼ ü / 1979-1981 ϷƮδī +Ȼ(1988) ȭ, - â, (1988,2 - ) ѱ̼û۰ȸ ȸ (1984.1 - 1985.2) ȫȸ ȸ (1998.1 - 2000.1) δб , ũδп (1981.9 - ) ݴ gumnuri ۲(1990), gureum ۲(1993) ߸, η duru (1995) â '4 ۲ÿ ' 20 ǥ 10ȸ ü 170 ȸ ȭ: 82 2 916 6333, ޴ȭ: 011-319-4624, ѽи: 82 2 34462206 ڿ gumnuri@chollian.net ݴڰ: http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr ּ: б ̼Ʈ 29 603ȣ ǰڷ ǰ: 20020916-01, ũ: 31x 24 x 4 Ƽ, : ȥ 峭+å+÷ +ſ+++ ǰ: 20020916-02 ũ: 31x 24 x 2 Ƽ, : ȥ 峭+å+ȸ+ Nuri Gum He is an active artist and has participated in over 180 group exhibitions and he has held 9 individual shows internationally. His work has made a deep foot print on those areas: "gum has shown, it is possible to create the most beautiful and touching human forms out of hard, cold material. what does it indicate? perhaps that with good sense and a little humor a humane world can still be forged out of technological impersonalness."(Kai Hong) "He suggests his choice of the ideology and strong concern about creation under the difference between the creature formed by nature and by human."(Woo Hak Youn). B.A., Hongik University, Seoul, Korea; M.A., Hongik University; en qualitE de Stagiaire, ENSAAMA, Paris, France. present/Professor at Graduate School of Techno Design, kookmin university title: nuri20020725 size: 115 x 36 x 33 cm material: mixed object year:2002 kookmin University 861-1 Jeongneung,Seongbug, Seoul 136-702 Korea e-mail: gumnuri@chollian.net http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr phone: 82-11-319-4624, fax: 3446-2206 title: nuri 20020916-01, size: 31x24x4 cm, material: mixed media; toys+book+disk+mirror+hairbrush+wire+plastic-box title: nuri 20020916-02, size: 31x24x2 cm, material: mixed media; toys+electronic-board+ plastic-box 9791.Filesize1040559915.Filenamemanifesto_by_school_students_313440032_2350163678471238_129517591147850309_n.jpg10047.Name10065.Filesize4488010337.Domain10355.Text?+?+?+^Ƽ.ϸǤ> : > ?+?+?+^Ƽ.ϸǤ> : > world_map_hands foto from femolution Posted by Christina Nimergood.jpg 10560.SubjectŸ . ѱ10236.Domain2034.Access104310582.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg߻j4575 K`497327l836.8l ri9038l dd979._l $"g2022kl e9152m l1257l3e8186l +yl4968m n7210m +o9045*m ,n73817m c7505KmPo7664m /b4825lm3710m m7107m En6698n 2i7221Rn }`2540kn sk2034wn 6+a5602; b9102n Bf9159nb9273nk7614n k(g4455nl7785o`7909o~j19039o O4i4307Fog7625bo `9506{o R$c9556o lm9344o h9563o "(`9677L;b220.o 3j9748_ f9862 kn2933w n3706o i2j3820 ]d4859 Of7101l^h2144 oc6456Ql =~~~ /36074j1300$ q6294 ~7039. 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Talks between North Korea and the American-led U.N. Command have been rescheduled for Thursday after Pyongyang abruptly canceled a meeting meant to discuss the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on Pyongyang. Read less (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man) 5897.Email467.Text

3001.Access3525308.Filenameworld-gUm-flag-2006.gif1905.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7076.Filesize861142372.Filenamejjg.jpg354.Password2224.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U5542.Date200602270929327309.Thread08686.IP7884.Domain9039.Subject ... 5935.Thread37732776.Filenamedong9-06.gif8631.NameȻ2492.Date200301021229412628.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg65.Thread04259.Thread07665.Subject: . 5946.Date20060912112848214.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3416.Filenamemargoddadd-by-nuri-30.jpg3530.FilenamePalHorvath-de-guy-02.jpg2885.Thread05013.Thread346700.Date201107281444025467.Name5581.Nameݳ8638.Filesize602781513.Access44545024.Date200509121008228928.Domain8168.IP3934.FilenameJonathan_Borofsky_s_walking_to_the_sky.jpg7366.Domain3650.Date200405220340255417.Thread54035531.Thread09844.IPss9994634.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6265.Thread07838.Date201404011239097952.Date20140716052425802.Date200005030446429557.Subject浿 . 9719.Thread09724.FilenameMarcel_Duchamp_foto_michel_sima_1957_275672824_10159811031432720_6415545390404938148_n.jpg4657.Access11709844.Date202208291247539883.Name?????????? + ȣ7707.Access116210280.Namedz..^ + ? > 10360.Date202404250953498151.Access17059912.TextԸ ƴ϶ ̴ . . . ѿ + ?.?.? + ݴ dolnim by amuge foto by gumnuri 313168567_2497734310368192_6075013947319370232_n.jpg.T 2231qeO2514 G33238151 {1662 2521 &8429 ^238. 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Image courtesy of The Natural World Close-up (Firefly Books). > > Giles Sparrow 6862.Text. michel.de.boer art.director.. mdb.associates. 2012.1.. seoul. tags: michel.de.boer 321.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr g +b3483d3766d 6937#dæ505.7d v3323Ud 9795Ug 3773nd ʋ5042d !h8610d y6467dՄ6581dv9084d ?\5665(e 25971835Ce Nx3716\e 3830je `3887xed6015e 2154e 615.ag 43727e 6412e Ig5446*f %5560?f Y 6985Xfʿ1311afׇ9113f:9488f @}A8311f 1013e ?1058qg w8457_ 6533f16816f 19391"g 479..g d810.S1431! -1317: 7107.IP7221.IP6305.Domain10304.Access94924.Name누리9399.Lines2257.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr3958.SubjectRe: ݴ۲ôø6200.SubjectٴϤĶ9277.Email7625.IP3255.Domain211.219.74.116709.Domain1420.Thread11931874.Nameݴ1591.Filesize250371431.Date200106292007501317.Date200104301804581767.Domain210.123.35.391881.Domain61.74.124.1453036.Subject.츮167.Filenamegnp033.jpg159.Lines34413.Domain222.106.13.18095.Nameڿ1073.Filesize429718350.TextArtists, designers and illustrators have responded to the latest terror attacks in Brussels by posting drawings on Instagram and Twitter under tags including #JeSuisBruxelles, #JeSuisBelge and #PrayforBrussels. Brussels-terror-attack-illustration-repsonse-Tintin-dezeen-sq1356.Nameȿ1470.Nameȿ7385.Email8236.TextNg Han Guan/Associated Press Ũ̴ӱըֳͣڵ³ջ١ 20150814-CHINA foto from Han Guan Associated Press.jpg4817.Domain222.106.13.1944931.Domain210.123.35.399380.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg472.Filename1477.Filesize3076317789.Email8754.Text.4002.Nameݴ277.Access1153582.Access119610052.TextRob Mulholland 67524221_2458078484475952_5511038550868492288_n.jpg Audrey Simo Facilitations 🙂... SCULPTURES MIROIRS... Enjoy ! ❤️ Rob Mulholland, artiste sculpteur cossais, ralise des sculptures miroir sur plexiglas quil dispose dans lenvironnement. Vestige compte six sculptures miroir de silhouettes grandeur nature, imperceptibles dans une fort...✨10380.Password10441.Email10304.Access1710562.Date20241007061340| "7078d m7192g 96604g 4575g'1005 41044M ѓ3659g 1056j T1824we -582. 1629X,34959,1788, 4740, 664., 1345, 7596e Y562.f ܔ3554g *656.F- Ď7107$7221 6632|- 66305 Xї277. r1038=8668- ͒4924.  :9399I 1030Z 1863A. 720.Z.  <257.V q3958w 6200 ѽ9277 76251003e 3255 '.6709 X1420 25030 q1874 j?1591 4952Y0 7916J >S1431! -1317: Zv0 1767S pӛ1881m 3036 ?W1048G $3783 2024 ќ9784+W167. 2734f 64016776 1058 3L159. 25976890 8053 1795 1՞4413 H95.N8693Q 8987^ 175.n 21452428 228. 397. 1073+8350 :1356" ;14703 [7385D 8236P 8457_  4817 04931 9308 9422 W6372 f93802663472.6 423.C  1477Dϛ7789Y P8754e [=4002q 4712 c464. 4712.Subjectmagnolia.blossoms464.Lines29784.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10482.Name̤^≯^.ˤ>ӻ级6972;ㅜㅌ레^>마ㅜ리^ㅔ.죄ㅏㄴ5186.Text ҸָƲ ˸ Ƹ޸ī . ˸ 㸸 ž : 2,863 ׾ 系 : ´ 40,000,000 ̷ ɷȴ. "ģ ¼ . 츮 ̷ ¼ Բ ؾ Ѵ. ž : 2,863 ׾  : ´ 824,000,000 ָ ִ. 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V2003 1431.IP211.192.67.976651.Email6773.Lines07502.Text8014.Password8037.Access26098566.FilenameRichard_Serra_The_Matter_of_Time_Guggenheim_Museum_Bilbao_foto_from_domus.jpg628.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8418.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg190.Lines38532.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8680.Filename25-image.jpeg80.IP210.123.35.44979.Date200009132012004452.Text1835.IP210.123.35.396549.Access8449713.Access2327906.Textluis.longhi.. architect. valeria.longhi.. cnn.producer. — : PaTI7931.Lines36255.Lines48686.Date201803111448208936.Password1288.Text4856.Text4970.Text52.Lines16019.Email6133.Email8162.Filename419_revolution_02.jpg5610.Text933.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg696.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2003.Domain211.219.75.1976659.Lines35097.Lines59709.Lines59823.Lines010102.Access96663.Access125310102.Access2910381.Nameݴ10547.Subject丮2042.Text ϰ ȯ濡 ´ پ â ɷ ֵ Ѵ. ̷......ã...Ѵ. ...ڿ....̳.......ڰǽǿ...̴... ///// Ʒ....Ⱑ..̸...Ӿ..̴... 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REUTERS/Ali Hashisho (LEBANON - Tags: SOCIETY)8047.Email8161.Email3815.Filesize3277768283.Lines68687.Lines09012.Text2139.Filesize221072253.Filesize665018565.Email3345.IP210.123.35.396913.IP9416.TextRenato Tagli2543.Domain61.74.96.1065237.IP222.106.13.15667.Text582.Lines0661.Filesize613612947.Domain210.123.35.3910423.Access92187.IP211.219.75.1698969.Email6155.Email847.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4503.IP210.123.35.397717.Email7831.Email8958.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9331.Access999723.Email9845.Lines310104.Thread010560.Email864.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1313.Domain210.123.35.447324.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9364.Filename20201_leszek_zebrowski_135159137_3820637088002349_699081861732235748_o.jpg5961.Email5455.Access3186812.Text 8909.Access4969080.Date202002131459115136.Text------ Message transfr Objet : TR : TR : publicit interdite aux USA ------ Fin du message transfr 9216.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7347.Access4202519.IP211.219.75.2022633.IP211.219.75.16559.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5161.Lines47728.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7842.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7876.Filenameblack-blue-sea-painted-by-gumnuri-after-kimgichol-foto.jpg84.SubjectZ sdc-33 1.3 ̹ / / ֿ2797.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5859.Access300977.Text ̼17053.Lines47990.Filename36-image.jpg9877.Thread091612.Subject︲ 8615.Lines19359.Thread0233.Filesize562284678.PasswordSYoHiES0yjmvI4792.Password5565.Lines17996.Date201409151720059473.Thread09484.Date202104260754245329.Email787.Access5786059.Filesize483176173.Filesize119176456.Name6570.NameĤ>>>>2502.Access3596349.Domain6463.Domain1355.Filename20010515_10.jpg4685.Filesize4809.FilenameStealth-bomber.jpg4968.NameȻ1321.PasswordSY6Y3gKXdr0hk9157.IP9271.IP6577.Filesize33742831.Domain210.123.35.449102.Name.ٴ > 20 .75 > 974.Lines32906.Access3077669.IP6867.Domain6981.Domain4918.Thread01759.FilenameNY-2002.jpg1873.Filename4001.FilenameTR_hyunday_from_guy.mpeg7331.Filesize62289677.Filenameleo6.jpg1475.Date200107310015262612.Lines17614.Name>>6648.Subject.⹮669.Lines26762.Subject^.ڤ0Ĥӵ7783.IP8136.Subjectڼؾ5086.Subject.9109.Filesize18306849223.Filesize600099506.Nameθ.캎 + ? > 9513.Domain7735.Filesize855051879.Date200204200407246002.Thread0812.Filesize607243598.SubjectRe: .ҽ 4457.Domain210.123.35.392508.Thread09812.Subjectϓ6074.Thread07647.Date201311140924297761.Date201402231203044329.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U74.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2574.Access2686085.Date20090721132924165.IP210.123.35.449480.SubjectǤӤ . 19327123.Filenamean_artist_protest_20120913_foto_from_reu_navesh_chitrakar_NEPAL.jpg1393.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3720.Email4847.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6478.Thread64779174.Name? >^ǷԻ > 2044.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7527.FilenameDennis_Rodman_arrives_at_Pyongyang_foto_from_ap_jon_chol_jin_20130913.jpg1797.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9124.Thread082.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr9295.Filesize2038749578.Name3413.Text600.Subject...2448.Emailgumnur@chollian.net9585.Domain7750.Thread04591.Filenamedogdo_foto_from_momaf_01.jpg4443.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9366.Subject: + ݴ2989.Filenamejeff-koons-dog.jpg3842.Lines04586.Thread24827009.Filenamered_chaires_foto_from_ap_david_guttenfelder.jpg3606.Email4597.Date200503171426079067.Domain6602.Filenamehwata_32_resize_from_ssahn.jpg5040.Filename0026.jpg8653.Nameݴ8370.Filesize729371523.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8210.Date201506301546527091.Nameٴ.Ƶ > > 7687.Subjectΰ.ŰӤdz븮.. 0.Ӥ̤3023.Access3968603.Thread08774.Filesize1514531927.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5160.Date20051025234334890.Text7098.Filesize198011216.Text 3956.Filenamenuri-s-43371025-02.jpg7388.Domain332.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5564.Date20060312080601920.Date200007181256298256.Filesize968158539.Name. > WӤǤ Ƽ > 1409.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1131.Access5978546.Domain615.Date199912242108556711.Thread03552.Filenamenaramalssum-by-nurigum-titl.jpg6882.Filesize480328660.Domain5035.Thread0472.Password5489.Name > 6608.Date201104261614456722.Date201108291646385046.Date200509191147581535.Access405167.Password1127.Lines11241.Lines03672.Date200406022237388135.Name???>^Ĥ.ƾ > 7706.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6178.Filenamewomen_stand_with_their_afghan_hound_foto_from_reu_darren_staples_bas.jpg6292.Filenamebidgoul_after_19800518_foto_from_aeroexpress.jpg9337.Thread03626.Text746.Password4789.Lines156144.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9348.Date202012271316281099.Emailg1come@hotmail.com2064.Text4275.Access6145518.Text. 3.professors.from.basel gregory.vines.. marion.fink.. michael.renner. fachhochschule.nordwestschweiz. 2006.02.. hongik.. seoul. 7729.Access99999451.Thread05543.Lines17974.Date201408210526346696.FilenameFredriksstad_Blad_20110723.jpg9462.Date202104101209203094.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5307.Email5421.Email6548.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6662.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2468.Text200212197435.Lines1606.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net859.Text10052.Domain94793.Access4167450.Filenamestreet_painting_foto_from_design_dautore_ARYZ.jpg8179.Thread08293.Thread09342.FilenameSneaky_Snakes_in_Scenes_of_Incompetence_XIV010501_by_Noh_Suntag.jpg777.SubjectŬ 6346.Email6460.Email7311.Textpark.sang-woo munhwadang.. secondhand.bookshop. 2013.3.. seoul. tags: ȭ缭, ڻ9632.Lines499926.Access93018.IP210.123.35.396986.Lines19114.Lines2conf.ArticleNumberfalse6864.Email6472.Access608612.Thread07715.TextA New Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum Puts a Modern Face on Chinese Art The art world has embraced the evolution of Western art, but when it comes to China, we seem stuck in the past. A new exhibit at the Met wants to shake up these stereotypes. Zhang Huan, Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art6039.Text8779.Filename67-image.jpeg8893.FilenameLouisiana_Museum_of_Modern_Art_Installation_by_Olafur_Eliasson.jpg9518.Lines18745.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4665.TextAFP/PAOLO COCCO Le pape Jean Paul II sur la place Saint Pierre de Rome, le 16 avril 2003.7069.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6876.Access6246990.Access6576582.Lines31126.IP210.123.35.441240.IP210.123.35.444972.Email5823.Text3225.Filenamenuri-gum-bang-20031014-hjs.jpg3384.Namecommimi6555.Filesize55444615.Lines06838.Name. > > 6952.Name.ӤӤ > > 7647.IP6845.Domain7761.IP6085.IP210.123.35.361737.Filenamegum-20011221-nr.jpg1851.Filenamenepal-chisan-by-nuri.jpg8114.Subject.ۤ9539.IP1453.Date200107181420061703.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3788.Nameݴ4907.Date200507201626346030.Name? + 누리6626.Subject불그릇3345.Date200312151539026740.Subject.3795.Domain219.250.216.1976959.Filesize704761960.Thread06489.IP9201.Filesize5250970935.Filesize32605687.Domain210.123.35.1937713.Filesize3006811857.Date2002032716185810081.Lines73852.Thread03690.Subjectȫ µ 6037.Filesize190466559.Filenameggtp08.jpg920.Lines26151.Filesize75398408.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr6434.Name6441.Domain9605.Filesize535751219.Filenamessahn07.jpg1333.Filenameflower2pe.jpg8219.Domain8333.Domain9181.Domain5601.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8805.Date201808221434124073.Filenamephoto_01.jpg7232.Thread6645198.Subjectȸ: .-work1407.Text 3618.Access3131521.TextTheo wrote: > 1 7129.Date201209271647047243.Date201212310125287686.Nameݴ9884.SubjectӸĮ9989.Domain10166.Name̤.פӤ8303;10184.Filesize10407.Thread1040010474.TextFranciscus via cjs 450518907_8062348923820776_6395620776114307090_n.jpg9528.Thread03817.TextProtesters tear apart a large U.S. flag near the U.S. embassy in Seoul August 15, 2004, during a rally marking 59 years of independence from Japan's colonisation. About 10,000 protesters rallied on Sunday as they demanded U.S. withdraw its troops from South Korea (news - web sites), that South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun cancel planned troop dispatch to Iraq (news - web sites) and for Roh to resign. REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won 6335.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7108.Lines17222.Lines28080.Thread02255.Text 4858.Email841.SubjectRe: 躴 ȸ 044580.Access6274995.Filenameletter-form-jmk.jpg7100.Email4961.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5734.Lines46592.Thread06887.Filenamestatues_of_kim_ilsung_kim_jongil_by_mansudae_foto_from_reu_kyodo.jpg8091.Date201501131505033285.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5612.Email274.Thread546489.Date201101141812296739.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6853.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U536.Subject.Ͻ.4984.Access6877112.Access6237626.Lines28375.FilenameӺϱ____漮__.jpg8227.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8341.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3296.Email4261.Text6358.Access7537740.Lines4411.Nameݴ5177.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U5291.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM66064.Lines17504.Email1097.Text8495.Date20161118160551307.Thread549004.Access3898888.Thread05695.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7908.Email7630.Access5838899.Date201904091500499926.Access1399522.Access7799926.Access9910042.Subject^̵.10165.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9408.Access1098KifO\ 'd 1690H a 7598pH 6413JH 9098 f  8449|H  8563H *&3582H &c 9593I1519H 1633H  5946Hk8967I y 4925I #~12401H 5669PYh193.I 1299rY 8997Y 52650[346. $L893.I 2046  9997f6114 J (V 1048H 5217Yz 1165$J +10065J ^4733MJ +7194]J nW 5542iJ?W10466f 5507Z 3767J B223.J  588.J Q4740J z7434JO9086J +1048Sf2110Y )S2802J Z1683K b4854KJ 1286*K 1569=K 1126NK  985.gK ,ԡ,ԡ 0P?1576|K P7587K8474K 9721 tq9914 2040K2919\ :f?8238K d8352K 6700K_5399K [%1357G\ J1471e\ -q347.\ 5024\69203T 8878 ;8992  10141026?1036ا 5188 c6153& .w^190.^ 33650v744.W8364 {x2734 |L4003̠  8045 8870 9607 Dp1058k  1172 71838070 9510ȡ 6557 ^2515ݦ u6671 |+439.~853. 8768 78882# F907532492Om2378e652.{ 8878.Lines18992.Lines05188.Email6153.Text . tony.brook spin. 2009.10.. istanbul. 190.Date199901060125073650.IP211.219.74.164744.IP210.123.35.4410327.Email992734.Domain210.123.35.394003.SubjectRe: 8045.TextRebecca Horn foto from awnya8870.Email9607.TextLin Yung Cheng 240812986_4490692764295094_3769111765313549843_n.jpg1058.Domain210.123.35.441172.Domain210.123.35.447183.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8070.Lines09510.Email6557.TextRiccardo Venturi, Contrasto photographer based ... Riccardo Venturi, a Contrasto photographer based in Italy, has won the 1st Prize General News Single category with this picture of the Old Iron Market burning in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, taken January 18. The prize-winning entries of the World Press Photo Contest 2010, the world's largest annual press photography contest, were announced February 11, 2011. REUTERS/Riccardo Venturi/Contrasto/Handout (HAITI - Tags: MEDIA SOCIETY IMAGES OF THE DAY) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS 2515.Subject18-30439.IP210.123.35.44853.Thread08768.Access38748882.Access7679075.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2492.IP210.123.35.392378.IP211.219.75.72652.Nameȿ9914.Email8364.Access121210143.Subject10266.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10368.Nameݴ10384.Lines106671.TextSouth Korea Olympic figure champion Yu-Na Kim, left listen as South Korea Olympic committee chairman Yang Ho Cho, right, speaks at a press conference in the city of Durban, South Africa, Monday, July 4, 2011. Munich has called in German football great Franz Beckenbauer for its final push to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. Munich Bid Committee Chair Katarina Witt says Beckenbauer will arrive in Durban on Tuesday, a day before IOC members vote on whether Munich, Annecy in France or Pyeongchang in South Korea will stage the games. Munich is considered the closest challenger to favorite Pyeongchang. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam) less9721.Textvia ť 275616361_651891239202172_2295270628974036124_n.jpg ʥ!!10448.Date20240623185014MMM 0`>9528 p:9642 ">9699׶n=1006e=3817 %76335Ǒuv77108 ՛37222 58080 I72255  -04858  1841.$ ko34580H K>4995X27100z  =4961߭<5734 (>6592 26887EJ08091 x;3285)1;5612E 9274.Q U7=6489_  56739x016853z4536. 04984ϓ ,q67112ߓ U07626 l>7641IO^;6996W EL28484h 89015vU69419ٴn%29533U@t44576 04690 6?5624O 99539ε xU?470.V59653` z24454 :4062 S45305 M$12802,=9692y T_x?5330B 7641.Filenamegumnuri-minhyunjun-kimyoungwon-foto-by-kim-trim-by-nuri-gum-42461112.jpg6996.Thread37738484.Thread09015.Filenamekorea-dmz-demilitarized-zone-nature_Photo_by_Choi_Byung_Kwan_foto_via_treehugger.jpg9419.Filenamevassily_kandinsky_bleu_de_ciel_1940_via_centre_pompidou_159682675_10159071991739596_6239595971130773168_o.jpg9533.FilenameBen_Denzer_200784317_1095378817657387_3677727812929678397_n.jpg4576.Lines134690.Lines09642.Thread099539.Date20210612100610470.IP210.123.35.444454.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4062.Access5182802.IP210.123.35.395330.Lines25624.Access18809653.Date202112171109209692.Name?+?+?> ㅗㄹㄷ.ㄴ^호ㅗㄹ> 누리9699.Filesize3938010064.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10125.Email10283.Lines810557.Domain3834126 ϕ' +"777. '6346 PA#6460" $7311. a"'9408 #9522 3891F 5658_ #30182465; !6986̀ K'9114ڀ 3352r 5669 1224 $confv 6864 '6472  2%612. @!7715) 1%!9926 5> 6039d 51457"'8779oG#8893C8758K 51118$9518܂ {S%8745+!9632 149.o u%4665 [p#7069ja$6876  6990 4804 7089 8822 3623'1016925. 2095$6582 b'1004ޕ 5254 6827 1435 6941'  l UU 7407`7521`B/1126+1240Ƀb[/9937B1050 -9903)83753ZS,4972߃ ʮ-5823 +8227A(8341]O*3296y @(4261 m+6358 (1034y 1057 1022l ,7740 225.a 5122 a xO,411. 8200m /5177Z+5291ٔb+6064 U/7504 /1097 +-8495 5648a (307.2 *9004@ 7953n2072a Ł/8888P 5526a 3873o 421.a6001o (5695^,7908z  /7630 *8899 2598a 3662*l 9903.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9937.FilenameRenato_Tagli_317387227_5904191759646450_7638983984474345325_n.jpg10226.Email10347.Date2024042020562210508.Thread010575.TextWeird StoriesNational Geographic Poor Riona was cruelly set on fire with gasoline but after a long road of recovery, she's finally getting the happy ending she deserves... Poor Riona via ng 462232230_122192099720075526_1502307598386489435_n.jpg5305.TextFood For Life. The World Food Programme. Benetton communication campaign for 2003 focuses on food, which can mean health, education, liberation, work, peace and hope for the future Image Gallery Ponzano, 13th February, 2003 - The global communication campaign for 2003, co-developed by United Colors of Benetton and the World Food Programme, the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger, re-establishes hunger as the worlds most fundamental problem, since it is largely overlooked by both media and public opinion. The images, taken by James Mollison, Fabricas young photographer, in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, show crisis and poverty. They demonstrate how food becomes a catalyst for reconciliation and development, a tool capable of revolutionising the lives of hungry individuals. The problem of hunger can be solved because the world produces enough food to feed everyone,?says James T. Morris, WFP Executive Director. Yet a person dies of hunger or its related causes every five seconds. As we see a surge in the numbers of people on the brink of starvation, we need to draw attention in every way we can to prevent this terrible tragedy from continuing. We hope this initiative will form the basis of a substantive public discussion about hunger and put it back at the top of the international agenda where it belongs,?Morris added. We chose to work with WFP because we share their commitment and their tangible initiatives. We are supporting them ?just as we have supported other humanitarian organisations in the past ?with a campaign in which we believe absolutely because it encompasses a number of social issues ?war, disease, marginalisation ?which we have already addressed in our previous communication projects,?said Luciano Benetton. Setting the scene is the symbol of the Food for Life campaign: a man with a mutilated arm, whose metal prosthesis is a spoon. Other images (on billboards and in newspapers all over the world) tell true, individual stories - of women, children and men - whose only chances of escaping violence, marginalisation and poverty depend on them finding food. In Sierra Leone, for example, former soldiers from the various factions receive food if they renounce their weapons; they are trained in jobs so they no longer have to fight. In Afghanistan, women are paid in food rations for work which sustains them; they are encouraged to become involved and to rebuild their lives. Of major importance is the school feeding programme, under which WFP provides hot meals and nourishing snacks as an incentive to children to go to school and receive an education. Food aid thus becomes Food for peace? Food for work? Food to go home? Food for education?and Food for protection? Far from creating dependence, it helps create new possibilities for building self reliance in the lives of those who receive it. All the stories and themes of the WFP-United Colors of Benetton 2003 Campaign are gathered together and developed in a special supplement to Colors 54 Food entitled Hunger? Benetton is investing more than 15 million euro in over 30 countries for its 2003 campaign. This is part of a wider communication project on food, conceived and produced by Fabrica, including two other initiatives. Colors 54 Food presents the dietary habits, the rites and time devoted to eating, drinking and preparing food in various parts of the world (with a supplement developing the 2003 United Colors of Benetton campaign). Food - as a means of communication, artistic expression and design - is the subject of a book entitled 2398 g (the actual weight of the book itself) produced by Fabrica and published by Electa. Young artists from the Benetton centre, together with others of international acclaim, were invited to represent food, each in their own personal way ?as a fetish, ritual, excess, dependence, celebration, emotion, reflection, contradiction, oppression and obsession. For more information and contacts: Media Tel +39 0422 519036 www.benetton.com/food/press World Food Programme www.wfp.org +39 06 65132602 High-resolution images are available in the section: Image Gallery ?Benetton Institutional Campaigns ?Food for life 1950.Lines05117.Filenamebarc_from_guy.jpg8561.Filesize15054268401.Date201606131518077168.Name֤.į٤Ӥ>>7282.Name? > ^ > 1003.Texthttp://rhizome.org/artbase/1725/index.html7878.Subject׸.ġ3214.Access3747992.Subject/ -8, -7, -6, -5, -92181.Filenameexpo02-4.jpg8965.Filesize19081082033.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1840.Access7495237.Date200511200013405351.Date200601022212357118.Thread37737289.Filesize484648495.IP7579.Domain7693.Domain5744.Thread0974.Access6464068.Thread02437.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5755.Date200605251431037474.SubjectSo it goes954.Domain210.123.35.448899.IP1836.Lines0669.Access6752694.Thread05390.Nameݴ + 輺8447.Filesize1164191322.Access4478737.Domain8851.Domain8091.IP3629.Filenamenuri-20040423-moca-08.jpg7175.Domain864.Filenameguggen_newyork.jpg5226.Thread05397.Filesize217415794.Name Ÿ > ? >6913.Date20120313124723856.Lines351726.Access571ӆ1%29648 : @+J=9673U: @;`3225e6555?1Ie6838_ na6952  &\#7978 ϝ#47746820f8114' 4#confre1851ec9539@ #5425 460.~g1703b :J#673. 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[1726 h_8632 fT1950 AX1836 Z669. ^T5117 W`U8561-Y2694 [5390 :Y8447+tP8401C S7168\ \#P7282 R1003 +T7878 R3214 P7992 !j]1322 ^8737 ]Z8851 u'T2181- Z8091!וR8965Hp]3629*Y3V2033^JX uN2989Kw2352^X 228.X 3777XiH3842lw M4586yw 5806X ,H7009w06394Y 35669PYJ3606w I4597w 8997Y 612. 346. 2457 XH1045X 9040 2756Y *ȃM9067w (I9181 K5601 M8805) JH4073B M7232]  L1521 I198.n L7129ˈ ;H7243 O1407 `:O3618 XM7686 I2056G (RL1018 9444 2110Y 9O2551 ^0 >262.Subjectȸ: .-work1310.Emailjini0637@dreamwiz.com2187.Date200209032143138440.Name.0Ĥ>>9653.IP10065.Name^줾.i10306.Thread010355.Domain10373.TextFranco Fontana 440803064_7559780937437636_2256317829188057202_n.jpg Donatella Scaffidi Sembra un dipinto, eppure E una fotografia scattata nel 1978 da Franco Fontana che ritrae un campo di grano in Puglia. ӆ1 0@;`3225k3384- e6555?o615.S 1Ie6838_ na6952 Ao7647j6845 gk7761i6085ȄJMi1737ބre1851f8114' ec9539@>o1453I ~g1703bh3788~ _=i4907 1j6030 o6626Dž c3345 k6740 Nn3795 Mb695978m1960K yg6489Y>d9201bK6`935.x \rb5687 Pm7713l1857 Nm428. a3852 QZo3690 k6037Yb559.# l920.; g6151Gi408.[ h6434| vm6441 "ta9605jo1219 l1333Ƈk1004 te8219 }a8333 l4503 88 ,7q623.7 bz4839 v4953 6v6108 \r6222> q9299$ V5303f)|5700 Qx1328 Xwt1442 t1896  s8890 )w680.% Mt318.I ޅs1339a n{4734z ~1789 y3058 qu3172 4031 r4597OEz8401}5707.{5755Nجq18460 5p1020 r1027 Kz375.> {1684X p1052 }5351zw88059108K&9222g&9376& |2600 u7129$ r72439934e zPq6327 765.& iw2611 w1492 M~8258 g+sz8372g 5t4549 p4663:n{1378& 4953.Domain222.106.13.2156108.Subject. + .6222.SubjectӤ .. ݴ8372.TextAn aerial view taken from a Yomiuri Shimbun helicopter shows a large landslide due to a strong earthquake in Minamiaso, Kumamoto Prefecture, southwestern Japan. A second strong earthquake hit Kumamoto prefecture in Kyushu, killing at least seven people and provoking large destructions. Yomiuri Shimbun / EPA5303.Filesize513575700.NameȻ1328.Thread01442.Thread11931896.Nameݴ8890.TextAnothermountainman Stanley Wong680.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr318.Filenamegnw139.jpg1339.Date200105141308114734.Subject1789.Domain61.74.124.2103058.Subject.3172.SubjectRe: Ź4031.Domain210.123.35.394597.IP211.196.78.648401.IP5707.Filesize849519299.Email1846.Thread0375.Domain210.113.116.981684.Subject.αǼ.19..ѱ...5351.IP222.106.13.2318805.IP2600.Thread07129.IP7243.IP6327.Domain2611.Date200301282126561492.Nameݴ4549.Filesize5604663.Filesize377211378.Nameȿ623.Filenamecento.gif5755.IP210.123.35.1939934.TextAkiyoshi Kitaoka diamond 317239519_10223925360456652_1673905066977328637_n.jpg The diamond/background appears to move.10205.Thread010254.Domain10272.TextJakob HunosOe 271890294_5473940985955680_3568264147982607368_n.jpg un crayon doit Etre couchE ou debout Jakob HunosOe, three coloring pencils 10524.Access910524.Access457928.TextNorth Koreans celebrate the New Year by visiting statues of North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung and former leader Kim Jong Il at Mansudae hill in Pyongyang, in this January 1, 2014 file photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang. Despite the risks, tour operators say business to North Korea is booming, albeit from a low base for one of the most isolated countries in the world. For Pyongyang, tourism is one of the few sources of the foreign currency it relies on to overcome U.S. sanctions related to its nuclear and missile programmes. REUTERS/KCNA/Files (NORTH KOREA - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY TRAVEL) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. REUTERS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS IMAGE. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. NOT FOR USE BY REUTERS THIRD PARTY DISTRIBUTORS. SOUTH KOREA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN SOUTH KOREA6366.TextHan Sang-ryol In this photo released by Korean Central News Agency via Korea News Service, South Korea's religious activist Rev. Han Sang-ryol holds a flag depictingthe Korean peninsula as he returns back across DMZ into the south in Panmunjom, North Korea, Friday, Aug. 20, 2010. Han is a member of a small but vocal minority of South Korean activists and religious groups that are sympathetic to North Korea and Pyongyang embraced his visit. Authorities arrested Han Friday as he passed through the heavily fortified demilitarized zone after an illegal trip to North Korea. Read less (AP Photo/Korean Central News Agency via Korea News Service) ** JAPAN OUT ** 2324.Subjectݰ6480.TextHarwinder Singh Gill New Year's art : Indian artist Harwinder Singh Gill displays colouring pencils carved with new year greetings on new year's eve in Amritsar. Read more (AFP/Narinder Nanu) 3863.IP220.70.76.237006.TextThe Orvillecopter by Dutch artist Bart Jansen (back L) flies in a gallery as part of the KunstRAI art festival in Amsterdam June 3, 2012. Jansen said the Orvillecopter is part of a visual art project ... more The Orvillecopter by Dutch artist Bart Jansen (back L) flies in a gallery as part of the KunstRAI art festival in Amsterdam June 3, 2012. Jansen said the Orvillecopter is part of a visual art project which pays tribute to his cat Orville, by making it fly after it was killed by a car. He built the Orvillecopter together with radio control helicopter flyer Arjen Beltman (back R). REUTERS/Cris Toala Olivares (NETHERLANDS - Tags: SOCIETY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) less N.ܼ>^.Ǹٷ>> : The Orvillecopter by Dutch artist Bart Jansen flies in a gallery during the KunstRAI art festival in Amsterdam June 3, 2012. Jansen said the Orvillecopter is part of a visual art project which pays tribute to his cat Orville, by making it fly after it was killed by a car. He built the Orvillecopter together with radio control helicopter flyer Arjen Beltman (L) . REUTERS/Cris Toala Olivares (NETHERLANDS - Tags: SOCIETY) 7120.TextPalestinian youths practice their parkour skills in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip September 12, 2012. Some youths, aged between 12 and 23 years old, in Gaza are training in parkour which was developed in France. Parkour is a physical discipline of movement focused on overcoming obstacles. Training is held in cemeteries, and in former Israeli settlements. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA - Tags: SOCIETY SPORT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)10029.Subject.ū . .ĤӤפӤ + .^̸ ... 192910171.Textgreencanvas Hoseob Yoon400972421_3542145222740650_3270110946293545999_n.jpg8691.Access10008691.Access105810423.Access163079.Nameݴ3789.SubjectRe: ϴõ4648.Domain222.106.13.2346031.Subjectㄷ: ㄷ: 김정일803.Name׿3086.Domain212.198.0.931137.Thread02824.Date200304072036208585.Text7004.Filesize247837401.Nameٕ.^ > > 1148.Date200101261936061262.Date200104041813141598.Domain210.123.35.398210.IP6435.SubjectǸ.dz5516.Filesize1613595913.Nameguy1655.Thread01493.Subjectǻ.Ʈ.ͺ.025920.Domain210.123.35.36341.Date199901060210195160.IP222.106.13.1667408.Filesize337608614.IP3385.Subjectݴ 20031212 : ߸7812.Domain8989.Text7052.IP2863.Nameݴ6136.Domain210.123.35.36739.Nameݴ1028.Filenamechair-01.jpg1897.Subject<> 19892420.Date200212011434105564.IP222.106.13.187103.Text1194.Domain210.123.35.443220.Filesize52119666.Thread6608092.Lines49532.Email928.Subject-2537.SubjectRe: 200301115112.Filesize639710798.IP210.123.35.443808.Password5439.Thread53711005.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1939.Access523585.Text7283.Subject϶.ɴϤ10068.Lines610565.SubjectLƼ^Ĥ ׸ .յ o9O\ 0խ7706|!56178|IZ6292s|1P9337| 43626| 4746.| t;4789| ef6144|6%9348} 1099} 2064:} Kۧ4275E} 5518U} lm7729} 9451} ?5543~ \7974~ 6696,~J9462Y~ &39458  3094r~5307~ «5421~ 囥6548~E6662~ 2468~ b7435~ 606.~ <`859. 4679' +647937 7450G2%8179 ݢ8293 ‘92288|"9342Do82.F8 86978 74569 :8614!9 u2269:9 618.J9 42638 շ2383_9 773258 2611828978 ?50258 9228.FilenameHussein_Chalayan_Horst_Diekgerdes_for_Sueddeutsche_Zeitung_magazine_98_107901934_3211119038926193_4914713174836351318_o.jpg8697.Thread04263.Email7325.Access9992611.IP211.219.75.2342897.Lines13945.Access89982.Filesize2503235025.Lines27456.Date201306280947308614.Date2017070509105010169.Lines89618.TextԿ:ݵ巹2383.Access7959175.Subject . 4679.Access11109866.Date202209160827537325.Access11457729.Access1190010580.Date20241031030517k"'0000 /Ѐ1385h ஋3411h&285..h 7396FhL8169bh N134.oh L2018h w277.h q2132h 356.h F%2728h 1166h ۮ2025h 56884i Ћ8047i 8161i `3815i@r8283 j 8687j vQ9012'j d9723k UP21392ju2253Fj+8565Zj ؟3345fjYW6913|j9416j 2543j b1002H&@541010k NÁ5237jӈ1017& O7928 N41042' 8284;Ɗ67.Tj41056k U*6366X a89695k w8691' 2324 O6480 3863 582.j *661.j f2187k;?2947j 9845k kGEܖܖ 006155Ak q847.Mk 7006  |ٕ4503lk.7120$ €9331G^ 1802#G -154.4G _<4878CG Q?9609NG 1809D1923DJ6795#D ̒78431D ۉ8036AD_ј4070PD 6559lD !$6281xD v341.D W1339DԄ420.D b|1453D4907Dc7524D 7"8059ܖ ;8150E01001E[7313F 8554Fw8588*F! 9327YF k9441fF 9712ZGY6685sF ⱖ1857F3(115.F  9205F 7839F confFu7953F 9746G_2986F j)6277F 7717k ;A7831k ;8958kN6391G  f1405G1809.Filesize1923.Filesize765916795.Lines127843.Access9368036.Password4070.Textϵ wrote: 6559.Email6281.Access739341.Lines31339.IP210.123.35.44420.Filesize1453.IP210.123.35.444907.IP210.123.35.397524.TextL'artiste am�ricain Keith Haring, expos� simultan�ment au mus�e d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris et au CentQuatre, a attir� 385.000 visiteurs du 19 avril au 18 ao�t....8059.Access9998150.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1001.Filesize70167313.Email8554.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8588.Filenamebogoseo_bogoseo_manifesto_01.jpg9327.Lines89441.Lines16685.Access21961857.IP210.123.35.39115.Filesize715349205.Email7839.Lines0conf.DefaultSubject7953.Lines02986.Text 6277.Lines36391.Lines31405.Filesize304181802.Nameݴ154.Access8924878.Text9609.Email9712.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9933.Access99746.Filenamefoot_print_02_via_antonio_bacco_illusion_278423404_10224440227606385_8396748366177868426_n.jpg 8} 944 +խ7706|!56178|IZ6292s|1P9337| 43626| 4746.| t;4789| ef6144|6%9348} 1099} 2064:} Kۧ4275E} 5518U} lm77299 9451} ?5543~ \7974~ 6696,~J9462Y~ 9855'  3094r~5307~ «5421~ 囥6548~E6662~ 2468~ b7435~ 606.~ <`859. 46799 +647937 7450G2%8179 ݢ8293 ‘92288|"9342D98669 86978 1005' 86319 53589(8681L 42638 19559 773259 2611828978 10589 8S8S 0&39458 o82.F8 74569 U9175o9 7302Ru2269:9 618.J9 շ2383_9 7899S TI3537P Z7849 P (7963P ӹ1734xS D3011S > 58.IGP1088[P810.wP z3415P ox4656P6287P s9579P U2787P J5444PӰ9693S confQ4799/Q |5410=Q:8614!9 Z7041LQ Ln7336]Q87495Q >1330Q /505.Q n268.Q  9387)P ~2493R 3541R Դ3933/R U856.OR 3222gR o9394:P v5433rR >923.R V5848R@̸7052R Jx6701R 4286R?50258 3537.Lines07849.Thread07963.Thread09387.Name9394.Domain58.IP210.123.35.441088.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg810.Password3415.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4656.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6287.Thread09579.SubjectӸ2787.Access4495444.Filenameyou-know-me.jpgconf.ReadTitleBgColor#ff96004799.Thread05410.Password7041.Thread37737336.Filenameuntitled_from_ssahn_parents_school_of_love_suncheon.png7495.Name^Է+?+Ǹ>^>1330.Text 505.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg268.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2493.Lines13541.Access9823933.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net856.Date200005231901233222.Text5433.Access394923.Text5848.FilenameMaariv_20060713.jpg7052.Date201207071719476701.Lines24286.Filenamenuri_4337-490_par_ssahn.gif7302.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7899.Name레ㅗ날도.다.빈^ㅣ + ??? >누리1734.Text3011.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9693.SubjectŸ...9798.Domain2269.Access147010221.Access28142.Domain6364.Filesize297756647.Nameη+巹+++ݴ582.Date199910131822146761.NameȻ7456.IP5795.Subject: 016654.Domain4705.Thread47041017.Access4851546.Filename!cid_001f01c1457a$98ec1560$a2237bd2@hoseobyoon.jpg1660.Filenameprogum-2.jpg4876.Filesize7254641512.Password3143.Thread03597.Name4830.Date20050614201937277.Date199901060155179010.Filesize2009643154.Date20030909194144344.Textݴ ۼߴ : 7974.IP9348.IP8327.Subject움직그림8441.Subject...9462.IP5496.Domain222.106.13.1827522.Filesize424931780.Date200201310907563547.Thread03661.Thread06129.NameĤ> Ĥ> > 6243.NameȻ6839.Subject...׸.տ..ڸ.6953.Subject.ϼ........7805.Nameݴ9414.Filesize816695277.Subject̴5391.Subjectſݴݿ6250.Domain1142.Filenamecouv_two.jpg4710.Filenamenewsday_20050420.jpg7926.Filesize80690<}\\ 0"3079( 3789( 4648)( R6031D( -803.~( a1194G+ F3086( @3220a+81137( )2824( 666.u+ 98585(  7004(7401( 1148) ~<1262)) P1598B) 8210\)"6435e) 8092+ 9532+ 65794| 5516)&5913) >1655) q928.+ 2537+ 1493) |R5920) m341.) y5160 *7408!* 86145*13385>* u7812j* ko8989w* d7052*2863* c5112+6136* y;798.+y5739.* 1028* ;1897* u2420 + k8181x *n5564&+o0103.=+ XX )"3079( 3789( 4648)( R6031D( -803.~( f1036F3086( 800498+81137( )2824( 2274898585(  7004(7401( 1148) ~<1262)) P1598B) 8210\)"6435e) 1015 5516)&5913) >1655) 2678*95996F9 1493) |R5920) m341.) y5160 *7408!* 86145*13385>* u7812j* ko8989w* d7052*2863* 53589(6136* 1048y5739.* 1028* ;1897* u2420 + k8181x *n5564&+o0103.=+ ,h,h 04312h 6364 Tq6647!T "582.FT 6761^T 7456oTh97044h D5795xT <6654T 4705T JM1017T 1546T31660U ˺4876U15120U,3143?U }3597MU 4830\U "277.uU 9010U_3154U Ů344.U -7974UZ9348UHF8327U !k8441!V 94628V1025Ah 5496AV 7522\V^1780pV a3547V 3661V 6129V 6243V RX6839V $}6953W (7805FW b9414WW5277kW 5391W G6250W  1142W `4710Wl7926W*8142T ]8028h 231. h 8028.Domain231.Password4312.Date200501090729249704.Domain10259.Textvia haykel bouchiha Sans commentaire 417548504_1569129177264425_8822924420680135885_n.jpg Haykel Bouchiha Sans commentaire . . .10464.Subjectݰ . x.V,`` 34558 6602x6112m:8528: 395084723,8 V5040-x G#8653Hx 8370YxV1523mx ʾ1056,k8210x 7091x g7687x '55928 4609:  3023y 777.8 61018 5581: 1033: 8603y 71973; '8774y(1006s, 19273y ʨ5160Sy 8124_9 890.ly  7098vyx1216y 219.x9 \3956y8113; '7388y 8567L 2402L 6636L 6750L 8517L 86319 53589(L332.y J5564y 841.9L ,19559 1244@: /4920.z ztt+t+t #1694 6157 :9818tB`9932t3586Y 2203r 6867 78256z8539/z 911409Yz r1131yz 4624U7954=`8546z 615.z 6711z `'3552z 6882z8660z 01012t O5035 { d472.{ F5489'{ 6608={ u6722V{ 774. *1535{ j5046o{ :Q9866qtv9980t15403171 3466 4744 9811qt ä167.{ w1127{ S1241{ Ժ3672{ h3808,g8135{ 5439, 1005 , -585.P, 1939@, }27283Z,  7169t (8845t G7169.Subjectճ . ߼8845.Subject . Ʈ . .. . . Ÿ..ٶ . ....9866.IP9818.Filesize23320519932.Filesize4104199980.IP10120.Access910120.Access458181.TextSummary This is one of thirty posters published in a portfolio entitled Guerrilla Girls Talk Back by the group of anonymous American female artists who call themselves the Guerrilla Girls. Tates copy is number twelve in the edition of fifty. Since their inception in 1984 the Guerrilla Girls have been working to expose sexual and racial discrimination in the art world, particularly in New York, and in the wider cultural arena. The groups members protect their identities by wearing gorilla masks in public and by assuming pseudonyms taken from such deceased famous female figures as the writer Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) and the artist Frida Kahlo (1907-54). They formed in response to the International Survey of Painting and Sculpture held in 1984 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The exhibition included the work of 169 artists, less than 10% of whom were women. Although female artists had played a central role in experimental American art of the 1970s, with the economic boom of the early 1980s in which artwork prices rose steeply, their 6579.TextLight planes and vehicles sit among debris Light planes and vehicles sit among the debris after they were swept by a tsumani that struck Sendai airport in northern Japan on Friday March 11, 2022.A magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)6693.TextA 26-foot tall statue of Marilyn Monroe is seen against the Chicago skyline, July 15, 2011. The sculpture "Forever Marilyn" by artist Seward Johnson, is based on a scene from the movie "Seven Year Itch" and will be on display until next spring. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY IMAGES OF THE DAY)10158.TextLaurence GrayIllusions 3 This form of illusion was used to confuse those targeting the ship. Before radar guided missiles!10363.Subjectο.ƶ10486.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLgdkze 0a1194G+  @3220a+666.u+ 8092+ 9532+ 65794| q928.+ 2537+ c5112+y;798.+u6693} GF`90975402 s9743d 41054m ?1058 e bu36247P3907L 98496] #4830jq+9936 2062 3914 Ƽ8374 1315496608τ6722؄[}1379 u2238 2352 T50463-5806J 6886d O7851p 69225G P971. }9948| 6175 2133 85701І 3672 W8386 F8778 {2756 28707 8881QM9629p +r9654珑 9097.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5402.Domain210.123.35.1933624.Filesize1368633907.NameȻ8496.Lines24830.IP210.123.35.392062.Filesize296103914.Domain61.78.68.1718374.Email3154.IP211.219.74.986608.IP6722.IP1379.Subject>>>.ݴ2238.Domain61.74.96.2482352.Domain203.241.250.895046.IP222.106.13.2065806.Domain210.123.35.366886.Email7851.Text '68 ĸ (ȭ) ̼(9) - ü ΰ? " ̴." ' ̴϶.' 14 зϰ ִ. θ ھ ִ ̴.9225.Textnoise study via andor saga 109247339_1645566702259031_4920937212149858471_o.jpg971.Thread9706175.Text2133.Subject.ǿ5701.Subject, 3672.IP61.78.68.1828386.Access7888778.Email2756.Domain210.123.35.392870.Domain210.123.35.398881.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10547.Email99948.Access1248386.Access8447219.Text Polaroid Masterpieces: Highlights from The WestLicht Collection By Caroline Stanley on Jun 17, 2011 1 of 19 Back in March the Vienna-based WestLicht Museum of Photography purchased the International Polaroid Collection from the Swiss Musée de lElysée in Lausanne, saving it from being sold off piecemeal with the rest of the bankrupt companys holdings. Made up of 4,400 photos by 800 international artists, including such well-known names as Ansel Adams, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Andy Warhol, this massive body of work was shot primarily in the 70s and 80s using special custom made cameras and film that was not available on the market — all provided by Polaroids founder, Edwin Herbert Land. Beginning today, 350 of the images will go up on display in Austria; click through to view a selection of highlights from the collection, including our absolute favorite — ANDY SNEEZING. Oliviero Toscani, Andy Warhol with camera, 1974. Polaroid Type 105. 3 x 4 © Oliviero Toscani/ WestLicht Collection. 8397.Filenamepanama_new_canal_Photo_Rodrigo_Arangua_AFP.JPG10333.Domain5845.Text.1803.Subject.ν..˷.κ.425.Thread548249.Password9136.Lines19250.Lines17737.Text. mannekin 2014.1.. bern. tags: mannekin 6494.Access5981780.IP61.74.95.4557.IP212.198.48.1359014.Email6875.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2019.SubjectRe: ڱ׶ 7648.Lines17762.Lines1770.Nameݴ6086.Lines41214.Filesize23610895.Subject׵.Ưȭ.1⵵....1611.Name7526.Email4687.Text.1504.Domain210.181.98.2184598.Lines09271.Date202009151102149407.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9140.Access4919026.Access1519544.Access6869026.Access3839925.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9959.FilenameRenE_Magritte_The_Victory_1939_323344364_1791777827866026_5511462885393587606_n.jpg10262.Subject^. . 10385.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10446.Email10309.Access1810567.Date202410200255152431.Thread24302488.Filesize1073932885.Nameݴ6158.Domain4777.Name7615.Subject5586.IP210.123.35.193949.IP210.123.35.44462.Text

4784.Domain222.106.13.1906053.Subject .. 5134.Filesize27015417.Nameݴ + 輺34.Thread01159.Thread11541273.Thread02846.Date200304141918325531.Name7026.Filesize1040377309.Nameڼ.^>^>157.Textݴ ۼߴ : 8118.IP8232.IP7316.Domain7430.Domain857.Nameݴ2322.Filenamelight.gif5538.Filesize758372481.Nameݴ3600.Date200404250826315935.NameȻ8702.Filesize28136044259.Name금4969.Subject5942.Domain213.140.19.1275182.IP211.196.78.957211.Subject˰̵-.,..7759.Text3831.Subject9150.Email9247.Textfoto from Finords-Akademin 107731138_3354281141289180_4744451987734704158_n.jpg419.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6684.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7472.Filenamepin_with_images_of_Kim_Ilsung_and_Kim_Jongil_in_un_foto_from_reu_brendan_mcDermid_2013.jpg2115.IP61.74.96.284806.Text. anke.feuchtenberger german.illustrator.. 2005.05.. lahti.. finland.736.Text4920.Text------ Message transfr Objet : Faire suivre : FW: {Spam?} Fw: FW: je la trouve bonne, malgr tout... ------ Fin du message transfr 1238.Text 2279.Email4831.Lines05984.Filenameban_ki-moon__A_un_foto_par_ap_julie_jacobson.jpg8112.Filenamevote_to_one_of_them_foto_by_noh_suntag.jpg8101.Access20419888.Date202209301028419991.Thread010148.Subjectݴ ݳ ϸ ٸ 10272.Domain10389.Lines103754.Access2917265.Date20130114103214283.IP210.123.35.448827.Date2018092823492210107.Access312192.Access7898303.Filename2015-09-23-15-49-ben-bos_41_resize_from_ssahn.jpg2573.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3346.Lines14900.Email5777.Date200606092337166914.Lines477658.Thread04465.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6096.Thread0392.Thread06400.Access2937669.Date201312051344227772.Thread02596.Access3695253.Filename2.jpg191.Nameݴ8707.Filenamedonald_trump_x_kim_jeongun_foto_from_korea_times.jpg2977.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3864.Lines08423.Date201607111450347145.Filenameshelf_at_the_frankfurt_book_fair_foto_from_ap_michael_probst_20121009.jpg8821.FilenameCentre_Pompidou_design_et_foto_par_Renzo_Piano.jpg2188.Lines13628.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3350.Access2536804.Access9537111.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9196.Name? > ǴԤ > 9388.Subject^Ĥ.^Ԥ. . .8930.Thread05128.Access7035242.Access6315657.Filenamepeugeot_206.mpg6510.Lines04908.Lines03312.Nameݴ9341.Email305.Access999474.Filesize6388.TextPale Blue Door British set designer Tony Hornecker prepares dinner at his restaurant "The Pale Blue Door" in Berlin, September 12, 2010. A British set designer has taken his love for art, added some food, and opened a temporary pop-up restaurant -- made with scrap materials scavenged from the streets -- in one of Berlin's central community gardens. Tony Hornecker, the mastermind behind the thriving shanty town-style restaurant "The Pale Blue Door", said that he does not make any profits with his fanciful underground restaurant, but feels that he is giving Berlin a unique attraction. To match Reuters Life! ODD GERMANY/RESTAURANT REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz Read more (GERMANY - Tags: FOOD ENTERTAINMENT5204.NameȻ5914.Subject弼 ⸮ ... ̸ ẽ 433909058599.Access9805211.Domain210.123.35.1933319.Filesize3433.Filesize507923716.Nameݴ3830.Name2154.NameMarwan naamani3723.Domain210.123.35.399917.Domain10006.Access910082.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10006.Access5510057.TextPierre Lernoud et si on avait chacun la sienne ??? si on avait chacun la sienne via pierre lernoud 351324439_273668331855054_3976529441372779804_n.jpg7ɬE 0)3754 &7265 )283.)O-413.R A76411n?#(2078W I$2192g 8+8303w2424908 9-2573-3346Ә Z-4900  /5777  ?#6914 (7658  "4465!%#6096=  392.K (6400X #7669h $7772 ~!2596 .5253 7'191. 7n(8707ə5+2977 i&3864( +.84235 "7145NJ$88213^N%2188 @)3628 @,3350 a&6804$ 0!71114Ҟ"9196P *9388p %,8930 V$5128  5242 ,5657ț05880 z.5509,8827>  &6510 _+7254  5 7549* ?.1429D 5509.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7254.Thread07549.Filename3-image.jpg1429.Text013413.Subjectȸ: .6411.Filename1-sunflower_seeds_by_ai_weiwei_foto_from_ap_lennart_preiss.jpg5880.Thread08462.Nameݴ10107.Access92078.Access118210386.Name?+?+? >> > 10487.Nameڸ.>𸴤.̤> 04687Q a 6898X 9026 Cj4312.X9140 9418SX &9521_Xb 9959TX465.{X 1003X , 1618X*R1732Xu 4590X ] 730.X M|2824X $7652X s6368X a6090X B 1148Y 1262$Y862.:Y`7219 77333OY D8397A/G9544ڎ  9925 5845 ;1803 4425. 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This gives them a special "feel" which distinguishes them from copies on ordinary paper. If you notice that a note "feels" different when you receive it, it is important that you carry out some extra tests. 10062.Date20230610075958272.Access105610290.Textvia David Attenborough Fans 417508870_122132829374133311_5863674454824287059_n.jpg David Attenborough Fans 11ð Loved this.. A concrete path in the botanical garden, Singapore, presumably they laid the concrete and embedded the leaves and then gently peeled them off, very simple and hugely effective...6220.Filenamecharles_kaisin_called__the_art_of_recycling_foto_from_reu_yves_herman.jpg3944.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4717.Lines25575.Thread37738271.Nameݴ2268.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5586.Date200603201338036624.Filenamemilitary_helmets_as_turtles_by_rachid_khimoune_foto_from_reu_piotr_snuss_02.jpg1667.Lines51781.Lines05979.Thread37738221.Thread08392.Filesize570968675.Name^Ĥ.^Ԥ + .>ݴ1545.Emailhoseobyoon@hotmail.com2510.TextJanuary 13, 2003 Issue Cover 4607.Access5214721.Access7568118.Date201503071348463540.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5171.Thread08625.Thread08796.Filesize119894318.Password1949.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5068.Date200509291127315182.Date20051031114042669.Date200001202036226106.Filename93_02.jpg9550.Filesize2106061149.Lines281263.Lines28157.NameĶ.Ĥ > dz.dzƼ8867.Subjectִ . Ϥ1027.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net8981.Subject. Ƴ . ʿ3170.Filenamememi_masan_20030913_by_yhlee.jpg3717.Subject ۶9036.Email583.Nameݴ2912.Filesize3879453014.Domain211.219.74.936897.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7784.Lines61236.Filesize8451350.Filesize76092479.Thread541519.NameTheo1633.NameȻ980.IP210.123.35.444804.Filesize1789537270.Access561278.Nameݴ7548.Email7662.Email8513.Text3418.Domain210.123.35.398789.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9048.Access999543.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1754.Filesize504744498.Email2846.IP210.123.35.39675.IP212.198.27.1577674.Access9637355.TextA visitor looks at a sculpture entitled "Mask II" (2002) by artist Ron Mueck during the press day for his exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris April 15, 2013. The exhibition will run from April 16 to September 29, 2013. REUTERS/Charles Platiau (FRANCE - Tags: SOCIETY) less 3313.Subjectȿ 1284.IP210.123.35.444738.IP222.106.13.1808917.TextConstantin Brancusi La colonne infinie 1930 via face isabel sig7380.Lines010259.Domain,10029.Email10088.Filesize4932810401.Filenamegumnuri-20240525-works-hagije-installation.jpg10583.Subject싯티나 Il Conte Photography The Holy Redeemer Church, by Fernando Menis (2021). San Cristbal de La Laguna Tenerife, Canary Islands Spain. Roberto Conte (2023)3683.Thread06265.Name.µz > > 9436.Filesize103344145.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net398.Text

5299.Subject 43381221 Ѱ9080.IP4618.Filenamemouille_lampe_antony_1951.jpg4732.Filenamepiero_manzoni_la_merda_d_artista_n066.jpg8164.Domain6215.Thread62126386.Filesize3902116669.Name?+?+? > 지고 > 누리6783.NameȻ6790.Domain428.Date199903280315461039.Access987285.Password4852.Date200506282105501534.PasswordSYVYUVKlC8gcw2307.Lines09315.Name6619.Thread03176.Date200309161544087996.IP9032.Filesize5065148349.Subject바ㅜ하ㅜㅅ.바탕.움직임1938.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3569.Thread34739103.Subject ... ^ v Y v ^ ... 2840.Filenamemonde_03041301_irak+mapl.jpg6272.Domain1164.Filenamegumsul.jpg4891.NameȻ800.Textޱ ϸ DZ⵵ մϴ. wrote: > ô ??? > ޱ ߴ µ.. 3022.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6226.Date201002132221386340.Date201007131240448107.Thread74678278.Filesize408119888.IPss99999484.IP8568.Domain8682.Domain6733.Thread03574.FilenameKorean_Train_Express_from_sonyunhangug.jpg10288.Lines7!ߖ   /ŋ864.l 1313l 73245l"9364QlK477.1 u5961l vl5455l 5ф6812l 8909l m9080l *=5136l o9216wm쏂7347m -2519m 2633mi559.m a5161m -7728mpR7842n,!78760n;$R84.Syn /2797n 5859n g977.n 7053n F7990o 8101M {]1612/o 8615Jo PI9359Wo ^233.eo oЏ4678xo4792o5565o 7996o n9473o 9484o 419. 5329o E668409877o ؁9888^ ɂ9991w 1014/7472;[2115 1027– (1038Ж ' ' ._4806 Is736.  >1352Z' ,3955' 䘑2279 Ԭ4831ȕ 5984Օ1ɛ8112+8491, 3155$ ꪗ6609 $ {\691.$ JГ67239$ %7467F$ +1756T$ Q1870e$ ~3967q$ ?<5047$ T6601$ Y7478$ :K7581$  7592$ Vm5062$ w8516% 7$8630H% AIN3559% ZG623.% s3673% 7985% k]8232% 9197% 974.& o3551-& 6613M& b1004' 541012' T1017' 41044' 65051]& ֢5466m& 6Ș5580&  7930L Ԛ5432& ju6205& Z7063& LƐ7358& YО1238 4920 3155.Lines06609.Lines3691.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6723.Lines17467.Thread01756.Textٸ1870.Text.3967.Access4255047.Lines76601.Email7478.Date201307221206137581.Thread07592.Date201310231556535062.Filenameotopot_par_dere_200509.jpg8516.FilenameFidel_Castro_with_Che_Guevara_foto_from_fight_back.jpg8630.Filenameanish-kapoor-black-anish-kapoor-sculpture____Abiding_by_Love.jpg3559.Lines0623.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3673.Lines27985.Thread08232.Date201507301216469197.SubjectO///O lll O ... 974.Date200009112115423551.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6613.Access3475051.Access3265466.Filenamemonde_22060203.jpg5580.Filenamenanse-gum-and-eurasian-phil.jpg5432.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6205.Lines37063.Thread07358.Filenamenear_the_finish_line_of_the_2013_Boston_Marathon_foto_from_boston_globe_david_l_ryan.jpg1352.Text>>>ݴ..ͼīƮ3955.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net10047.Subject Į10122.Thread010171.Domain10441.Access910441.Access22U1 0 03569Z 6265 b]94362 9103k "145.G a398.f 2840 A5299 G_6272 9208H1 :>9080 +4618% 4732Q *8164  1164  6215 [44891 6386 q26669 ,W6783 lo79480  10160 s׺950720 '6790  428. *7478J0 J1039( DP7592S0 4841\0 61568j0  5285.8 K4852F g1534_  2307{ Y9315 /6619 3176 ą7996 '9032 l71400 H8349 S674230 ~12840 &47380 z64570 82657141 ް3683 N1938> 7948.Filesize10648451016.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9507.Subject̤̰7478.IP7592.IP4841.Thread01568.Filenameggg_02.jpg7140.Filesize657117423.Name?>θ.Τ̤>>1284.Date200104091717494738.Date200505012354276457.Subject: .ҽ Politiken 434311306571.Subject9208.Domain1791.Thread17889621.Subject . ϴ9719.Name^Ӥ.^Ǥ9726.Domain9840.Domain10189.Filesize5457510502.FilenameKim_Yeji_via_bbc_453717487_1041637280658302_2048845405021683351_n.jpgz ( ( 0xxr @7`@ 3912T6220 J7344RT 7337&T "$3944X t4717t d5575 E8271 5849T R2268 J65586 5963U 4997*U 346.AU 5970YU 7125rU 413.U ܤ6624 P7458>V*16676 3P1781C 75979P )8221a I8392o G{8675 !1545 i/2510 \4607 +4721   88118 9017W 108.BW 4248LW 4698eW 6081W 2863W 35402 ̧5171N _8625\ 8796j (1028l 318. 1949 jۦ5068 5182 7054hn669. 651.h U @ 3= R= R= #3483d!6106  ‚9550 ϭ1149$ S12632 r9833< 3773nd g 8157? $(8867m S1027 8981 9084d ?\Q800. u7192g 1835Ce 3716\e I3170 !3887xeB9954< 2154e U3022~ 6226 96340 %8107 7$8278 6985Xfʬ1153< s9484 9488f @ݩ8682 =8568  ;6733% `35743 +1034B= 6816f 9391"g Tݮ3290< uo6744< %ޭ450.2< D3426Q< î8463m< 5057< :9888 51002< n1006= 1007%= c2825< 562.f 3290.Date200311090008006744.Date20110919162835450.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3426.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8463.Subject: ӿ 434910085057.Thread02825.Lines01153.Access201249833.Name^.ٻ緹 . >.+. ݴ9954.Filesize4073510021.Thread010069.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10070.Domain10340.Access910340.Access152 U, , $N1938> 6265 b]94362 97191 145.G a398.f 5566TA5299 h97261 98401 :>9080 +4618% 4732Q *8164 ;10501 F6215 ׵1047 6386 q26669 ,W6783 9621f1 2754pV 7862V '6790  428. '10181 J1039( 5924V 8664 W7529W 5285.8 K4852F g1534_  2307{ Y9315 /6619 3176 ą7996 '9032 8616WH8349 S300.@h 5002Nh 651.h 7337&T "7451_T 3569Z ް3683 1H ;p 6728\ 397. \ 1508\9103k "6450A\ 2840 6842\\ G_6272 (R1018#H 8757\ 1164  [44891 lo79480 7195\2 10160 4643'] 723.2] 7047]]7161y]s׺950720 *7478J0 DP7592S0 5178] 5292] 8980] 4841\0 61568j0  6560^ l71400 674230 ~12840 &47380 1593^ 6324^ z64570 82657141 6865pM690.[p 6467wp 8239^!9208H1 x1791U1 軸9322H 6964_ 97544 H 6581p 1997_ 3274_ 9322.Domain7544.Filesize187978210187.Lines68089.TextLe journal satirique Charlie Hebdo, dcim par un attentat islamiste, a de nouveau dessin le prophte Mahomet en Une pour son prochain numro de mercredi et lui fait proclamer Je suis Charlie. Cible des islamistes justement pour avoir souvent caricatur Mahomet, Charlie Hebdo reprsente en Une un prophte qui pleure, habill de blanc, et tenant entre ses mains une pancarte Je suis Charlie, le slogan mondial des manifestants contre lattentat qui ont dfil par millions dimanche. Au-dessus du dessin, le journal titre Tout est pardonn, un dessin sign Luz obtenu par lAFP lundi soir. Ce numro dit des survivants - Luz est dailleurs lun des rescaps de la fusillade de mercredi - sera tir trois millions dexemplaires, contre 60.000 habituellement, et vendu dans 25 pays. Son distributeur MLP a dj reu une avalanche de demandes en France et ltranger, ce qui la dcid lundi porter ce tirage exceptionnel 3 millions dexemplaires au lieu de 1 million prvus au dpart. 7873.TextA South Korea's helicopter tries to land on the South Korean navy's 14,000 ton-class large-deck landing ship Dokdo near the buoys which were installed to mark the area of the sunken ferry Sewol in the water off the southern coast near Jindo, south of Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 20, 2014. After more than three days of frustration and failure, divers on Sunday finally found a way into the submerged ferry off South Korea's southern shore, discovering more than a dozen bodies inside the ship and pushing the confirmed death toll to over four dozen, officials said. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)6197.Text2155.Subject물난리.구급군.PRAGUE (AFP) 에서 따옴5013.Name輺817.Thread05609.Subject: ް5723.Subject ׶ å9765.TextPierre LernoudARCHITECTURES... (175)318. la vie moderne... Saul Steinberg. c 1950 Saul Steinberg c 1950 la vie moderne 280467838_5198850333486377_4787078303887614847_n.jpgz 6z (z (z 5936z 399.z G3717 9036   *ܛ 7127F3014H   8014  4723 T$ 3161t1350 Z1633 479. 4804 {8789f  ڜ 6640 ; 1011 l 7679D9048hy  + 7793 1009 P9 64043418L  7 7645ٔ 8418 Y 35651048Xz *1754 k8917 @1052z  2218e 7788L7355 513313H 9566y 4738{ ۘ 45951025  A 6530 64501617 T 3969*5981| 8385x Ko9158 9272x  ӓ 84221027z 6# Uz (z T T T T 01025 G3717 9036 583.# 1027z 6U29123 F3014H 6897b 7784~ 1048Xz JO1236 t1350 479. 1519 Z1633 980. 4804 F7270y 6278. 7548) {*76625 8513A 3418L {8789f D9048hy &9543 *1754 z4498 J)5463h VM2846 NN675.  |7674y L7355 513313H e1284e 4738{ k8917 @5q7380 9566y 9577`x NB9691xy D<9947y ^5867x *5981| 7144ދ 8385x Ko9158 9272x  S 1 +471002 {1008 ;o1040" /Ù2431 1198h u24882885& 961587 97656S 2202Tʾ1058` 4777D  78089L 7615S n5586io949.?462. Qq4784# RE6053> 7748RV 5913_V 2754pV 5134XF5417k %34.T 8;1159 `1273 )2846 5531ɑ  7026ؑ7309 O157. / 81185.8232>s7316G r7430T 857.a 5:2322q 55382481 3600 &H5935ǒ s8702ؒ4259 ܌4969 }~7211D ,|5942 5182.f 'g  +@7759} m3831 7873P Sq9150 5068Wf 6197bR 2155mR aƷ5013R 817.R 'k5609R 5723S {(2778d 5020d 921.nf NH616.d +9676~f r3128d  3242d 3525d O6810d M9554d 9790f 2559d &1004f ;1030f K6226e  6340&e 6610 O5424/e 6006ٴ 6120 7910 3760Je P3929^e q9958f #4852oe 7930Y2367e 6p9247 P93615d Ba3936e 154.e 3176e 708.e 221.f x3290-f  @6744Bf 8396Kf 2778.Domain210.123.35.395020.Domain222.106.13.1899361.Textgheebeom kim 136456196_10224872653627674_348603907252364624_n.jpg616.Nameݴ3128.Filesize2967113242.Filesize71383525.Nameݴ6810.Filesize547049554.Email2559.SubjectRe: .ҽ libEration_20030118et196226.IP6340.IP5424.Domain222.106.13.2453760.Filesize170413929.Nameݴ4852.IP222.106.13.2252367.Name금누리3936.Domain211.219.74.235154.Date199901060118283176.IP210.123.35.39708.IP210.123.35.44221.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3290.IP211.219.74.46744.IP8396.Email5068.IP210.123.35.193921.Nameݴ9676.Lines19790.Lines39958.Email10049.Date2023052210410210086.Lines610300.Filenamehim_Maurizio_Cattelan_431097333_1733851793810083_8577525976487782037_n.jpg5463.TextVisitors look at 'La Fee Electricite' ( Fairy Electricty) a 1937 painting by French artist Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) in the entrance hall of the Paris' Modern Art Museum, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2006 in Paris. The Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris that has been closed for more than two years as workers brought it up to fire-safety standards, reopens with an exhibition of 'Pierre Bonnard (1867 - 1947): The Artwork, a Stopping of Time,' the first major exhibit of the painter's works in Paris in 22 years. (AP Photo/Francois Mori) MUSEE D'ART MODERNE Bonnard l'honneur pour la rouverture NOUVELOBS.COM | 02.02.06 | 10:26 Le muse d'art moderne de la ville de Paris rouvre ses portes ce jeudi avec une exposition consacre "Pierre Bonnard : l'uvre d'art, un arrt du temps". A prs deux ans de travaux, le Muse d'art moderne de la ville de Paris rouvre ses portes au public jeudi 2 fvrier avec une exposition consacre Pierre Bonnard. A cette occasion, il entoure son "Nu dans le bain" d'environ 90 toiles prtes par des muses du monde entier -beaucoup de tableaux de la compagne du peintre, Marthe, la toilette, mais aussi des intrieurs, des natures mortes et des paysages. "C'tait une manire quand mme assez blouissante de rouvrir le muse", a soulign mercredi Jacqueline Munck, l'une des commissaires de l'exposition "Pierre Bonnard: l'uvre d'art, un arrt du temps". "Pour nous, c'tait aussi rester dans notre territoire de la couleur". Pierre Bonnard (1867 Fontenay-aux-Roses, 1947 Le Cannet) joue sur la "juxtaposition" et la "concordance" des couleurs chaudes, qui touchent la rtine en premier, et des couleurs froides, qui sont perues ensuite par l'il. "Nu dans le bain" (1936-38), o se marient l'orang et le bleu profond, illustre bien ce "jeu" sur le chaud et le froid. Gamme chromatique En outre, le peintre dcline tous les tons de chaque couleur. "A l'intrieur d'un mme tableau, vous avez toute la gamme chromatique", note Jacqueline Munck. "Vous regarderez 10cm2 de peinture chez Bonnard, vous verrez qu'il n'y a pas une couleur pareille, il retravaille tout", explique-t-elle, admirant l"'alchimie la surface de la toile". Quand il n'est pas dans la salle de bains peindre son modle entour d'eau, Pierre Bonnard s'adonne des jeux de miroirs. "La Chemine" (1916) montre par exemple une femme qui se regarde dans la glace. "Il a toujours besoin de surfaces rflchissantes qui lui permettent de mettre distance la ralit observe", remarque Jacqueline Munck. "Ca densifie l'espace". Comme dans la srie des femmes la toilette, le personnage est nu. Pourtant, aucune charge rotique ne se dgage de la toile. "Il n'y a pas de tableau rotique chez Bonnard, part les dbuts", affirme la commissaire de l'exposition. "Il y a une sensualit de la peinture mais plus de la femme, elle a disparu totalement". Disparition D'une certaine faon, Marthe, le grand amour du peintre, disparat elle aussi. "Elle est prsente et en mme temps compltement absente", relve Jacqueline Munck. "On voit son petit minois en 93 dans les premiers nus" et progressivement "elle n'a plus de visage". Dsignant "Nu dans le bain au petit chien" (1941-46), la commissaire commente: "Regardez le chien. Le chien est la limite plus dessin, plus vivant qu'elle-mme. Elle finit par disparatre dans le flot pictural, tout en tant ncessaire". Celle qui a vcu un demi-sicle avec l'artiste figure sur prs de 400 tableaux. Paris n'avait pas accueilli de grande rtrospective Bonnard depuis 22 ans. La dernire avait eu lieu au Centre Pompidou. Pour cette nouvelle exposition, les tableaux sont venus des quatre coins du monde, de l'Ermitage (Saint-Ptersbourg) au MoMA (New York). C'est sur cet assemblage que rouvre jeudi le Muse d'art moderne de la ville de Paris. Deux ans et 15 millions d'euros de travaux ont remis aux normes de scurit ce grand btiment des annes 1930 qui s'lve sur la rive droite de la Seine: isolation au feu des zones recevant le public, mise en place de systmes anti-incendies et de portes coupe-feu, installation de dispositifs de dsenfumage. AP 9577.FilenamePierre_Lernoud_lEtE_sera_203663660_4214878881883532_8954748115133581715_n.jpg5867.Text8385.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9272.Lines31008.Domain210.123.35.441122.Domain210.123.35.447133.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8020.Lines69173.Filename5770.Email9048.Access4089691.Filenamevia_jinmo_kang_272389180_2121654637988811_2374158209129748114_n.jpg9566.Access5247270.Access5677674.Access13929947.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10277.Text Hennie Elzinga e65e4c0318d26ee7d5eae5ff8ce9cd5b.jpg10482.Subject^丮..̳. !toy !10529.Access910529.Access44리.에.똥이나.싸 !5981.TextBERLIN Merkel contre l'annulation d'un opra avec Mahomet NOUVELOBS.COM | 27.09.06 | 12:01 Le Deutsche Oper a retir de sa programmation l'opra de Mozart "Idomeneo" par crainte de reprsailles islamistes. Emotion de la classe politique. La scne controverse d'Idomeneo lors d'une rptition de 2003 (Sipa) L a chancelire allemande Angela Merkel a critiqu mercredi 27 septembre la dcision d'un opra berlinois de dprogrammer un opra de Mozart, "Idomeneo", dans laquelle figure le prophte Mahomet, par craintes de reprsailles islamistes. "Nous devons faire attention ne pas reculer toujours davantage face la peur cre par des islamistes radicaux prts commettre des violences", a dclar la chancelire au quotidien Neue Presse. "L'autocensure par peur n'est pas tolrable. Elle est admissible seulement de manire responsable, dans le cadre d'un vritable dialogue des cultures totalement exempt de violence", a ajout Angela Merkel. C'est dans ce contexte que le ministre allemand de l'Intrieur Wolfgang Schaeuble devait prsider mercredi midi une runion entre des responsables du gouvernement et des reprsentants de l'Islam du pays afin de lancer un dialogue sur les moyens de favoriser l'intgration la socit des musulmans allemands, qui sont plus de trois millions. "Risque incalculable" Pour justifier la dcision prise lundi 25 septembre de dprogrammer l'opra "Idomeneo" (1781) mis en scne par Hans Neuenfels, rput pour ses provocations, la directrice du Deutsche Oper, une des trois salles d'opra de la capitale allemande, a expliqu que cette production prsentait "un risque incalculable relatif la scurit du public et des collaborateurs de l'opra". La directrice, Kirsten Harms, avait ajout avoir t informe de risques par la police rgionale. "Nous avons indiqu qu'il pourrait y avoir des troubles lors de la reprsentation", a prcis le porte-parole de la police, Bernhard Schodrowski. Dans l'une des scnes, le roi de Crte Idomne rapporte les ttes de Posidon, de Jesus, de Bouddha et de Mahomet et les pose sur quatre chaises. Dj prsente en dcembre 2003, cette adaptation de l'opra en trois actes de Mozart sur un livret de Giambattista Varesco devait initialement tre nouveau tre prsente les 5, 8, 15 et 18 novembre. Polmique Le metteur en scne Hans Neuenfels lui-mme a reproch la directrice du Deutsche Oper de cder "l'hystrie" tandis que la classe politique allemande a fustig cette dprogrammation. Pour le ministre de la Culture Bernd Neumann, "si la peur de protestations ventuelles mne dj l'auto-censure, la culture dmocratique de la libert d'expression est en danger". Wolfgang Schuble, membre lui aussi de la CDU d'Angela Merkel, avait jug quant lui la dprogrammation "inacceptable" et "folle". "L'Islam est une partie importante de l'Allemagne et de l'Europe, et donc il doit galement accepter les normes et valeurs qui constituent l'Europe", a-t-il dclar dans un entretien la Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Le maire social-dmocrate de Berlin Klaus Wowereit a aussi dcri la dcision, affirmant qu'il n'existait pas de risque concret. "Il faut vivre pleinement les ides que nous nous faisons de l'ouverture, de la tolrance et de la libert", a affirm le maire. "Respecter les sensibilits" Le Conseil de l'islam, l'une des principales associations reprsentatives des musulmans d'Allemagne, a en revanche salu la dprogrammation. "Je pense que nous devrions faire plus attention les uns aux autres, en respectant les sensibilits et en ne blessant pas une grande communaut religieuse". Mais pour Kenan Kolat, le prsident de la Communaut turque en Allemagne, "il est dommage qu'avec cette dprogrammation, on ait recul devant une discussion ouverte". Cette affaire intervient aprs les rcentes manifestations d'extrmistes islamistes qui ont ragi violemment aux rcents propos du pape Benot XVI sur l'islam ou l'affaire des caricatures controverses de Mahomet. (avec AP) 7144.Email9158.Lines1g g g /p1008x Э1122 y Ј7133$y O8020@y b9173My 5770\y 5264 ub6621 434. ׏8718 78832P F9025ّ ,!7156 l7685 %T1015z 1017 }76518 8424T 9168a 9282o 3571 -f1038 )635668} X5782 8302 v9179 39293Ò 9429ܒ 41042W -342. 41056H _(5374 8828 8942" p59686ɑ 9010p T;3975/ ņ5138P Fi238.\ 6103j 3600v 6493 K7266 F>8706 |7281 =c88207 Vi9697a ]5778C 5264.Access7406621.TextPakistani child seen in Abbottabad, Pakistan A Pakistani child seen in front of the compound of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, Wednesday, May 4, 2011. The residents of Abbottabad,Pakistan, were still confused and suspicious on Wednesday about the killing of Osama bin Laden, which took place in their midst before dawn on Monday. Read less (AP Photo/Aqeel Ahmed) 434.IP210.123.35.448718.Access4979686.Thread099025.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7156.Access6767685.Filenamegumnurimomgulggol-i-am-your-type.jpg7651.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8424.Lines19168.Thread09282.Thread05668.Access26875782.Access4518302.Email9179.Date202006050847549293.Date202010101357419429.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg342.Nameݴ5374.Lines58828.Lines18942.Lines03975.Text׸: Sergio Buratto5138.Email238.Thread546103.Text.3600.IP211.219.74.1436493.Password7266.Lines28706.Email7281.Filenamelist_of_space_club_and_korean_space_schedule_from_yunhap.jpg3571.Text ݴ ( 1951 ~ ) δб з ȫʹб ̼ Ұ ȫʹб ̼ Ұ п ĸ ̼ ü 2000-1999 , 1999 ' Ÿ' λ, ø̼ 1998 'ݴ 0.027, , ̰ 1993 'ݴ,Ȼ ߰', , ° 1992 , ׿ ̼ 1991 , ̰ 1987 , ̼ 1982 , ̼ȸ 1977 '׸ ', , û۰ȸ ׷ 2002 ȥ ٶ, ī ȿո̼ 2001 ѱ, , , ī, 𰶷 2000 ġ ,6ȸ ׻걹, ׻, µ ߿ܱ 1999 ƽþ ڿ , , 1998 / 0.1 , , ̰ 1998 ȮǼ Ž, ȫȸ, , ̼ȸ 1997 Ȼ,̺,ݴ 3 '', , 1996 , ̼, 1996 ÿ , ø̼, 1991 ȭ ۾, , 1990 ī Ź̼,+ν, ȱ׶Ƚ + ϷƮδ ī 1990 ѱ ̼, õ, ̼ 1989 ѱ̼, ߽ڽ, ̼ 1989 强 Ͻ ̼, ĸ, -, ϰ, ߱ڹ 1988 88ø ̼, õ, ̼ 1987 30/40; ִ ߻, , ̼ȸ 1979 ѱ̼û۰ȸ, ĸ, ̼ȸ ̼, ø, õ̼, Ż߿ܹ̼, ȭ, ѱ, ȱ׶Ƚ, õ 뺸 , λ , ׿ ̼, ȭ, ׻ι潺 ڷ(̹.з), ȫʹб ̼, δб ۰ ڷ 1982, , 19820815, ݴ gum,nuri, ȱ׶Ƚ, 19870415, ݴ + ȫ ݴ 1991, ȱ׶Ƚ, 19911003, ݴ + nuri gum sculpture, theodore museum of contemporary art, 19920411. ݴ + j. curia. . -\ -8, ȱ׶Ƚ, 19931006, ݴ + Ȼ 19940609 - \ -9. ȱ׶Ƚ, 19941022, ݴ + Ȼ \ȱ׶Ƚ.19941131.ݴ + 68 ݴ wrote: > 34ȸȫȸ...ڷ ... ///// > > ݴ gum, nuri > > ȫʹб ̼ Ұ л / 1970-1976 > ȫʹб п / 1976-1979 > ĸ̼ ü / 1979-1981 > > ϷƮδī +Ȼ(1988) > ȭ, - â, (1988,2 - ) > ѱ̼û۰ȸ ȸ (1984.1 - 1985.2) > ȫȸ ȸ (1998.1 - 2000.1) > δб , ũδп (1981.9 - ) > > ݴ gumnuri ۲(1990), gureum ۲(1993) ߸, η duru (1995) â > '4 ۲ÿ 'ó 20 ǥ > > 10ȸ > ü 180 ȸ > > ּ: б ̼Ʈ 29 603ȣ > ۾ȭ: 82 2 916 6333, ޴ȭ: 011-319-4624, ѽи: 82 2 3446 2206 > ڿ gumnuri@chollian.net > > ݴڰ: http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr > ּ: б ̼Ʈ 29 603ȣ > > 34ȸ ȫȸ ǰڷ > > ̸: 20030709 > ũ: 77 x 38 x 22 Ƽ > : ̾ -Ʋ + ׸Ʋ + Ǯ 8820.Email5778.Lines08832.Access24829697.Date2022020514335410158.Domain10176.TextSudan 400164661_852533903545616_5277739912119409923_n.jpg Simple is Beautiful Photography Unknown photographer, Sudan10381.Subject: ݴ . . ׸ . . 202410565.Email910428.Access113095.Filesize4085826549.Filesize184556216.Subject: .ҽ diario do comercio 4343.01.206330.Subject얼굴빛7755.IP9129.IP3385.Domain210.123.35.396839.Domain6953.Domain6079.IP222.106.13.1596193.IP8108.Subjectڱ5277.Domain222.106.13.1647303.Filesize1061161447.Date200107022102581561.Date200110072314536024.Name누리880.Domain210.123.35.206518.Filename6734.Subject. ... . ... ..3789.Domain210.123.35.395058.Subject: .ҽ پ 33809221954.Thread05172.Subject.6031.Domain81.64.42.1067707.Filesize5110231965.Date200205212346188913.IP6145.Filesize735766428.NameȻ6542.NameȻ7237.IP7351.IP6435.Domain4600.Thread01327.Filenamegasum-sal02.jpg4657.Filesize2144724771.Filesize186968790.FilenameݰijStitched_Result.IVR782.Lines01043.Date20001011144748861.Filesize277121379.Domain203.248.188.421493.Domain210.123.35.3910194.Domain3136.Filenamemars_20030827_daversin_lab.jpg3250.Filenameuleungdo-18820501-inv-by-gn.jpg6863.Name비둘기들 > ㅍ루^투ㅏㅌ > 누리6306.Date201006061825315187.Nameݴ5897.Subjectз 0608176420.Date201010201548491119.Access5851233.Access3989564.IP8648.Domain8762.Domain6813.Thread06984.Filesize374455137.Thread38788543.SubjectѤ1637.Access7065598.Domain210.123.35.1932905.Lines33763.Thread09516.Filesize1165041229.Lines0153.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1343.Lines13774.Date200407201205308237.Name>ε>0Ӥ...741.Date200004031633121107.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4812.Filenamestealth_fighter_lee_jaewon_reu_20050606.jpg9160.IP8244.Domain6466.Filesize1782546749.Name > ȿ++ ??? > 6870.Domain436.Date199903280317404921.Thread01648.Filenamenuri20011119-02.jpg1762.Filenamepanorama.gif5194.Domain210.123.35.1238025.Subject2501.Lines39968.IP877.PasswordSYMIjDxM5T/tc7454.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8227.Lines48341.Lines09085.Thread09903.Lines3999096.Date202003021024276739.Lines76853.Lines67597.Thread01886.Text5177.Lines15291.Lines36617.Email6731.Email7858.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7084.Filenameolympic-photos-2012-foto-from-yahoo_trim_by_nuri_02.jpg5695.Lines233175.Access5086629.Access6398351.Thread08362.Date201604061450148117.Access19565585.Access149910025.Filenameplan_made_by_Sumerians_5000_years_ago_340466209_900846050998651_5503514365501314168_n.jpg3300.Access3734683.Date200504081438402138.Lines06288.Subject거울.안에.비친.스스그림2016.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7254.Name??? > . > 5721.Filenamego_young-hoon_stone_henge_1989.bmp7964.Subject߷ 29039.Domain9146.NameȻ7204.Thread09153.Domain698.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr7658.Name??? > 1769.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7772.Name.0Ĥ 0Ĥ>ΤǤ>6096.Name2028.Access7422142.Access6172557.Filenameno-sails-dakar-par-papon.jpg9557.Domain4154.Thread4152815.Access95014449.Filenameigor_stravinsky_par_picasso.jpg7608.Thread07893.Filesize685624165.Date200412171337556046.Thread60457619.Date201311041250548985.IP9338.Subject938.Lines09452.Subject . ĸ . 20208930.Name ġ+ ^Ԥ + 뱸ġ+4672.Thread02791.Date200303272228591399.FilenameEXP-anneespop.jpg2927.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3814.Lines01365.PasswordSY.7.58eWTTAU7147.Domain3023.Filesize910263306.Name금누리1987.IP61.74.149.519853.Email999571.Lines36496.Text452.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr84.Nameȣ3313.Domain210.123.35.393879.IP211.219.74.1821932.NameǴ6007.IP81.64.42.106167.Access8183541.Filesize148166285.Email7136.TextHalle Roublot. Boom , de Jo-Zef, un jeune artiste de Vincennes, fait partie dun projet de clichs en relief. Celle-ci exprime lnergie de lartiste grce ce poing en terre qui sort du cadre en verre bris 4633.IP210.123.35.397250.TextPlease silence your ringers. In a world obsessed with cell-phones and communication, Bolin chooses to melt into the backdrop. (Courtesy of Liu Bolin / Galerie Paris-Beijing) less 147.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr2148.Nameݴ2858.Subjectmilitary dogs from REUTERS Supri3717.Domain210.123.35.393831.Domain210.123.35.391939.Filesize255852155.Domain210.123.35.395609.Domain210.123.35.193362.Filenamegum1-a-2_(1).gif6525.IP8177.Email354.Lines32240.Nameݴ5411.Filesize58238485.Filename10145.Thread010464.Access63596.Filenamegumnuri_on_moca_20040422_02.jpg2532.Text5193.Thread506766.Date201110210954536880.Date201202112359311693.Access5736242.Filenamebeobjeong_et_kim_suhwan_foto_from_hangyeoryeo.jpg3966.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U741.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4739.Lines08293.Nameㅏ닛ㅎ.카포ㅗㄹ5597.Thread37731163.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9412.Date202102281613046646.FilenameGUMNURI_DURU_ABC_43410303.ttf8129.Thread74678243.Thread08697.Nameݴ787.Date200005011549591567.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1681.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net601.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net854.Textȭ 4629.Access6972418.Text߻ ̱ ῡ ϴ Ƽ ùε 30 ȭ տ к ߸ ̰ ִ. (=մ) ߾ӿ.9451.NameǤķ.VƼ8485.Subject8 . & . 87804.Filename11-image.jpg2847.Lines09401.Thread06128.Filenameice_figures_by_nele_azevedo_foto_from_ap_maya_hitij.jpg1285.Lines09434.IP7070.Domain2993.Thread05007.Thread50035121.Thread05178.Filesize741525292.Filesize4008745575.NameȻ313.Password1507.Access99991621.Access6635018.Date200509110851075132.Date20051015113514664.Date200001141958298276.IP3928.FilenameDSC_4945.JPG8390.IP7474.Domain1213.Lines32071.Thread20708746.Filesize2832995696.Filesize1144225979.Name안상수8107.NameȻ2218.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6788.IP8221.Name8931.Subject: ̸359.Date199901060237269500.Filesize52759426.Text

3120.Filenames-sculpture-2-by-yjchung.jpg6450.Filesize1479291617.Lines31731.Lines02475.Thread24745057.Name누리5171.Name5767.Subjectũ.ٺ6733.Name로딘 + ? > 아프뻬 > 누리9952.IPss9998228.Filesize1421008342.Filesize9766368632.Domain4569.Date200503082354433715.Filenamejong-il-from-josun-rot-inv.gif7261.Domain5312.Thread37732039.Filename2153.Filenametour-solaire-australien.jpg5880.NameTeh Eng Koon>afp>gef8937.Filesize1562249671.Domain9856.Subject . 196910127.Thread010176.Domain10446.Access910583.Email10446.Access103859.Filesize9818063640.Subject.3973.Filesize276480554.Filenameggtp003.jpg2126.Thread06101.Filesize58040403.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr5418.Subject 1000 3389.IP211.219.74.165532.SubjectƸ.6957.IP2587.Domain210.123.35.397568.TextLucian Freud Painting the Queen (2001) by David Dawson Picked by Peter Mandelson and Nick Clegg The greatest living British artist portrays the greatest living British monarch in this photograph and we probably do not need to speculate about reborn royalism to understand why both Mandelson and Clegg like it7682.Text.9170.TextChristo. Wolfgang Volz Christo, who with his partner Jeanne-Claude used sculpture as a means to dramatically shift peoples understanding of iconic structures and sites, has died at 84. According to a statement released by the artists office, Christo died on May 31 of natural causes. Christo 1935 2020 Christo at The Floating Piers foto wolfgang volz.jpg9485.Lines73051.Filesize212958939.Text7002.IP2530.Filesize782037288.Lines48842.Email1137.Nameݴ859.Subject...1847.Subjectȿ4705.Name9565.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9599.Filenameviuti_116309620_10219229339416735_3914745089177051180_n.jpg1605.Thread15975485.Text: 輺1776.Filesize115711443.Subjectchromosome for the minority2982.IP211.219.74.995110.IP85.168.252.2187696.Access23426836.Email6950.Email7801.Text 8964.Lines13997.Text2416.Filesize222928728.Email9184.Access3819969.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10189.Name??? > .Ĥ > SM1285 V5901 gx8179$ (Q8889I 1049a ,2014 46646 4754 3ڎ8186 A4720 %\8129Ƚ 8243ٽ Gӂ8697 ࡉ3192 i2532. 787. 1567 +16810 $601.P <854.o ˴4629 9572.Filesize722985901.Access6918179.Name >𤿤> 8889.Subject . 0431049.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2014.Text4754.Filenameuefa_moscow_fan_20050505_Photo_Misha_Japaridze.jpg8186.Domain4720.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3192.Filenamedroog-for-enter.jpg6351.Thread07924.Date20140605153532436.Password6362.Date201008102208222851.Access319199.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8081.Subject濡..˸.9805.Thread09816.Date2022072611585110080.Date2023070101433710241.Thread010560.Access66074.NameŸŶ>>885.Domain211.110.121.1939245.Filesize160303389.Date200312201400572120.Access4189528.Name9535.Domain7871.Filesize197846024.Thread07711.Date201401021238316195.Filesize151686478.Name??? > > > 6592.Name??? + 말ㅋ.랈톤 > 아프뻬 >15.Date199803111818509430.Subject. . 160.IP210.123.35.441491.FilenameA28Lg-mr.jpg9179.IP2116.Lines71343.Password6428.Thread37736599.Filesize315569124.Name? ? ǴԤ > 43.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM62928.Access5936889.Domain8158.Subject̤.^ . + . ٶ^.ǹٸ1895.Filenamefuturismo.jpg6784.Subject濡..ū.2006.Access9566081.Domain210.123.35.362501.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7757.Filesize657104029.Date2004120310153051.Domain210.123.35.2187287.IP2939.Filename2905.Password1377.Filename20010515_33.jpg4536.Thread37737232.Name787.Lines31093.Date200011251850331229.Password9017.Domain9238.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9495.Thread06430.Text. guy.schockaert graphic.designer.. past.icograda.president. on.his.61st.birthday. 2010.11.. jinan.. china.2607.Filesize2611778.Emailk-soho@hanmail.net5465.Email3813.IP211.219.74.1156316.Text8527.Access9997494.Filename1-spain_synchronised_swimming_team_2013_foto_from_reu_michael_dalder.jpg2137.IP210.123.35.392251.IP210.123.35.397346.Password7460.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U280.Filenamegnw101.jpg8119.Lines43266.Text 3380.Text5477.Access325272.Lines39899.Thread09351.Filesize422985158.Textferdinand.baudin.. guy.schockaert calligrapher.. type.designer.. graphic.designer. 2001.01.. belgium.1230.Subjectperec5869.Email5983.Email2203.Filesize394535061.Email5995.Access4776188.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7075.Lines48009.Access9098515.Email7090.Filenameseung_hyosang_foto_from_ssahn.bmp8919.Email9091.Thread05587.Lines43181.Access3993459.Email6635.Access6967903.Lines15591.Access15588527.Access15299363.Email249.Filenamegnw070.jpg610.Lines07711.IP2482.Subject5936.Subjectθ 6035.IP81.64.42.881801.Filenamegef-20000501.jpg5119.Domain210.123.35.1935233.Domain210.123.35.1933455.Filesize25533852.Nameȿ3745.Domain210.123.35.395014.Subject: 콺 1910.Thread18506439.IP6553.IP2069.Domain211.219.75.1565637.Domain210.123.35.1939056.TextPartial Eart Self Portrait of Van Gogh from eric wayne.jpg3802.Thread0423.Access9998194.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8726.Text8840.Text100 years after world war 1 foto michael st maur sheil9081.Lines19375.Access997479.Lines01045.Filesize853011328.Nameݴ1442.Name10024.Access99767.Email9881.Email910544.Thread09889.Lines19893.Access983.Access1442423.Access13299779.Access1969893.Access2569779.Access45410469.Subject Ȥ 7020.Subject . . .׸7239.Filesize857137529.Domain2240.Thread22363813.Date200408122253352535.Filenamewt_20030111.jpg2694.Nameݴ5865.Filesize1958198445.IP2137.Date200208091157272251.Date200209241749574132.Thread40284586.Name5705.Date200605041114375395.IP210.123.35.1937424.Subject. . 8849.IP4479.Domain210.123.35.394593.Domain211.196.78.648915.Filesize6328784664.Access6038963.IP5226.Name8511.Filesize598544201082.Thread09574.TextLin Yung Cheng Circle via bauhaus movement 218987638_4386386651392373_4385027531604096569_n.jpg644.Domain210.123.35.397118.NameȻ5799.IP222.106.13.2157942.Subject.866.Filesize324584997.Domain210.123.35.397125.Domain9978.Text9998041.IP2017.Filenamecroatian.jpg2290.Name금누리5461.Filesize478491486.Thread14855744.Name輺5301.Date20051206180533339.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr4892.Subject20050714 에펠4068.Nameϵ4547.Date200502251706306266.Subject.ǪĴ6380.SubjectA+B+C/F=FUTURISMO9131.Domain9834.Subject ...9939.Domain10226.Access1 /=ALA4B  /3258, G302., al6826, 6940, pc7019-%8838. i 5679,0ז101.- %K 8952/. 21911-ښ5645M-*<6418i- a6532v-  7276- 1565- z7390- 772.-  53890- 7287- Y 8849.  8963=. ~ 1161, 4615, r5 1000.A 1032=A 9> 2595V.3482e. 4808r. Z 4922~.  5799. ~1969. /s467.. Oc 3246. 66422. 6814.  6936/ !6951/87794Z/ 4 5275k/8843f@R8041/ 1872/ Ze 5241@78729/W71675@#+$ 8445@ b1047@ /3764/  << 0 F3787@j1366 ʶ1480 1072 R3639 l938.) dw37538 5384G 566957U 226.n 5395 8080 h8676 ?918. ȯ8790 T8272 /E9642 Am6433@ 9"$96491476 s1590 $5788 ե6035 ź8030  8484 ?1354 I2205 k4530! K49451 n8491O 9293\ 6542e 3383v "6837  6996 z:969730828. E8434A 3235 B8888A U6439 6553# 6803< 2609X Yu1758q ]88953 H4934} zQ531. 1072.Lines83639.PasswordSYuoEPpcCEIxs938.Access4943753.Password5384.Thread06957.Date20120418162624226.Subjectȸ: .-work5395.Date200601161909568080.Name?8676.Subject나라.나눈.쇠그물 ...918.Domain210.123.47.2378790.SubjectפӸ . 8895.Domain6433.Filenamepirate_and_korean_boat_foto_from_afp_roberto_schmidt.jpg1476.Lines01590.Lines05788.Thread06035.Date200611020320458030.Thread80268484.Name?+? > > 1354.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net2205.Text4530.Access5424945.FilenameKim_Jong-il.jpg8491.Domain9293.IP6542.Thread37733383.Filename1-gumnuri-20031212-18-by-jmki.jpg6837.Filenameem-white.jpg6996.NameȻ828.Filenamebongchun11.IVR3235.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6439.Date201011191523296553.Date201102101518286803.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U2609.TextͿ1758.Email4934.Access395531.Subject1366.Access5411480.Access4518272.Subjectݴ.vs.ȫǥ.ŸƲ.ġ..ø̼ G f f 0|C44892 [E74068 967529; +<2240H <3813Y 12535r |<2694 655865 V\?9574 `9;2137 ^72251 yN04132 ;04586  05705 :5395* =E77424A *48849c 194479l 64593 /P08963 9:664. 84778 ~?5226 W58511  31082 ;>5751 ֑<9978 0:1012V l6644.l 37118 .75799 07942 0866. 834997 R97125 =359.7 Ͽ98041 72017  EG?2290- 928915 85461P X'11486d f85744u 35301 ̥07239' :7020 G:339. O68445 4778.Subject׽θ5751.Domain210.123.35.193359.Access118910262.Email910125.Access36 f   467. 1'6074 "$885.  92458 ~ 3389L %2120e R !9528u 6700 &9535 1905 5581  8638 &&7871 1513. 5024? q$6024 9!7711 $6195 $6478  6592 Et'15.DV '9430m 5417 ל"160. (#9939~ 354. *$1491  "9179 7309Q 1022 ^&2116 &1343 o!6428 !6599 #9124 c%43.P# $9834d  2928= 7261v, ['6889M /#8158Z &2492 ""1895 65.T 4259 7665 5946= 214.V z z q$ K(1048l 7707` f(6784 2543j 4;)1036_ o)2006 6390[` ,6081 7413` 92/2501 2446` 4657` *7757 8157` 8168` \/4029$ (51.D= 8271a 9206*a$9320\aV$.7287V u6.2939_ 4363a 6794a 7817b g,2905n (1377} -4536 \/7232 7832jb6-787. ߷(4547 %/1093 *1229  /6266 r1+63808 2753/c 6122c6008Oc9326` '-9017 (M)9131W 738.c 1191c <")7750 ,,7353 ,76361 @)193.> 7750.Name? > > 7353.Filesize2213717636.Name193.Subjectȸ: .-work10363.Email10484.Date202407190107317369.Access126610181.Date20231117025242 00j9091 i5587 k{3181 *x3459 t6635 e6430* p5O`2607 &a778. rh5465 f3813 Ui6316 !i8527 Ck7494 I e2137i  0a2251 o49420 J Om7346 ti7460 e280. l8119 qm3266 i3380 sa9238 vl5477 w; g8111; wFe8641; f3784; c2203 e=k5061 Vf5995 ee6188 `7075% 7o80092 d8515B ,n7090N "b8919~  ;   + + /,n7090N "b8919~ 0d9899 1018 47l1006; e6430* p5O`2607 &a778. rh5465 f3813 Ui6316 !i8527 Ck7494 I e2137i  0a2251 o49420 J 0j9091 Om7346 ti7460 e280. l8119 qm3266 i3380 sa9238 vl5477 w; g8111; wFe8641; f3784; c2203 e=k5061 Vf5995 ee6188 `7075% 7o80092 d8515B i5587  z     .`E3859 QN3640 A3973. A554.C @2126\ G6101j &I403.~ gF5418 OJ3389 !C5532 Y@6957 E2587 O7568 =8K7682U k[N9485 ^L2069T `)K3051 1L9363 E249. MO610.$  K77110 BfN9779F &F24829 GW@5936K J98936 vI6035f  E1801z K9889 |H5119 D5233 I1046V 5C1054 ^H3455 D3852 J9767 :F9881 181.,+ 6342K+vF9056 <&B9170a qM3745 I5014 8vM19101 yF6439B \B5637o B6553K A3802 NL423. 10368.Subjectݴ .׸10443.Thread010492.Domain{^1634' jW5790, /BZ7887' ]53019, T592.P, ^7479q Z9756t, FV9870, P1002F% 4U1016% Z1045~ :[1328 7W1442 ^P118., >lX287.$ .Z5705$ [\7357*$ ,V49036$ X7471P$ #.Y4029\$  ]8208o$ =+Z8322( T3227+ ѹP9249+ f]9352+ "g_9386$ D X1449+ LW8726  rS8840 7j;T1563% mT1846+ MT313.% zP19605% L ]7483, 0Q9375, ]1739V% pY1853p% BR305.% ^390.d, X1093%  p_2600% R4547% 0]T6199% ;_U8194 %Q9081U Q7164% ;U7875&  Z5676& ,287.Filesize669645705.IP210.123.35.1937357.Email4903.Domain210.123.35.397471.Email4029.IP61.78.68.68208.TextGilles Caron Protest rue Saint Jacques Paris 6 May 1968.jpg9386.Filenamebastiaan_woudt_143221421_1013047932557143_2984787500706244190_o.jpg1563.Filesize407174313.Filenamegnw134.jpg1960.Nameݴ10024.Access361739.Domain61.74.149.1401853.Domain210.123.35.39305.Lines310161.Email91093.IP211.49.63.292600.Nameݴ4547.IP210.123.35.396199.Email7164.TextMannequins are seen near a small clothing store, in the town of Borispol near the Ukrainian capital Kiev October 25, 2012. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich7875.Email5676.TextAP - Sat Apr 22, 7:50 AM ET US artist Spencer Tunick takes photographs to nude volunteers in the beach of San Sebastian, northern Spain, Saturday, April 22, 2006. Tunick has photographed and filmed masses of people in the nude in dozens of public places of the world. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos) 1634.Subjectݴ7887.Access9869375.Access9998322.TextVisitors at the new 360-degree panoramic installation at the Angkor Panorama Museum. Credit Luc Forsyth for The New York Times SIEM REAP, Cambodia — The giant mural in the foyer depicting a smiling stone face offers a mere taste of the grandiosity within the new Angkor Panorama Museum here. Inside, a 360-degree painted vista covers an area the size of nearly four basketball courts. Over 45,000 figures populate this cyclorama, a depiction of 12th-century Angkorian history. The museum, which opened in December, is a sweeping homage to what historians call one of the greatest cities in the world between the ninth and 15th centuries and the capital of the Khmer empire. But almost everything that went into this building — the money, the concept, the design and the artists — came not from Cambodia but from North Korea, namely, Mansudae, the largest art studio in that country. 3227.Domain210.123.35.399249.Email9352.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1449.Filesize782831846.Nameݴ5790.Text. min.hyun-shik architect. 2006.04.. seoul.5301.IP210.123.35.193592.Filesize128903390.Access18279756.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg118.Access14889870.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7483.Access10469375.Access105110282.Date202403010419094942.Textտ Premier chien cloné, un petit lévrier afghan agrandir la photo PARIS (AFP) - Pour la première fois au monde, des biologistes sud-coréens ont réussi à réaliser par clonage la "copie conforme" d'un lévrier afghan au pelage noir et blanc, qui a été mis au monde par une mère labrador jaune, annonce jeudi la revue Nature. Les scientifiques dirigés par Woo Suk Hwang, de l'Université nationale de Séoul, ont eu recours à la technique dite de transfert de noyaux de cellules somatiques. Ces noyaux ont été obtenus par prélèvement dans la peau d'une oreille du père pour être injectés dans les cellules sexuelles (ovocytes) de la mère-porteuse. Après développement en laboratoire, les embryons obtenus ont été transplantés dans l'utérus de la femelle. Le résultat de cette opération, né par césarienne au bout d'une gestation normale de 60 jours, qui s'appelle "Snuppy" (pour Seoul National University puppy/chiot de l'Université nationale de Séoul). Les tests ont confirmé, assurent les chercheurs coréens, qu'il est génétiquement identique à son papa de trois ans. Snuppy est le premier chien à rejoindre toute une galerie d'animaux déjà clonés avec succès, allant des moutons aux chevaux en passant par des souris, des vaches, des chèvres, des porcs et même un bovidé sauvage, le gaur. Les chiens sont parmi les plus difficiles des animaux à "copier", principalement en raison de la difficulté d'acquérir des ovocytes matures. Mais le taux de réussite demeure toujours très bas. Pour obtenir ce résultat, les chercheurs ont transféré 1.095 embryons vers 123 chiennes, trois opérations ont donné lieu à un début de gestation et deux ont abouti. Le second chiot, enregistré sobrement sous la dénomination Nt-2, est mort de pneumonie à l'âge de 22 jours. Son corps, tiennent à préciser les auteurs de l'étude, ne présentait aucune anomalie anatomique notable. 6834.TextFILE - In this Oct. 9, 2010 file photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, Kim Jong Un, the third son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, applauds while watching the Arirang mass games performance staged to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea, in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korean state media announced Kim Jong Il's death on Monday, Dec. 19, 2011. (AP Photo/Xinhua, Yao Dawei) NO SALES10060.Email997864.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7898.Filenamemona_lisa_Original_aus_dem_Pariser_Louvre_rechts_die_Kopie_aus_Madrid_Leonardo_da_Vinci_foto_from_afp_muller_and_javier_sorian.jpg8111.Email8641.Access33413784.TextC G kC kC *k{3181 t6635 oOt3573B 9098H 7587Kuaz7903 3582H 9593I1519H 1633H t6341@ :u677. @ ,y5454(@ jx6227D@ >Ny1374Q@ q3977e@ 0Qw6105q@ qp842.}@ ZHz7085@ @|u7096@ ~4853@ z8658@ Kw8772@ !z8134A 5;r8908EA )x3291aA av5858nA J(r6745A }w7489A ;Sx8100A v1778D r1892G Et537.G ?p5069G {6117G t6509G p6623A aY6760A &V}5084B wWw8538(B ,|s8652bB /{9810B V{5050B k}8254B vI9930XC 5p1034qC t1039C *x3459 6341.Lines0677.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5454.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6227.Lines01374.Text>>>ݴ3977.Email6105.Email842.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7085.Thread07096.Date201208271304244853.Lines08658.Date201712311531068772.Date201805280858158134.FilenameErwin_Wurm_Fat_Car_Fat_convertible_foto_from_hip.jpg8908.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3291.Lines15858.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6745.Lines17489.Thread08100.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6623.Email6760.Filenamecanal_bruno_085_foto_par_gureumbi.jpg5084.Filenamecheongye-plan-inv-02.gif8538.Filenamekookmin-univ-press-20161128-16_gum_nuri.jpg8652.FilenameMarilyn_Monroe_Dyson_foto_from_yves_brette.gif5050.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8254.Date201509201606283573.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9810.Filenametoscana_cypress_foto_by_gureumbi_294345519_2409382519203372_1219843725956382182_n.jpg9930.Date2022112416514910342.Thread0 + 10391.Domain1778.Textڿ ִ Ʈ. ǻͷε ɸ м ο ǻ͸ ̿ؼ ó ڴ . ̿ؼ Ʈ ٿ ް ġϰ, ȸ ûϸ ֽ. ùķ̼ ֽ. 20021 100 ǻͰ ϰ ְ, 700 ð óϰ ִ . ġ Ʈ ޱ /// ġġ Ʈ ޱ /// win2k,winXP ///win98,winME 繫 ƮƼ Ʈ /// 1892.Text537.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5069.Lines16117.Access8876509.Email3906.Filenamesonnoli490_from_ssahn.jpg7338.Domain162.Password3622.Date200405052118252344.Filename911_Pulitzer_by_chang_w_lee.jpg9383.TextA Herm presided over the palaestra. Rubbing its phallus would bring good luck. (Marble; ca. 520 BC; 66 cm (25 in.); National Archaeological Museum, Athens)2060.Date200206261658256880.IP7119.Subject...հ7233.Subject+8658.IP8772.IP7856.Domain2339.Thread05907.Thread08206.Filesize1341318603.NameQ.ī2464.Date20021222092435275.Textݴ ۼߴ : 9412.IP4069.SubjectRe: ü .7041.NameȻ610.Date19991215045518975.Nameݴ51.Filesize75076832.Filesize481347637.Subjectݴ . . 迵7751.Subject.ȭ8610.Domain5439.Name누리8724.Filesize17328531295.Thread12945110.Date200510090447085560.Domain222.106.13.186305.Date199901060202087048.Filesize2146838254.IP3782.Filesize465776903.Subjectڶ935.Thread04874.IP210.123.35.397491.Text.4119.Text3268.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1730.IP61.74.149.140552.IP212.198.52.2206444.Access3226825.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U5297.FilenameMoEn_nn_1.jpg7712.Lines378570.Thread74671894.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5149.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM6890.Subjectµռ6036.Lines476150.Lines41069.Text.ȯ 3786.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3394.Access3324637.TextDes journalistes regardent le 17 mars 2005 les images de "Le vie en mer", exposes au pavillon franco-allemand de l'exposition universelle de Aichi, a Install sur 1.300 m, le Pavillon de France a choisi de faire rflchir les visiteurs sur le dveloppement durable en dclinant plusieurs projets artistiques sur ce thme. Toshifumi Kitamura (AFP/AFP - jeudi 24 mars 2005, 15h31) 247.IP210.123.35.446848.Access2948467.Date201610050953398581.Date201704061336428865.Filenametrim.D66E7E5C-22E6-479E-930B-43A071AAF567.MOV8974.Thread0460.Nameݴ585.Subject3-some5667.Password5781.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10497.TextTable tennis medalists via jared c tilton China-North-South-Korea-Podium-Selfie.webp BY KOH EWE JULY 31, 2024 6:30 AM EDT This is probably the most meaningful image of this Olympics, a social media post on the Chinese platform Weibo declared Tuesday, after China won the gold medal in table tennis mixed doubles at the 2024 Games in Paris. But in the now-viral photo of the medalists taking a selfie on the podium, the Chinese athletes are the least of peoples focus. Instead, stealing the show are the North Korean silver medalists and South Korean bronze medalists, who were seen huddling together at a time of simmering tensions back home.4874.Date200507071615041670.PasswordSYHXtOjOY0QLk2329.Lines46593.Subject 2207.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3198.Date200309282307337002.Date201206041928379054.Filesize47144721699.Thread02310.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9337.Name? + ǤĤ.̤ > 9344.Domain7566.Filesize2344327680.Filesize442577849.Name0Ӥ.Ӥ + ݴ7963.Name7406.Date201305221309286287.Name이진만 > 아피 >누리6997.Subject . . . Ѵ7520.Date201308230854487096.IP2219.Access420613.Text 2862.Filenamemi-dogs-from-REUTERS-Supri.gif6294.Domain3601.Lines25918.Date200609021652334799.Name누리7913.Thread07970.Domain1038.PasswordSYeXjPYhzTQLM1152.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4470.Date200502051056544606.Password6075.Subject 500 ⸮ ̾߱6237.Thread09125.Subject ... ()cC() ... 308.Textݴ ۼߴ : 9529.Subject.Ź6698.Domain2982.Date2003060921481610188.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10249.Email 03906H K3782K ˦7338(H H162.5H ^3622CH 52344\H  9383H 7377\ !6903K )20603I 6880LI 3935.K #u4874K 7119UI }֧7233xI 8658I o8772I  ʻ7491K %7856I c̭2339I 䃣5907I 3958^ 5341_ )7p8206I Gǥ8603I %2464I zt275.J 9412*J |T40693J X7041QJ {610.bJ W975.zJ `51.FJ 6832J  7637J ]17751J )8610J 31988_ FE5439J ˢ8724K 1295(K yٿ734.O_ L51109K G6200__ ̮5560RK 305.mK  77048K 8254K 7377.TextIn this March 20, 2013 photo, a North Korean flag hangs inside the interior of Pyongyangs Supreme Court. North Korea says it will soon deliver a verdict in the case of detained American Kenneth Bae it accuses of trying to overthrow the government, further complicating already fraught relations between Pyongyang and Washington. The announcement about Bae comes in the middle of a lull after weeks of war threats and other provocative acts by North Korea against the U.S. and South Korea. Bae, identified in North Korean state media by his Korean name, Pae Jun Ho, is a tour operator of Korean descent who was arrested after arriving with a tour on Nov. 3 in Rason, a special economic zone bordering China and Russia. (AP Photo) 3958.Domain210.123.35.395341.Subjectٱ⼼ 3198.IP211.219.74.159734.Nameݴ6200.Domain6766.IP9787.Textvia Isabel Sig 289488832_1339209366607663_4790701411875902541_n.jpg9816.IP9930.IP10065.Subject޲ٶ . .10140.Thread0h {h 0a23295T @p7002T 26593BT 9054T 2207[T 3198{T 9337T ܕ31877h 1699T yß2310T 9344U 263.Eh 쑚7566#U L76808U Ú7849LU 7963tU 7406U T6287U >-6997U  ˑ7520 V dM7096$V u62219-V 慘613.=V 2862IV G6294vV 3601V ʷ5918V f4799V ̓7913V RK7970V d1038V N1152V n4470W o46060W R6075?W 86237eW 9125sW E)308.W s/9529W 6698W T9643sh 2982W J4749h hI9748dh l\7162h Q27.I#h .1670T 4874T 4749.Thread07162.Filesize35686427.IP210.123.35.443187.Thread0263.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9748.Domain29643.Subject9862.Domain ` ` `׆3596  b2418 1056 7311. a$51939 udž6766H 6880a 51024 301883753}1693z 9114ڀ 4972߃ 5823 8227A1008 6864 6242 2612. 7715) 1$>3966ʼ ؄741. t߁4739 ǝ8293 :dZ5597R ц1163c 9412 9518܂ 87457740 411. 4665 [09805 46646 6990 51775291ٔ%\8129Ƚ 8243ٽ Gӂ8697 $9816 i2532. 787. 1567 +16810 $601.P <854.o ˴4629 t t \t  1690H 7598pH ֍9451E 9098H 8449|H 1029t 3582H Ƌ1028t 8485_ 1633H 1016t 8967I y,m7804v  12401H 2847 193.I 9401 !ى6128 8ڊ9572 SM1285 9855t 2046 V5901 gx8179$ (Q8889I 1049a ,2014 4754 34733MJ ڎ8186 5542iJA4720 ࡉ3192 ^6351 7924& B9976t {436.? 6362M 2851f d4199.v (8081 ĭ3044t l6248t 4854K774005t <1569=K 1126NK 6755t 3044.PasswordSYZXoxmJ6/RM66248.Date201003241442487400.Filenameinteractive_rain_room_20130515_foto_by_mario_tama_getty.jpg6755.Thread09976.Filesize20450110166.Subject10289.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10290.Domain_ K *X +3906H 9930_ ˦7338(H H162.5H ^3622CH 52344\H  9383H 41024X 8352K )20603I 6880LI 1357G\ 1471e\ 7119UI }֧7233xI 8658I o8772I 8992  %7856I c̭2339I 䃣5907I 5188 #9787u_ D7p8206I Gǥ8603I %2464I zt275.J 9412*J |T40693J X7041QJ {610.bJ W975.zJ `51.FJ 6832J  7637J ]17751J )8610J b1006_ FE5439J ˢ8724K 1295(K 1018X L51109K :9816_ ̮5560RK 305.mK  77048K 8254K  l l 0K3782K 7377\ !6903K 3935.K #u4874K  ʻ7491K 3958^ 5341_ )31988_ yٿ734.O_ G6200__ 6766l_ 6ȳ9269 9294 41014 51051z P3143 ż3853) L6314C ѣ6711W v7406x D7520 5035 5745 '6604̀ 7895ڀ ꧵1610 ^4826ۃ +4940 r5042 ~1212. +"9698A @96.AN !3547G "j272.X 0G3661p ?4470 A6718 &3554 Ѹ7924Ƅ 9576τ =6248ۄ c6362 '1890 5446 Q˶96905 ^;1730 n1008] 9269.Text9294.Lines33143.Nameݴ3853.SubjectƲù..6314.Filesize323766711.NameŸ.Ӹ > 7406.IP7520.IP5035.Name5745.Subject: ݴ ³ ´6604.Domain7895.TextJHK02. Seoul (Korea, Republic Of), 03/05/2014.- A South Korean student holds a sign reading 'Don't move' and a candle wishing for the safe return of the sunken ferry Sewol's missing passengers in Seoul, South Korea, 03 May 2014. Students on the ferry were told not to move, as the ferry sank. People gathered to remember those killed in the Sewol ferry accident, which sank on 16 April off the south-west coast of South Korea. It was carrying 476 people, mostly schoolchildren on a field trip to the resort island of Jeju. Seventy-six people remained unaccounted for as concerns mounted that the stronger spring tides might make further recovery impossible, the Yonhap News Agency reported on 02 May. EFE/EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN1610.Filename츮.hwp4826.Filesize19632810148.Email4940.Filesize1348195042.Domain220.70.76.751212.Date200103141614543547.Nameݴ272.Date199901060153573661.Nameݴ4470.IP222.106.13.1546718.Filesize718003554.Domain210.123.35.397924.IP9576.Email6248.IP6362.IP1890.Filesize305525446.Domain222.106.13.2291730.Date200112312133499690.Email9698.Lines196.Access180310087.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10510.IP2024021803243810520.FilenameAlgarve_Portugal_455527348_1244071317041759_7875759729709017271_n.jpg5889.Textݴ : > ο : > > . > > > > ݴ : > > > ݴ : > > > > ڸú(డ) 弼 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ݴ > > > > ū > > > > > > > > > > > > ù 20 ° . > > > > װ θӸ ð Բ ڰ Ͽ. > > > > ٴ ư  ٲ ִ ̴. > > > > Ⲩ ޾Ƶ鿴. > > > > ٴ ְ, ⿡ ʸŸ ִ 弼 ڸú . > > > > 츮 Ҹ ̾߱⸦ . > > > > Ҹ ̾. > > > > > > > > ̸ ĭ  տ ٰµ ̷ ִ°. > > > > 弼 ǹ ƴѰ. > > > > ٸ ʸ, , Ź, ˺ ̰ ο > > > > . > > > > ״ ⿡ ռ ǹ ˷־. > > > > 縻 Ͽ ٴ ̴. > > > > ׷ Ѵٴ ũ ϰ . > > > > ʸſ ĥ ǹ ¥ ׸ó ̱⵵ Ͽ. > > > > ׷ ε巯 õ Ͽ ̶ ־. > > > > > > > > ̴. > > > > ټ . > > > > Ҵ. > > > > ׷ ̾ ô . > > > > ó . > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ǹ߷ ׸ ƴ϶ ٴٸ Ƶ ִ ̲ ְڴٴ . > > > > μ ο ̴. > > > > å 쳻Ⱑ ʴٰ ϱ⵵ ߰, å Ӷ ¥ þ ֱ⸦ ٶٸ ٷ ⵵ Ͽ. > > > > ׷ å Ӷ ͺٴ ̴ Ŭ ̶ ޾, å ̸ ̵ ִ ã ڰ Ͽ. > > > > > > > > ۿ å Ӿ 쳾 ִ Ĵ Ƽ ޾Ƶ̱ ƴٰ , δ å Ӷ ֱ⸦ ٶ ־. > > > > ĥ 10 ذ å ޶ 120 å Ȧ ̸ . > > > > > > > > ׿Դ ־ ˾ ɾ Ʋ(ȭ) 鸮 Ҹ ſ ũ ־. > > > > 10 ظ Ȧ ġ() ֵ ϰڴٰ ״ ߴ. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ״ 10 ؾ ϴ ־ а 帧 ִ ̴. > > > > > > > > ù ʾ £ ̾߱⸦ . > > > > ū . ... ׷. ... ̷ ̴̾߱. > > > > ſ ̳ Ͽ ſ ִ ̵鿡Դ ϵ ܷ ˰ ̱⵵ Ͽ. > > > > ٴ ׸ ϴ μ ڸú 弼 ٴ ̾ٴ ͸ε ũ . > > > > > > > > 10 ռ ư ⸮ ٴ , õ Բ Ⱦ ٷ ״ Ҵ ϱ⿡ 弼 ұ ̶ Ͽ. > > > > ٴ 󱼿 巯 ϴ ڶ コ. > > > > > > > > <ӱ ū(ۿոб) ñ׸() ð Ǿٸ ⻵Ͽ, ˶Ǫ   ū (ʴ뺹մ) ׸ Ǿٰ ָ ⻵ߴ. > > > > ϴ Ʒ ū ÷Ⱦ. > > > > > > > > ư 10 Ǵ ׿ ù ó װ ̴. > > > > ״ ٴԺ ̿ . > > > > ׷ ٴԺ 10 س Ҵ. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 10 . װ ٲ ʴ´. ٸ ̴. > > > > ˶Ǫ  װ ٵ ̰ ... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > /// > > > > > > > > .10.....츮۷.պ.̴ > > > 7166.Email7280.Email4712.Domain210.123.35.398017.Text. agi.members @agi-open.2014. 2014.8.. @ibirapuera.auditorium.. sao.paulo. tags: agi members, agi-open 2014 sao paulo, asaba katsmi, kiko farkas, lars.mueller, rico.lins8131.TextI am online, so I am! 9058.Email2934.Filesize2028013036.Domain210.123.35.399161.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg429.Nameݴ1201.Thread11971372.Filesize873441655.Nameȭ5081.Text 2464.IP211.219.75.115918.IP210.123.35.367292.Access6221662.Domain210.123.35.397684.Email8535.Texthttp://physicsfootnotes.com/ champagne-rocket from physicsfootnotes com.gif10479.Domain826.IP210.123.35.449195.Filenamesending_pictures_by_wire_or_radio_1936_104918131_3148069258564505_5555063474313999807_n.jpgO k   O= Eo6 1006{ 6444WL  1730+L #a552.AL D66770=68904=<.65336=C8865aO .63905=65094= 6150M 8581HO q*66601[=hS62229=63916=/3786DM q4637tM a6848O 768210&=/ 68144=6264.{=696772=Q|64073=67527=X460.O oީ6964.=5667O :5781O 6554  8985 1587 J}:698203=g3798 P=6432 ˩65329l=66252}=jӠ65000= d61904=\[645910=I155.ڡ 8347 (8461 /8313 9200  +9788%(3382 6554.Lines31587.Text// ׶.̼.........빮.........ݴ......Ź....ʻ. // ũ.ص.˴ϴ...׷.....ٲٰų.ٸ.߸ü.Ű.....ϴ... .ϴ... . ZLzl DT g n ri ...artist... http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr ... ph: 011 319 4624 u u m 7298.Thread010228.Thread06040.Access9811212.IP210.123.35.446432.Email7602.Access8048985.Date20190901084017155.Nameݴ8347.FilenameFrancis_Bacon_foto_from_mail_online.jpg8461.FilenameAGI_Open_Seoul_2016_foto_from_sin_youngeun.jpg4944.Email8063.Date20141208111610420.Thread548313.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9200.Lines13382.Email5706.Lines16564.Thread37736859.Filenameluxury_cruise_foto_by_gregorio_borgia.jpg3798.Access12479909.Filenamehwang_julie_312247716_8231479616893219_8353500043403472038_n.jpg10067.Date20230616091109 aR O O P .Q2982^ 1049P 11261240ɃdA7002 2530 գ7288( 88425 9969 X1047j z1137A {7859.R ;|1847l Z4705 ʶ5889 '7166 L7280 Q4712  8017) k8131 K9058 U;2934 F)3036& )9161@ |429.\ 1201l 1372} Z1655 K5081 2464 5918Ś 7292ۚ `1662 {7684 8535 O9184 D826.y b9195 \&_9565 -9599 <1605 ?S1018' J5485 k8939  7696 *1776! 5110t F14435  ذ * 4 4  ,r6836 06950 7801 78964 T3997 u2416 F8728 W8336x /3622 8450ǰ 3842lw {t27068 7189Q  396.x M2060 4751 7155 8042Ŭ W661.Ҭ +9604߬ 2044u u6643 923. _5792 6529 Ry793. 7 8854 F9047: ,y7178V 51032( 1037* ?1008 "P7559f q356. ;7673 8446 ]3593 2012ů %618.ٯ `8324 ؂488. 471004  6958 O66.F" [!1329K +1039 H1521 _5396k 10047.Email993622.IP211.104.140.17710329.Thread02706.Domain212.198.0.937189.Filenamepark_kiho_from_ssahn.bmp396.Nameݴ2060.IP210.123.35.394751.Text7155.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8042.Lines4661.Thread09604.Lines26643.TextSeveral of art pieces created from hubcaps In this photo taken May 24, 2011, several of the art pieces created from hubcaps that art part of the Landfillart Project are displayed in the art gallery of founder Ken Marquis in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. When complete the collection with showcase 1,041 hubcaps, which are used in different mediums by artist to give them a second life. Read more (AP Photo/Jimmy May)923.Subject.߰...5792.Email6529.Text. francisco.sanin interior.architect.. prof.. syracuse.univ. 2011.1.. beijing.793.IP210.123.35.4410378.Domain99047.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7178.Access5897559.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg356.Thread547673.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8446.Lines13593.Text.2012.Filesize36604618.Subjectݴ.۾.8324.Email488.IP210.123.35.446958.Lines066.Filenamechandelier_paris_chagall.jpg1329.Subject.ǥ.1999115396.Lines08336.Access20778854.Access134610088.Name^ϤĤ.ȣ >.T >8450.Access10900500292510396.TextӸ.踰 > ? > : > email icon ... Raymond Tomlinson O o k   03382 6444WL  1730+L #a552.AL 4119L ,6825gL 5297L 7712L m8570L 1894L 5149L `890.L ^6036M  6150M 1069,M /3786DM @23394dM q4637tM 247. O a6848O +|8467/O 8581HO C8865aO .%8974O X460.O 1006{ Z585.O 5667O :5781O 6554 1587 J7298a g3798 aY6040 1212 P=6432  7602  8985 bW9909, AI155.ڡ 8347 (8461 /ZO4944] F8063i 420. 8313 9200 O3268 L  - - 0$6564Ң 6859 *b9101 .2h9260 344.< t3257] X6575y EH8456 8294 ;4933k j1388 |115. l7613& I9664 1883} OZ6968 K9210 9785 F9267 1094̽ d3775ٽ p4548 5710 56979 h8698+ Y;2099M vZ9107i 4034 9221 311. l9381 O6160վ 7733 A6455 !9505) F1498} 2938 6057 %6307ÿ 6421߿ 8052 I2227 ٗ1376 91490> p9614 }8399^ V9625 ߩ5706Ţ 9101.Filenamei_pinimg_02c8d1d78fe12a81da5b133bcf2dc938.gif344.Subjectȸ: .-work3257.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6575.Date201103111016528456.Thread08294.Subject비ㅏㄴ^ㅏ.ㅅ폴자9260.Nameֺ + > 1388.Access384115.Thread07613.FilenameNeil_Leifer_holds_his_photo__Ali_vs_Liston_1965_foto_by_tim_mantoani.jpg1883.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6968.Thread37739210.Thread09267.Filesize409511094.Lines33775.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4548.Lines35710.Access3356979.Date201205081346018698.Subjectå γ ׸2099.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9107.Date202003241231484034.Access5079221.Date20200708084505311.IP210.123.35.449381.Filesize1211976160.Thread07733.Date201401202341306455.Filenamejango_11_resize_from_ssahn.jpg9505.Filenamevia_Alex_Howitt_186004969_10216135304813696_4621029849721171582_n.jpg1498.Lines02938.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6057.Date200906221616426307.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6421.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8052.Thread74672227.Text11376.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net1490.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net8399.Domain4933.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9614.Thread09625.Date202111061238209664.Name9785.Filesize589459970.Subject귯 . ٸ . ^.^^10277.Domain3901.Filesize43898896.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6645.Email7610.Text7886.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg183.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr2225.Filesize7756492508.Nameݴ3317.IP210.123.35.398145.Access39878537.Email2515.Domain211.219.75.2028659.Lines38773.Lines09413.Lines09502.Textthe objectivity of my work by kim sujin 182747006_934957593992083_1292168504931859129_n.jpg828.PasswordSYWp.pGdgiG.w9817.Lines09390.Lines010280.Email95487.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2410.Subjectdie welt 20021129.jpg5095.Access4843835.IP220.70.76.236338.TextVarious stages of total solar eclipse File photo shows the various stages of a total solar eclipse. Remote and mysterious Easter Island is bracing for an influx of tourists and problems with Sunday's solar eclipse that is being seen as a mixed blessing for the tiny Pacific territory. Read more (AFP/File/Biju Boro) 2919.Domain210.123.35.39300.Access11412159.IP211.219.75.118663.Access4807368.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8255.Lines77305.TextPIC BY OCTAVIO ABURTO / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED The school of fish gather in front of diver David Castro with his camera) - Smile - its the school photo! This is the hilarious moment a marine photographer managed to capture hundreds of wide-eyed fish apparently posing for a picture. Californian photographer and conservationist Octavio Aburto had spent years photographing the school in Cabo Pulmo National Park, Mexico - and had been trying to capture this exact shot for three years. The Bigeye travellies fish gather in their thousands in the oceans during courtship. less 1/ 9Photo By Octavio AburtoMon, Feb 25, 2013 4:00 PM EST Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to Pinterest6591.Filenamechosungryong_4_resize_from_ssahn.jpg1234.IP210.123.35.447624.Access56010166.Email97216.Lines27330.Lines68369.Filenamestarshot_foto_from_wired_20160415.jpg8483.Filename2016-09-24-21-26-ڻ--̽-_1_resize_foto_from_ssahn.jpg94.PasswordSYSiUQhjss9rc4966.Email9108.Lines17659.Subject޸8625.NameȻ + ݴ3569.Nameݴ3683.Nameݴ280.Password9838.IP1103.Access105910469.Email192210285.Subject닢폰.물고기672.Filenameasshair.jpg6002.Name누리6712.Subjectį.664.Lines03317.Date20031125193145743.Filesize139153767.Domain211.104.140.2203881.Domain210.123.35.391818.Thread18161932.Thread19311989.Filesize886634683.IP210.123.35.445036.Subjectν367.Filenamegnw184.jpg1829.Date20020310120052782.Access5551943.Date200205130918143662.SubjectRe: .ҽ daily news 20040527359.Lines36009.Filesize165989438.Filesize6123.Filesize341606520.Namex. > Ȼ > 6413.Domain6575.IP9078.Text.9107.IP4635.Filesize202824918.Name9221.IP10244.Access99789.Email996527.Filesize434859385.Email7619.IP7733.IP457.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr6817.Domain6931.Domain6057.IP210.123.35.368200.Subject.3306.Thread01425.Date200106292004205294.Text輺 : > > ݴ´ > > ̱輺 > > > 7dMoEn 4003.Domain210.123.35.394569.IP222.106.13.2002622.Name10244.Access38477.Access143885.Thread836373.Thread06668.Filenamejiaozhou_bay_bridge_foto_from_xlnhua_yan_runbo.jpg53.Subject ǰ 23066.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg414.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6384.Date201009111829037946.Date201407091758278265.Thread01589.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1197.Access27657422.FilenameTiananman_Square_in_Beijing_19890605_foto_from_reu_arthur_tsang.jpg1692.PasswordSY3p4LYF0MUfE2465.Lines06777.Thread06891.Thread66169076.Filesize42926749190.Filesize378933584.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6788.Date201111071451295405.Access16469030.Date201912081327489314.Filenameile_via_isabel_sig_123338007_953717005156903_6718075631187608003_o.jpg9473.Name + ?7940.Filename2014-06-01-13-20-neville-brody_161_resize_from_ssahn.jpg2983.Lines3554.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5111.Lines36264.Filename4293-student-power-foto-copy_from_nak.jpg9423.Thread03712.Text6230.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6116.Password972.Textݴ wrote: 5923.Access8342036.Textݴ wrote: 6452.TextProtesters shout slogans Protesters shout slogans at a rally demanding to halt the join military exercise between the United States and South Korea, outside a U.S. naval base in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul, November 28, 2010. North Korea has placed surface-to-surface missiles on launch pads in the Yellow Sea, Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday, as the United States and South Korea began joint military exercises. The sign reads,'Go back nuclear-powered carrier USS George Washington. Read less ' REUTERS/Truth Leem (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY CIVIL UNREST) 4964.TextPerformers dance during the opening ceremony of the Arirang Festival in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005. The festival, featuring group dance and traditional Korean performing arts, is held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of independence from Japanese colonial rule and the foundation of Workers' Party of Korea. (AP Photo / Xinhua, Ji Xinlong) 7482.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10143.Access339 D 0>- 1425$ 1( 6002 ) 67124 ' 664.O ! 3317[ * 743.t J, 3767 Fp( 3881 ب/ 1818 8+ 1932 / 1989 c- 4683 ( 5036 -2, 367. * 18293  782.L ' 1943[ QV- 3662t ""* 359. ) 6009 4- 438. % 6123 5" 6520 r+ 6413 )! 6575 vY$ 9078 +$ 9107)  . 46352 !/ 4918F P 9221U .n$ 477.^ ˆ/ 9397m = 4003 # 6527| 17+ 9385 60 7186 =- 7619 c) 7733  457. ( 6817 $ 6931 ' 6057  8200 < 5294= O0 4569 5 8748 _Ύ( 672. Ζ& 3306 7186.Textthe Charlie Brown balloon floats past Radio City Music Hall during the 86th Macy's Thanksgiving day parade in New York November 22, 2012. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY)8748.TextMarket Global News David Goodall says He Has No Hesitations Whatsoever In His Final Hours9397.Access126810507.FilenameLeonardo_da_Vinci__via_michele_sabatino_454309021_1018765216920383_2982519325029712753_n.jpg @ -4  0@& 3300 i 3814ɳ d 62886 TB 9146/ $v 2016 Y 4672f  5721ڰ #Q 1365ֳ  9039" ( 9153N  7204@  4569 LW 698.[ T 7658  1769  누리5248.Nameּȣ5362.Name누리     3715 6602xR\ 7147  7261F  5312S  2039d u# 2153s V 5880 ב 8937 1523mx J8 1812 * 5209  5323) 7687x '8539/z OM 8467B r 8581K 1131yz 2 7665T 615.z : 5830a $ 5716o 65 5887} 8774y6882zd 2409 5160Sy + 984. 890.ly = 7446  103.  7560 3956y472.{ 7388y = 1808 b 1922  2666 5046o{ 6 8419. 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H9 5698 C%9 9778K 4;4 1038 ;o9 1040w 5> 2629M = 9906 ʾ= 1058 Qx; 431.a 6913|j89 1067o ]5 1181 5 1464 m9 423. q0 1021 < 502. > 1357 : 1471A 4 4925\ 3 4165w [: 7379 = 6970 +o8 8344 f; 9374b Xs2 1414~ yL3 541.; < 5294= O5 8748 _ 1 8862( Jj2 1585 2 1868 ? 1252 7097.Lines08651.Email236.Access8848862.Text . myrrh.. mano. brothers. 2019.1.. seoul. tags: ȸ, ȹ̸ 1060.Name+1656.SubjectȰ..ݴ.929.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net1770.Subject蹫Ÿ5209.IP210.123.35.1935323.IP222.106.13.149216.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr1471.Domain211.169.72.1464925.Domain222.106.13.1774165.IP210.123.35.397379.Email6970.TextUnited Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (L) and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (R) hold a joint news conference after addressing the Sustainable Energy summit in Brussels April 16, 2012. REUTERS/Yves Herman (BELGIUM - Tags: ENERGY ENVIRONMENT POLITICS) 8344.TextThe India-United States of America cooperation in the nuclear field started in the fifties under President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace programme.9374.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1414.Thread135610381.Email91585.Filesize475161868.Nameݴ1252.SubjectRe: ð.ӽ...118.Lines55698.Text/ 1971 ġ/ α 219 / 660 / 1,350 / 1B 5F / ö ũƮ, , Ϻ ġ 1 1971⿡ ( 130, 360) ϼǾ, 2 1977⿡ Ű ϼǾ. ׸, 1997 ٷ 翡 Ż 鼭 ǹ ϼǾ. ⺻Ģ 츮 ģа ְ âȯ Ӱ Ѵٴ ǹ̿ ѱ ü ´ human scale , , , پ , Ǻ ü ִ ״ ǥϿ ģа Ǵ ֵ Ͽ. ̴ öа ̳ տ յ ǰ ӻ ȭ 쿬 âǽ ִ ''̶ ϰڴ. http://www.space-arch.com 2629.Filesize40746431.Filename1067.Filesize4405291181.Filesize1464.Nameݴ423.Lines31021.Date20000926174017502.Filesize192891357.Domain203.248.188.422791.IP211.204.67.604706.Subject: .ҽ Die Welt541.Access16799778.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9892.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9906.Text^^. : > Rocco Morabito kiss-of-life-photo.jpeg > > R.Champion 쿬 , > ⸦ μ ߾ . > θ J.D.Thompson ޿ > Ը һ ǽ߽ϴ. > èǿ ƳҴ. > "λ Ű" ˷ ֽϴ. > > Somebody helping somebody. Sounds pretty ordinary. But picture this: A scorching hot day in Jacksonville, Florida during the summer of 1967. A tragic mistake. An act of heroism. A life-or-death moment -- all unfolding before an unassuming newspaper photographer. With seconds to spare, he captures it on film. His photograph rocks the world. Now that's extraordinary. > > —Bill Retherford 10406.Filename1-IMG_3939.jpeg10588.Subject모든 . 빛깔을 .보이는 . 책6856.TextAssociated Press President Tom Curley, right, shakes hands with Korean Central News Agency President Kim Pyong Ho after signing an agreement to open a new AP office in Pyongyang, North Korea on Monday Jan. 16, 2012. The AP opened its newest bureau in North Korea, making it the first international news organization with a full time presence to cover news from North Korea in words, pictures, and video. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder) 72.Lines08019.Email8133.Email6881.Lines01138.Subjectlaurentsauerwein ̸6253.Access8461425.IP211.192.67.978674.Filename23-image.jpeg8526.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U960.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8640.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3595.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6657.Access9996771.Access16029931.Lines510562.Thread08549.Access13929821.Access1009821.Access1915499.Access103010305.FilenameNoh_Suntag_432739608_2593346000841271_1403264033149124772_n.jpg & S& D D d # 0Hf 9827~% a 6668 3mb 9941% d 53.S\ Bhf 9998& g 6384 ` 8265 |a 9838% x~#2497'^b 1589 U#4902'#7170''#7306@'Ă#7420\'#3226k'f 6891 v#5437'5662)%"` 9314F G2218)%`c 3584 ue 6788 g 9030- 1046& 0ӏ#1738'#1852%'?#5029E' #5143R'e 7940 9S{#9293x'#9455'e#5021'܉#1026l(Vd 6264, *҉e 9991% #3655ώ'(#7967܎'Ňb 6230 ebf 6116 Vkg 5923 )b 7003$ f 2036 Fd 94349$ ;f 1020$& P$Bk8Bk)Ck  iRehR6493{j "_7003.Lines04776.Filenamecrist0-gateS-fro-ss-by-nr.jpg9434.Date202103261153254628.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U3501.Email667.Text 5001.Access84064885.Thread37737308.FilenameMushroom_shaped_cloud_from_the_underwater_nuclear_explosion_July_25_1946_foto_from_us_govt.bmp1578.Password3905.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7024.Date201206251439299359.Name > > 9827.Thread09838.Date202208121556179877.Name.ָ > ڤӤ.108 >9884.Domain9941.Thread09991.Nameֽð>ֹ>ȫ>ݴ9998.Filesize12064710204.Filenameunicorn_at_Atlanta_Botanical_408832016_730177572479478_400919939186294819_n.jpg10386.Subject.˸.к10461.Thread0f      /C 3901 QUH 896. O 66453 L 7610? pE 7886J եD 183.f qA 2225 eA 2508 ؛K 3317 CJ 8145 'C 8537 G 2515 D 8659  @ 8773 kO 9413 V@ 9502" \0@K 828. {O 6771 J 390. #E 300. K 9821* F 5487 &H 2410 M 5095 D 3835!  U&H 63386 CKD 6452 D;;D 2919 yG 8549  bC 2159 wC 8663 ]M 4964N uK 7368 G 7482 @nG 8255 L 9817 4J 1028 5A 6856 vK 5499: F 72.L I 8019 E 8133 L 6881 C 1138 ;O 1030K @0E 1014 5N 1056 50258 I4 +L 0ۅZ 80084 ! V 6253 bxW 1425" Y 61392 a] 67822 -E_ 66343 ^_ 740783 Q 86748 [ 7521E3 i_ 2554R3 NZ 5072]3 S 8526T 3W 960.p P 8640 +2_ 4765y3 oR 3595 k \ 82763 US 6657 T 18290 BP 19430 2X 83903  ] 30893 uX 79253 ^ 86693 e4Z 87833 Z 47534 zS 5590,0 j%W 6249H0 JS 6363U0 ;=W 7803b0 >W 1396n0 DKhU 87941 0U 61271 Q 62411 |R 93031 Q 164.1 _ 52003 Z 655.4 BZ 1021 4 WT 82702 Z\\ 4875!4 yX 8156.4 &P 5994y2 ;V 81222 JP 67672 Z 3199b4 :^ 4639o4 qU 31912 1829.IP61.74.149.1931943.IP210.123.35.395590.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6249.Lines26363.Lines37803.Email1396.Text i λϸ... ̶......Ǵ....̸.ִ.... ".Ѵ..Ѵ" ... ".ִ..Ѵ" ݴ... ̰.ڷ.ٴ...Խ.Ȱ.ٶϴ... .ϴ... . ZLzlancEe... DT imyyi wrote: > Ѵٴ°  Ѵٴ ɱ? 8794.Date201807252053576127.Email6241.Email9303.Access815164.Filesize1080528270.Filenamegumnuri_title_mach_bug_seoul_museum_of_art_main_hall_43480908_01_foto_by_kim_sangdeuk.jpg5994.Password8122.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U6767.Lines13191.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6139.Access8916782.FilenameNEBRASKA_CARHENGE_foto_from_reu_stringer.jpg6634.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7407.Lines77521.Lines12554.Text5072.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4765.Access9998276.Date201510141139008390.Date201605251643463089.Access3277925.Lines08669.Thread08783.Thread05200.Text655.Email1021.IP210.123.35.444875.Lines08156.Filenamejaeyong_rhee_Memories_of_the_Gaze.jpg3199.Lines04639.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net8008.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4753.Email5604.TextReuters - Wed Mar 29, 7:42 AM ET The moon is blocking out the sun during the total solar eclipse at the ancient Roman temple of Apollon ruins on the coast of Side in Turkey's Mediterranean coasts, March 29, 2006. (Fatih Saribas/Reuters) 6657.Access131110487.Subject.Ƴ5  #5 , , 3079( ! V 6253 bxW 1425" 6031D( -803.~( 1194G+ 3086( Q 86748 1137( 2824( T 10485 S 8526T 3W 960.p P 8640 1148) oR 3595 1598B) US 66575 T 18290 BP 19430 9532+ 65794| 5516)5913) 1655) 928.+ zS 5590,0 j%W 6249H0 JS 6363U0 ;=W 7803b0 >W 1396n0 DKhU 87941 0U 61271 Q 62411 |R 93031 Q 164.1 7052*2863* 5112+WT 82702 Z798.+739.* P 5994y2 ;V 81222 JP 67672 8181x *5564&+qU 31912 @ y3 A A 585.P, Y 61392 a] 67822 -167.{ 1127{ E_ 66343 ^_ 740783 [ 7521E3 v] 9952@ i_ 2554R3 NZ 5072]3 +2_ 4765 A k \ 82763 2X 83903 [ 1004@ 1409Yz  ] 30893 1131yz 8546z 615.z 6711z uX 79253 ^ 86693 e4Z 87833 6882z19273y _ 52003 Z 655.4 890.ly 7098vy1216y 5035 { 3956y472.{ BZ 1021 4 ] 9718@ M\\ 4875!4 Z 9832s@ S3808,yX 8156.4 &5439, Z 3199b4 Z 47534 ۅZ 80084 :^ 4639o4  <\ 56044 1939@, a\ 938.@ 938.Date200008021437019718.Filenameyu_kwansun_via_face_app_274898493_2148207755333499_4205558953336094960_n.jpg9832.FilenameIG_arnarkristjans_photography_296496866_4878102062289495_5609580277059330112_n.jpg9952.Date2022121917295410042.Access910042.Access594765.Access1018 }&   0Xm 7946 a 6668 3oto 4628R$ d 53.S\ j 3066w Xm 414. g 6384 ` 8265 zo 85.T ^b 1589 zi 1197 0Hf 9827~% l 7422# D|a 9838% .=o 1692u ~n 2465 i 6777 f 6891 o 9076 Bk 9190 `c 3584 ue 6788 vn 5405 g 9030- "` 9314F G.l 9473 mb 9941% Bhf 9998& e 7940 9;f 1020$& P^9h 2983  o 554. n 5111 Vd 6264, *i 9423d rdi 9877% h 3712r Ňb 6230 ebf 6116 gl 972. Vkg 5923 f 2036 )b 7003$ hm 4776 $ Fd 94349$ n 9884% ҉e 9991% l 6373 mO ` 0p 6259M o9 87945O R} 6097M }~ 7878>O Rz 7992KO Qz 9147XO 8p 667.z$ p 5001$ F| 5416M  u 4885$ wH} 8860M 6lx 5530N Ljp 7308$ _Z{ 7013-N s 1578% r 3905&% @v 7024F% K\x 8700;N  p 9359_% l{ 7184TN p 109.L z 1302yN "w 3917L s 7428M  #p 7542M Swv 92614M | x 7581N y 3513N  731.N | 2480N  J 5536N Yvw 2850OM $r 7935kM w 3623yM x 7417O x 7588O nr 249.M ou 3501n$ 109.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2229.Email5934.Filenamemassin9_2_resize_from_ssahn.jpg9366.Domain9480.Domain5900.PasswordSYi30NGbHBYMs4258.FilenameIMG_9208.JPG7531.Thread07985.Name.ǤĤ>.>1820.Text3917.Access9997428.Date201306071508387542.Date201309121052579261.Subjectӿ . ð2850.PasswordSYIOc/9yqzwXw7935.Thread03623.Lines0249.Password6259.Thread06097.Subjectheute 434207295416.Filenameleeoryong_resize_from_ssahn.jpg8860.Filesize1040585530.FilenameYedioth_Ahronoth_20060223.jpg7013.Thread08700.Date201803111459317184.Filesize470017467.NameȻ1302.Text... 7581.Name > ö > 3513.Access326731.Text2480.Filenameroad-construction-on-dmz-20.jpg5536.Date200602260946037417.Thread07588.Filesize10368548794.IP7878.Domain7992.Domain9147.SubjectĶ.5012.Filename9665.Subject^Ԥ . . ر׸3917.Access1086L PO H H ou 3501n$ 6157 6271; Ӭs 9665|O 3586Y 2203r 8p 667.z$ p 5001$ 8539/z u 4885$ 1131yz 4624ULjp 7308$ _8546z s 1578% r 3905&% @v 7024F% 6882z p 9359_% 9513 p 109.L z 1302yN | x 7581N y 3513N  731.N ;k| 1010QX @2237 | 2480N  5516)5913) 1655) 2678*9J 5536N x 7417O x 7588O 341.) 5160 *o9 87945O 86145*3385>* }~ 7878>O Rz 7992KO Qz 9147XO 5{ 1036X V 5012mO 6136* 451. x 4481X ڣ~ 381.X 1897* ~ 7063.X ] 7773?X 5564&+103.=+ 4481.Thread2482381.Emailkoyot@chollian.net7063.Nameݴ7773.Subject10103.Filenamessahn_o_c_362967982_10159826288824422_8323236921285084204_n.jpg10360.Thread01684.Domain211.192.67.1909183.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2431.Nameݴ977.Subjectڷ5602.Filesize354101627.Thread08460.Email1798.Filesize26221465.Subjectڵ4919.Subject 1998 07 ߾ 5132.IP222.106.13.1628700.IP7024.IP8864.Email1159.Nameݴ1273.Nameݴ1869.SubjectRe: ȿ390.Date199903110045301983.Subjectݵ巹944.IP211.41.121.1631166.Domain210.123.35.444734.Domain210.123.35.396003.Subjectguadian inv par nurig5536.IP222.106.13.1867188.Email8039.TextAIRCRAFT INCLUDING A PASSENGER CABIN EXTENDING AROUND A SPACE DEFINED OUTSIDE THE CABIN AND INSIDE THE AIRCRAFT 3058.Domain212.198.0.938153.Text1223.Thread11071109.Thread01394.Filesize71318582.Lines02034.Filesize5698678346.Email9311.Textla lune via oell lynx 122497840_3198796106914274_1569668296874792877_n.jpg la lune via oell lynx pendant 28 jours703.IP210.123.35.442324.Domain210.123.35.395018.IP222.106.13.1896858.Email9100.Email10267.Email6068.Thread04437.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9474.Subject4.16 ! !3836.Lines1869.Access6143950.Lines2024694.Thread37737117.Filenametaiphun_sanba_43450917_0730.gif1387.Password9168.Name? > ƼΤǤ > 849.Domain210.123.35.445743.Filename2-Asahi_Shimbun_20060517.jpg9175.Domain7340.Thread08913.Date201904252216244067.Filenameexamen_1223_from_guy.wmv7794.NameȻ4033.Password3840.Access4937237.Date201212291508127351.Date201304141653079070.Subject 43530209 2164.Access3799579.Domain7744.Thread01919.Text462.Subjectȸ: .6901.Filenamebeautiful_by_boa_mistura_foto_from_reu_nacho_doce.jpg5225.FilenameLee_Ho-Suk_won_foto_from_reu_max_rossi.jpg8952.Name??? + ? > > 2949.Password1822.Emailarcaive@hanmail.net7276.Name? x ? > 𷼤 >Ӥȣ>7390.Nameݴ157.Subjectȸ: .7986.Subjectݴ Ѱ ޸Ӹ3322.Access4498902.Thread08959.Filesize2110647226.Thread05817.Text, ahn.myrrh student.. graphic.design.. kyungwon. 2004.07.. incheon.airport... korea. 365.IP210.123.35.448085.Date201501051407319222.Lines16466.Access6051638.IP210.123.35.391752.IP210.123.35.396995.Filenamecrystal_lagoon_at_san_alfonso_del_mar_resort_in_algarrobo_chile.jpg6847.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U7734.Lines18478.Thread08592.Thread02767.Text6058.Lines11300.Filesize30150474.Thread545285.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6172.Lines204659.Textġ.ó..736.SubjectȲ6050.Emailvipassana50@hotmail.com273.Nameݴ7220.Access6954684.Lines07612.Email8489.Date201611071449298739.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8996.Thread09112.Access4065413.Text1704.Filesize4395169.Thread542910.IP210.123.35.39670.IP212.198.27.1576576.Lines36182.Thread06477.Filenamejan_09_2011_zurich_foto_from_reu_christian_hartmann.jpg9641.FilenamePresidente_della_Papua_Nuova_Guinea_alle_riunioni_Onu_foto_via_alek_46965711_10156968529532028_6565887135855935488_n.jpg 8 < < < 70728V 5420U8199 8V 7070  2993 p 51215 5900LR  5292W ‡ 5575l # 8746N  313.} r 9952 Ʌ 1621 j 5018 ʤ 5132 n. 664. ޅ 8276 X 3928   8390 rH 7474#  H28584 1046x 3977NRvƄ 5696c & 5979x  8221  2218 ‡ 8931 e6H6105H9423у 359. XH2025 r8H9866p 426.$ 6657OR>9987hRΆ 1617 3 1731 8254LR 9827hR  8342 G 8625 7ȇ 8228 1028 *4754hR  PH251.c 7659  H63736880LR OR9715.Textvia Ugain Shilpkar 274255414_4979521125447725_6652898591277408539_n.jpg10388.Date20240513002018s P 6454s  7695s Z 24317\ Ȯ 977.H\ v 5602Y\ : 1627m\ &ޯ 8460{\ *Z 1798\  1465\ 0 4919\ 5 8468s u 5132\ o- 8700\ `Z 8582^  2034^ Ƹ 8346^ 9 9311_ ud 7024\  703._  8864\  2324_ P 5018_ ʼ 6858_ z 1159 ]  1273] ;Ԫ 1869+] M 390.E]  1983]] o% 944.q] ] 1166] Q 4734] R 6003] n 5536]  7188]  ۬ 8039^ r 9183\ F 3058}^ k 8153^  1223^ 8ߦ 1109^ $ 1394^ 5 8557p CK[ 8671Ms  8990gs ȫ 639.ws 8557.Text . Ƽ ݰϴ ϴ Ƽ, ۾ ° ġ ⸮ 帮 Ǿ ޴ϴ. ° ̵ ̷ ġ ū ֽϴ. , ڰ(), ڸ(design) ˴ϴ. ø̼ ø̼ Ǹ ׸ ٷ ȿ Ͱ ִ Դϴ. ġ ο ڹ̰ ο (̼) ˴ϴ. ̷ , ̷ ڰ(genre) ְڽϱ ֱ۾ Ƽ ̰ ο ̸ Դϴ. ټ ظ ̳  Ƽ ֽϴ ´  Ƽ ġ 巯 Դϴ Ƽ ū ̵ ̰ Բ ϴ Ե մϴ ϴ ݴ 8671.Textֽ + Ŵ8990.Access442639.IP210.123.35.44152.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3710.Filesize436116454.Email7695.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8468.Lines11507.Access10356 t h h 0 8342 r 9952  7070  2993 K 5007$ p 51215 k 5178C  5292W ‡ 5575l  313.} * 1507 Ʌ 1621 j 5018 ʤ 5132 n. 664. ޅ 8276 X 3928   8390 rH 7474# S 12130 C 2071= # 8746N vƄ 5696c & 5979x gĊ 8107  2218  6788  8221 ‡ 8931 у 359. & 9500 :M 9838^ p 426.$ 3120 !ʏ 6450 Ά 1617 3 1731 I 2475 g 5057 G 8625 & 5171: @ 5767I  6733l C 9434 n 1103g c 7659 7ȇ 8228  8632 10368.Email10489.Date20240723204458 0y 3569. 0 3683?  6407| 82D 6521E| ) 7946|  9598  3690d| wS 118.~| x_ 1741|  6384| +ܘ 4962 ڗ 1518  1632ŀ  { 1791 m 1638| ^ 1752| ] 3519 }  3471}  36339}  6215G} % 140.d}  393.} y 6925} 5249}  5363} ݟ 6108} G 6222 ~ [؛ 4841~  73993~ 0& 8114m : 9030z ~8 1234 ; 1000 <qț 9194|  3875  6336 D 7542| = 989. q֓ 6619 E8 6626W| '^ 6740| Ν 7428  3172  2199O  423.k ̟ 2910 ْ 280.P Y 788. 6407.Subject: .ҽ welt 434310096521.Subject6626.Domain3690.Domain210.123.35.39118.Date199812160235001741.Thread06384.IP6740.Domain7542.IP7946.IP9194.Email1638.Date200111011720371752.Date200201051650083519.Thread03471.SubjectRe: Olafur Eliasson3633.Thread06215.NameҤ > > 140.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net393.Text6925.Subject.Դ.5249.Subject ǰ _ 5363.Subjectㄷ: 샘6108.Domain222.106.13.1596222.Domain4841.Name누리7399.TextA woman crosses stepping-stones underneath lotus lanterns, which have been hung up in preparation for the upcoming of birthday of Buddha, along the Cheonggye stream in central Seoul May 14, 2013. Buddha's birthday falls on May 17 in South Korea. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: SOCIETY RELIGION8114.Domain9030.IP9598.Email3875.Subjectȿ6336.Filesize206387989.Thread9887428.IP3172.Domain211.219.74.228788.Name6619.Name? + s w ?>ㅗ테로>아피>누리2199.Subject.ù.ȭ423.Date199903280314572910.Date200304291219134962.Filesize884381518.Filenamey3.jpg1632.FilenameDSC06631.jpg1791.Nameݴ1234.Date2001032917200810002.Filenameherman_334434819_1004286427642673_3071023169445760953_n.jpg10184.Subjects1 + s2 + s3 = s4s _ _ ll ll & 1684\ ȫ 639.ws  1038Rl 413.R 1026_ Z 24317\ Ȯ 977.H\ v 5602Y\ : 1627m\ &ޯ 8460{\ *Z 1798\  1465\ 0 4919\ 6914 u 5132\ o- 8700\ 6096= 392.K 6400X 7669h d 7024\ 2596  8864\ o 9715l H8707ə52977 z 1159 ]  1273] ;Ԫ 1869+] M 390.E]  1983]] o% 944.q] ] 1166] Q 4734] R 6003] n 5536]  7188]  ۬ 8039^ r 9183\ F 3058}^ k 8153^  1223^ 8ߦ 1109^ $ 1394^ 5 8557p CK[ 8671Ms  8990gs O 152.s  !ߏ !ߏ ) 3710s P 6454s  7695s 5 8468s `Z 8582^  2034^ Ƹ 8346^ 9 9311_ uh 9630Ϗ  703._ q' 9908Ï  2324_ 4590X 730.X P 5018_ 7652X ʼ 6858_ q 9100_ 1148Y1262$Y862.:Y%\ 5296  6147 0ܴ 6261F  812.p W 8358} / 8472 {̴ 2728 ̽ 8853  8887Ӎ UN 611.6  4773F 8 7177Q A 6984m 0^ 7291}  8064  9504 u 6665 S 2509 g@ 507.# 7e 88760 F\ 9069@ 6 6690O ;i 1061\ +n 9626  306.  9740 1054 5296.Email6147.Text: ݵ巹 .ҳ.: 躴 6261.TextThe Korea Pavilion is seen at the Shanghai World Expo site April 9, 2010. The Shanghai World Expo 2010 will run from May 1 until October 31, with about 70 million visitors expected to attend, according to its official website. REUTERS/Aly Song (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS SOCIETY POLITICS) 812.Thread08358.Access4858472.Access7702728.Domain210.123.35.398853.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8887.FilenameAlexandre_Eudier_Masque_rituel_contemporain_Ouagadougou_foto_via_face_isabel_sig.jpg611.Nameݴ4773.Text7177.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6984.Access4127291.Password8064.Lines19504.Email6665.Text. reza.abedini graphic.designer. 2010.9.. amsterdam. tags: reza.abedini 2509.SubjectRe: Ÿǥ ¤507.Thread08876.Access8749069.Password6690.Lines21061.Subjectڱ׶ٵα.þ306.Nameݴ9626.Lines89740.Lines110549.Thread09908.Email9630.Access2489761.Date202205130959539516.Access79510029.Access5910287.Date202403032347333219.Filename3333.Filenamesun_610.jpg6663.Filesize291841944.Lines1823.Filenameship2-big.jpg8441.Domain5384.Nameafp > 누리8555.Filesize979118222.Subject2699.Date20030226045649815.Lines41430.Access20545391.Domain210.123.35.1938838.Nameㅣ자마ㅔㄹ.란달ㄹ.wㅔㅔㅋㅅ1811.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8085.IP3851.FilenameCIMG0037.JPG8845.Domain7169.Domain1022.Lines37283.Domain933.Access4135788.Name??? > 6907.Date201203071216538030.Name. > > 221.Subjectȸ: .-work1834.Access6012027.Password5795.Domain210.123.35.366597.IP3846.Thread03960.Thread36327064.Subject: /-1 43450714 ..ũ8489.IP8626.Subject뺰.ѷ.̴.. ...1540.Lines10628.Access7223857.Date200408282324493971.Date200411012302065576.Subject.ǥ8037.Filesize1759408151.Filesize1095709243.IP7468.Subject.8327.Domain9647.IP5629.Filenamechina_Yellow_Dust_warning_Saturday.jpg2141.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7397.Filesize516331515.Text7687.Domain5852.Thread31342579.Filenamemonde-20030123.jpg2545.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3318.Lines249878.Subjectΰ . ̴10347.Thread010396.Domain    0 7305 B 6591 % 1234 C 9516 . 169.f  7216! 5 7330. @ 8369; &f 8483o JB 9641ug y> 94.P Z 4966  5817d Z 365.dd  8085yd K 9108 8 9222d  6466d "? 1638d d 1752d !x 6995d D 6847-e J 7734Ie E 8478Ve  8592de ) 2767re  6058}e  1300e  474.e Z 5285e  6172e  4659e PJ 736.e _ 6050 f  273.0f  7220@f  4684Pf { 7612]f + 8489if { 8739f % 8996f  9112f  6576g J 5413f *N 1704f  2910f N 670.f  7624 9992.Subject...׵.Ʊ...̵鲲.ش . 196110065.Email10186.Date20231119055619 96363 X 9693 %P 5202 F 233.3 U 6079A 5{ 6193Z  1398s %) 6329 K/ 4989 N 6443֤  7231 o 2274 ` 4955!  5728= ?' 5842J | 6586X j 8074f  2152t N 3003  3279  3393 4 4166ʥ  5214إ  5720  6597 , 7106  9009 ^> 2678 bD 9123 ~ 9118  6073ɦ  9232 2 9282 8 398. t 34072 d' 3797= 6 5618Y v 9129j  9243 V 9647A  4585 ( 800.ɧ t 66.D  9686Z !OG 6182!g 7755.Date201402181034005202.Emailssahn@chol.com233.Thread546079.Date200907142323596193.Date200912280935001398.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6329.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4989.Filenamefrom_www_blondie_com.jpg6443.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7231.Filenamehangul-i-mogsum.jpg2274.Lines04955.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5728.Lines55842.Lines516586.Thread08074.Thread02152.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3003.Text3279.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3393.Password4166.Lines455214.Access3515720.Email6597.Date201103300039557106.Access6639009.FilenameKim-Jong-Un-rides-a-horse-during-snowfall-in-Mount-Paektu-on-October-16-2019-KCNA-via-REU.jpg2678.Lines29123.Filenameα_ϼ_Ǻ.jpg9118.Thread06073.Filenametypo_3_resize_from_ssahn.jpg9232.Thread92159282.Name鳲398.Subjectȸ: .3407.Text3797.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5618.Access26999129.Date202004270731579243.Date202008151208594585.Filenameionesco-lcc-cou-par-massin.jpg800.SubjectRe: Live Picture Viewer Plugin66.Date199807211249014551.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9636.Thread09647.Date202112091201559686.Name? + ? > Ӻ.렡 > 9693.Domain9750.Thread0\ \ \ 0@ 3219  3333  6663)  1944=  823.J } 8327 S 5384r W 8555  8222 iD 2699 F 815.Д Z 1430ܔ < 5391  8838 d 1811v o 8085  3851  ]H 8845 R 7169Õ * 1022Е  7283ݕ  933. f 5788 5 6907 { 8030' ٘ 221.I J 1834j Y 2027z  5795 ف 6597 I 3846 o 3960  7064˖ -O 8489 h. 8626 !s 1540< $ 628.J } 3857Y  3971r  5576 wY 8037 ~ 8151  8434 a 9243ʗ z 9647  8441e = 7468ӗ  7582k ,8434.Nameㅅ하.펜ㄱ + 레나토.탁리 > 누리7582.Subject: ڱ ̰, 踦 9713.Filesize64387510085.Date2023070512414010246.Thread010565.Access9c    ! 6068`  4437` 252. > 9474*` )474., 6388: 5204  5914 58599_ i 3836`` z2 869.m`  3950|` YY 4694`  7117`   1387` 933033193433Қ 9168` B 849.` s 9878٘ 5 1034 2 5743a  1039 ( 9175=a 6417z 7340Ja  # 8913Xa  4067qa < 7794a 9034 K/ 4033a  3840a  7237a ` 7351a  9070a 610. E 2164#b 22752558 2 95793b 6935 7744@b 2565/ 8587I 9438U P~ 1919Nb / 462.Yb 2 2  6002~s !l 6901ub 66173#p64567p 6570Fp 2502op  5225b +g 8952b 6463p  2949c > 1822!c 4685p\w 7276@c  7390hc  157.yc P 7986c @~ 3322c 6577&q831.:q 9102Sq 974.yq % 8902c  5629 ' 8959c 6981q  21415 [ 7226c 1873q,{ 7397Q 7331r` 1515e 1475@r 2612Yr 7614fr 2 7687p 669.r  5852}  2579 8136r 5086r 9109r9 2545  3318˘  5749 j 5863 1766+ 1879es 787.p 5749.Date200605220850325863.Date200607231239286992.TextPortrait Fleur Pellerin Je suis ne Soul en 1973. Adopte lge de six mois, je suis arrive en France en fvrier 1974 et ai grandi en Seine-Saint-Denis, Montreuil, auprs de parents trs engags gauche. Titulaire dun baccalaurat franco-allemand, puis diplme de lESSEC et de Sciences Po Paris, jai intgr la Cour des comptes ma sortie de lENA, en 2000. Jai t affecte la troisime Chambre, comptente pour les questions dducation, de culture et de communication, o je suis reste sept ans. Cest cette poque que je me suis, pour la premire fois, intresse aux problmatiques de la proprit intellectuelle, notamment en ma qualit de rapporteur auprs de la commission permanente de contrle des socits de perception des droits dauteur (SPRD). En 2007, aprs avoir particip en famille la campagne de Sgolne Royal, au sein de la cellule Interviews que nous avions constitue, jai quitt la Cour des comptes pour une exprience dans le priv. Pendant deux ans, jai travaill comme directrice associe dans un cabinet de conseil en communication. Je me suis galement vu confier, cette occasion, le suivi des actions de mcnat en faveur dartistes africains, ce qui ma valu de participer aux rencontres annuelles de la Clinton Global Initiative New York, en 2008. Avec ma rinstallation Montreuil, 2007 est aussi lanne o je suis entre au Club XXIe sicle, que je prside depuis fvrier 2010. Cette association, qui stait fix pour ambition, lors de sa cration, de sensibiliser les lites politiques, conomiques et mdiatiques au thme de la diversit, organise prsent de nombreuses manifestations. Les Entretiens de lExcellence, qui se tiennent dans une dizaine de villes, permettent chaque anne des milliers de collgiens et lycens de zones dducation prioritaire de rencontrer des personnes qui leur ressemblent et qui ont, grce aux tudes, russi occuper des postes de responsabilit dans lentreprise ou ladministration. Mon retour la Cour des comptes, en 2009, na pas amoindri mon engagement associatif, puisque je suis administratrice de lassociation Unis-Cit, qui promeut le service civique et de la Fondation Royaumont. Je reprsente galement le Club XXIe sicle au comit diversit de France Tlvisions. Je sige au conseil dadministration de la chane Public Snat et suis membre de la commission des sanctions de lARJEL*, mais me suis dporte de ces deux fonctions jusquaux lections prsidentielles. Enfin, jai rcemment eu loccasion de participer des missions dtude relatives au Grand Paris ainsi quau programme dinvestissements davenir et plus spcifiquement son volet numrique. Disposant dun vaste rseau de relations, aussi bien dans les entreprises (Microsoft-MSN, Orange, Cisco, Huawei, Dailymotion, start-ups), les cabinets davocats et de conseil spcialiss, les autorits de rgulation (CSA, ARCEP), le secteur culturel et audiovisuel (BNF, Louvre, Centre Pompidou, producteurs de cinma, producteurs phonographiques, France Tlvisions, Canal Plus, SPRD), le monde de la recherche (CNRS Institut en charge des sciences de linformation), jai eu loccasion dapprhender les dbats relatifs au numrique de manire ouverte, transversale et non biaise. Cest lensemble de ces raisons qui ont convaincu Franois Hollande de me confier la responsabilit du ple Socit et conomie numriques au sein de son quipe de campagne pour llection prsidentielle de 2012. Je ne compte pas dessiner le volet numrique de son programme prsidentiel dans le secret de mon bureau, en me limitant aux contacts que jai dj nous, mais en partant la rencontre des entreprises, des associations, des utilisateurs, des collectivits et des institutions qui sont les acteurs de la socit numrique. Jouvre donc aujourdhui avec vous un dialogue que jespre vivant et constructif. Je ne proposerai des orientations notre candidat quaprs avoir entendu vos proccupations, vos ides, et plus gnralement votre vision dune France remodele par la rvolution numrique. 1188.Domain210.123.35.44970.Nameݴ8898.Access454866.Thread01245.Thread12381699.Name1083.Subject2818.Date20030406131542300.Date199901060200575510.Domain222.106.13.1868204.IP8579.Text8693.Text7402.Domain5624.Filesize108897085907.Name8482.Email2010.Date200206121850346830.IP1487.SubjectRe: BNF4062.Filesize35635245914.Domain210.123.35.365154.IP222.106.13.1668722.IP9333.Textmanhattan via lensalof 128365694_10157665493220060_4820223744967784236_o3379.Subjectݴ 20031212 : ߸2574.Filesize133908886.Email2414.Date200211301433181295.Nameݴ270.Textݴ ۼߴ : 8175.Textapartment complex is seen in the background at Guryong village in Seoul 7701.Subject츮.x.5672.IP222.106.13.2255558.IP222.106.13.1863214.Filesize11138086.Lines16312.IP1840.Filesize97576598.Lines6665.Nameݴ65.Access9993618.Filesize245304824.IP210.123.35.396476.Email2056.Filesize4490110111.IP10487.Email1230.Domain212.198.0.947138.Email237.Nameݴ7252.Email8103.Text츮 ʹ ٸ ޶, ο ݻ ٰ Ѵ. *001 #Ƹϱ2906.Filesize321278379.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8940.Access5469133.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9167.Filenamei_pinimg_8072208f034d8042ef4aa5065d46928b.gif1344.Filesize3541841627.Nameδ4088.Email2436.IP211.219.75.193634.IP210.123.35.445053.Text 1634.Domain210.123.35.397264.Access3357656.Email7770.Email8507.Text.6083.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U972.SubjectRe: 8410.Email8621.Text. park.seho calligrapher 2017.7.. pati.. paju.bookcity.. korea. tags: ڼȣ, , ÿŸ׶ġ, ʶ 9281.Filenamejuliette-greco-errol-flynn-trevor_1_6a5458c068c911debd5dd057f4238aeb_via_worthpoint.jpg5457.Text. kim.ji-ha poet. 2005.04.. paju.. korea.1415.Subject-ȣ..л.ǰ329.IP210.123.35.44743.Thread02954.IP210.123.35.447668.Access9993307.SubjectRe: Philippe Apeloig1278.IP210.123.35.448936.Lines07654.Text. teal.triggs.. henry.moore.. naren.barfield. 2013.11.. rca.. london tags: henry.moore, naren.barfield., teal.triggs 3612.Subject 20040505 ڷ8299.Lines5433.Filesize6092.Text. gum.nuri sculptor.. prof.. kookmin. 2009.03.. seoul.2050.Subject20020703-025504.Subject3475.IP81.66.196.1799028.Text Richard Long Berlin Circle via face 10310986_10203954381759124_1121326419024815063_n.jpg9053.Lines12559.Domain211.219.75.2238684.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9739.Email999865.Access999457.Lines27443.Email9358.Filenamekim_soogeun_hill_top_bar_foto_via_space.jpg9472.FilenamePier_Paolo_Poggi_174678368_1551819381688566_704367689879519420_n.jpg5955.Email9461.Access9999347.Access8289975.Lines5472.Access137410007.FilenameAlma_Haser_2018_336900140_260586329625708_2832778112146280696_n.jpg10189.SubjectԤ . . . .ʿ . 17,000 Űθ . .10264.Thread010583.Access27564.Date201309301146478701.Lines29445.Thread02883.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net2491.Access3315011.Email5945.Access87016138.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U2058.Text6252.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4269.Access545818.Text4798.FilenameUnes_de_journaux_corEens_le_2_avril_2005.jpg7040.Filenamedjoolen-campenac_resize_from_ssahn.jpg4764.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U5651.Lines66395.Thread37737968.Date201408122249219091.Name躸3088.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5415.Email773.Emailk-soho@hanmail.net5023.Access5769456.Date202104091033587444.Filenameje_me_casse_attendre_le_soleil_foto_from_face_Williams_Maigrot.jpg2201.IP211.219.75.1352487.Lines06799.Thread07410.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9041.Thread09098.Filesize24744669495.Name맅 + ? >ƾ.덼벩>3216.Text468.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5427.Access7045541.Access7639052.Date202001041303214394.Filenamerodinmarco490_from_ssahn.gif7319.Access8697848.Filenamegumnuri_Hibernate-_after_type-by-monique-goossens.jpg3862.Access5645731.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7248.Thread07259.Date201301082242357362.Thread02186.Access5828935.Date20190526151603150.Nameݴ8411.FilenameChristo_and_Jeanne_Claude_the_floating_piers_iseo_2014-2016_foto_wolfgang_volz.jpg275.Subjectȸ: .-work3454.Lines18013.Date201410200941368570.NameȻ967.Domaincatv-bookboo-21020502063.usr2.hananet.net9092.Subject^Ƿγ.6923.Filenamean_anti_north_Korean_and_kim_jongun_foto_from_reu_kim_hong_ji.jpg9496.Subject( ^ )8406.Thread05247.Filename2.jpg5361.Filename1-Kim_Jong-Il_and_top_officials_4338_foto_from_afp.jpg8691.Filesize15171281844.Emailyoolyool@yoolyool.com5213.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg3858.Lines010047.Access96100.Lines21019.Textݴ wrote: > http://rhizome.org/artbase/1725/index.html 1133.Text3344.Access9417298.Name^Ĥ.^Ԥ>>Ƽ>242.IP210.123.35.448417.Date201606301222385470.Thread37732197.Filenamejihyunpark-jwaumyeong.jpg8815.FilenamePedro_Reyes.jpg6687.TextA spider is seen near the space shuttle Atlantis at the Kennedy Space Center Thursday, July 7, 2011, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Atlantis is scheduled to launch on Friday, July 8 and is the 135th and final space shuttle launch for NASA. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)7327.TextThe outside installation is pictured during the unveiling of the installation 'Big Air Package' by artist Christo at the industrial memorial Gasometer in Oberhausen, Germany, Friday, March 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) 7441.TextA sculpture made by art students is carried during a student demonstration against the government to demand changes in the public state education system in Santiago, June 13, 2013. Chilean students have been protesting against what they say is profiteering in the state education system. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado (CHILE - Tags: EDUCATION CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) 9737.TextDancing-House-Prague-frank-gehry-architecture-1 277462334_2190127834477310_1515262096196197951_n.jpg10121.Filename3802.Name8391.Lines12126.Nameݴ2836.Subject־9120.Text6789.Lines22019.Domain210.123.35.392133.Domain211.219.75.1593809.Filesize8738883923.Filesize536976667.Email6781.Email7632.Text. rhee.jae-yong photographer. 2013.8.. seoul. tags: 620.Filesize458632537.Domain211.219.75.2278559.Email8662.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9435.Lines33001.Filesize5074349831.Email99244.Filenamegnw065.jpg1965.IP61.78.79.1859313.Email6474.Text2318.Subject߱ + 뵿繫236.Lines33857.IP220.70.76.23315.Filesize1801898685.Access9724986.Text 1803.Domain61.74.124.766149.Email300.Lines31043.IP210.123.35.444897.Lines36263.Email7114.Textseptember-11-2001-911-ground-zero-twin-towers (19) | Kevin Webb ...790 x 1000 | 112.6 KB www.kevinwebb22.com 8178.FilenameThe_logo_and_the_alphabet_designed_for_The_Opinion_Pages_of_the_NYTimes_from_leonardo_sonnori.jpg10262.Access91917.Filesize384287837.Access9777951.Access8279717.Email1639.Lines01753.Lines12497.Thread08364.Filesize130965782.Date200005011206291517.Emailtb0n2btq@yahoo.com8654.Domain3546.Filename16-3-dere-ciel.jpg3660.Filenamegumnuri_on_torso_by_seongung_02.jpg6990.Filesize205247092.Domain3512.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5143.Thread05597.NameȻ6716.Date201108250906326830.Date201112191155061529.Access4505154.Date200510231647188298.IP1235.Lines03780.Date200407261158413916.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U8243.Name?+???????????+? > 8953.Subject . . ۵ ...7277.Subject׳ . ..ΰ.а.ִ.. . ˸7391.Subject3028.FilenameChess-by-Josef-Hartwig-1924.jpg6472.Filesize1717036755.Name?+?+? > 194.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net431.Password5193.Name輺6312.Date201006132258148031.Subject..Ÿ...⸮.....ä9456.IP9570.IP6705.Thread06876.Filesize618545029.Thread5018477.Date199903280324073655.Thread36109408.Filesize509912093.Thread07962.Filename24-image.jpg5133.Lines03939.Access9321728.Text6710.Filenamefrancois-jae-yon-dawa_pic-yves-rousseau_from_ssahn.jpg7553.Thread09283.Subject.5034.FilenameBush_writes_a_note_to_Secretary_in_un_02.jpg8602.Filename1-Incredible_photos_show_internet_sex_by_noah_kalina_foto_from_cnn.jpg9849.Thread09899.Nameڸ.^9963.Thread010414.IP10424.FilenameNature_lovers_club_443715057_833612712135963_6251350618676165215_n.jpg   0Y$ 3802 ! 8391 ps9 1803b 04 6149{ B2 300. " 2126 # 2836/ ! 9120C 8 1043 Դ: 4897 J. 6789N , 2019[ ;(( 2133u &0 6263 1 7114 r6 8178> b`8% 3809 ]! 3923 \- 6667 p) 6781 . 7518 5n% 6070 3* 7632 H( 8167  541. $ 8281 !# 620.# ]% 25376 ! 8559Q ^. 8662] k- 9435y W2 8292 k`* 3001 - 6793 E% 244. B+/ 1965  1, 9313 " 6474 C* 2318 # 236. N# 3857  & 315.1 w! 8685E 0 9325 1 1917  : 5626y j9 7837 + 4986U 8292.FilenameKim_Jongpil__Kim_Youngsam_and_Kim_Daejung_discuss_National_Assembly_affairs_in_1988_foto_from_joongang.jpg5626.Textݴ gum, nuri 1 2 3 ) / 쳽 . 4321~ ȫ͸ θӸ . 4331~4333 å) ݴ 1991 . ȱ׶Ƚ . 4324 . ȱ׶Ƚ . 4326 ο /η紩 . ū . 4338 ׸ġ) 4310 غ Ȧ ġ 10 ƿ ϴ ġ 200 ̸: 43390426 ũ: 98 x 108 x 30 Ƽ : + + õ + : 4339 4 . ū 5 б ̼ٶ 29 - 603 ոƲ 011 319 4624 gumnuri@chollian.net : 輺6793.Access153910363.Access99839.Lines310093.Domain9953.Lines19843.Access9910044.Thread09729.Access1609843.Access1998281.Access10008281.Access110910525.Filenamevia_Kym_Overy_456614406_10160336222872253_6422722358878442508_n.jpg10363.Access12 Q "   +` 3095 k 6549  6216) 8r 6330n  7755 km 47713 fm 3385  6839 $ 6953ͤ & 6079ڤ YL 6193  8108 ܐ 5277 ,o 7303) > 1447> $ 1561W 54 10143 12 6024p  880. #x 518.   6734 %4 1046B  3789 v 5058 8& 1954* G 51728  6031M 3673%  7707f 8232% Z 1965{ / 8913 3551-& 6 6145 g 6428  6542¦ $` 7237Ӧ  7351ܦ 5051]&  6435 5580&   790.H "YM 4600  9129 k 1327  H 4657  782.w  1043 @ @ @ ' 861. $ 1379 I 1493ʧ  354. 3944X E 2240 K 5411  6992 X 485.% X 1436 fH 9396  334.- / 1274N M5 477.l  2699x  _C 556. p 1897 qS 3166  4132 | 4842  5701  ! 87958  8673E V 9524Q QT 1019  2201  1082 {e 1678 #ۊ 1792 ;D 4536$ Y 69075 6733% 6226 6340 8107 8278 1153 35402 5 9928 8625\ t 3971>  ؕ 1032S c 87.Ta   1486s  1089 + 8366 .r 5749  5863 1436.Thread11939396.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg334.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr1274.Subjectescher-waterfall477.Lines22699.IP212.198.0.93556.Filesize537161897.Domain210.123.35.393166.Subject.ҽ.200309114132.Namea.p + m.l + .4842.SubjectCentre Paul Klee de Berne5701.Domain210.123.35.1938795.Lines18673.Email9524.TextGio Ponti cabinet vers 1950 193791861_1089924968202772_5513432164579598262_n.jpg2201.Date200209102111491082.Nameݴ1678.SubjectRe: ........Ȼ1792.SubjectA different beat4536.NameȻ6907.IP3971.IP61.78.68.2241032.Thread087.Textdsadiosad1486.NameTheo1089.Filesize695508366.Text5749.IP222.106.13.1995863.IP222.106.13.2369928.TextAn Assyrian swimming with the help of inflated animal skin. This allowed him to stay above water. 2025 BC - 1990 Assyrian swimming foto via mystery and aliens 314677469_141792698613305_2690205278724457109_n.jpg354.Access11747518.TextCONFLIT - Damas dment toute utilisation de gaz toxique... Quelque 1.300 personnes auraient t tues ce mercredi dans des bombardements de l'arme syrienne visant la rgion de Damas, selon l'opposition. Il y aurait galement eu utilisation de gaz toxiques, selon des militants syriens, ce que Damas dment. L'attaque a eu lieu aprs minuit, dans les zones de la Ghouta orientale et la Ghouta occidentale, dans la rgion de Damas, en ayant recours l'aviation et aux lance-roquettes, a prcis l' l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH). L'usage des gaz toxiques en question Les Comits populaires de coordination (LCC) parlent pour leur part de plusieurs centaines de morts, mais ce bilan ne pouvait tre vrifi auprs d'autres sources. Les LCC font tat de plusieurs centaines de martyrs, et autant de blesss, essentiellement des civils dont des dizaines de femmes et d'enfants, tus par l'utilisation (...) de gaz toxiques de la part du rgime criminel sur les localits de la Ghouta-Orientale l'aube. Ils accusent le rgime d'avoir commis un crime indescriptible l'aide d'armes chimiques dans ces zones submergeant les hpitaux de campagne avec des centaines de victimes alors qu'il y une grave pnurie de matriel mdical ncessaire pour les secours. La Commission gnrale de la rvolution syrienne a diffus sur YouTube des vidos prsentes comme illustrant un massacre pouvantable commis par les forces du rgime l'aide de gaz toxiques, faisant plusieurs dizaines de martyrs et de blesss. Mais Damas a dmenti ce mercredi tout usage d'armes chimiques. Les allgations sur l'utilisation d'armes chimiques par l'arme arabe syrienne aujourd'hui dans des rgions de la banlieue de Damas (...) sont nulles et non avenues et totalement infondes, a indiqu l'arme dans un communiqu lu par un officier la tlvision officielle (...) Lire la suite sur 20minutes.fr 6070.Text. choi.young-don photographer. 2009.06.. seoul.8167.Access855541.Lines010515.IPs999      .Y$ 3802 ! 8391 ) 9717 % 9831 ' 1009 " 2126 # 2836/ ! 9120C 5+ 1051 ;. 1052 DJ. 6789N , 2019[ ;(( 2133u # 1036 1164  6215 `8% 3809 ]! 3923 \- 6667 p) 6781 . 7518 5n% 6070 3* 7632 H( 8167  541. $ 8281 !# 620.# ]% 25376 ! 8559Q ^. 8662] k- 9435y B . 9729S `* 3001 - 6793 E% 244. B+/ 1965  1, 9313 " 6474 C* 2318 # 236. N# 3857  & 315.1 w! 8685E 4+ 9839  /* 9843c KZ' 9953( 5# 1004D + 4986U  \' \' 0xxr @7`@ /ps9 1803b 04 6149{ B2 300. 8 1043 Դ: 4897 &0 6263 1 7114 r6 8178> bW2 8292 k0 9325& 1 1917  : 5626y j9 7837 , 6 7951 ;5 8144$ 0 9031$ > 9570)$ q: 9706& b5 1447B$  1 1561W$ F6 9820' E> 6656m$ :: 6770$ = 7429$ 9 7543$ 1? 8287$ 8 5094$ += 4787$ [:< 7307$ _8 7421$ >8 282.% ke: 8298% 82 85481% 0 806.M% 1 6679l% ,0 8696}% " ? 9336% Qu7 7947% 0; 9450& tf8 9854$' Iv; 9974{' 9 1026' j3 1513& z60 1910& ? 4257& 5 5498& ʢ1 6385& 651.h U @8144.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9031.Lines19570.Date202107151513181447.IP212.198.0.941561.IP211.49.99.1786656.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6770.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7429.Lines27543.Lines78287.Thread05094.Password4787.Access20567307.Email7421.Email282.Filesize564638298.Date201511301321078548.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg806.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6679.Access41868696.Filename36-image.jpeg9336.Filenamepotraits_via_mim_reza_anisi_129018786_3829965010355611_4265687656853891648_n.jpg7947.Lines09450.Filenameschiaparelli_Bijou_Haute_Couture_de_Daniel_Roseberry_portE_par_Precious_Lee_via_isabel_sig_cr_richard_burbridge.jpg1513.Filesize1910.Nameݴ4257.Email5498.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6385.Lines39325.Access9099706.PasswordSYuoEPpcCEIxs9820.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9854.FilenameFrancesc_CatalA_Roca_304938032_1388911804970752_385272853976349857_n.jpg9974.Date2023020111352410262.Access303187.Nameݴ3897.SubjectŹ236.Date199901060144224870.Domain222.106.13.1366025.Subjectjacques Chirac with hu jintao303.Textݴ ۼߴ : 3194.Domain211.219.74.2276358.Filesize408306648.Domain2932.Date200305071538431654.FilenameƵ.jpg4813.Thread48094984.Filesize40515086.Domain222.106.13.2401370.Date200105182343311506.Password1620.PasswordSYHXtOjOY0QLk4824.Date200506121507536429.Subject̤.6543.Subject어린이6762.Domain7112.Filesize8750873598.Domain211.219.74.537564.IP1649.Thread15871763.Thread10977968.IP9004.Filesize6146687630.Filesize213827913.Name6237.Name6351.Name541.Date199907080936566947.Subjectȭ 284 ̸2812.Filenamekangso-lee-sjam.jpg7046.IP7160.IP7806.Domain7920.Domain1136.Filenamecouv_architecture.jpg4749.Name1250.Filename4580.Filesize199401102.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9812.Domain10588.Email` 7391Z (i 88390 %9401.Name니코라.텟라 >ㅣ사벨.식 >누리8435.Subject리ㅗ.2016 . ㅗ림피^ . 로고9522.Filesize503628129.NameȻ8839.Subjectڴ... .μ.. ˷.^9052.IP9926.Filesize469209974.IP10060.Access910060.Access39 p 0 ( ( . {N 7564  B 8701 jG 9445& rG 9899I $E 28834 51L 2491T eJ 5011d VE 5945p eD 6138 D 2058 @ 6252 K/D 4269 ~E 818. K 4798 -,M 7040 'I 4764N E 5651j K 6395w K 7968 rQM 9091 ]H 3088 H 5415 &hA 773. 2O 5023 B 9456 0D 9849; @ 9963b ;oD 1042z GJ 7444 C @ 2201q ~6M 2487 CH 6799 I 7410 05J 9041 /N 9098 J 9495 1M 3216  E 468.) vhL 5427H ֍H 5541X iE 9052h 1791U1 9322H  N 4394 @ 7319 ,H 7848 6BD 7962  ]L 5133 r? r? r? .zU 3939( a^ 6710C 7MR 1842> ST 9283 ?8P 5019> 0P 1016b? Vi] 5034 - S 8602 G5Y 1058> _ 1631< Y 2758 < [ 5000<< ] 7085K< ]] 7795i< P 2083~< /W 227.<  ^ 3017< kY] 8204< 6053> R 9687> dtU 815.< e[ 8711< ֞Z 5438< {_ 8768%= w[ 8882;= 55X 1031? :U 672.Q= X 5404l= ZY 7035{= >Z 7489= KV 8722= (Q 3927= EX 3535= @ U 7046= EQ 7160= r_ 7496> Y 82.E#> Ԩ] 4803A> ;Z 1032 ? F5538S 9388N> AY 367.[> :GS 7553 WZ 5672i> \ 3127> J2^ 5558> 'V 17288 !W 7439> 1631.Emailyhanjim@chollian.net2758.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5000.Password7085.Name??? > δ > 7795.Subject.2083.Lines3227.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3017.Access4778204.Date20150610124540815.Date200005061002028711.Thread05438.FilenameYedioth_Ahronoth_20060123.jpg8768.Filesize15910208882.Filesize2616818672.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5404.Password7035.Thread07489.Name?+?+?+?+?>ڼ.>>8722.Date201804110750423927.Email3535.Access5397046.Date201207051436587160.Date201210241319077496.Domain82.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4803.Lines49388.Domain367.Password5672.Date200604240407173127.Lines05558.Date200603070733317439.Thread01842.Text5019.Lines19687.SubjectҾ 浶 ãƼ10580.Thread010313.IP10323.Filenamevia_Alex_Howitt_434756670_10220689124056331_5698456802690108786_n.jpg10161.Access19+/ UH UH 0Px 3187, uy 3897, | 236.#,  4870;, RA 6025V, E{ 303., } 3194, q 6358, ǐw 6648, $~ 2932, Wr 1654,  w 4813- +4w 4984(- "r 5086;- ޵x 1370V- ct 1506o- .p 1620~- Gr 4824- v| 6429- 2x 6543- 's 6762- l} 7112. &4{ 3598. DLx 75644. ~ 1649=. xz 1763N. āu 7968_. #q 9004h. L[v 7630}. v 7913. s 1019H E;q 1022PH L4w 1058/ t 6237. Qq 6351. CAy 541.. u 6947. z 2812. d~ 7046/ { 7160&/  7806// R{ 7920 Ƽ > 7914.Subjectΰ÷..636.Filenamedown.gif1065.Date200010311149256352.Subject.707.Filesize283751458.Thread14571572.Thread0693.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr7325.Filesize474641469.Date200107281125527608.Name. > 2507.Filenameicover-time-jan-13-2003.jpg6053.Domain222.106.13.1591976.Thread010365.Thread04672.Name8935.IP5765.Filename381_060531_from_nami_af_spl.jpg8974.NameǶǮ.ĸ9197.Domain5367.Date200601081138165481.Date200602101106591970.Access7215617.Password1651.Text1537.Text. I-Worm.Win32.Nimda.A ̷ ϱ MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.1 ġ Դϴ. .yal 1448.Lines01562.Lines03879.Date200409032303243993.Date200411131914538002.Thread04906.Access143210047.Access469851.Textclay tablet Sumerians 301969582_174970111706092_4953945274445794832_n.jpg Muhamed Al-AbassiArchaeology and Ancient Worlds The oldest plan of household building in history In this clay tablet, the Sumerians documented the planning of building a house according to precise geometry and mathematical calculations in one of the cities of Sumer in ancient Iraq 2000 years B.C The archaeological tablet is preserved in The vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin10098.TextSaul Steinberg 356006675_6391447337587213_4583386622637814718_n.jpg via Max Grover [ Om  0 1612X з 6072X Ѭ 9549BX MB 7242'm D8 821.X ` 73737m & 9515X 7Ħ 119.X q 351.Pm ? 6095^m )* 1726X ɩ 4584X J% 5435X MЫ 2818 Y  2932!Y  x 76467Y l 7760GY a 6084WY  1370gY ۤ 516.~Y ۯ 8914Y  6465Y 5m 7352Y  592.Y ¯ 8096Y P 7509m * 5953Y l 1201Y {ۧ 854.Z E 1911Z k 4596#Z Z 49883Z Z 5839?Z @> 6488[ ˬ 7116[  7230[ ɢ 8357[ ܫ 6869[ ͭ 9111&X e 6983l  7756[  424.l  9008,l p 13228l Z 1605Ll 5031bl ͚ 2414m  4 6194m 6983.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U424.Nameݴ9008.Email1322.Filesize650701605.Nameδ.5031.Text------ Message transf?? Objet : Fwd: New Orleans Images of N.O., forwarding on, with song... ------ Fin du message transf?? Des images 2414.IP61.74.96.1926194.Lines07242.Access5897373.Date20130429123720351.Thread546095.Filenamesteven%20heller_05_resize_from_ssahn.jpg7509.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg2578.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9663.FilenameJoseph_Beuys_hirschkuh_1979_270012064_1223739711487963_5191750940392763197_n.jpg9783.Date202206281106009919.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7760.Access1088  9f 9f 9f (е 1188  970. 6826, 6940, 7019-5݄ 1011 5679,07 8898* O 866.: \ 1245G Z 1699X ; 1083i ) 2818y ‹ 300. p 5510 * 8204 덄 8579 K 8693 r 7402 ' 1009e V4 1048 3787@v 5624  &D 5907 &6 8482 ) 2010# a 6830<  1487E ˣ 4062Z | 5914p ͊ 5154 o 8722  9333 I1 3379 6814. 6936/ 6951/8յ 2574) k 8886= nj 9737g ev 9851d Ʉ 2414I z 270.s kX 8175 Jx 1295b ]Հ 7701 n 5558 ( 5672 x {  _{ D~ D~ ( 32146 W 8086I Qo 96408{ 6330n 7755 uj 6687 3385 6839 6953ͤ  6312V ˝ 1840_ i 6598r 5277 ܞ 10244~ . 665. ] 65.A~ P 6476 H 7327 n 7441 g# 4824 ɕ 3618 Z 2056  2339x  6590x  8368$x < 67160x 6l 92199x e[ 8471x  9244x  9538n{  9652$~ 51 1001x 0H 6994x i 3803x 7845y q 9122y ; 1002~{ m 6169y ՚ 2127z f 2241z X 3780z 4 6283|  8494 { $ 8875{ +ƛ 9648D{  9762Q{ 790.H "782.w 2339.NameȻ+ݴ6590.Email8368.Email6716.IP9219.Textmoi text by choi bongyoung design by kim jaemin 101613757_3100621949981688_7517652249426788352_o.jpg8471.PasswordSYs1CSqhjsk.U9244.Lines110010.IPs996994.Email3803.Subject+ Ư37845.Text9122.Email6169.TextSouth Korean visitors look at North Korean banknotes at a souvenir shop in the Imjingak Pavilion near the border village of the Panmunjom, South Korea, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009. North Korea revamped its national currency for the first time in 17 years, reports said Tuesday a move that appeared aimed at reviving its dilapidated economy by curbing inflation and black market trading. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) 2127.SubjectRe: 帮2241.Subject20021001 093780.IP210.123.35.398494.Access7468875.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9640.Email9648.Lines19762.Lines410249.Access99538.Access70310020.Filenamevia_onyenwe_profe_ghost_sculpture_at_the_castle_of_Vezio_340919818_557690613120476_9016631124398191498_n.jpg6283.Textㅅ히게루 + 갓티넷>베르하ㅔ겐>누리 : Picture taken, in Metz, eastern France, shows A picture taken on April 16, in Metz, eastern France, shows the under construction Pompidou Centre modern art gallery. The Centre, built by architects Shigeru Ban of Japan and Jean de Gastines of France, is the first decentralized branch of Paris's Georges Pompidou Centre and open on May 12. Read more (AFP/File/Jean-Christophe Verhaegen) 65.Access13739652.Access14710249.Access35 [ vn h h h 0 1612X з 6072X Ѭ 9549BX M 4 6194m D8 821.X B 9663m Q& 9515X 7Ħ 119.X 8 9919In 4; 1038GY * 1726X ɩ 4584X J% 5435X MЫ 2818 Y  2932!Y  x 76467Y l 7760en a 6084WY  1370gY ۤ 516.~Y ۯ 8914Y  6465Y 5m 7352Y  592.Y ¯ 8096Y  97830n * 5953Y l 1201Y {ۧ 854.Z E 1911Z k 4596#Z Z 49883Z Z 5839?Z @> 6488[ ˬ 7116[  7230[ ɢ 8357[ ܫ 6869[ ͭ 9111&X e 6983l  7756[  424.l  9008,l p 13228l B 7242'm Z 1605Ll 5031bl ͚ 2414m  10285.Email10567.Thread0 0` 73737m q 351.Pm ? 6095^m )P 7509m  2578m %] 613. d 2692!  3543A & 483.Ӊ T 5754  6908 ߶ 7623 Z3 7880! ` 8510/  9254<  4573J _$ 5346Y I 5460f Au 6499t "0< 6900  308. T7 3947ъ % 5224 7ʹ 178. A 7777 [ 3972 @g 7891' { 8400@ S 7139P 8Me 2010 x 7253 [߽ 3850 : 4701i  6912ȋ Є 7105؋ / 9265; K 2174T ݵ 5628 & 287.t  5236  5350 7 8804 p1 9658> Ve 9669L , 7128 l 7657Ž 6Ӵ 7771 *V 9772e 613.SubjectƮ..۾ǿ2692.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net3543.TextBrazilian artist Tonico Lemos Auad's untitled drawings on bananas are seen on show at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts for the Beck's Futures 2004 art prize, March 23, 2004. Auad is one of 10 short-listed artists vying for a large stake in the annual Beck's Futures prize worth 65,000 pounds sterling ($120, 217) which will be divided among the winners. REUTERS/Peter Macdiarmid 483.IP210.123.35.445754.Access7886908.Lines77623.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7880.Thread08510.Lines09254.Thread04573.Password5346.Lines05460.Lines426499.Filename1-gumnuri_momgulggol_dahsori_.jpg6900.Email308.Subjectȸ: .-work3947.Text 5224.Email178.IP210.123.35.447777.Date201403051536013972.Lines17891.Date201405012251038400.Access4847139.Filenamegumnurigulggol-wider-than-light_speed_in_gumnurimom.jpg2010.IP210.123.35.393850.Emailkihozip@chol.com6912.Access4997105.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5628.Email7253.Filenamebike_was_built_by_Art_Rothschild_top_position_foto_from_time_and_life_wallace_kirkland.jpg4701.Textݶ ̽ ź׷ ǥ [EPA 2005.04.19 13:26:32] [ī=EPA]18(ð) ̱ ϸ ī ÷ƴ ۶Ŀư ׷ þ ۰ ǰ, 'Back to Paradise' õƴ. ǰ þ ϼ ̹ ݷŰ ǰ ' , ' Ϻδ. ǰ õǰ ִ ̱ ̵ ǰ ִ ŷ ̵ ִٰ. 9265.Date202009071118432174.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net287.Thread545236.Access3345350.Access7948804.Access4857128.Access6087657.Filenameelizabeth_geunhye_and_philip_2013_foto_from_getty.jpg7771.Filenamekim-hangil-and-ahn-cheol-soo-20140302.jpg9658.Thread09669.Date202112311046019772.Thread010148.Access910148.Access292616.Thread02787.Filesize701645312.NameȻ1054.Thread0505.Access999674.Filesize184462627.Date200302020032503993.IP61.78.68.232298.Filenamegnw119.jpg2103.Filename1499676324.jpg5433.Filesize2099495716.Nameݴ5830.Name700.Filename.jpg8291.Email4154.Nameϵ5723.Domain210.123.35.1938417.IP3945.Filesize450147615.Domain2269.Filesize1147502383.Filesize694832666.Name8695.Email2109.Date200208011133202223.Date200209161940106929.IPN 636.^ ! 1065^ (I 9103\ r- 6352^  1867 ] U 707.^ X# 1458^ H 1572_ L 693._ OE 746.3] , 73255_ 1 6046B] 6160X] b 6756g] R 6870] >W 1469I_  7608b_ G 5194] ~ 9507]  2507_  6053_ 8~ 1976_  " 7843]  7729]  1987] e 941.^ 4275.Filesize641179621.Domain9806.Subjectٴ尡 . غ746.Access1200 Qa   - 1 3862  7259: : 5731 ` 9092  7248,  2186a ^ 1651`  150.  8411 SK 275.  3454  8013) - 8570B m. 967.S * 1537` w 1004a 772.- ! 6923 B7287-  9496 8963=. E 8406 0 5247  vU 5361- 71 8691r  1844 Za 5213 i6 3858 D 4906a  ( 6100 ^ 1019 >~ 11337 @ 3344B \ 7298R  242.y + 8417  5470 u 2197  5765`  8815 gc 8974.` (U 9197J` z 7362S  { 8935q  5367W`  5481p`  1970` ږ 5617` y   0 9331) a 62817  6564K  14484a s 1562Aa  3879Na  3993ga Ŷ 8002a w 8059  8456 ա 6007\ ) 5598u g 9265 }E 8349 j 8463  1044=  33556  6809b  6685  6968 = 3321  6525 2 92101 Y 3475J P 8244  726.c j 1338  D 1981Ƨ  5299  8981 ] 8867 > 2606  B 3759Τ .g 3873 3 6001- .l 3464 ds 3725S 52 6929o  5356  8052 ȫ 8762  877.ǥ Y 2049  869.  948.  7086 J 1856' O 6918 8059.Filesize132128456.Nameָ.0 > 3355.Filenamegumnuri-20031212-by-jmkim.jpg6809.Filenamepot-by-yongil-jeon-2011.jpg3321.Password6525.Date201101241154318981.Domain8867.Domain3759.Filenamekim_il_sung_and_children_foto_by_ren_libo.jpg3873.FilenameA_TARDE_20040831.jpg6001.Filenamenewspapers-20061010.jpg3725.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6929.Date201203261353115356.Thread08052.NameȻ8762.Subjectפ.Ǹ^877.Filenamenuriwork.zip2049.Password869.Lines0948.Filesize334317086.Subject: ø1856.Access5196281.Filesize226156564.NameȻ6007.Date200610130226055598.Subjectㄷ: 귀 쇼캐르트 가 옮겨 주었음9265.IP8349.Domain8463.Domain6685.Filesize244366968.NameȻ9210.Name? > 피ㅔㄹ레.렐노ㅜㄷ > 누리8244.Subject . ݴ . 㸻1338.Access5181981.Filenamemichin--o-i.jpg5299.Domain210.123.35.1932606.Lines33464.Thread06918.Thread09331.Filesize447681044.Lines03475.Date20040125184242726.Domainmendeleiev.cybercable.fr8648.Subject.9783.IP10184.Email10209.Filename1-Torben_Christensen_BANKSY_410033174_10231691586183252_8129409241373760306_n.jpg10466.Thread0 &   3258, 302., 6826,  14484a s 1562Aa  3879Na  3993ga Ŷ 8002a w 8059  8456 58 1046 6418i- 6532v- 7276- 1565- 7390-  33556  6809b 7287- 8849. = 3321  6525 1018 1047@ 3764/ 2595V.[ 9783 ; 1020 R4922~.  8981 ] 8867 467..  B 3759Τ .g 3873 3 6001- 6936/ ds 3725S 52 6929o  5356  8052 ȫ 8762  877.ǥ Y 2049  869.  948.  7086 J 1856' 4615, rI s s 63808 a 62817  6564K 9735I 3389L ա 6007\ 9528u ) 5598u g9535 2006  9265 2501 7871 }E 8349 j 8463 6024 7711  6685  6968 2 92101 Y 9920] #9430m 4029$ 160. P 8244 7287V j 1338  D 1981Ƨ  5299 z6 9669@ > 2606 .l 3464 O 6918 6599  9331)  1044=  3475J A 9614 4536  726.c h 8648 7232 1895 787. 1093 1229  3868  3982 3868.Thread03982.Thread09614.Name^ > Ĥ.9669.IP9735.Filesize325879920.Subject3300..տ..ٸ . ^ A -   #3787@1366 1480 \ 2616 3639 | 2787  5312" 5384G  10543  505.-  674.P i 2627c  3993|  + 8388 8790 ϻ 8013 8543- 4 4969  298. % 7211 1590 u 2103  5433Ɣ f 5716۔  5830  700. f 8291 f 4154 7 57230 8491O 9293\ O 8417K  3945T 6837  2[ 7615h 869.? 828. ! 2269u G 2383 x 2666  8695 5 2109 Z 2223ҕ Y 6929 VX 9546 } 9660= 5367  5481 8388.Texttoyo ito completes sculptural museum in mexico dedicated to baroque art photos courtesy of patrick lopez jaimes / danstek in the mexican city of puebla, acclaimed japanese architect toyo ito has designed a museum dedicated to baroque art. the museo internacional del barroco, or simply the MIB, occupies a prominent UNESCO world heritage site in the countrys fourth largest city. the project seeks to translate the baroque movement, which is considered to be one of the first truly international styles, into the buildings design. consequently the design team established three guidelines for the museums construction. firstly, in order to achieve a sense of fluidity, the rigid layout was dissolved with a series of curving walls. in the MIB we try to break and dissolve the cold and rigid order to achieve fluid spaces, explain the architects. we hope that when people move from one room to another, they experience a baroque space.8013.IP4969.Domain222.106.13.2157211.Domain 3] R   4547 6074 885.  9402\  933.\ 2120e 9528u gG 6571*\ 9535 Y 46227\  1349E\ * 1463c\ k 4793\ 7757  1315\  2202\ ? 4633\ 6195 6478 C{ 628.\  7777\ d8 7891\  9806! 160. (I 9103\ 7287V  1867 ] 9179 2939_ 2905n 2116 OE 746.B 6428 1 6046B] 6160X] b 6756g] R 6870] 10083] 2928= G 5194] ~ 9507]  9621 8158Z &7232  7729]  " 7843]  1987] e 941.^ w w w 4892 4068 7529; 2240H $ 7259 ^  7373)^ 2694 " 64572^ 9574 `2137 2251  4679?^ \ 7204S^  7914y^ N 636.^ ! 1065^ 8849c 4479l r- 6352^ 8963 664. U 707.^ 5 1036_ 8511  X# 1458^ H 1572_ 2964Ab 8675Lb L 693._ , 73255_ >W 1469I_  7608b_ 866. 4997 7125 359. 8041  2507_ 2290-  6053_ 8~ 1976_ 1486d # 810.  4672_ j 4275 ;k 1010 X339. /L 8935_ 810.Access138510108.FilenameL_ami_Anto_Minimalist_Photography_358704147_10224756133875835_4521586786333575854_n.jpg9546.Textݴ λ ȹ ߷ ˸ 42540707 /// ϸ ̴. Ӱ 귯 ׾ 38 ɸ ׶ ׸ Ʋ ư ׹̿ Ͼ Ե. Ŵ ٸ /// ̸: 42540707 : õ...˹̴. ũ: 400 x 400 x 400 Ƽ ... 綧: 2021 ݴ, gumnuri@kookmin.ac.kr , http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr/ δб ȫʹб ̼, п ħ / 1970-1979 ĸ̼ ü ħ/ 1979-1981 14 / ,λ,,ĸ, 2016 SeMA Gold X: 1990 ѱ̼, ø̼, 2015 ݴ , ȫǥ, ŸƲ ġ, ø ϼ̼ 2012 ̷, ȭ 284, 2010 ѱ 2010, ø̼, , ⵵̼, Ȼ 2004 ̼ ̼, ̼, õ 2001 ѱ, , , ī, 𰶷 1999 ƽþ ڿ , , 1996 ÿ , ø̼, 1990 ī Ź̼, ȱ׶Ƚ + ϷƮδ ī, , Ÿī 1989 ѱ̼, ̼, ߽ڽƼ 1989 强 Ͻ ̼, ĸ, -, ϰ, ߱ڹ ݴ ׸ ̿ ... øϼ̼, 2015 gum, nuri ... gumnuri@kookmin.ac.kr , http://gumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr/ b.f.a and m.f.a HongIk unIv. (sculpture) 1970-1979 reserch student ENSAAMA de ParIs, (volume) 1979-1981 honorary professor at Kookmin university Solo Exhibitions 14 times / Seoul, Busan, Paju, Paris, Toronto 2016 SeMA Gold X korean art in the nineties. Seoul Museum of art, Seoul 2015, gum nuri vs Hong Jeongpyo Title Match. Buk-Seoul Museum of art, Seoul 2012 Ancient Futures. Museum of Culture Seoul 284, Seoul 2010 Contemporary Korean sculpture 2010, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul 2004 Art and Popular culture, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon 2001 Hangul, ggg gallery, ddd gallery, Tokyo, Osaka 1999 East Asian Letter Art in Today, Seoul Art Center, Seoul 1996 City and Image, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul 1990 E-Communication Art, Ahn Graphics+Electronic Cafe, Seoul+Santa Monica, 1989 Korean Contemporary Arts, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City 1989 Contemporary Art Auction for the benefit of the safeguard of Venice and Great wall of China, Drouot, Paris, Palace of the Museum, Beijing gum nuri between his works of paintings and objets,2015, buk-Seoul museum of art 5367.IP222.106.13.2315481.IP210.123.35.193505.Access19439660.Textle Corbusier 1955 foto from roberto conte 2015 882903_456771992481541_6024272431571782578_n.jpg Il Conte Photography The chapel of Notre Dame du Haut, by Le Corbusier (1955). Ronchamp, France. Roberto Conte (2015)6214.Filenamean_nahar_20100116.jpg1257.Lines03938.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5569.Thread55688265.Name.^Ӻ > > 8975.Subject1135.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net7299.Subject... ... â3164.Filenamepyongyang_ibbuni_030909.jpg6618.FilenameMaariv_20110503.jpg3130.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6334.Date201006281542018215.Thread08669.Name.>Ĥ.>Ӻ.8386.Filesize116189592.IP8676.Domain8790.Domain6841.Thread03568.FilenameMarco_Evaristti_Ice_Cube_20040324.jpg3682.Filenameolympic_torch_arrive_foto_by_Frederic_J_Brown.htm3534.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4307.Lines06738.Date201109120818296852.Date201201092308298571.Subject ߼1665.Access4542933.Lines26090.Filesize694136373.Name9544.Filesize4191283688.Date200406101202479074.IP4840.FilenameFernando_Botero_prison_Abou_Ghraib_foto_v_pinto.jpg8158.Domain8272.Domain6323.Thread06494.Filesize8912606777.Name.0Ĥ0Ĥ>Ÿ>>6891.Name7301.Date20130218131639539.Domain210.121.36.556068.Name??? > > 6182.NameĮѤ > > 6778.Subject߼2114.Access4266892.Subject̵.⸮.Ƶ.ɻ9020.Subjectſ鿡 . 9529.Domain1081.Filenamegum-facellll.gif7865.Filesize1418234251.Date200412310745146018.Thread06189.Filesize3516929424.Subjectϴ.7395.IP6593.Domain4644.Thread0864.Access5391485.FilenameBnf.zip1337.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4655.Date20050331111515844.Domain210.123.35.446374.Subject.۸ޤӤ9118.Name? > ǴԤ > 9125.Domain7461.Filesize520227744.NameƼ.ĴϤĤ7637.Domain7751.Domain5802.Thread02529.Filenamenew_menu.jpg6075.Domain210.123.35.36754.Filename1-lecorbuiser.jpg5813.Date200606221608564694.NameȻ7532.SubjectǪ^ä. . Ӥ.׸746.Lines08957.IP8902.Name¼ ? > 2763.Date200303191656067226.Name.0ȤӤ>Ĥ.>>7340.Nameݴ1087.Date200011211730245571.TextAP - Tue Mar 14, 2:00 AM ET Team South Korea celebrates after they beat Team USA 7-3 Monday, March 13, 2006, at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, Calif. in the second round of the World Baseball Classic. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) 10199.Domain92502.Filesize387807374.Lines18814.Email9537.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1109.Nameݴ1933.SubjectRe: ġ... 0205081223.Nameݴ2032.IP211.219.75.236438.Thread541819.SubjectRe: ±ر024999.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6934.Access5849651.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9685.Filenamecartable_sac_a_dos_Jesus_religion__l_ecole_du_dimanche_m_via_yves_brette.jpg7782.Access163810310.Filesize6956594914.Text7182.Date201211210246547318.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg7432.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg869.Date200006081134503238.TextA woman is silhouetted under a giant representation of the sun on display in the Turbine Hall of London's Tate Modern art gallery, October 15, 2003. The work is an installation by Danish/Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson using mirrors, lights and other special effects to recreate elements of the weather. REUTERS/Peter Macdiarmid 3352.Text3756.Text̸: 200407014 ũ: 31 x 26 x 17 Ƽ : ̾ -豤ָ + 峭 + Ǯ :ּȣ 5033.Email41.Lines125967.Access23218723.Lines03781.Lines07979.Thread09467.Thread07062.Filenameshenzhen_kateryna-velychko_03_resize_foto_from_ssahn.jpg9581.Thread04786.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg586.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net823.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg10062.Thread05437.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6402.Text8613.Access4612109.IP211.219.75.1017580.Filenamejeoung_yeonji_deer_foto_from_ssahn.bmp421.Text

5290.IP210.123.35.1936400.Filesize98485984.Thread06852.IP2596.Filesize195232993.Nameݴ5007.Name5121.Name2436.Date200212081913485717.Subjectȭȫͼ5831.Subject۾4155.SubjectŹ7609.Subject..̾.׸..5694.IP222.106.13.225116.Textݴ ۼߴ : ó ѱ ٽ ϰ?2192.Filesize5460562475.Name + 5646.Filesize6183952032.Date200206150037355760.Filesize1877206738.IP5936.Domain213.140.19.127354.Date199901060212595176.IP222.106.13.227908.IP210.123.35.447867.TextMatteo Pugliese. Corazze Veduta della mostra Courtesy Fondazione Mudima, Milano Photo Fabio Mantegna3825.Subject1796.IP210.123.35.397981.Text9144.Email2149.SubjectRe: 漭 Ƽư۾ 9902.IP10331.IP10411.Filesize6610215415X 7935.Name^̵.ϰ6259.NameǶǮ+>>>6969.Subject̤7942.Domain7068.IP7182.IP8744.IP6266.Domain6380.Domain4431.Thread37731158.Filenamehy+eu.jpg4885.NameȻ7013.Name.^ӳ > > 7723.Subject소젖244.Password1124.PasswordSY.Lpusrdzqkw6209.Thread04892.Domain222.106.13.1356047.Subject: Marilyn Monroe Tableau 6161.Subject. + ۤ.7586.IP9211.Subjectݴ . 19866784.Domain1381.Thread02954.Date200305161328591676.Filename1-nuri_by_ssahn_01.jpg4835.Thread07134.Filesize205787417.Name^헤마.마돚54.Thread04846.Date200506231156571278.Date200104071356351528.Password3159.Thread06565.Subject.104.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net357.Textݴ ۼߴ : 2430.Filenameeclipse-ring-by-nurigum.jpg7531.Name배우미 ? > 김홍지 > 로이 >누리8810.Filesize979929430.Domain4084.Filesize20007 ; ; : @+J=9673U: 2545o 4976l X,0)0) 6496h | 452.s 6820 3879 r 6007  d #816.K 9975 ; 1000 D 167.  5427 :J#673.@ 3541 6 9853L @ 8299  x~#2497 Ԋ#3937U  147.ܶ v 9028R [ 2148  2858 ! 6525׷  8177 ; 2155 \ 5609  1058  2218#5818Jx#6705 :#7563 ,Ɂ#78580ӏ#1738 #18525 6092 : 2050  5504( 8q 3475< 5 1026  1018\ = 2559 ̌#86127221. 472.  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C'est merveilleux, Attention, ... joli comme tout. ... .g La mafiosa de Pepsi T?ulo: La mafiosa de Pepsi Tama?: 3,6 Descripci?: La eterna guerra de pepsi y cocacola con una dulce ni? de por medio en el papel de mafiosa Marca: Pepsi Autor: Enviado por F18. (08/01/2001) C?o descargar el video?: - Simplemente haz click en el mensaje "Iniciar descarga de video". - Se abrir?una nueva ventana y te pedir?si quieres guardar el fichero del video. - Elije el directorio donde quieres guardarlo para que despu? puedas visualizarlo cuantas veces quieras. * Mientras descargas los videos puedes seguir navegando por nuestras secciones. Avisos importantes: * Solo haz click en el link "Iniciar descarga". 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Es necesario ser usuario registrado 2223.IP192.168.3.109619.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net9728.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9842.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9985.Thread09996.Date2023030807402210088.Subject^ϤĤ.ȣ . ɻ3820_n.jpg9990.FilenamePaolo_Monti_332124860_1158419104841068_3199944714961487679_n.jpg10163.Thread010482.Access97466.FilenameYves-Klein_1961_foto_by_charles_and_after_Brette_ZEle_Liquide.jpg518.Password3557.Access8027068.Date201207231509301346.Text35978.Filenameturrell_et_nuri_foto_par_gureumbi_rEtr.jpg8220.Filename48-image.jpg2490.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6717.Lines17575.Thread01864.Text6721.Access109410381.Access910381.Access10: Y   */ 7182 K+ 7318$ p' 7432@ @' 8205C D'- 869.\ m+ 3238t K' 3352 , 936. v* 5449 5%! 6806+ I, 68316 0( 9063} " 7984P # 9074 - 4914 . 1038I  , 7586 Q' 891. p$ 7836  7950 $ 3756 e9) 5033] V<* 41.Li V$ 5967u  m 8723  / 3781 . 7979 % 9467 , , 7062 9! 9581 5. 1006g I( 4786 + 586.- 0* 823.L / 6721) 6646 436.? n& 5437w # 6402 wB# 8613 4754 32418 8186 4720 ?) 7466 B# 2109  e% 7580 '. 518.P # T$ P 06 3557^ @x3 7068n zM3 5540}! 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(7 5426T! >J7 1346 o3 1460p! 6203.Access9265170.FilenameKim_Jong-Il_ad_Hu_Jintao_(reuters_xinhua).jpg8624.Filenamele_gEant_paul_nouge__foto_by_rene_magritte_1937.jpg2894.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg8340.Date201603021329093545.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6607.Access5805574.Filename20060313_resize_from_ssahn.jpg6313.Lines27171.Thread08744.Date201804251359005426.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1460.Text 5540.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg4825.Lines385683.Thread08106.Filenamevaleska-valentina-jasso-collado-2014.jpg2376.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg345.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net4703.Email5694.Date20060501093109933.Date200007241649433027.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net6732.Filename20110311_tsunami_after_20110603_20110906_foto_from_kyodo_news_02.jpg790.PasswordSYWp.pGdgiG.w5056.Filename2005_09_22t112415_450x281_us_energy_hurricanes_from_noaa.jpg8783.Name + .뤽1653.Emailgumnuri@chollian.net5022.Password4715.Access6598226.Date20150716133027628.Date20000102090724485.Password8619.Thread08733.Thread02908.Text 7057.Thread05176.Date20051030194226650.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net5290.Date2005120517295210533.IP# w$   6 3557^ @x3 7068n o3 1460p! 8186 51939 6766H Q2 5978 +WC4 8220  8485_ 6 2490 J$0 6717 :1 7575 7804v  8697 0 1864 3192 9401 !5 6203 6128 89572 3966ʼ 741. 7 5170 .x1 8624L 45597R Y&4 2894 9412 7 8340 5901 8179$ 8889I oK2 3545 7924& 2 6607 2014 6646 436.? 56 1053m$ 65 5574 199.v 4754 32532. zM3 5540}! 2 6313 ! i4 7171-! K 5 8744;! (7 5426T! >J7 1346 g0 g0 O\ 3906H 3782K 7338(H 162.5H < 4825! {= 5683! 9383H 8 8106! )6903K y: 2376! Z> 345." : 4703'" 8 56943" 7119UI 7233xI < 933.L" 8 3027d" aU= 6732" E7856I 2339I 5907I e/< 790." V; 5056" =< 8783=# vE= 99020 '> 1653^# 9 5022~# +> 4715# k; 8226# 7041QJ ? 628.# 975.zJ 51.FJ 6832J 7637J 7751J ? 485.# = 8619# e9 8733# 8724K 1295(K < 2908$ ZD8 7057 $ T? 5176$ z: 650.4$ *z; 5290T$ ;9 10540 ?8254K 9902.Date2022101418271110543.FilenamePatagOnia_459459102_1265511081564449_2026964003690025368_n.jpg598.Text Rencontre avec Albert Jacquard Docteur en biologie humaine, diplome de lInstitut de statistiques a Paris, Albert Jacquard a enseigne la genetique des populations dans plusieurs universites europeennes. Ancien membre du Comite national dethique, il tente de populariser les apports de la genetique et de participer aux debats actuels sur levolution de la societe. La science : outil de comprehension du monde Pour Albert Jacquard la reflexion scientifique aide a fonder le respect de lautre. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enseignant Magzine : Quels sont, aujourdhui, vos objectifs, vos preoccupations ? Albert Jacquard : Je souhaite faire reflechir les gens, a partir de realites : quelle est cette planete sur laquelle nous vivons ? Qui sommes-nous ? Que pouvons-nous faire ? Mon objectif est de montrer a quel point tout a change et combien il faut en tenir compte. " Le temps du monde fini commence ", disait tres justement Paul Valery. Or, dans un monde fini, il ne peut y avoir de croissance exponentielle illimitee ! Le triomphe des banquiers serait une catastrophe : epuisement des biens de la Terre, multiplication des exclus — ou " zantros ", comme je les nomme. Je ne peux accepter que notre societe fabrique des gens dont elle pretend ne pas avoir besoin. EM : En quoi lespece humaine est-elle responsable de son avenir ? AJ : On pense toujours que lhomme est celui qui a pu comprendre le monde autour de lui. Certes, il a invente la science. Mais bien plus decisif me parait davoir imagine que demain serait, alors que rien dans le cosmos ne pense a demain. Lhomme est le morceau dunivers qui a introduit la finalite. Au fond, tout subit, sauf nous. Je crois que presenter demain comme linvention humaine est important. Qui dit invention, dit responsabilite. EM : Pour vous, lexploit de Promethee nest rien face a celui des hommes prenant possession de demain. Pourtant, Promethee signifie prevoyant AJ : Promethee, cest la capacite a transformer le monde autour de nous. En nous offrant le feu, derobe aux dieux, il nous donne simplement le plaisir detre efficaces. Ce qui a des limites. Reste en effet a sinterroger sur le sens. Promethee est un aveugle. Or, limportant, cest de regarder lavenir. Aujourdhui, Promethee nous suffit. Dans ce monde de competition grotesque, Promethee nous dit comment concevoir une Formule 1, encore plus rapide que les autres. A quoi ca sert ? Dans quelques siecles, on dira : " En 1997, ils gachaient le petrole et polluaient latmosphere pour tourner en rond le plus vite possible ! " Et on veut nous faire croire a un exploit ? EM : La culture scientifique est-elle la condition de la comprehension du monde ? AJ : La science nous donne un regard autre sur le monde et sur nous-memes. Au XXe siecle, la relativite, la physique quantique, les theoremes de Poincare ou de Godel ont modifie radicalement notre vision. Tout le monde doit en etre averti. Et ne confondons pas science et technique. Limportant, cest la science, cest-a-dire la comprehension du monde, et non la technique, qui est lefficacite. Cest une notion que doit integrer lecole, en permettant aux enfants dacquerir un regard lucide sur leur environnement, plutot quen les preparant a la vie active. EM : Nest-ce pas une vision quelque peu scientiste, et donc reductrice, du monde ? Que faites-vous de la religion, de la morale ? AJ : La science ne peut etre reductrice. Elle ne se contente pas de quelques formules pour decrire le monde. Elle lobserve au maximum. Pour moi, elle ne soppose pas aux religions, elle en est une, au sens ou elle donne une relecture permanente de lunivers. Je pense que la reflexion scientifique peut fonder le respect de lautre. Elle permet de lutter contre le racisme par exemple, en montrant que le concept de race na pas de sens. Ce cheminement de lucidite me semble etre le meilleur moyen de lutter contre les idees pernicieuses. Par son objectivite, il est le seul capable de convaincre, dobliger a regarder mieux. EM : Pensez-vous que si les hommes avaient compris scientifiquement ce quetait la bombe atomique, elle naurait pas explose ? AJ : Cest possible. A condition de les avoir bien fait reflechir a " linteret " de tuer 500 000 personnes dun coup. A la longue, je crois a la remontee des opinions collectives vers les dirigeants. Au moins dans les democraties. Lhomme nest ni bon ni mauvais, il se construit au contact des autres. Ce nest que de leducation que naitra une conscience. Et jaime mieux la fonder sur la lucidite que sur le mont Sinai. EM : Comment alors passer de la connaissance a lethique ? AJ : Cest arbitraire. On peut cependant fonder une facon de se comporter les uns avec les autres sur un interet collectif. Sapercevoir que pour construire une personne, il faut des echanges, cela en fait lessentiel du comportement de chacun. Pour les preserver, il ny a que le respect. Cest une logique interieure qui debouche sur une attitude, donc une morale. Aussi, jaimerais que lon fasse reflechir les jeunes a lextraordinaire metamorphose quest le passage de lindividu quils ont ete, cree par la nature, a la personne quils deviendront, construite par une societe. EM : Vous parlez de democratisation de lethique. Quentendez-vous par la ? AJ : Etre citoyen, cest participer, apporter ses idees et pousser des cris quand les choses ne vont pas bien, quitte a etre dans lillegalite. Pas pour le plaisir, mais pour changer la loi. Cest ce que nous avons fait en ouvrant les portes de logements vides aux sans-abri. Pour quil y ait citoyennete, le peuple doit pouvoir prendre position, et donc etre parfaitement informe. Ainsi, je ne trouve pas normal que le Comite dethique — dont jai fait partie — sarroge le droit de declarer seul ce qui est bien ou mal en France. EM : Vous accordez une place preponderante a leducation. Comment doit seffectuer la transmission des savoirs via lecole ? AJ : Bachelard avait raison : il faut mettre la societe au service de lecole et non linverse. Il ne sagit pas deduquer les jeunes pour quils soient utiles et travaillent dans les usines ou les bureaux, mais parce quon doit les aider a devenir quelquun. Et quelquun quils choisiront eux-memes. La transmission des savoirs nest quune partie de leducation, qui, elle, est la fabrication de notre intelligence, de notre comprehension. Le savoir est un materiau, non un objectif. EM : Que pensez-vous du concept de formation tout au long de la vie ? Et ou en est votre projet duniver-site populaire ? AJ : Tout au long de sa vie, on a a devenir intelligent. Cela permet de comprendre levolution permanente du monde, et de soi-meme. Et puis on ne saisit jamais tout du premier coup : il faut revenir en arriere. Moi, je plaide pour que les professeurs du superieur se rendent partout : dans les ecoles primaires, dans les prisons, etc., et que lon rompe cette espece dencasernement de la formation. Quant a luniversite populaire, elle na pas fonctionne. On a eu peu denseignants volontaires mais aussi peu de candidats. Ils etaient souvent trop pris par leurs problemes materiels. EM : Que pensez-vous de lenseignement a distance, permis par les nouvelles technologies ? AJ : Jy crois peu. Il ne remplacera jamais la presence dun professeur. Lensei-gnement est un aller-retour, un echange. Le role dun pedagogue, cest parler, mais surtout ecouter. Pour cela, le contact est necessaire. Il faudra au contraire de plus en plus denseignants. Je souhaiterais notamment quaux cotes des professeurs de physique ou de maths, il y ait toujours un philosophe pour les obliger a expliquer leurs theories. Une sorte de Socrate au fond de la classe qui poserait des questions pour aller plus loin. Et qui oserait dire quil na pas compris EM : Vous souhaitez faire de la Medi-terranee un laboratoire. Quen est-il ? AJ : La Mediterranee, berceau de notre civilisation, me parait ideale pour construire une communaute de peuples, dont le premier ciment serait non leconomie, mais la culture et leducation. Les Etats abandonneraient, en faveur dune Commission centralisee, une part de leur souverainete dans ces domaines. Participant au cout global du systeme educatif, ils favoriseraient lessor de linstruction dans chaque nation. Cela permettrait aussi de juguler lexplosion demographique de certains pays et de lutter contre lintegrisme, qui resulte de labsence deducation et donc de lincapacite a douter. En science ou en histoire, on pourrait aussi creer des noyaux communs dans les programmes. Imaginez les Croisades expliquees pareillement aux Francais et aux Turcs ! EM : Ne craignez-vous pas luniformisation ? AJ : La science est par nature uniformisante. Les hommes sont tous daccord aujourdhui sur la facon dont tourne le soleil, tandis quil y a des siecles chacun avait sa version. On ny a pas perdu Propos recueillis par Florence Raynal Accueil Vie Professionnelle [courrier] [dialogue] [accueil] 2823.Access396662.Text2709.Access5568053.Subject63.1790.Filenamearirang05.jpg2415.Lines34960.Date200508161705243273.Thread32729941.Name?+?+? > 린ㄱ > 누리9948.Filesize1139139996.IP10280.Access910280.Access169759.TextMarion Vina > Illusions Face recognition on the wall: Alfred Hitchcock?9873.Textvia Maytee Pourian 306753910_10159709091522489_3304577240572343551_n.jpg Jean-Luc Godard 1930 – 2022 Was a French-Swiss film director, screenwriter, and film critic. He rose to prominence as a pioneer of the 1960s French New Wave film movement and was arguably the most influential French filmmaker of the post-war era. According to AllMovie, his work "revolutionized the motion picture form" through its experimentation with narrative, continuity, sound, and camera work. © 13 Sep 2022 Maytee Pourian ø ο 1 ߽߰ϴ: World10341.FilenameEscher_no107_via_regolo_bizzi_435254803_3641410219435373_3473083807928158483_n.jpgql{ 9144 n 2078c m 9355` Uj 2192  k 2475 j 6852 vjd 56462 )e 2032G ֏` 5760` n 6738u NKe 5290 |i 5936~ 9355.Text̴αȭõȸ 7:57 å 1948⿡ ̱ Ϻ ڸ п 5000 츮 ٲ м ̴. ̸ [縮 ]̶ 츮 . ׷ 6.25 ٰ ̱ ó ű å ˸ 70 ִٰ Ǯ ־. 츮 ̷ ƾ ұ! . ׷ 츮 ܷ Ǹ ܷ ̴. dictionary of biology by yi giin 10857293_819694501405215_2348775819220811500_o.jpg4778.Domain222.106.13.1906804.Filesize806492829.Thread2826816.Nameݴ2071.Nameݴ2781.SubjectRe: ݳ ȸ ڷ5128.Filesize834275242.Filesize2400767020.Domain4673.Subject: .ҽ ũ ƼŰ 200504045532.Domain210.123.35.1938226.IP8340.IP7424.Domain2021.Thread20132078.Filesize33860|l |l O\ 0^CT 1796$l PS 6259 )T 6969B RGZ 7942V dI] 7068c nY 7182l SV 9211 GX 6266~ T 6380 6X 4431  UW 1158  [X 4885 T^ 7013 ]-_ 7723 nTR 244. 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NKe 5290  h 2596 dd 2993  n 5007 &1j 5121 !c 2436 n 5717- k 5831G ui 4155_ c 7609u ΀b 5694 f 116. 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The Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 that crashed at San Francisco's airport on Saturday was traveling "significantly below" its intended speed and its crew tried to abort the landing just seconds before it hit the seawall in front of the runway, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said on Sunday. REUTERS/NTSB/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: TRANSPORT DISASTER) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS5313.Subjectѱ۲2482.Domain211.219.75.1988493.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9266.Lines19380.Lines29662.Email9784.Lines259156.Access4619674.Access25710469.Access9731.Subjectrenzo piani exposition photo 93480.Access2833895.Filename1-CIMG0005.JPG6000.Email3861.PasswordSY.Cfi2YhkEvE4634.Lines05492.Thread08439.Date201608191240318553.Date201703061047348946.Thread89455389.Date20060116104639164.Thread547384.Thread08957.Date201906191004501559.Text111426.Subjectȸ: .1673.Text16541.Filenamewater_bottles_as_a_protection_foto_from_ap_ben_curtis.jpg296.IP210.123.35.448996.Name̹ > ݴ8319.FilenameBernie_Sanders_at_a_town_hall_event_in_Ankeny_Iowa_Credit_Max_Whittaker_for_The_New_York_Times_201601.jpg8433.FilenameDouglas_Coupland_and_his_Golden_Tree_sculpture_foto_from_Vancouver_Sun_20160807.jpg1462.Emailhandcraft_park@hanmail.net3476.Lines08592.NameŰ.ּ > ȣ > 360.IP210.123.35.446416.Access6631702.IP210.123.35.396945.Filenamewire_fence_foto_by_yu_youngho_tongil.jpg4230.Lines06911.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg5383.FilenameHwang_Woosuk_foto_from_Hong_In_kee_Hankook.jpg8542.Thread02831.Text7676.Text.570.Domain210.123.35.44208.Filenamegnw030.jpg3634.Subjectkingston7301.IP792.Filesize7692072.SubjectRiders in the pack get stuck7790.Text'Untitled' by Ann Hamilton at The Art Show. Ann Hamilton Studio 10484.Thread03497.IP210.123.35.394607.Filesize59373978.Emailaramis74@chollian.net4721.Filesize193889593.Lines0265.Domaingumnuri.kookmin.ac.kr9471.Email4251.IP81.66.146.247487.Filesize7705.IP6903.Domain6029.IP81.64.42.881954.Nameݴ6143.IP7983.Email8834.Text1511.Date200108222252583846.Nameȿ3230.Subject9483.Access9997995.Access8078745.Lines19090.Filenamethisiscolorssal_130810.gif7587.Lines23921.IP210.123.35.391039.Filesize1069061153.Filesize1436.Name9997.Lines610203.Thread0285.Access10909887.Access3009483.Access10009483.Access113510227.Filenamevia_David_Ritzinger02__416108838_10229341854158361_7986473074530569650_n.jpg9369.Access1048I 2628 B 9239  1180 ܵ 393.ˠ d 2620  3497 d˰ 3747  5378 + 8074 #J@ 1878; ˝ 4535K  8784s ] 8081 h 9353D O 6132  7705 A 6427 G= 6586( s5 15847  1855 C 2632X  6029h 5 6143  8024 ٓ 1348 Jյ 1070 KӺ 4939 . 8195 ¶ 8485 ` 8478 !nr 1451?  995.[  2224r 2d 9232 d 3377 " 4905  6536 » 3093 T 6547 /F 6650 z 6661 Կ 69972 9 63.P? v 1889Y ] 8889  1474z 註 8266 5378.Thread08074.Name.^ǤνäĤ+ xĤ.θ1878.Access4854535.Filename3_Orlan_foto_from_afp.jpg8784.Subjectѱ̾߱8081.Domain9239.Filesize625306132.Thread07705.Date201312301335406427.Filenamewoman_on_bus_and_her_relative_touch_foto_from_reu_namgangho_newsis.jpg6586.Name1584.Lines49353.Filesize317672632.Access4526029.Date200610302145536143.Date200910191335488024.Thread80201348.Emailhyojungi@chollian.net1070.Access4854939.Filenamealayam_2005_0802.jpg8195.Filesize1726348478.Nameä.ΤĈ+^朗+?>1451.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg995.Filenamedere4.jpg2224.Lines13377.Filename1-gumnuri-20031212-13-by-jmki.jpg4905.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg6536.Thread03093.Date200308010229456547.Date201102061335226650.Thread06661.Date201106241222126997.Domain63.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg1889.Filenamenuri-by-nuri03.jpg1474.Access4408266.SubjectӸ . ģ . 8380.SubjectʰŸ2628.Lines31855.PasswordSYl/ZTEdn2OLg9700.Thread010419.IP3967.Filesize28434069.Domain211.192.67.2319164.Texthttp://artfcity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/tumblr_lrhvir6KW81qb2cp4o1_500.gif?fbclid=IwAR3wdsgI7a3hpbD8UX4nZEBrO8Z8zlsDc99ZlBgvzs4fQnr41tVNVaesSoA2234.Thread2225623.Access8383807.Date200408080911483921.Date200410011524215526.Subject5640.Subject: ٴ2245.Date200209201802195859.Filesize828728101.Filesize573550603.Domainvolta.cybercable.fr7418.Subjectð5389.IP210.123.35.1939568.TextTom Miller 838_gettyimages-155151757.webp ACTUALITÉS Plagiat d'oeuvre invisible : une oeuvre inexistante est-elle protégée ? 11/07/2021 Par Laura Dulieu6613.Filesize12143610065.Access92638.Thread02752.Thread02590.SubjectRe: 200301255051.Filesize1596449.Filename810.Lines25341.Domain222.106.13.2023801.FilenameƯ.zip3960.Nameݴ7119.Domain7233.Domain3403.Date200312232334312125.Filename117-1721_IMG.zip2994.SubjectRe: ټ5455.Filesize63292505.Lines05852.Name   0 7676 ! 570.  208.% QR 3634= ) 7301S e 792.\  2072m @ 7790 AF 285. 8 3497  8745f  4607 ` 978. k 4721;  9593O  9090s  265.\ X 9471}  7587  4251  487. _ 7705  3921  6903 4 1039  6029Ñ  z 1954ב Y 6143 j 7983  8834  1511 Y 1153Ԓ  3846!  32302 2 7158 c 4655`W 72721 „ 9369< Fl 3853L  5008e G@ 5122 8 1904  3093 4600  8199 y 9075 " 9483F , 7995V <F @    - 7676 ! 570.  208.% QR 3634= ) 7301S e 792.\  2072m @ 7790 AF 285. 8 3497  9887!  4607 ` 978. k 4721;  9593O 58 1048  265.\ X 9471} 359.  4251  487. _ 7705 6520  6903 6575  6029Ñ  z 1954ב Y 6143 j 7983  8834  1511 K 9997  3846!  32302 2 7158 c 4655`W 72721 „ 9369 Fl 3853L  5008e G@ 5122 8 1904  3093 4600  8199 y 9075 " 9483B ; 1022S M    - 3967  4069 OI 8439  2234 $X 623. ! 3807 F 3921 u 5526! 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